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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1923, p. 8

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THURSDIA 15SE2'_ýýsapra, ýc'.t*us*0 * on as the "Bariey King of Canada", NEWCASTLE tias very decîdeci views on certain 'ANGELLSTIC MEETING subjeets, and he is neyer backward -Miss Mabel Lakýe la visiting in Tor- ______in expressing them,. whetber you o1pt0. ite the Jitterly cold niglit last ag-ree with imii or not Mr. Moi,- Miss Olive Lane spent Wednesday , a crowdé of interested lis- 'en has always 'been a great lover in por' oe tbronged into the Town H&jli. of, nature ay(d takes a keen intere(st iss N Hoe.eToa a envst M. C. Concert Orchestra ren- in wild fowl and animnals,. If he i-Nel Toahsbenvit some exceptionaily pleasing ,vasn't such a busy man we venture ing in Oshawa. )ns. The lecture was most the op;inion lie would have a private Mrs. J. E. Matchett is visfting .g in its nature. Speaking zoo along the banks of MacKay's Friends in Toronto. .e Comipg man of Destiny", pond that would be a second River- Miss May McEachern bas taken a 1ist Wilcoxc read text after' dale -Park. 1 oiini saa om the BiAle establisbing the In Monlday's Toronto Globe Mr. _Mrs. J. C. Hancock recently spent visible and personal return of Miorden gives ithe following interest- afwdy nTrno h$tto the world as the con- ing observations on the habits of Mr. Stw aynyoBonelbao en.i- ion of earthly history an.d the' wild birds: iting relatives in Toronto. rof the Chri-stian hope. Mrs. Jack Minler may know somrething MT r. Bruce Cowan was home froni Gant, Oshwa, sang inost about geese, but I thinkli: e made a Oshnwa for the week-end. ully "Î want to see Jesus, mistaike concerning birds. FQr in- Mr. George Gray was home from ou". Members of the O. M. stanice, the robin. I have liveSia0Oshawa for the weekeend. lngelisma class a3sisted. The good mîanyý, winters in Canada, and' announced for next Sundayr I have never seen a wiater yet w1-ih Miss R. Philip, Port Ho pe,- spent at time is it by God's Clock?' ouit a robiÇi. I have fe1t ias îow the week-end wt isK icbr as 16 dleg-rees below zero, yet 1 have There was a surprise party at Mr. s<een a robimn. This was owing toiWm Henry,'s on Wednesday even- OBITUARIES lis being ilost fromi the rest of the ing. robins, or else lie was a wýeaklinig. He Th Miss rumn haeee Chas E.ParerTornto. is ot iketheGlob roin~whoar-visiting friends in Toronto the past rives hiere ini the Spririg, full of pep. week. .ds of Mrs. Lou. Tapson wilil'-1 hizn with ber in the death of Wi3e LitIe Duck! Mr. and Mrs. Aloaza Cowan en- y sister, Mrs. Chas. E. Parker, Dovýn on miy milîrace I have a , tertained a f ew friends on Fridny ,who diled in the hospital saw.bill, a keel, 26 malards and 10 evening. îary 31, where she has been wbite guil ducks. These ducks have Mr. and Mrs. W. Cbapmnan, Ro- liristmas. The remains were neyer been under cover, but I1feý chester, are guests at Mrs. W. J. o Stirling for interment, ser- themi along the bank. I have a< lot Moo1re S. ing held in the Preshyterian of sereenings from mny miii, and 1 Mr. Delong whoias been, spending- on Friday. Mrs. Parker can get withini four, feet of thern. 