t t 5* Open Letter To; People of Bowmanviile &Dear Sir or Madam,- llaving been assigned the agency for rantnRdoAprtsfrBwnnil n Breint,1n adio Apprtsfor Bhowmaunnvie ad nty theIratvery pitesonfwhis urnconviedo rao teqrpelativequalpties o differen maeo a demoiistration. Radio gives untold pleasure to people who otherwise are unable to secure the full joys of 1f e. Sickness prohibits many froin enjoying church sermons, concerts and other entertain- ments. Having a radio set in the home enables these unfortunates to hear the highest class pro- grains right at home. Farmers living some distance from town are more or less out of touch with current events such as daily news, latest priceis of grain, cattie, hogs or other produe. Radi brings ail this desirable information direct to their homes. Beside helping the sick and affding isolated people to keep in touch with the world inwgeneral a radio set in the home supplies entertainment for youTig and old alike. Every Af ternoon and Evening are broad- casting programs f rom high power stations located in the large cities throughout this country and United States. The programs of different sta- lions are varied so that any kind of entertain- ment desired may be heard. The Branston Radio Set is undoubtedly one tof the finest on the market. It is so simple to operate that any child can handie it successfully. These sets are installed and set Up ready for use, everything complete and no extras to buy. Any reliable person may have one of these sets installed on approval by merely leaving word >'at my place of business. Trusting that you wi11 favor me with a caîl, I reainYours truly, F. C. Pwrethick King Streete Bowmnanville I. INEW FOOTWEAR FOR SPRING In the many modes and style creations we are offering for Spring wear you will find Bootery for every 'occasion and for your every taste Their bigh quality and distinctive trimness are truly a revelation. For women-Blachford, Classie and Owens- Elmes. For men-Slater and Astoria. Copelanïd Shoe Store I = Phore 249 J. Bowmanville S anitary Plumbing For the Home Itealth as well as comfort and convenience urges that the home be equipped with sani- tary and1 efficient plumbing. We have ail the wanted styles at a wide range of. prices-guaranteed to give satisfaction. SEE US FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS Greeivaway & Elliott I Consu1ting Ezigineers Phone 18 day or niglit Bowmanville BOWMANVI[LLE, M~ARICiV8, 1923. AVERAGE VALÜES OF DR. ERGGS LEPFT $85,024 FARM LAN'D A. W. Briggs, K. C., fr Sol enE. n.. GODNWEDDING The average value of the occuipied ficiary and Executor-Jusurance (I~M N Trm lands of Canada, whioh 'n- of $4,500 Goes to Grandchiidren Mr. and Mrs. JohnN~. Stewart, formn- cludes both improved and uunimprov- ____ eryofCare ed land, together with dwelling bouses, barns, stables and other farm Ail preachers don't die poor. Tor- STEWART MORTON-In Bow- buildings, is returned as $44 Per onto papers say that an estate total- manville, February 5, 1873, by Rect- acre, as compared with $40 i 1921, ling $85,024.18 waa. left by Rev. Dr. 5 or A. MacNab, D. D., Mr. John N. $48 i 1920, $416i 1919, $41 inl Willia~m Briggs, former Book Ste- Stewart, to Miss Sarahi Jane Morton, 1918, $3Si 1917, $36 i1916 and ward of the Methodist -Book and Pub- hoth of Clarke. . $35 in 1915. By' Provinces, the lishing flouse, according to the will A very happy and interestig vaiue for 1922 is highest in British just filed. event was celebrated at the home~ Columbia, viz $120. In the other AWBrgsKCasosth of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Stewart, provinces