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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1923, p. 6

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ry 1rell ato, 15 )e. Chases KiSdney-Llver k'llls. iram the first few doses 1 felt the benefit. The pains feft, urination was corrected, and 1 have had no recurrence of these aiments." Iney-Liver Pills AU dealers, o E< alsoBatew rd, Toronto BOWMANVILLE, FEB. iýth, 1923. THE LADIES' AID There are inany whose efforts have helped to raise mnoney for the var- ions church objècts, who will see quite as much trnth as poetry in the gair Pn It seats a thous, church in al And wben 'twas planked tent That la, we palc every eyery And the Ladies' promised ail Plrs. Thdrnp. cf Lydia E. Conmpouad 'dia E. Pinik- ,nd has doue 1 was very on on the good .ne, Iilter, with a people-finest towll. eatedl, why we We've got an organ iu the churc- the finest in the liand, It's got a, thousand pipes or mnore, its melody is grand. Andwbeon we sit on cushioued pews and! hear the mnaster play, t carnies us to realmus of bliss un-, numibered miles awiay. t cost a cool three thouisand, andi ît's stood the hardlest test; We'Il pay a thousand on it-the Lad- ies' Aid the rest.. They'1l give a hundred sociables, cantatas, too, and teas; They'l.bake a thousand angel cakes, an(d tons of cteam they'11 freeze They'l hbeg andi serape and toil and moul for seven years or mnore, And then they'1l, start ail 'er agai, for a carpet for the floor; rest. SHORTA4GE that the world' Mrps. (Dr.) McCIellan of Toronto,1 was recent guest of hier parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Robt. Foster. A pleasant medicine for children is Mother Graves' Worm Extermnin- ator, and it is excellent for driving worms from the systemn. Mr. Adolph Henry represented Clarke Agricultural Society at the Fairs Convention in Toronto. Rev. J. W. Rae attended Horti- cultural Convention in Torontýo. [t's a poor policy to give solicitprs from the city your orders for print- ing. Think it over, Mr. Business Man. The home printinig o9mce can meet al eompetitor:i, botlh in the matter of price and quality and iti pays taxes in town. The city print- er dloesn't. Miss Margaret Walsh attend the funeral of hier cousin, Mr. Will Davison, the well-.kown horsemian, Port Hope. Mrs. Mary Andrus -was called to Wyvale, near Midland, lier brotherý Mr. Reynolds, having- passed awayl after a brief illness. From whbat we hear of fuel diffi- culties in towns -where controllersi reao ocnrtlt eftâwere appointed, Bowmanville have j last year's Couincil had the good sense1 to leave the fuel dealers to handie the situation, Mary, the littie daughter of Mr. ,and Mrs3. Wilbert -Ilenry,,, has been! qiuite iii silice g-oiing vwith hier miotherl on a visit to'her granidparenlts at Markhami, and had to have hier ton- suls removedl, ThI' e Frieýnd of al Suferersc.--DI. Thoras' Eclectvi 1 savlal reinedy to ail those who sufer pair. tholdsouthorioe i veryoead realizes it by stilling suf erfing ev ery- where. It is a liniment that has the.. blessing, of haif a continient. It is on sale , everywhere and can be fuid wherever enquired! for. Public Sehool Inspecto r Lieut. Col. J. W. Odeil, Cobourg, in _onpany with High Suhool Inspéctor Hoag, was in town Tb'ursday, Old friends were con-gratuiating the Coloniel on re-election as an alderman 'of Co- ,bourg, Orono boys al get there. Fresh Supplies in Demand.