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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1923, p. 5

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I- 'J' ORGAN FOR SALE--m good ear ilbes Id cheap. Apply to M ers. J T. Hooper, 6 Liberty Place,Bo a- ville. 5t FOR SALE~-Fairbanks Morse Gasoline. Engine, 6 Hl. P., practically new, bargain for quick sale. H. M. Poster, phone 205r-4, oni, R. Lt. 5. 7-t FOR SALE-Frarne bouse, -96 x 20, 61 roomed, 1 storeys. kitchien and back part 26 x 24, on lot 18, con. 94, Darlington. Apply to Jas. A. Werry, R. R. 1, Ennis-1 killen, phone 195r2. 62 BROODERS-Two good brooders in first ei]ass condition, 8i) and 60 chick capacity, slling at bargajin prices. R,. H. Battle, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. 8-t*. FOR SALE-Four humner New Perfec- tion Oil Stove, in good shape, atlso a good Corona Range. Apl to W. J. Baker, Dukle Street, Bowmanville, near Grand Trunk Station. -1* FOR SALE.-One r'eal cherrywood wvardrobe withi mirror, one, oak wmard- robe,. one- smail bakýing cainet, 1 tapestry rug 3 x 3'/2ý ft. Apply to Mrs. C. B3. Kent, Beecb Ave, Bowmanville. 6-tf FOR SALE-Plower Malýkrs--3ust the thing for farmers wbo have caýrs-will saw wood, grind feed, etc. Only 4 left, regular price 1'37.50, clearing at $20.00 cash. A. W. Piukard, Phione 185, Bow- mnanville. 5- LIVE STOCK FOR SALE COLLIE PUPS FOR SALE-Appýlly Arthur Se-ward, -Mapfle Grove, -BowmIant- ville, P. . 9-1* FOR SALE-E-ighiteen Pîg-s, five weeks 01ld. Apply to NilMutton' East of NurSe-ry C'orner, B3owmanville, phione 142-13. 9-tf FOR SALE-One grade AYrshire Cow, 5 years old, due Fe,'b. 24th. Applyý to J. J. Abemrnetby, R, R. 2, 'Bowmtaniville, phone 183-13. 9-tf FOR SA LE-Tw-o godd cows, due to fresheun about Marcb îst. Ap)ply to phone 143.91 SEED GRAIN FOR SALE H-omne grown Ontario Vatriegated Aif- alfiý fronfleld that lbas been se dowx for 4 years and bas produced thrAe crops in one seaýs0n. 11)5 erl., or $20.00 in bushel lots or more. Also qua1ntity of Baniner S'eedOasgood samp)le 75c per bushel. A. Ayre, Hampton R. R. 1, phone 133Yr23, -2 FARM TO RENT FARM FORA RENT.-112 acres goodi land aind buildings, immeniate possession. Apply,, J. C. Montgomery, Oshawa. 1-tf FARM TO RENT-200 acres, lot 1, con. 7, East _Whitby, 103 acres plo-wed. Gond bildingS. Pull possession Mardi lst. A Pply to Fred Mountjoy, R. 1 Slnniskillen. Phone 195-21. 9-2w9: H. C. DURGIN TO MOVE I ihto advise my customers and the general public that 1have pur- of Mr. Samuel Allin, the change to take effect froni February 15th. 1 have rented the shop he now oc- cupies in the Jeffery Block and, willi move into saine about March lst. in the mieantime 1 wlll be at my present shop, 2 dloors eat of Statesman Offi- ce. H. C. Durgin, A HIGH GRADE SCHOOL! Yonge and CK:ýLl 4% Sts., Tor-onto. Open ail year. 'ýourses giveim: Business, Stellography, Type- writing, SecretariaI, Generati Im- provement, etc. Demand for Our- graduates duriua the last sixteen months more than double our supply. , Enter now, particulars W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. WANTED WANTED-Tlie parties who borrowed the 20-ft ladder and the high step ladl- der from Jerry Westawaiy, Quceen-st,, will oblige hy retiirfing aIt once. 7 - 2:! hSomne generouis hearted far-mers who have an over sup ply of carrots, onions, beet, turnips rap sfo a l use iand would like to makde adoain brin)g ithem to Bowmanv ille Hospitail and receive the tlianks of the officiais. 