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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1923, p. 3

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y-» v N Phore 249 J. Bowmanville Sanitary Plumbing For the Home Health as well as comnfort and* convenience urges that the home 'De equipped with sani- tar~y and efficient plumbing. e We have ail the w\ýanted styles at a wide range of prices--guaranteed to give satisfaction. SEE US FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS Greeý-Priaway & IElliott- Consulting Engineers Phione 18 day or nigitý Bowmnanville Groceries and Meats Everything Good You'll enjoy shopping here with oir well ordered shelves of staples and delicacies and the cheerful services of our efficient clerks. 'i We pride ourselves on the completeness of our stock. Here is everything from imported cheese to kitchen soap. If it's good-we have it! Buy Nationally Advertised Food Products C. M. CAWKR&5 SON, BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE NO %W 13ISTHE lIME To have. your trees properly pruned WIE KNOW HOW And the charges are reasonable. Barookdale Nurseries Tree Surgeans Foresters Phone Ne. 7 Bowmanville MAPLE ilA AD..,, &%MC -nîE2AtIA»IANMA~'tT CILCLIMITEDMO.ITEAL 15 lBOWMANvILLE, MARCH 1, 19231 FORMER DARLINGTLADY PASSESI NEW FOOTWEA& FOR SrRING in the many miodes and style creations we are off ering for Spring wear you will find Bootery for every occasion and for your every taste. Their higli quality and distinctive trimness are truly a revei1ation. For women-Blachford, Classie and Owens- Minmes. For men--Siater and Astoria. Copeand Shoe Store Dear Edtor,- JThe West is passing tbiough onie of the rnost uncertain periods in the history of the country and w,,e are econornizing in everv,, way ýwe cari until the outiook is brighter. Our! Winnipeg Daily Paper is $9.00 a year and then we mnust take our local papers and tbey are having al they cari do to iuake tbemi pay. Oue is the Reston Recorder published by a former Tyrone boy, Frank -Man-1 niug. bis brother, Arthur, bas been a very successful Principai of the Reston sehools for a nuib er of years. They are living six miles from us so that we ofteu meet thern and talk about formier ýdays lu Ty- roue and Bowrnanville. Wben 1 see lan your paper naines snucb as C arnle Cherry, Minnie Haines, Mlabel Bor)iland, Mlinnie Jeninings, il revives rnmneso ld school days. blow scattered we nre, not miauy left in the old homre towu. 1 have been watcbing witb intereýst your -adrvarîce along muswic!al lines. I tbink you must b)e second to noure of the, towus in the east. lad to k-now Mr. He=ry Knight and Mrs. C. A. Cawker are still aogthe lead-ý ers in soug. I can alnost see thecrii uow singinug in that old Bible Chrisýt- inChnrch. Mautiy peaan oursi rny, cousin, Herb. Kenner, and I have, spent lu the borne of M,,. ,Knight down by tbe lake shore. We think Winnipeg is a great musical centre and 1 Ihope y ou will bave the opportunity of brngOur "Mlaie Voice Choir" just cornmienc- ing a tour of Canada and the States. Your paper keeps lu touch with 50 miany of\,the old residents of Dar- ling-tou that it is a pleasure to read ît and learu of their successes, I bave been seudiug nmy paper to iny sister Mrs. Foy at Grand Prairie, -wh o also attended - Bowmanviiie big-h Sebool. Thanking you for the copies I bave receive'd and wishing you every suecess lu your efforts wbich are far reacbing and more than we Cali