1I[lhe -inter in Port Hope was in town auglter of the late Mr. anid 1can onot on a little bridge 1 have on Friday. D1. Rosm, for some years ini over miy rmilrace and cal to tbem Mr. Aif. Bennett, Toronto, spent of the B3owmian House in this ,and they wiil ail fly to me. 1 have the week-end wîth his daugliter, Mrs. Mrs. Parker and ber son, oýne littie miaîlard duck for which I George Gray. resided here with ber par- refusedl $25). Talk about '1 buman Mr. Norman Tomis, Oshawa, vis- r a timne. Bob as lie was hecing havinig brains! Let mie teli you ddhsmteMs .E os ly called by bis chums 1here1 whaat this littie duck does. My offi- oer hSunday.M.E.Tos employed as a chemical en-, ei bu 0 etfo h nl,üe udy at Debora, near Madoc, Mr.e Mrsabout 100 feetnfroisthe miii rand when site gets real lbung-ry she tMrs. Bob G io an Mis Besi s.Lou. Tapson1 attended the will come and'caîl1 at rihy office. I pn h a tKlona ihMs at Stirling. named hslti u"aead C. R. Lovekin. arles Larke, Coiborne. when I bear ber cail I g-o to the'door Mr. Jack Anderson, Toronto, speat and say, "Corne on, Baibe", and she blie week-end %vith bis mother, Mrs. ,udden death of Mr. Charles will follow mie to the im'ill. 1 open (Dr.) Anderson. tCoiborne, Ont., on January the dloor and s'le will go right t wbere Miss Margaret Lake, Toronto, oves one who for nearly haif the screenings comne down. Wben spent the week-end with bher mother,i .y occupied an outstanding slitelbas eaten ail she wants shne comes Mrs. Frank Gibson. banking circles la the N6'r- back Vo thie door and stands there Mrs. Asa. Clark was called to Tor- land Cdwnties. He was tili somieone opens it for ber. "Babe" - onto on Saýturday owing to the ser- Oshawa, on Auguast 8, 1852, is very progressive. She lias ious iliness of bar sister. only brother, J. S. Larke, brouglt homne3.0 young onesl ie r n rs o.Cusnetr n Commissioner. to Aui;tralia. vears. si he r1ad Js olo ne- ned a nuii%,Ier of friends*et dia-j Son Tbursday evening. :)on't forget the grand masquer- V o be held la Alexandra Hall on sdlay evenig, Februery l3tli. ýIr. George Bonathen, Toro nto, tedl over the week-end witit bisi ev. G. Graaia, minister of tite sbyterian Churdli, lias been visit-] bis faitier, Rev. G. Gvaham, Lin d- !isCatitevine McEachern wvii isj ndicing, Business College in Osh- 1speaf theaweek-end with lier par- r. S. Baskerville bas so'd lis se on the west aide of North St., 1fr. Wm. Saînsbury of Newton- kiaskerville atteadled te cding af M r. NormIlanl bier namne was left onti castle itenms. Jilton and Mlelvin Gra- er, Miss Flossie Grabamn, L funeral on Mýondal<y of itelate Wm., Davisoný e. vd( Tomis of the Standardi Poi', Perry, is homne withý rs. M. Allia, andi is suiTer- ad ettack of congestion John CAlow of Communti-- is been confined et bisl ronto tbrougit illnjess for. vo weeks. His Ii an,; e glad Vo know lie was ri' Vo hisz duties here this i Il A Vaientine- Concert will be blidt, thie Metitodist Sundey Scitool H-all c, Thursday, Februery itt Pf-C am irlcdies a play "The You ] untry Sito-a'm.Ai-o musi- hIl I and(Il iferaery 11nmbers. Pro- t. eds la aid of lent era Xuad. Admis-T' in 2,5c. No extra charge for re rvýed seats. Plan of hell opens Bonafban's Hardware hs Fridlay c noon. Mrs. William Coucit happened wýtib very serlous accident on Sunday eang vhiie gigupst airs oi o tire. for the nigitt siète tipped on a' e stairs and fell breeking lier wrist.a ie doctor was caýlied and found te jury, Vo be of a very serious nef - ýe, but efter veducing tlie fraéture .e patient was mnade as comiforteble p josiýble and ef last reportabier 2 aI-dition is favorable, eo News vas receivad liera Wednes-ý iy of teý deatit of Miss Catherine I CLARKE Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill. 1 Two of the beet known citizens of Clarke Township, who celebrated thel 62nd aniversary of tbefr weddling on Friday, February 2nd lest. Mr. aind Mfra>. HillI began their married 1f e in Devonshire, England. -wiere .they lived foie ten ye-ers before comn- iag to Clarke township 52 years ago. MHr. Hill is la bis 89tb year , and Mrs. 