7-t POULTRY FOR SALE FOR SALE-rine, Barred Rock cock- erels 0. A. C. strain. $2.50 each. AppIy to H. Pawson, Fran. Farmi, Bowmn ville Phone, 28r3 . 8-1w WANTED-To buy a Bronize Gobbler for breeding purrposes. Apply to Roy Truli, R. R. 2, Býowmniville, phone 176-13 9-tf DARK CORN IH-Pa-rson's Prize winning strain, year old puillets and cock bird. Seli entire peni or select birds. R. H.ý Battie, R. R. 4, Bowinanville. 8-te PROPERTY FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE--6 roms, suimmjer kitelhen, 3 piece ba,,th roomn, furnace, barn, gardenm, fruit trees, the hiomeý of the late Mrm Wm. Johuis, Quee(n-st.- ApplIy to Mrs. J. Kelly, Býowmaiýllec. ,8'-w- ,BUILDING ,.OTS FOR SALE-.Three of the finest btildlipg lots ln Bowmnanvllle are being offered for sale at real bar- gains, situated at the east end of Lovern Lavne on Liherty-st., 40 ft. front by,125 feet deep, handy connection t, town sewer a nd wAter. Apply to Norman S. B. James at Statesman Office, Bowmanvllle. WOOD FOR SALE Thie un dersigned offeýrs for private sale a-limited amount of eithier standinig, eut, or dry bardwood ln quantities to sit purchaser., Colin Colville, lot 35, con. 7. Clarke; Phone 1r,17 Oronio Tel. Co., Bowmianville R. R. 4. 50-t HELP WAINTED W A NT ED- Ex pleriec ed ,(l girl or o mja n for enerapl bo1uwork. Apply .to Mlrs. Ge.W. aes ow-t. owmalnville. WANTED-Position as bo-epr Part orifli time-. Experienced'. Ehl. WVilson, 12 Liberty Place, B'owmian Ville. 9-3w WANTED-Caipaleý girl or wmntoý do plaini cooking and asslst wvitbI general bousework. Appily to Mr. E1.3. Simp- son, Silver-st., Bowmianville.92 GIRLS WANTED-Wbho would like a positI6nl on piece work aIt good on10e)y. Apply at once aiýt theoffice of theGod ~erTire l- Rubber Co., Bwavle TEAM FOR HlIP- TEA M FOR HIRE-1i ar prepa-red toi dIo all kindls of teaming. Apply P. Martin, jHigh Street, Bowmanýivilile, phione29w Notice ToCreditors IN THE MATTER of thse estate of ELIZABETH JOHNS, deceased. NOTICE la hereby given t hat ahl per- sons haviug any dlaimis or demanda a-gainat the, late Elizabeth Johns, wbo died on or about the 2th day ofJau amy, 1923 , at the Towvn of B-owma-,nville, in the County of Durham, are requlired7 to send by post pre-paid or, deliver to the. lniderai!gned solicitor for, Dr. A. S. Til,"Y, ec-ýUtor undeýr the said Will, their nanis aud ac-Iress and fulll particuy- lara lu writing of their edaims and state- ment, of their accounts and the nature of the' securiieýS, if anly, lih by tbeým. AN-,D TAKW, NOýTICE that after the twenty-sixth day, of March, 1922, thei aalvd executor will proceedi to dlistmibute the asseta of the sgid dleceasoed amrongq the p)ersonis entltIzd thereto, having re-1 gard only to the,claims of wich h e ahal then hiave had notice, and that the said executor will not be lhable for the sald assets or any part hereof t. any person of whose dlaim he shallflot then have i-e- 'celved notice. DATED AT BOWMÀNVITLE this 17th day of February, 1928. M. G. V. GOULD, Solicitor for the sald Dr. A. S. Tilley'. 