£ VXoI. LXUL. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY,'(MARCH 8, 1923. $2.00 a Year In Advance- 5c a Copy N.1 't 1'. _________________________ B- jThe Shop That Leadsi AT ANY ANGLE You will notice that the new models in soft hats are becoming and attractive. and Cal IAil the leading makers, Ghristy, Borsalino jand Kîng. I PRICED $3.50 to $7.50 G. N. THTQRSTON" Bowmanville's Up-to-date Haberdashery and Fur Shop. Qualities are unequal, shapes correct newest Spring colorings ûsually desirable., and try on some of these smart styles. Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Friday-Saturday M,ýARCH 9-10 "YOUTH TlO YOUTH" With Billie Dove and Cxillen Landis Monday-truesday MARCH 12-13 lrving BachelIers gre-test storyý "~The Light in The Clearing" Harold Lloyd Iu "I DO" Lloyd's Laughter LuIllby A sweeticart,' lover, iusband sud father, Lloyd 1f ts tic laugiter fid off 1f e lu double harness. It's one long iug-eing isugi after anothier. Wednesd-ay-Thursday MARCH 14-15 EJ (Hoot) Gibson In "THE LONE HAND" Witi Mlarjorle Daw COMING MARCH 26-27 "WHEN KNIGHTïiOOD IN FLOWER" WAS -I FIELD & GRAIN COMPETITION WINNERS ANNOUNCED Recuits of tic Combiucd Standing Field Crop sud Tbreshed Grain Competition for 1922 couduacted by West Duniai Agnicutural Soclety arc qnnounceCt. Judges'were E. H. Purdly, Pont Penny, aud T. G. Raynior, Ottawa, grain bciug Ban-, ner Ots. Tic winncrs sud scores are: 60% 40% Tota1ý field Bin Jas. Leask & Son 59.4 »17 96.4 A. W. Aunis 57.6 37.4 95. R. J. Gil 58.2 33 91.2 John Baker 56.4 32 88.4 1. S. M. Hardy 55.8 31.2 87. A. L. Pascoe & Son 54.6 31 85.6 R. E. Qaborne 58.8 26.4 8M. aY Ulu iTeeie In the New Spring Wraps Couch, Johns-ton & Cryderman. Bownianvllleý x --e Coats - Suits - Dres ses Spring Wraps lend themselves to many new and deligyhtful silhouettes, some *straight with wide sleeves, otheis with circulair paneils andi many With cape backs arranged in charming ways., Emb roidery, stitcbing and buckles add to their smartness, especially whefl de- veloped in sosft duVetyns and other Spring materials. An early' inspection of our beautiful array of Spring apparel will be to your advantage. MEN, ORDER YOUR SUIT FOR EASTER NOW Its flot a bit too early to place your order for your new suit, if you want iît for Easter. You Will fin.-d in our stock the finest variety of ready-to-Wear suits ob- tainable and not high priced, either, Also ask to see the newest in Men's Sprrng Coats. 1 "AS YOU LIKE 11"' H-igih School Student8 Wolx High Praise for Their Pia-y. Tic studeuts- of Bowaiauvilc H i g Sehýool Li ternry Society_ preseuted ,S; 'ouUehalkespeares"s o Lk 't"'o Thrsay and Fniday lnst before c:apacitLy bouses'. Althougýh mucli djifficulty ,vas enicounitered' in pre- senting the play, ow\,ing týo 50 mmci ,illness amîong the fillnyers, substil- tutions madle duning the last weeki mnade tic performance possible. Despite tiese, tie play was un- doubtedly a genIuilîe success. The ordinary scenery_ of the Oper'a House beautiflcd by tiie efforts of tic ý1tu- dents formed a fitting background -for tic, bnillianit costumes wýorn by the playens. Tic leading lady wns Miss Doris McConncll whosechcarmning interpre- tation of Rosaliud dcligitcd every- one. Miss -McConnell Is blessesd -with boti a wouderfutlmn-iory sud n most plensiýng voice. Rer ahlost constant comi-pauloun, Miss Mary Somnenville, as Celia, plnyed hier part splendidly sud spoke bier lies in n d2ean voice, audible lu every part of tic large auditorium. Kenneti Fraser, took tic1 difficuit part of Orlando n iagnificentiy, lu a way, indeed, which could scarcely be surpassed by ain amateur. Will H. Pointen, as Oliver, was n mnost indignant eier brother. Duke Frederick was por- tnnyed by Robent McCuiiough sud he wss attended by Audrcw Somierville, snd Oliver