the average values of farm sAoleWBeeiiary nd exCuta or, buthen The Flats, Sask., when about eighty lands per acre are repoited as fol- surabnef$4,500and bego uthed- relatives and friends assermbled to îows: Ontario $64; Quebec $58; to threeofg$450dehildien.the offer conglratulations. The roomis Prince Ed-ward Island $45; Nova t he rneicrn lwere prettily decorated with white Scotia $34; New Brunswick and Man- Book debts and promissoîy notesi and gold, while ïnarigoids formed itoba $32; Saskatchewan $28 and Ai- aggregated to $15,929.10; mortgagesi B the table decorations. berta $24. The average values in $5,581.15; bank and other stocke BI; After partaking of a sumptaus 1922 of orchards and fruit lands, in- $15,384.50; securities $43,329.13, NE wedding supper, the 'eompany was cludinig buildings, etc., in the fruit and insurance $4,500. called to order, and Mrs. J. Donald- gý>rowing districts o'f Nova Scotia, son, the eldest daughter who read Ontario anid British Columibia are ain address, and littie Beatrice Don- estiniated as f ollows: Nova Scotia aldson presented her grandparents $9,3 ($117) ; Ontario $127 ($137); with a purse of gold. T'oasts were British Columbia $320 ($300.) drunk to "The King", the bride and groom, and a toast to the guests, by the groom. Another address and presentation wa~s given by Mrs. NEW BOOK 0F RECITATIONS Richard H. Nicholson, from the ____ neighbors and friends. Far to littie teaching of how te Numierous other -presents were re-reienpulcsdoenthscos cevd hwigteetemi hcias weil as how to rend fîeely and ex- > MNr. and Mis. Stewart arebed y pressiveIy. Enquiries are oftea the commu nity. Several pieces of made for "pieces to recite" at enter- gol'd were from nephews, uleces and tan4ns reeigs a oe brohes."The Canadian Tkýeasury Reciter", Mr. and Mrs. Stewart acknowledg- by Anne Elizabeth Wilson (Hodder end the kinworsgof theaess and Stoughtou, 263 Adelaide St., andthegenron gitsfrom their Toronto, 30 cents), is just the book famnily, brothers, and othier relativesfosuhaprse Iti e an and frien'ds. contains materiai not met with i the The rest of the evening was spent old collections. There are read- P = ,c in msîc~sining nd ancing- ings f rom popular miagazines as weli Orono News.l as from standard authors. Poems, ______________comic, sentimiental, serious, from. Mr.OBITUARY -iingfro STheseaN t Edmnd obledck antd there is a special selection fort Mrs.Edmud Cbbleick little reciters which wil be useful Mis. Edmund Cobbledick who for school work. Quality net who passed away on February 17, quantity is the end ainied at, and aged 74 years, was Mary Jane the resuit is a good sound collection Walsh, eldest daughter of the late fîomi which it should be easy to sat- James Walshi and wif e, MvIrgý,ret isf y ail tastes in any cemmuaity. A A Beatty. Shie was born April 16, You sbould have this book. 1848, and lived to y7oung womanhoodrpl on the 4th con., Clarke, near Clarke Church. Vlco 1 She was married March 23, 1871, ei1t x to Mr. Edmund Cobbledick, and re- m-oved to his home, lot 20, th Con., sareas of feangu Clarke, where they îemaine'd on the £ L Mara o e farim until 14 years ugo, when they f ný-ss Cobbiedick had the happiness, vouch- aatdt safed te a f ew, of celebrating their Qitd o golden ýweddling two years ago. 1 Deceased was of a most cbeerful; genial, unselfish 'disposition, and be- ioved of ail. She wvas a iifelong Methodist, *alghad, membersbip i Clarke Cburch, Kirby and Orono. Shie was active in al +hat pertained 13A N I to ber church, W. M. S., and Ladies' Parha i Vse of Riant o)j Baihsust