8-2, What the Want Column of This New*spaper will do For You Fiud a job. Recover lost -articles. Buy or seli automobiles. Fînd householdi or business emp-iloyees, Rent rooms, bouses or upartients. Secure buye-rs for house orfarm-. Seli furniture, pianos, live stock, implements. Help generally to make extra profits in your business. Hiandreds of people read the want columnis every week- looking for unusual opportunitiesto buyv or seil thinga. Ever-chauging conditions in the homne or business lives of people make quick sales or pur chases necesary-often great sacrifices are made-that mnean a gain to the fellow who takes advantage. Our want colunn are fanlous for quick service. Try them.z ARTICLES FOR SALE i HOUSE WANTED 11 HAY FOR SALE-QUANTITY of qTin-'Te buy or ent, 6 or 7 roemned biouse, othy Hlay. Apply to W. L. Burton, Bow- 1modemi conveniences, centrally locatedi maniville. 6-tf 1 preferred. Apply 'M., .'Drawer B, IBowmlauville. 7-t FENCE POSTS FOR SALE-Apply tel Mra. Osien, Harris Farmi, R. R. 5, Man- vers Rond, phene i181r5. 7-4w*5 youd thut. Wh y bo rrJow yeur neig'hbor's paper? Your adcIressI with subscriptiou wii bb.ing- it te your oewn home every week, for ouly $2.00 per yeaa-, or 5c per copy. Big color ,n'lap shbowng danger zone lu near East Free wvith Sunday's Chicago Herald and Examiner. Cir- culation over a million. Buy it at A. L. Nýichoylls'. Advertîse Y'our Wants -"Wedni-esdlay-;F'ine, moderating, light easterly winds. Tbursday-Fiue, about 1 inch fi-csh snow whîch had fallen dur- ing the night, nmelted during the day. Tem. 20-34 degrees. Fiday-Fine, ýlight S. W. wînd. Satnrday-Fine , milti, Temper- atune 32-47 degrees. BOW-MA,ýNVILLE, MARCH 1, 1,923 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. C. T. Ross is visiting relatives lu Toronto. Ceai must be getting- pleutiful. Bowmanville hus two new ceai mer- chants. Town Council meets in regular ses- sion, Menday, March 5 at 8 P. "m. Why flot attend? The musical treat of the season Arthur Blig-ht in Metbiodist Chuîch, Tuesday, M_ýarch 6th. Miss Ruby Oliver, Cob ' urg, has been visitinig her uncle, Mr. F. J. 'Bennett, Darlington. Special vaues iuail departments ut McMurtry & Co',s., Saturday--see bills for reduced prices. Catalogues of Durbani Short.horn Association Sale on Maîch Sth m.,-ay be had ut Stutesman Office. M-rýs. J. H. Ca,ýanagh, Toronto, spenit-Suud(ay with hier aunt, Mrs. W. H. Williams, Liberty Street. Mr. and Mirl. J.. B. E. Stapies, Tor- ente, spent Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.-J. J. Mason. Daniel McCarthy, aged 85 years, beitin l Coîborue, died lu the Couni- lies Home at Cobourg on Febîuary 26th. Mr-. W. B. Moore, Prince Albert, Sask., bias been visitîug bis brother, Rev. S. C. Moore, at the Methodist Parsouage. Mi. Audrew Nichoills has, purchas- ed a 50-acre farmi near Port Perry wbeue lhe wiill go into market garden- in- extensively. Don't wuit te be asked te join Bowmuunville Houticuiturai Soiciety. Leave your dollar with Mrs. E'dith V., Scobeil to -day. Mrs. W. J. Clemens has urrived home) from Toronto after visitiug hier brothier and friends, having speut a pleasant tume. Mr. -Bruce Berry cf the local Customs aud Excise Office, ha re- turned to his duties after relîeving ut the Belleville, office. Lloyd George writiug every week [duuinig preseu- t Euuopean 'crisîs -lu 1The Suuýday Chicago Herald anid Examiner. Circulation over a mil- lion. Buy it te-day at Nicholîs'. 