Ranna-. Le Beau, the courtier with a nice taste lun dres sud manners was piayed by Charles Pethick.' Ronald Courtice was tic Duke's xvrestier. Tic part of Adna, tic oid servant, wns well taken by Maitland Gould. Reid Peanui, tho not very well, was abIL to take the part of Touchastone, tic first nigit, but when he became 111 tic next day, Mrs. C. S. Bnck, B. A., of tic teaci- ing staff, took tint part sudý did wonderfull-y, huving ouly froai noon to cigit o'clock to learu ber hunes. Duke Senior was Alan McRessock sud is. forest lords, Raipi Carnuth- ers§, Mn. B. lngham, M. A., sud Law- rence M'ason. Mn. Ingni, wio took tic pince of George Clalphan sang, "Unden tic Greenwood Tree" very niceiy. Lawrence Mason as tic mielanchoiy Jacques was another outstauding player. Ris long speeches were given lu good voice and with goo d expression. The pag-es, Misses Mild1re.d' &uci sud Mur'ion Pickard also appeared with these gentlemen as tic Duke's pages. Their singing w,,as mmch enjoyed. Miss Souci sang n pretty "Spring Carol" sud ucan tic end tic two pag-es sang "Iu tic Springtime". Boti were heartiiy cucored.* Ainother g-roup îwas ormed by Miss Ruth Grigg, as Pioebe, a shep- herdess, Miss lys Giibank as Audrey,ý anothen shepherdess, who cnused( laugiter with ber veny first words. Stuart James, ns William, PRoss Poo'ley, a very oid shepierd, sud Aiex McGregor, who neplacedl James «il- fila, as a very yon1iphr-l of these taking their parts exception. ally weil.i. Melville Dale ila nvery soIemu mianner, officiatcd as vicai to Toucistone. The pianist for the evcning w"s ýMiss Gwcudolyn Williamis who play- cd between tic scenes sud accompan- led tic siugiug an-d dancing sud ier playing added a greaýt deni to the evening' s cxjoymiert. Part way tirougi tic play, a numiber of senior girls, in tic cost. urnes of shephendesses, gave two in- spirnug country dances. At tliis point, on F-eiday evening, tic csst sud other students present- cd tic lady members of tic sehool staff with bouquets of rc'd sud white carnations as tokens of their appre-i ciation. Tic staff deserves mucb credit sud their good wvork was borne out by tic splendid performance of tic students. Those in promineut parts wcerc outstandiug and ail tiose la minor ones wcre good. Tiecacst was ail round. Tic students very nmuci rcre__ttedc that Miss 1. R. Smilth, B.A.su Mn. A. R. Scott, B. A., ou accourt of ilinesss vere unable, to bc present. Penhiaps tic handest working insu of al! wns Cedric Needhnm, tic stag-e- mnanager, "-tic ýiu beiind tic, scens". any other students as- sisted lu tic decoratUng sud other preparations for the play. "God Save Tic Ring" and thc sehool yell "Get a Vce Vo" ciosed tic performance. Friday aigit tic, ply5 ddcd tirce ccens suad a tiger for Mrs. Buck who came so inagnauimousiy to tieiir assistance. That tic efforts of tic studeuts wcrc fully apprccisted by cîtizens wns very mnuiifest by ticir splendid patronage sud evidenees g-iven dur- iug tic rgres of tic. play. SUDDEN PASS!NG 0F A METHODIST S. S. ANNIVERSARY'GRýAND SONG RECITAL BY WORT-'IHY CITIZEN i ARTHUR BLIGHT 0F TORONTO ________Three Eclen drse yRev. _____ Alexander Taylor, Bowmran-ville. L. S. Wightt, B. AB. D. Large Audienice Deligrhted With Citizens -were, startled on Thurs- Despite bad ro)ad, mjiucl sickniess SneRae n inse .av when th~e sudden passin-g of Mr. an-d a he:aývy on ouro ram n esongrcta ath ehdist Alexa' nder Taylor in WVellesley IHos- Sund'ay theanirar services of Chrho)usayeeigafrded pital, Torýonto, was announiced. _De- Bwmavil Mtodrist Sunday two, hours of real pleasure, the pro- ceased bfftl beeli in poor hiealth for School proved very itrstngrain being, far above the average, somie time and wenLit to Torontlo on prýofitable and succ:essful. Rev. S. both in uai t and as a