es- tirnate, I remain, Yours sinicerely, Beatice FKçl5r, Pipestone, Man., Feb. 18, 1923. LOCAL AN~D OTHERWISE The ice crop this year is veryJ plentiful and a good qjuality. i Assessor F. B. Witingl. is mnakingV bis annual bouse to bouse visit. V Messrs. J. A. Holgate & Son~ re-v ceived five cars of coal last week. a The dance a t the Bungalow Fridayb nigbht was not as largely attended asP was expected. Mr. Robt. Kennedy, Tonsorial, Artist, spent thie week-end with bis family lu Toronto, Are you reading your paper orc the publisher's? If the latter, renewt your subscription now.s Mr. J. Ewart MacKay of The Ontario Reformer, dshawa, was lu town Thursday and gave us a Cal. With tbe stormiy and blustry ueather of the past week ail wiil be glad thiat February is the shortest rnonth. The best and most tborough way of annouhinfryour auction sale is lu Tbe James Papers. Nearly every- bo dy rends themn. Mr. H. C. Durgin, shboe repairer, is nom, occupying tne shop in the Jeffrey Block receutly vacated byý Mr. Sahiuel Allen. To-day's successe~s are bulit by yesterday's preparations . To- morrow's successes will corne fromi to-day's bustllng. The conditions of conquest are ai- w%,ays easy. We have but to toi1 âJawhile, enduire awbile, believe ai- ways and ubver turn. back.--Simmns. Radio fleud(s are on the increase in owmnvile.A numiber of local fans bad the unique experience of,, enjoying a concert Friday evenînig broadcasted from Reeve E. C. e- der's residen1ce.Re- Sales that corne from ni effort 1 to seli haven't as mucb value as sales1 that corne fromi a desire to buy. Tbe best advertising cultivates the' roots of buyiprig. M.r. L. E .Franklin, Live Stoc k1 Auctioneer, Toronto, was lu towil Monday lu connection witb the1 Shothon ale on March 8tb andi Holstein sale on Murch 29tb, -whlichi wýill be heid at Bowmanville. He1 wiil wield the hammier on both oc-1 casions-. "When Knighthood was lu Flower" is dazzling to the eye, splendidly in- pressiye a1d apparently true to the timne and placeý of its settings. Mar- lon Davies reaiiy outdoes hierseif, wbile Lyn blardling is a joy. uSuch a King! Su,,h a King"! N. Y. Times. Coming to Royal Thleatre, March 26- 27. Sweet and palatable, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is ac- ceptable to chiidren, and it does its work surely and prom-ptiy. This is the age of adv.ertising. You have ofteu wondered what somte of the big ads cost lu the miagazines. Here's a secret. It costs exactly $15,000 for a full page ad. in col- ours on the back page of the Lddies' borne Journal. No, not for a year; for one issue. You tbink it mad- ness to pay that amount of money. People used te think s9. Fifty years ago tihere wasn't a' hard-headed man who wouldn't have fallen off bis chair if be had been asked to pay $15.000 for one advertisement. Yet men compete now to secure lu ad- vance the right for positions at these hlgh prices. Business mn havel learued that it pays to speud mouey lu advertising because that, lu the long run, is the most effective and least expensive way to seil good.- Vancouver World. NEWS FROM THE WEST Mrs. W. Forder, a Former Resident of Cartwright, Recails former Days and Friends. The Canadian Statesman is.