- Wherever Dr. Thoiiias' Ecleetltic Qil has been introduced increased slip- FEBRUARY Auditor Geneural, iHall, 8mection, 1921......... .................. .001 John Reyfnolds, taxes, 1921 ... 129.3Û] MARCH R. 'Francis, rent road 1920, 1921, 1922....... -.........-1 ... 6.00 Murs. C. Nolan, taxes, 1921...¶- 79 J. Fletchier, taxes, 1921......... 1.5 Walter Jones, taxes, 1921 .. 7 Oi've-r Flet!, taxes, 1921........... 1.57 Rluth Turne-r, axs,1921 .79. F. T. Davis, ',axes, 1921......... .79 .Tas Cos taxes, 1921............. .79 Reuben Ashton, taxes, 1521........ 30.18 John Reynolds, taxes, 1921...2.83 APRIL Hugli Brownl, taxeýs, 1921 .... .79 F. M. Geh, taxes, 1,921........... *79 Fred Clarke, taxes, 1921 ...- .79 Wmi. Allen, taxè,s, 1921.............. 7î9 H ryBuitier. t'axes, 1921 .7.... '19 l'ýona-rd HTuirne, txe,1921 .... .79 Lucy Iteilly, taxes, 1921......... 1.57 Geo. A. Wood, ta-xes, 1921 9.82 E. M. Dodds, taxes, 1921.........1.871 Wa"lter N. tHutcinis, ta-xes, 1921 *.79 J. H. Foster, taxes, 1921.......... 1.57 Mrs.Eil. M. Bennett, taxes, 1.921 1.57 E. 1!. Stephens Ltdl., taxes, 1921 22.ý24 Treans. of Ontario, work on 1lilgh- .VýtyS . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1, 265. 49 j.:IMcLaut1gbi,111,tax, 1921 .,218.97 MAY E.i T. Stephenns Li, taxe-s, 1921 S. -A. rhotsale road aiw ince.....(................ Ji. P. Laisl road allowane WV. C.asos sl (dntgs,l122 Wv. R. lenesEst.,t- e,12 i uN 9M8 42.50 17.50 40.(00 143.80f 13'8.36 Aan Mntreal, on note . 2700.00 JULY Co Ie'Treas., asnes a S 66.76 Pa, of Monitreal, on rieo .4,000 ÀUCUST joluil e3 lf lstIVU, tve.t IL.Z~... . z14Z11 J.R(ynoldls2 on taxes,. 1921 .3 SEPTEMBÈR A. B. Cryderman, cernent 1,25. Seo,-Treais., S. S. 6. dbentuires 300Q OCTOBER Bank of Montreal, on note ...,2404.00 Co. Treasurer, grmt71 slares etc ..................75 5 W. R. 1enwr.,~ret.~.~ .6a J. ~ ~ rn t4 agl8iln qrn,12l 1*11 NOVEMBER h of her mothex', Sarah A. E. Jeinnînga, cement ............s.s )f the late John Walker, Harry Cîn-yton, dead trees... ... 3.00 ost of the years of heri . lonbes.r, refund road worit .501 near Newtonvile. De- DECEMBER ýe death took place on had alrnôst reaehei h er John B3aker, rent rond, 19.92.... 2.001 id ten years,. andi up to Elmier Bradley, relit rond, 1922.. 3.00 ago hd enoyedgoodH* WIcoýx, statute labor......... 5.40 agohat enoye god eo. A. Stephens, cedar log . ... 4.00 R * Francis, rond rent, 1922..- 2.001 JTohn Reynoidsod, taxes 1922......59,949.161 ting f or yeara one of Connties' Trreas, grant accorn. battles now to uz and equlpment .. ... 471.711 M$r Hoe ~ Tp. Cartwright, work bounidary 9.90 s, M.Wm~. Hoy aJohn Renls ae or12, 09 on ,January 26. Giveni nlg ae o 92 0m cto3rs about seven years Totl 90356.121 ruse of the wound inl X EN IT RE to stand erect, yet lie X E DT R1 ýly a man's job, and i ce againi laid aside when JANUARY lors. JULY, 'l'ha we TRY AUNT'S W R. Francis, grading ILuxton cul. A. Prout, teaming MciMilian cul. Harry Rahmn, gravel and work W. E. Staples, gravel -and work Wv. H. Wood, tearning gravel, etc W. G. Smith, gravel ....... jas. MeNeil, cedIar fo culverts Pe.?Ilar People Ltd., cu-lvert tube, R. Burgess, work on roads. ... K.E. Çourtice, teamling gravel, Sd F.Nciis,....... jas. Gbowork 0on cuivrts.. W. J. Leask, gravel, work, da.mges................... J. P. Leaisk, worlu eulvert acet. H-. Wiloox ttel, wurk ,ml]vrts.. Ont. B3ridge Co., fiuiterial f or cul- verts, , e. ................. ?4Celn& Co., cemeo1t, lumiber etc,........ .................... Hospital for Sick Cide.cr F'red Co111e,1y.............. Do, Muriel Thornpson .......... Ge.F. 'Ainis, kiliing cdog-.. J.G. Burns, work ............ Blaiçe Oke,, rfund taxe,(s 1920-21 Bank of Montreal, cheque book< S. A. Northeott, sheep inspýction F. 0. TKerslake, work in park.. AUGLJST ByronM ooe work gravel pit.. Johin Bootearning scraýpers . John Luxt,ýon, gravel.. .......... Wm Pnier' ý1ce w ýork Town Linie E. W ltby .. . . . . . . . . . . W. Lakgravel.... ........ 1,ugeoe Martin, gravel ....... WVmý1Hastings gravel ....... c, * Conîbear, work Town LUne (,, CSnowden, gravel .......... pete-rLes work Toýwn Line, h ijb)y .. . . . . . . . Bi n.Ccragraveiling .To i t,ifle EJ,. Whitbýy............ . Norman Scot, work on road, E Whlitbýy...................... Fred Cochrane, grnvelllng Town L.sne rond El. Whitby ..... Jos. lBurg(ess, worit on culvert.. C. 'W. Woodiey, gra.vel, cernent Carence H1all, work Cale culvert Peter Iý,iask,, work, on road... Byron Moore, grayel, sto)ne cul. ytobt. Bprgesm, work on culverts Ped1-ar Pople Ltd., cuivert tubes FI. Wilcox etal, work culverts McC'iellan & Ce., cernent, lumber John A. Hïolgate & Son, cernent Sek Clldrêýn's Hospital, cure Muriel Thompson............ Do; care Fred Connelly ... T. Baker, expenses to Toronto . J. Rteyniolds, balance saary 1921 H. Wilcox rep. Towu Hall fonce F. Cý. Patterson, grant Pchool f airs................... ....... C. Hl. Snowden, debentures" S. S 63 SEPTEMBER Wrýn. ice, gravel ............. can be a fresb beginnï-iug, for "each new day is th-e world madene" Weep to 'your ideais, ain for what is right, honest and pure. Those are the best resolutions and will bear re- newing- over and over again. They are the things that wili carry through trials, hardships and cares. To resolve to out dIo a nighibor; to be, reveinged; to get riches dis-I honestly, will not better you one wit by the end of the yea-r. Resolve to me each day wvith fresh courage, for the whole of the year is but al repetition of mnany days, and each single day has its share of care_ and] trouble, its opportunitjes,! If ait sighit you see many failures,(do not wait unt il next New Year's day to beginm again, but keep on trying and you wilFbe the stroniger at the end of another year. 15.50mm a onreft 17 00 u tngwhell ou lse Dr. Chasé' it 2(F000 etFmEceme, and 8kmirria-i tiot s. 18 relievesM at o0* 11 grad1 2 ~ 115Ueail heals 4k in. 8ampls boi Dr 205 rhlqa 's ný8ent free if you jnenton this 211.50 Epaper and send 2e,. stsinp for pontage. %0. 2375 ,oI ail dealers or Edppbgio, BateE & Co., 26,00Lhteoru. 27.00 55.15 *95.00 110.22 185.90 S80-0.68xiictf 15.0018 I 3,000.00i A .VE] ,ulvert ,After Evei'y Meal 'Irleam FEBRUARY om., cIr tage ...... righ t, worlç boundary , ReitainTe. Chew yêh 1*0,d welI, then use nid dIgestion, Jt also keeps the teeth elean, breath sweet, appetite keen. 77,e Great Cu,4sdian .~WRIL le .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... aI1- l vert tuibes, Co., wire, (To be W. F. Prices of Creain are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want You>rs If we f ail to cali on you we woul appreciate a pho-ne cali or write us. Orono Creamery CO., ORONO etc. ýWED>E ,ad«a of IIARJfL. -t

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