11i11 is two years younger. A dýaujglier, Mrs. Walter Cobbledick, lives near lier parents in Orono; one s;on, Herbert, is la Detroit, and an- otiter Charles, lives in Fergus, On- tarlo. Their grandcbldrea includle Earl HIill, Detroit; Mrs. Oliver Laite, Myrtie, Ontario; Mrs. Stanley Well- wood, 'Magnolia, Alberta; Mrs. Will! Lantz and Miss Winnifred Hill, Tor- onto. We are indepted to The Toronto Globe f or te7 oaa of these haîf fones. PUBLIC MFETMING mntI WELL ATTENDED citieýs, and S One of the mlost eaithusiastkc meet-) cities inga bield in the village for a long1 of OT t;ime was held on Monday ev1enîag ,row (' by cail of Reeve J. A. Butler. Th 'the i: hýall was well filied a.nd every person "w was keenly awaka to the obetOfnewp the meeting which was to appoint two p,,red mnembers tolte board Of umanage- ors th ment of our new Comm-iiunity Hall. ed in R eeve Butler presided and after w o rkl calling the mneeting to order lie pro- seriouw ceddto outliae the ob'jecf of the our a meeingla red eve-ral letters punchi fromi Mr. C. D. Maçsey off eriag sug- marry- gestions, etc,, atter whicbl the real The. bue-inés.a of VIe evening- was proceed- and fv edý witb. The chairman calleci for nommia- povlia fions and there was a ready respoase lit and a lag number of names were to put la nomination and Vbe imeeting i a"dn prïoc'eededl to ballot, it baving beenÎi lle ,ýgreed that the candidate receîvîng' , whicit the lowest. vote would drop o ut, and tbe ho: aftLer e numnber of ballots ha dbeea titan taken' the chiairman anaounced tit*t thte Io1 VIrs. Geo. Eilbeck aand Mr. A . A. Col- sisf bal w ill l an d b e e an c nly e e c d.u o u ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH jA Thte annuel vestry meeting of! Georg-e's Çburadh was held on l X day eý-veninig, January 2,l Parisb Hall. In the absence of Rector througlh illaêss, te meel was presided over by rýev. J. S, Howard, the mieeting being., well andl iiupt tee -was a] wardens, vision of der ditt poiafe.d fr Rector'as Peopfle's) The s Churcl on iii cliaree or th e ensuing year wýere---, paper to help if along, ap. Warden, Mr. J. E. Mefac!iteft; jad 13o real belief in advei Warden, Mv. D. J. G;ibs)on. showa by the way they services la Sf. George's chang'e copy for six m< n Suad('ay, February 4-1ereLim e. But somehow or of RPv. Profesnr Rolo of localI paper used Vo strug Ionee. lathe imornîng I and the editor got a go( as adtex Cea. 3: 2.,,ite satisfac'ion ouf of life ai raced tlie moral 1hisforvyof. enc1(ountars ite itad with lis elated lante eariier cbhap- temporaries. renlesis, from the faîl tVo ifs ; IV costs moaey powea;a ýon in the redemiptive acf of even, the smellesf kýindcI 1calvavy, witeveby 91one we, pap,,er, and tbe larger if ,mission of sin. Tite eenofpeaer if appears te ress was a scholarly exposi, cosfs. Paper, iak, type ie wvords "I an) tle way, te.lebor, cot double wbat i the Life". a few years ago, and no cen be expected Vo succý - - Ieverv local activity pneye CLAKIAGRICLJLTUH cent nau goinag. eptemiber s select- MIr. W. J. Il, poseci for others wlio ai apide-ic te M1r. J. Swarl and Fred Cc banquet byf King's Daugi Boy's' Clas Friday aight fuaction. Ti "Successina i acter titan cir NEWSPAPERS BECOME FEWER AND FEWER Toronto Star Gives Reasons for Discontinuance of So Many News- papers. There is stili to be found in New- castle a few citizens wbo cannot un- *derstand wbvhy their village is not able to support an individuel newspaper of its own. In this connection The Toronto Star ia ifs leading- editoriai of lest Saturday clearly explains the reason for such conditions whièh .affect Newcastle, as well as m-any other towns and