highl-class Wedne1sday intending to underigo al C. Moore, B. A, B. D., tche pastor, etranet h rga a serions op)erationi. Prelimiinary arý a prîvileged to be at homneand given by Mr. A-ýthur Blight, onle of rangemients wecre made but unexpeet- took charge of the opening services. Cnd' leading\ bar4tones, anid edly hie collapsed in tiie armis of his Thec preacher for the day Was Rev. leader of Trinity Methodist -Church wif e on Thursday afternoon fromu L. S-. Wight, B.A. B. D., of Tweed, choir, TJoronto, Cora DeFoe, reacier, heart fallure. al former very efficienit anà popular Avey Clarke, pianiste and! accomlpan- Mr-. Taylor -Was born in Enniskil- pasýtor of T.Yrone circuit. LESis itp, and this triîiity make a, good len in 185', being a son of the late miorning miessage cotied sm omibýinationi. They -were exýceed- John and Ellen Littie Taylor. neuw thoughts and pictured the dan- ingly happy in the4r choice of seleo,- 7 On Novemrber 28, 1877, deceased ers threaýtein,g the boys and girls tions aiud generous in respon-se to wasý unitad in marniage at Port Perry in, the Old -Land and Which are a the applause of the audience wich by Rev. C. A. Simipson wýith l is now m, nenace to the young and a serions wvas hearty and frequent as th~e bereavedl wif e, Maryv Jane Hammuett, detrimient to the coming generations. different nuaibers were presented. forerl ofMape rov bu laeiHe iehallenged the parents, the teacli- Arthur Blighit has a wonderfully of Cartwright. For somre eight ers and workers in Church and Sab- finle, welFl trained 'voice the depth years they lived at Blackstock on a bath Sehool to comrbat these dangers and pathos of which was splendidly farm, Mr. Taylor devoting conisider- by instilling into the young minds a hroughit out in songs preserite l. He abe im t te elin of farm yim- right conception of the Truth, ta sang t-wo songs in Italian, the_ last plemients for Sylvester Brothers of be in the only sure way to combat one "Largo al Faictotumi" fromi "The Enniskillen. About thirty-seventhe and other evils and builciu abro eilbigepcal yea -0go by moved to Bowmian- greatnaton pleasing and entrannglte ville whei-re they livedat Westmiount The choir under direction of Mn.j lighter numbers were "Twelve Days for a fewý years, later mnoving to T. W. Staniley sang the anthem "0oQf Christmas", "Mjolly Baia" their home on Concession-st, where Wonship the Lord". Miss Mlargaret "The Parsoa's Dau.-hter'", Lo:rra;ine, rthey have resided ever since. Allun, rendered nicely the solo "RKing Loraine, Lorrie" and several oth,ýers Since coming to town. Mr. Taylor of Love My Shepherd Is". that brought forth hearty ncls engaged in carpenter work until ne- The afternoon session was i î "The Wreck of the Hlesperus" ,,as cent years -when owing to heart charge of Mayor H. L. Quinn, Sup- excellent and by request hie sang, two trouble hie has to lçad a very quiet eriatendent. After the opening ,Oh "eu Svir ~lt e n lif e. He. was a very good citiz'en. hymnii, prayer -%as off ere'd by Rev. Mr.' How H1e Loves". To iray who was ever interested in the pro-1 Wight, and the lesson for the day these wene the gems of the eve' ning gress of the town and the welfare ofi read by M.H .Pitn hr n all appreciate his kindly response itS citizens, espyecially theý young nj S was sung by the Pnimary lass, to the request. folk, for it was to bis enterprise that Mns. F. A. Haddy presiding a h Miss Clarke proved herself avr the splendid skating rink kow a piano. Recitations were niceîy clever pianiste ilalher piano slc rTaylor's Aren~a on Rin-st. E., was given by little Misses Jean Morris tions, being recal led twice, arn-i as erected and been carried oni so sat- and Helen Mason. A solo "Suife raco antfo MrBlgt oul isfactorily for the benlefit of the the Children" by Miss Janey Msn