$2.00 a year -and worth it Subscribe To-day glue your diges- lion a 'kc"with Wt'RIGCLEYS. Sonîeeth, a 0GOo apeleand proper dieto neair-uMUCII Io yourbalh -WIRIGILEFYIS es a helper in al biMS work - a pleasant, benficalpick-me-up. ---. I I - ________________________ Mrs. John A. Çharlton, Toronto. On Snturday, February 10, Mrs. John A. Charlton was taken seriously iii , the result of a chili caughit while waiting on hier husband who was ili with the flu at the timre. This de- veloped into pneuinonia on the l5th and in spite of ali that could be done by medical skiil and nursing ýLe passed into eternai 11f e on Saturday, February 17, at hier late residence, 144 Deieware Avenue, Toronto. ber husband and bier brother Silas, wxere at hier bedside when the end camie, but ber son Nelson, hurrying to ie bdsde waps storrn-bound on his way from New York and was several hours too late. Deceased was born lu the township of Darlingtou, being a daughter of the late Hîenry and Jane Cole Hoar of Be.thesda. Iu early if e she was biought îÈnder divine influence and with the careful teaching of Christ- !an parents, became ar active mrn- ber of the Methodlist Church. She asa regular teacher in the Sundayl School at Bethiesdta, n nd was for severai years organist iu that cbiurch. In 1886 she was united lu mnarriage, width Mr. John A. Charlton an.d set- ILed in Toronto. Mrs. Charlton soon becamie acquainted with churcli work- ers, aýnd being of a cheerfu1l disposi- tion won miany friends. She was a miember of Gordon Branchi W. C. T. U. also the Aduit Bible Class, Ladlies' Àid, aind an ltonorary ,,-emiber ofi the W. M. S., of Centennial Meth,- odist Churchi, anîd was cioseiy asso- ci'ateýd lu work along these fines until callIed to a higliýer sphere. Aithough it was ber desire thatt flowers shouid be oitted at hier funeral, yet there were miany floral tributes from relýa- tives, friends an'd or'ganizationis and others, among thiei beinýg a beauti- fui wreathl frorn Commiissioner Alf- red and Mrs. Cu'ddy, aiso one fromn the Provincial Police Dept. and a large spray from the Gordon Branch W,. C. T. U., ail of which bore silent testirnony of frien;cdship and syi-ý pathy, Rev. Wesley Dean, acting for bier Pastor, Rev. Dr. Armnstrong who was iii at the timie, conducted the funeral services at hier late residence and made feeling- references to ber Chiristian chiaracter. She is survived by bier husband,ý John A. Charlton, bier son, 0. W. N.j Charlton, and bier only rýem-ainiig- brothe, ,S. V. Har, Bowmanville. The pail bearers were bier nep-' 'hews, Milton J. Werry, Oshawa, Everett V. Hbar, Sidney F. boar and A. W. Clemnens, Tyrone,' and lier cousins, John R. Cole of Tyrone andj Fred C. lHoar of Bowrnanviile. Other out of town relatives attend- ing the fuaueral were Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Hbar, .Mrs. T. R. blar, Mr. John D. Hoar, B owmnanville; Mr, Arthur Hoar and Miss Irene Werry, Oshawa; and Gordon Werry, Ennis- killen. Inteinment was miade in Prospect Cemetery,. WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY List of Bowmanville Merchants Obi- serving Midweek Holiday. Thie folowing merchlants. and pro- fessionai men of Bowmanville bave agreed 'to close their places of busi- ness Wednesday afternoons, durimg 1923, with the exception of the mionth of December and wheu Wed- nesday precedes a hoiday: Couch, Jobuston & Cryderman, Lhrnited, F. J. Horne, F. R. Kers- lake, Mrs. Editb V. Scobeli, C. M. Cawker & Son, A. L. Nicholis, Rice & Co., R. M. Mitchell & Co., W. H. Dustan, G. N. Thurstou, G. A. Ed- rnondstone, J. T. Mollon, Alex. El- liot, Mîss A. Harnden, Mason & Dale, J. J. Mason & Son, The Hy- dro Shop, Johnston's, baddy & Co., Samuel Allen, McMurtry & Co. Ltd., Co.pela'nd Shoe Store, Dominion Stores Ltd.. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, C. L. Brown, T. b. Knigbt, W . Claude Ives, A Dillick, W. J. Dudley, G. W. Detenbeck, A. Tait, Harry AI- ! in, F. C. Pethick, Dr. J. C. Devitt, Dingmran & Edmondstsonc, F. Knox, IDr. R. E. Di-nniwell, John Babdock, iP. C. Trebilcock, H. C. Durgin, James Bennett, Williams & Caun, G W. bumpage. W. H. Densem, Jury & Loveil, S. W. Masou & Son. Noice to Contractors Separate sealedl tenders marke Tn der for OotI'ract No........." '. e'lile , rece'ived by.thende(brsigned untiiil l12 o«ciockl noon on Wed1nesday. March itI 12,frthie folowing NvorkJ on the Pro- I vinicial i !gInvway: Gradin o Contract No. 879 Tooley's Hill Pianls, seilaininformation to bidders;, tender formis and tender (e n- velopes may hoobaie on and after Wednesday, February 28, 1923I, ai the office of the, undtueoigne, or from C. H. Nelson, Itesideont Engineer, ty, On- tario. A rmarked cholique for $000payale to thie Miniter of Public Works and Highiways, OnËtario, or a Guaranty Comn- panyý's, bid bond[ for a similar aimount must be attacheflIto tenders for gradig. A Guaranty Comnýliy*s Contract bond for 50 pe-r cent of the amount of thel tende(r wili ho, furnished by contractor, when contract laslgned. Ailibonds must be made out on 17epartmeIntal formas. The lowest or auy tendler tiot noces- sarily acc4pted., W. A. McLEAN, Peputy -Minister of Righiways.! 'Departiient of Publiîc Hgwy Ont. Toronto, February Z'lst., 1923. 9- NOTIOE Publication of By-Law No0tice is hereby giveýn that a BY-Law waLs pas seçi by the Municipal Council ofi the Corpora tion of the ,Town of Bo-l mnanville, o n the 19th cday ofFerry 1923, providing for the issue of Debent- t ures to thle anount of $420O for thei puros ofexendngth('Water Works System n O'd11 l Elgin, and Duke Streets, in the town fBowmianvîlle, and I for tbhe construction ofCent pavementI igidew%,alks and Stormi Sewer on portions I of Churchi Street, adcernent pavement sidewalks reapý 'ectively on Chuirch, Lîb-; erty, Brown, King, Victoria anid O'Ddll Streets in the said(j Town jof IBýowmni-Lville, and that such Byý-Law was registe(red in tbe Registry Office of the West Itidingi of Durham the 28rd d(ay of F'ebruary, 192.. Any piotion to quash, or sût aside the4 same 0o, any part the(reof miusî be mnade' Within three mionths after the frtpb lication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. )Dateýd the, rd ay of February, 1923. 9-1 JOHN LYL.E, Clerk' 1IRR PHONE 186 ALLIN DOWMAN VILLE-1 THERE is a Moffat Electric TRange for every homeL-bîg or sal And there are Moffat Rangies for clu 'bs, hotels, hospi- tis, ca3fes. Moffats of ail sizes, to suit ail purposes and purses. Ohc intaleda Moffat Electric Rnesaves the householder money ln fue-Lmbus. 2,0 oftE1ectrîc IRanlges- are in daily use throughout the -worid. Write for free bookiet to Moffats, Limited, Weston-, Ontario, SOLV AT HYDRO SHOP, BOWMANVILLE s. DANCE-10-inch double-sided 75C fParade of the wooden Soldiers Xhiteman&C I9007L-Nr.Ga,,Iiaghgr and Mr. Shean Wiea J Bees Knees-Fox Trot The virghin 1900 0Peggy Dear-Fox Trot Great White Way Orci m4rffwho Did Yon Fcoo Af ter Ail? The Virghiiar 1901fRose of the Rio Grande-Fox Trot Virginiar fLa Palomia-Fox Trot International 'NoveltY 0O 190020 Sole Mio-Waltz Internationial Noveity Orci f Ivy (Cling to'Me) P. Whitemnan and His Orcli 19003A. Gave Yoti Up Just Before