1Ms Alima Weruy, Enniskillen, is enj oyjing a pleasanutst with bier uncle anýd aunt, Mr. F. W.0. Werry andi( Miss E. M. Werry, Ottawa. Mr. A. L. Milmine 18 rustic ating ut Graveuhurst, Muskeka, af'ter his very severe illuess. His mauy friends wish hlmi a speedy recovery. Durbam Ceunty Hoîstein-Friesian Club wýill hold its secoud annual con- sigumiient sale at, Bowmanville ou Thursday., March'29th. Partictilars- later. Dr. H. J. Cody of Toronto who ad- drdssed the Canadian. Clubs Tuesday eveuing was guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. V. Geuld(Ï "Lake View", Queen, Street. Greatest treat of the season- Artbur Blig,,ht, Toronto's finest bai- ton-l~etodstChurch, Tuesday, Marc ~ b A merchanàts advertisemient is-n you.r invitation and your guide. It mieaus that lie wants *and- appreiates yourý trade, and isprn enougbh ofbi service ajd his store te advertise it. Mr. E. R. Thuuston of "The Shop, That Leads" atteuded 'the Ontario Retail Clothiers' and Men's Furnish- eus Convention lu Toi-ente and the Textile Show lun Montreal last week. Mi. James 'Allen Reid of West Courtice, passed away Thuîsday, nieorning after a week's illess froni pneumienia. He was a carpenter.ý by trude being employed for sanie yeurs with Gay Brothers. Miss Aileen Iazlewood wbo is at- tending St. Hiida's Ladies Collège,, Toroutol, was a member of the ajl- star ladies' hockey teamn seiectedi from Universitses of Toronto,1 te play lu Montreal last week againast Mc- Gill and Queens teams. Mus. Ira Grant Do.dge of Pasadena, Culîfoînia, annunces thie engage- ment of lher only ýdanghter, Rosa- mnond Mercereau, te Arthur Robert, eider son of Senatolr and Mrs. R. A.q Mulholland, Port Hope, the mariage4 te take place early lu March. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Pîckeil, "Lake-ý aide", Darlington, aunonce the en- gagement of their yeungest daugliter, Leta Bet'h, bo Mi. J. Cecil Found, sou of Mr. and Mrs. John Found of Beaver Duiry Farm, Darliuigton, the murriage te take place quietly lu Muîch. A number of citizens thoughit the attractive and artistîc wîndow curds advertisiug "As Yen Like It" were prinited ut the James' Publishïug House. The -credit is net ours this tue. t beIf gs e thestudets f ý LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Refld every article in this issue. Auut's Letter baýs good advice. Very nianjy old persons bave pess- ed ont this -witer. Read ,l a Lawy,,er Bice writes -abý,out Egyptian Tombs. Wulking ou icy pavemients hias -been dangereus this week. Mr. Goldwiu Anderson, Montreal, spent the week-end lu town. Good morning March! WiIl yen be real g-ood? If se, weicome., Watch for Suturday Specials lu groceries at MeltcMurtry & Co's. Ciomptou's Corseý, regniar $2.25, this week enly '$1-49. S. W . Mason & Soil. M1iss Beatrice Devitt, Victoria University, Toronto, was home over the week-elid. Miss Ruth P -ey, Toronto, was guest of Miss G4weucdolyn Williams over Sunday. Mr. W. Sutherlandl, Moutreal, Que., speut Sunday at-' lMr. John Paimer's, Ontario Street. Miss Etbdlda Hazlewood of Wel- lesley Hospitïl, Toron~to, was home oyer theý week-end. Canadlian 'Alinanac, ,$3.50, le a business' man's ready reference. Se udvt lu tbis journal.. Puy cash and yen buy for less- Croniptou's Corsets, $2.25 for $1.49. S. W. Mýas,(ni & Son. Mvrs. A. Nichols and babe, Whit- by, re çVently visited ber parents, Mr. and MIrs. Wm. Edger. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee, Kedron, spent Sunday with their dugliter, Mrs. A. R. Scott, O'dell-st. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Luke and Miss L'earla Luke, Whitby, recently visit- edMr. and Mrs. A. E. Luke. Menday, February 26, was the 66th -wedding auniversuîy cf Mr. and Mrs. John Rolph, Port Perry. Miss Jenule Merchant, Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, spent the week-end with ber miother, Mis. J. S. Lunuiey. e With sncb a variety cf eveniug metpsof late how can folk find anly tune fou readling- or fanily let- tei--writiug. 0 Mus. Frank Grigg and sou Tommy cf Oshaý,wa, bave- been visitiug her fathen, Mr.Ezra Gififord, and, other relatives here. Mothers are tHie fir-st and greatest teachers and home is the greatest school. See article on National Education ou page twe. It's al the sanie whethér March cornes in like a -lam--b or lion. S. 'W. Masen & Son's cash systeni en- ables yen te buy for less. The aunual mneeting cf the Central, Ontario Basebali Leaguýe will be beld ut Dunhum HIouse, Cobouug-, on Wed- uesday, Mai-ch 14th ut 10 a. ni. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hancock, New- castle, attendeti the lecture ou the song birdls of Canada given by Miss Louise Murphy in St. Pul's Chunch ou Friday eveuing. Dou't fail te seo the wiudo-w dis-1 play cf Comniunity Silverware being eilnav;'ay et MMP~&Co's. M'r-. D. N. 'Lockwood and sons Ceècil anti Gordon, speut the week- end lu Bowmunvillc wlith the f orn-ier's mother andi sister, Mus. Wni. Wilson anti Miss Myrtie Wilson, Elgin St., Miss Ma'rion Wa'nNest, Toronto, was iu town Satunday calliug op bier uncle anti aunt, Mr. anti Mis. M. A. Jamnes. She aise visiteti Mrs. Frank Werden ut Ebenezer -who passeti away eurly Sunduy nioiniug uften a lingering ilîneas. Yeon t't mmnd payiug cash when yen bny focr less-Cuoniptou's Cor- sets $2.25 fou $L.49. S. W. Mason & Son. Mr-. J. O. LaBelle returned fron Toronto ou Satuuday where he un- d1erwent a very serions operation be- îug lu Wellesley Hospital for eleven weeks. His niany fieuts wll be glati te kupw be is m-uch better anti able te walk urounti the bouse. A Ne-w Serial, "Tfîere shaîl be ne miore Death", staîts lu Sunýday's Chicago' Herald andi Examiner. Cii-, oulatiou over a million. Puy it te- day ut A. L. Ncoî' Which -will cost the meet? Read the article under this beading. Dr. Frederick Lynch la oeeof the ableat wiiters lu America on international relations. Whateveî else yenu skip in this paper reati what Dr. Lynch says about anotber worid war cein- îug. "War may break ont againi ut auy moment". When a man tells yen he 'neyer rends the paPers', ask hl'm to pull off bis bat,. andi let ven feel his head. If he has told the trnth, yen will al- ways finti the top of bis, bead as flat im1 IfIcn TRUE LIVING If1cntake from life what cornes! to me. And hold miy head erect when thîngs go wrong; If I can meet mi-isfortune with a song No niatter what my ilis may chance to be; If I cun cal], hf e good and -give muy best To living it and do.xiy daily task The bet I can, I think I shallflot For uuy greater, more heroic test To meet lire gayly, gladly, day by dfay; To show a smiie and stay the easy