Company Aid, and was memiber of the Wom-Lmse en's Institute. She was taken ill February 7th., and in spite of al fe that miedcial skill and loving care $ 32.50 on $500 could do, she departed at sunrise on the l7th. Her Master oalled ani $ 65-0O0 on $1,000 she ob~ey ed. This is the first break lu the family circle of parents and IF you nave $500 or $1.000 or three children. more te, invest and wish-ta Funeral service was conducted on place it securely and v et enjoy Monday, Fehîuary 19, by ber pastor, a substantial rate of interest, Rey. Alex. K. Edmison, assisted by you an &,d better than pur- R, ey. J. W. Rue, and ber remumns clisse the 6-% First Mottgage weîe laid to rest lu Orono's beauti- Çonvrtibl2e Sinking' Fund fui cemeteiy. Bod of The Bathurst Coin. _____________pany, Limited. EAST WHITBY FARMER DIES T ~securit-y behind these ______ BOnds li the ratio of Former Resident of s Cartwright 3 te 1, or $3.000 f'or every Township. $1,000 Bond outstaniding. A promninent Eust Whitby farmer record of the Companiy dief on Februury 2lst lu the person T'~nE 10 hw m~ e of Mýi. George Hayes who ufter a earnings te cover Bond interest lifetime of strenueus woîk on the requirements. farm, mioved te Columbus village about six years ugo. Wrile nowefor afudly H-e s bora in 1845, son of Mr. descrîpline circular. 0k und Mis. Wmn. Hayes who resided on First Concession of Beach. Livin his boyhood days lu thut neighbor- Royal Securities hood, he moved witb bis parents te Purpie Hillinl Cartwright. Luter Corporation, Limited the fumily mnoved again back te 244 Ba Street ReuclI uear Myrtie. Here hie belped cleair the lund and lived on tbe faim TORONTO for over f oîty years. About twelvei yeurs ugo ble moved ug'ain te the 2001 acre f armn, just niorth of Columbus, Î_________________ where afteî speuding a numnber ofi years, lie left the faim in the carel k of bis two sons and moved te Colum- bus village. AtrEeyMa He was married lu 1880 te Miss ft EeyMa Susun Adams, daughiter of Mr. and Mis. John Adams, of Columibus. His 7f widow survives hlm; -aise two sens, Clarence an'd Hurold who reside ou tbe old bomesteud. Deceased was a prominent member =1 of the Columbus Methodist Church, portr,,CrArFtl, nt.n . u nàin r dCt iflt. CH Il ou'ii5¶ke tr T c r le t~im~~ h5se d yv,ýi rsycitiz WcLune t5 o teic yu hrb .d u mn~~O54tetg ERMICLOusrNsimle Me5th. rand a M N OIS wy 7week no materwh"e>_olive. STOP ýt.p2 n piwtol DETROIT SHOW <CjRgj>SCHOOL- oi.i 2SU4 LrdS2 d;i k. BM . T ýe.À On,- iw anxd Then 1pi. T HERE will ie an added zest to your enjoyment te-day if at the sanie tinie you are esta i ig ,financial backing for to-morrow by gradually ac- cumulating savings. Youth can sparp what old mgo will need. Open a savings account with this Bank now. TTII STDARDg BANK< TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY.tHRE-E MILLIONS owinvilIe Branich, H. W. Lapp, Manager ;lacstok Brnch E. A. Presto%, Mmiager iwcastle and Newtonville Brnce J. Scott Montgomnery, Manager This sensational Fox Trot is positively the dance "bit" cf the season. Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Shean Fox Trot is the accompasuying selection and both are played by Paul Whîteman and His Orchestra on Hia Master's Volce-Victor Record No. 19007 You should also hear- fCarolina in the Mornlng - - Fox Trot f8923 plyed b>' Paul Whlteinan and Bis Orchestra Cow Belia-ls Fox Trot played by Zez Cenfre>' and His Orchestra (Tbree O'Clock in the Mornlng - -Wlt 18940 Oriental - - - - - Fox Trot tplayed by Paul Whlteaian and His Orchestra fflS MASTER'S VOICE. LJMITED aster' Voice k N t 9;ý 7-7- iý