P'. Whiteman & O,-(-) f w'heî Your Casties Zez Confrey aid His Orci 19008Vrhe Lonely Net--Fox Trot P. Whiteman & O. fDumnbel -Fo. Trot Zez Confrey and His Orcl 19009 Baby BI né Eyes The Greaýt Whitc Wayý OrçI fQudriie-analanSet-Ist Change Bouis 2iîlQuadrilleC(anaýdian Set-2nid Change Bouia- f Quadrille-Canmadian Set-3rd Change Boisa 216392ig Medley-Violin A. J. Boua INSTRUMIENTAL-1O-in. double-sided 75, f Remniniscences of Ireiand Arthur Pryor-'s Bail 189971.,Rem1inilcences of Ireiand Arthur Prvor's Ban ,,,f The Backbird-Ree M. Redmond-Mi.l'enr 195Mediey o~f Irish Re2is No. 8 John J. Kimm, f Mfinnet in G. No. 2-\io)lin Solo Rae Eleanor LBE 2I664ýSing Me ta Sleep-Vioiin Solo Rse Eleanor Ba 12-inch dotuble-sided $1.50 fLa Forza Del Destina Victor Symphony Orcl 35721 lLa Forza Del Detino'> Victor Symiphonly Orcl NoW on Sale for Mardi VOCAL-10-inch doubie-sided 75e )f 216390f5hnfflin' Aong-Diiiibell's "Carry, On" Plunlkett )r 2139fAnd lier Mother Came Ton "AI" Plutett f Corne Buck 01(l Pal Hlarold Harvey Es 42l6394lG(olden Dreamn Boat flaroid Harvey à. 16393 To-morr w 1Harold IHarvey [ s<ý jWhen the Leavea Corne Tu mbling Hlarvey Es 1900fYou andi 1 Blues ParolMrayVrian - '00lone On Home Mis PtricoIa wtil VirgÎinians r. ,fIna Corner of the Worid E. B toiH.Brt> 2. l899~"Snnset yValley Pele ure 190f"" urt sea Little Biue Hele lakLei Jre )r. 5ý flwn By the Old App e Tree M urrayqý-S maiile r.fCarolinia in the Morning Ame1Crican Quartet .. 19006 lToot, Toot, Tootsle, Goo'-bye MraySal r. f Saýred Head Suirounded Ti nity Quartet i~4Jesus Lives! TiitY ,uatet y 5c d ail ail 10-inch doubIe-sided 125 fNot a Sparrow Falldth M'-rle Aic-ck G'45343îmy Task MreArc 12-inch doubile-sided $1.50 35722lG.emsffrom"hln anke rncess- 1-, 1Op.Co. 12-inchi double-sided $2.00 f onihtSonata Olive KI*,,,,and Mae uatet 5519H ote aon .M alrsihandlMieQt. Sir Harry Lauder sings two new seIedlions 12-inch double-sided $2.00 ..fTt's a Fine Thling ta Sîng 551~l5atrdayNighit Sir Hlarry Laulder RED SEAL RECORDS 10-inch Records $1.50 66126 Bilue Bells of Scotiand Ensfliio de Gogorza 66125 Lucia-Mad Secne-Part Il Galli-Curci 64829 waltz in A Major-V-iol!n M'isclia Elmn 66124 TnhusrOHall of Song Maria Jeriza 6(020 Kiany'ei Hans Kindier 66127 Pa!l Moon-Vioiin Fritz Kreisler 66122 Jesus, My Lord, My God, Mly Ail McCormiack 661,29 Sereniade-Op. 3,No 5-Pianio Rac11m1aninoff É61i28 D)anýce of the Flutes P1hiladeiphia Orchestra 66064 Sereniit-Op1. 45, No. 5-Violîin Jacques Thibaud 10-inch Record,!s $1.50. 66065 iMoment MaiaiVili Jcjues Thibaudic 66066 Tamnboiurjii--iolin aqusThb 87354 (Christ the Lord is Risen To'eday Loui- iHoiuer 12-inch Records $2.2.5 74793 Andrea Chenier BeniainoGigli 74795 JRide On! Ride Ol ;i Majestyl O(rvill, -laro 74 796 Valse bi A Fiat- 01. 42-Piano Paeewk 88663 Song of theVoilga Boatmien Feodoýr Chaliapin *Also suppplementary lists of French, Yiddish, Scotch'Gaelic, &c. HIS MASTER'S VOICE, LIMITED HEADQUARTER$ FOR POULTRY SUPPLIES TheËe's good mon'ey in poultry if you give them the proper care and feed. We have in stock the best and most complete lines of poultry feed, supplies and conditioning mediernes that are giving splendid resuits according to reports we receive from our customers. Cail andi see our display> BUY NATIONALLY ADVERTISED GOODS We seli them-Salada Tea, Borden's Milk, Egg-0 Baking Powder, Wrigley's Gumn, Surprise Soap, Infant's Delight Toilet Soap. [r 'I

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