tear; Forget myseif and bide my grief away,' And greet each day that comes with- out a fear; And, if I f ail or if I find success, To hoîl within mnyseif my happiness. -Abigail Cresson in New York Herald By ahl of our cus- tomers now paying cash we are enabled to seli for less. Why shouldn't we? There Will be no bad debts, No expensive system of, bookkeeping. No bookkeeper's salary. We buy for cash and take advantage of ail dis- counts. . Thus, we are en-abledeto keep our stocks riglit up-to-date and give a larger variety of dress goods and ladies' ready-to-wear than previously. Crompton's Corset FAMOUS A LA GRACE NO. 375 50 pair only, made of strong ciosely woven ma- terial with elastie top, strong hickory elastic hose supporters, sizes 20 to 29, this week only regular $2,25 fo$I4 S. W, Masoni & Son Dry ÇGoods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear BIRTHS VE NTON-In Obaw, eb, 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Venizon., a on. HARRIS-In ClIarbýe, Peb. 1L, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harris, a daughter. MARRIAGES METCALFE-ELLIS-On February 14, at Mount Hlope Mlethodist Paýrsonage,, by Rev. W. J. -Ellis, faîhIer of the bride, Emmia E., and Russell R., youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiac JMtcle Moore- field, Ont. DEATHS DARCH-In Darlington, Pebmuamy 26, Jameps DrcinIlis 801Ilyeatr. Funieral from bhis Ilate educSalemn, on Tbursday, Mac st at 2- p. mu., to BownI.mnille C"Ieey. R EID-Tji Coultice, February 2_2, Jameps AlnReid. aged 4j 9 yeýars. COAKWELL-Aýt Brooklinl, Feb. 241h., Thoma,ýs Coakwell, in bis 78tb year. TR.EWIN-A',t 1aydou, PFe""ua-y23 Williami Trewýin, aged 93: years, 7 mo..ths. McGILL-At 10-2 Agues Street, Oshawa, 'Peb. 21, JohL,.MGil in bis 74tli year.ý Hl L L-Iu Oshawa, February 20, George Albert 'Hill, fommnerlyý of Bowmnanville,ý aged 56 years. LAWSON-In HTopeý, Pebruary 22,FEloen Lawson, daughtem of fie late Isaac dw son, aged 75,years. GALL-AtOsbaaý, FPebruary -22, PEi- zabetb Hawkins. eovdwif e bf Mr. jas. Gall, aged 70 yeýars. HUGHES-7-Ou ednsda ,1)e. 21, at Toronto General HIosp)ital, James Hlbled cf Whitbjy, in blis 78th yeoar. SHERIN-hi mnilFebruary 23, Harriett MJorrowý, io of the laie Thomas Sherin,. in beor >Shyear. HARRIS-At Port Pemmy-, Peb. 2a. ElizabWh A. Hieard, \Wow% of the l,te Rev. John-Harris, in bier i6th year. WORD EN-m Darlington, Pebrparye4 Alice Mande Oke, blvdwife of B1ir. W. Frank Womden, aged( 46 yfýai s. 1 ROBERTS-In Columibus, Onlt., Feb. 24, Mary1 Elizabeth Aas blvdwif e of Sampson Roberis, in beýr Sth year.- DAVIDSON-At abre Feb). 25tb., E'leanor (Nellie) Agises IDavidsou, bs,- loved dube of Mr. Thios. Davîd\isoni, (Ilr. FRASER-A-'t 6213 A. Spadina Ave., Toronio, 'buay25., Elizab~eth Sarah WVilson ,beovd ife of Reýv. Rl. Douglas Praseýr, DD. . MARTI N-lu Dlarlingtou), rebruary 24, GereMartin, in blis S82ndl year. Inlterred at Pine Gr(,ove Cem-etery, Prince Albert. FRANCIS-In Dariington, Pebruary 25. Ee-rtba Aidlandl Quinney, beloved wife of Richýard Henry Prancis, in betr 32und yeuar. Iuterred at Orono. COLEMAN-On Wednesdty, FI). 12, at tbereiducof ber -son,~ Major W. IE. L. Colemian, Ottawa, Amnanda Haýwley, 'VI dow of thle iste hre Colemian, -Bowv- mxanville, aged V3 years. atTHOMPSON-On Saturdlay, Peb). 