hardly be excelled. youth of this town and vicinityDi and a chorus by Master AllanKig-ht, Miss DeFoe, reader, in lier inter- latterly managed by his son Norman. Ernest Brown, Gould Thurstou pretation of the French Canadutan The funeral took place on Sunday Carpenter and Howard Pickard,' and dlialeet gave two selections fromi afternoon, service being conductedà a duet by Misses Janey Mason and od whieh were cleverly done, by his pastor, Rev. S. C. Moore, B.A. Theo Martyn "Nothing Shaîl E e svwas lber Italian number. "It's the B. D, bs to sos, ormn ad Grw Od" erevvel gien issFlu" was very funny anda pumber B. D, hs two onsNoran n~fGro Old wee wll ive,oMs of ber encores were veny ýelPgvn cClark andI four sons-ia-law, Messs, Reta. Cole, A. T. C. M., acco, qhe Admiral's Ghost" -Wakpebapqls Fred. Battle, Sidney Hughson, Frank panying. bier heaviest number. She bas a very Rundle and Albiu Clemens acting as The Roll Caîl of classes by Mr. pîeasing ,presence and voléie and paîl-beaners. Beautiful floral Qff'er-.ý T. C. Jewell, Secvetary, showed the takes well with lier audience hidïie i ngs frein the famlily and friends ex.-' attendance for the day was below will always assure for bier n aten- pnessýed the kindly syaýipaqthy which normial, the classes of] Mr- Br>uce tive hearing. aIl feel to the suddeily liereaved Inghami, M. A., and Mrs. Ross Grant, - Rev. S. Cè. Moore, B. A., B. D., wife, two sons- and four daughters,' carrying off the honors for à full Pasto, of the Cliurch, gave a brief al of whomi were pl'esent at the fun-atedn. introduction and expressed thie eral. Other frienids present werei 8ev. Mr. Wight gave a short in- pleasure of the Ladies' Aid under Mr-. and Mrs. C. W. Manlow and son' teresting ad'dress on "Obedience and whose auspices these artista per Jackel of Oshawa, Mrs. V. M. Sinclair,; courage" wiich contaiued some very ed. The platform was attrac'tive iMr. and Mrs. S. J. Hugison, Mn. and helpful suggestions. Selections b ij er n lwrn at Mrs. Clark Taylor, Toronto. the S. S. Orchestra under di yctinithfensup and flowerikmn& plns of M. Sanly wili issMarion wýhicli was a decîded coufrat to OBITARYPiekard, pianist, and the benediction- out-of-doors surrouirdings on this ________ 'by Principal W. J. Morrison, B. A., cold and blust1ery, Marçh ight. Willim Trein, Hydon completed the programn for the after-1 Wilim rein Hydn noon. BOWMANVILLE AMATEUR The hâte William Trewiu was bora WeýVather conditions having. greatly ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION in Devonshire, England, on JuIy 12,implroved the evening service was ____ 1829, aud died at the ripe age of 93 ttended by a miuch larger audience. Animal mieetinig of above o~n -years, 7 miouths and 10 days. UThe miusical service was in charge ization will be heid lu Council Po mn, la the passiug of our venenablel of a Junlior Choir. The Orchestra Tuiesday, March lStb, at 8 p. 1m A frie-nd and neigibor, the township of gave the opening number and twvoreiwoateie ctvisfrth Darlington loses one of its oblest and coue We Love Shines lu" year will be presented by the presi- most iighly respected residents. H1e sd "Jesus Sweetest Name" - \vere d eot, Dr. J. C Devitt, and ofllcel w,ýill came to this township ia 1843 aud sung by the Childnreni's Choir. Pns-; be elected for ensuing yer settled on the homnestead farmi fromn ton Moore ofered the op--ninr - Y Wehryuhv be ose o rwhence lie passed froini toil to res e ad issMagurie Jaes -an a knocker for this splendidasoit from battie to victony aud rewaro. o the solo "Ris Song lu the Night". ion comle along Tuesday night we Friday miorning, Fehruary 23rd. Secretary Jewell again report ed an opportunîty wjill be given to ex- S He married -Miss Annie Robins, the urg-ent nee'ds of the school and press your views. All interes, d in wio proved a very fine belp-meet,l the wýork of the past year, after good, clean amateur sport are îinvit- not only in tiose early pioneer days ý' which a duet "Come lloly Spirit" ed to this mleeting. but thro)ughout tersjoura to_ý was pieasingly sung by Misses Don ________ gether; tweýlve yeans ago Mrs. Tre-' othy, Plummneýr and -Marion Piekard. 