cities througbout Canada to-day.,ý The Star says: The epidlemiie whicb bas been car- ryýiag off th e newspapers of te pro- vince in stili if e. The Owen Sounýd Advertiser, wbich was fouaded la t 6 , is th e ! a'est to go. 1Vwa in~ its timie an excellentpar and a,1 good propertyv, but it suceumibed Vo present conditions. Its publishers wýill, we believe, continue their print-1 ing plant, but without îssuing anes paper. The editor i n bis valedictory teils of thie chang-es la the ten years since lie took charg-e. "Whçen we s'arted Owen Sound lad four papers, and live weeklies were being published at - Hepworth and Chatsworth. Mleaford bad 1 hree; amd the smnall, city without et least two was the exception. We have seentVite Owen Sound Herald and the Owen Sound Times giye up the gbost; we have witnessed te de- mi-ise ,of the- Chatsworth Neýws, Hep- wvorth Progress and Meaford Moni- ton we have seeni the process of eli-, io arried out la the smaller until now Guelph, KingstVon 'brafford are the onl1Y two-paper la Ontario -wiVb the exception wen SoundO-aind after to-mioi'- )wen Sounid will be down to reducibIe miiignu'. COWAN VILLE ORANGE L Cowanville Loyal Orange No. 265, will hold their regula ruary meeting on Monday, Fe 19 at 8 p. m., at Cowanville Room. This is the first rn for the new officers. Speciai ness and discussion. An a w-ill be madle to provide trans tion from Newcastle. Comea * NEWTONVILLE Mr. James- Nesbitt, Peterboro, spent the week-end witb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jamnes Nesbitt... Miss Gladys Payne spent the week- endf -with Miss Do-rotity Petbick, Port, HIope ... . Mr. C. J, Mjitchell was la -Oronio last week visiting bis uneie, Mfr. George Mitchell ... . Mr. Harry Lane speat the week-end with.. Mr. and Mrs- W. H. Wal<elin, Port Ho pe ...Mrs. Silas HalIowell, Starkville, is visiting Mrs. Jennie Grahan. .ý. The officers of Port Hope Telephone Co., beld their ahmua1 meeting on Wedniesdayv, Jenuary 31, in the Board Room eat Central, Clarke. Officers elec'ed are: President-S. N. Has- Secrefary-A. 'M. Jone's; Treasurer -Giddýus, Jon,-es; Directors-A. P. Pollard, G. W. Jones; Audcitors-W. C. Lane, W. R. Smitht. Sub'seribers; added to the system la 1922: Arthur Whimnsett, Welcome; Mrs. Earl Fish- er, Frank Allib, Mrs. Maclntosh, W. H. Anderson, Mrs. J. E. W. Piîp, Johnt Cunniaghami, John Gibson, Newcastle; Cecil Carveth,' Orono; Jaredi Kimbaîl, Port Granby; Wrn. Sanguin, Wes-leyville; Fudge Bros., Mrs. A. P. Mitchell, Clarke; E. Muir, Miller, Canton.1 Hard-wa.re Store HARDWARE 'f .'-~ J. W. Bradley Nepwcastle General Insurance Agen~t Cler'k of 2nd' Division Court, Coin. misïsioner, etc. ORDER COAL NOW 1 arn expectirîg a car of Nut, also 'One of Stove Coal this week and will divide it with you if your bin is get- ting low. / ýGeo. Jamieson Newcastle Newcastle~ Stock Must Be Reduced In order to, reduce our stock before taking OUr anr alJ.11inv c.ntory we are offering sorne except- ion.-iI, values in Hardware, Stoves, Heaters, etc. Corne in and look around, ASTLEj GOGU ~ t your- NEWCA WE SELL GROCERIES By devoting our time to one Uline we are able to keep our stock right up to the minute, give yotîi prompt and efficient service and give you good va'lue for every dollar you spend xvi1h us. Ge-t acqua;rîted with our stock and prices, WALTOb Prices Slashed Regardless of Cost Everythinig is sacrificed for a f ew days before stock taking. Tt will pay you to buy now. WM. JAMIESON THE EDITOR'S MAIL 6ertfa Wbeat Yields in1 PON' CORAI H. C. BONATHAN CASTLE already * fot try T? er & Grocer 7777-777-771- 7', ý ý , 1'l -

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