1 7, atthe, resjIdence cof Mrs. C. P. Parwell, RigtnRoadi, Osbawai, Hanuab Tbomp- son,' in&ber 67tb y-ear, for 53 years a faitblful memiiber of 1heIbouisebold of the late Mrs. Wmr. McGill, fornierly of Beecb Grove, Port Perry. IN MEMORIAM FOU N D-!insad and lovýing memory cf Franklin G. Pound, wb)o di ed Peb. 28th,, 1920. Tbree, years, dear God, is it only tbree? Stretcblua on lkeetmfity, EJ-nguilflng past icys in a dreamfland dim A4nd paînting the future grim.' Tbe stmuggle, lonilinieas, trial and tears,, ,ýeems like tbey have alwayssbeen; Aad the, stress and strain of these latter years. Makes the sense of bas moat kAeen. But One there is, whvlo fhlds imy baud Nor from me will depart He's the ùuly one wbo au truly kuow The lonely wldow's beýart. Moruîng and tears endure for the nlgbt By His grade, weI iv-e it throt, Great joy sball oeewitb thie nloming Ilgbt, Inthe land beyond tht, blue. "Weeping, may endure for a night, but joy comeLth in thie moxrnng". Wife and Boys. CLAYTON_-n lovîing mem--ory cf Pte. Levi Marquis Clayton, 805032, killed lu action on March lst, 1917. Hero sleep on, lu that long> row 0f graves wbere Planders poppies grow, The larks witb blearta undýau n ted sing And richinl voice their mrusic fllug. Wbere guns have scattered deatb below But love with proud yet wistful oye lCeeps vigil Where ye sleep)ing7 lie Iu Planders PFields. Still more uow la your filht our own The torcb that fromn your Jiands wvas tbrown Shahl not be quened(, but beý!ldou higb The faitb ye teach uls shah flot die. Then take your reast i l lumber deep Doubt not that w, te, tystwillSkep Nor dream th.1at ye lunvaiave- çiied Tbirougb summenr sbiine audl.wiuter snlow Sleep wbere tlhe drowsy, poppies grow Sadly missedc by Mother, Father, e Brothers and Sisters. Bowmanville Prrepare For Spring Many have been en- f ~ quiring ftready about their new Spring foot- wear. The earlier you do your purchasing the better wiII 'be your ch olce. Our high grade goods have just arrived and they are a delight ,to the eye. Exquisitely de- signed for particuilar People. One' beautiful slipper is made of Brown Bro- cade Satin with wish bone strap eff ect (and span- ish heel. The kind yoii see in'leading city. stores at $16.00, our price is only ,.............. $1 1.0 Another is made of Otter Suede leather with colonial tongue, one strap, trimmed with brown kid, and set off with a spanish covered heel of saine color, ,city price $15.00, our price. ..$10.00 In a hand turned patent leather slipper, we have it wfth bamboo suede, tutned cross straps and pat- ent covered spanish heel, cîty price $13.00, our price .........1..... ................................. $9.00 For street wear a beautiful patent leather slip- per, welted sole with cross strap of grey and cuban heel, stýlish and serviceable, priced at .._$8.00 Walking Oxfords in patent, Brown Caif, Biege Caîf, and others in plain black from $5. to $7.75 A eall is ahl that's necessary to convince you of the superior style and quality and the low prices of our new S.pring goods. W. CLAUDE IVES Cash Shoe Store PAY CASH AND YOU BUY FOR. LESS Phone 106 Bowmanville That is just what it means. Gênerai In surance REAL ESTATE CONVEYANCINC Representing Willoughby Farmi Agency MIrs EdithV, Scobei& William T. Syimons Phone 189 Bowm-înville

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