1win was called home to lier rewnrd. T -ýhe Scripture Lesson was rendl by WEST DURHA4M Tic famuly consists of Sulas on Supt. Quinn. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY the old. homestead; Mrs. Fre.d Sith,i Tlhe singing of the hiymui "Jesus *Who recenitly passed away; Mrs. Han-, Cails Us,ý" was a fitting introduction' At a recent mneeting of the above ry Collicott, Mms. Wm. Smith, Wi1- t .semnb Rv n Wgtscety Mr. J. Guennsey MeClellan, liamr of Ha,'don, Sidney of Enniskil- 1Who spoke froi the words "EndIurýe elder son of Mr. J. A. MeClelan, *leu and 'Mis. Herbent N. Scott. 1 hardness, as al good soldier of Jesusl Manag-er of Bank of Moutreal, %vas Mn Tewn ~sco~ete ude1 inst-2 Timothy 2, 3-The Chi appointcd Se creta ry-Trea sureni of the fnithful an'd successful miinistry leng-e of the New Renoismi. He eaid I the association to fil the va ncy *of Rev. J. H. Eynon Who was thlen a wha w need most i a churchi that i caused by the resigastion of lr R. *pastor, of the Bible Christian Ciurch will adequately express Christ toi F. Aitchison. Mn. McClell4ni) i well in this township and the decensed men. To do tuis soie tiings needI qualified to fil this important office wns even loyal and true to the church christianiing--sllch as our concep-1. having assisted ia these 'dlutieý for *of bis choice and interested ln any tion of God, oun conception of nia- several yesneý at Bowmianville Vair. miovemlent tint tended to the better- tionalîty, of our conception of poli-J Executive Committee for 19 ) 11i s mlent of cormmunity lîfe. tics or cîvie duty, of our conception, composed of Presîdent M. J. Ethiott, Ris homne was ever open to the olf lf e as portrayed by tic life of Vice-Presidents Alan Campbel' anud different pastors, Who iu their time Christ In tic New Testamnt. The R. J. Gi, Directons E. F. Weathierilt wvere ministens on the T1yrone circuit, uoblest and best are called forth nnd R. F. Âitchisou, and S-ecre,,try-. and bis heart was very responsive to if we taýke Jesus into our heants and Treasurer J. G. MeClellan. theenlie of Christ and the chiunch, lives and endure hardnes,ýs as good Atrcin omiee i1us a nid whin 93 yeans of age was foundt soldiens of Jesus Christ. A chorus -Messrs. R. J. Gili, L. T. McWLaiuhlin !lu lis place ila the littieebcunch at by the childlren '"Fathen in Heaven and Alan Campbell. iaydon to worsiip God Who had w..e thank Thee", and the bymu Jesus Revision of the Prize List will take dou e so muci fon huai. Savior Pilot Me -was -un-, and Rev. place at the May ihieeting. 11e was veny conversant in aIl Mn. Wight pronounced tfic benedic- A dinectons' meeting will be beid s-piritual matters, and exencised an tion. _____________about$300.___________h unfalterng f aiti aud confidence in Ofrn a bu 30 hsmni Jesus Christ, and nejoiced in the blessedl, fact tint '"All was well." CHAMIBER OF COMMERCELbea Cov ti i As the writer visited hlm froin ANNUAL MEETING ____ timle to time he was alwnys s0 very kindly greeted nnd personally bene- AIl1 active sud progressive citizens West Durham Liberal As- fitted to, find this venerable ild are looking f orward to the annual agociation Annual Meeti.,ng gentlemran eujoyiug such perfect rmeeting of Bowmainville Chamnber of Pence withi Godý, and restîng ia The 1commerce at The BungalowonMn and Convention 1Everlastiag Anms, trustiin lutic day, Marci 12, at 8 p. atnt. Lor,1ad1ws_ prfctl _asue_ Pogrr1 illinlu8tauaddhe Phone 104