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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1923, p. 2

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i ,LE FARMNo. 131 200 Acres, Price $850 With house, barn, stable and Poultry Pen. 2000 Cords Beach and Maple 60 Acres in Machine-Worked Fields. Water for House and Barns. Close ta village, one mnile to school, convenient ta town and railway station, good neighborhoodl, roomed house, barn 30 by 50 feet, ties for 15 head, poultry pen. Owner's posiioin in Oshawa kes ail his time now, and being unable to attend ta farm, naines low price of $850 to cash buyer, r$900 on easy terras. Immediate possession. Just think of what we are offering you hier, the land and buildings for nothing, the best of liard- ood at 45 cents a cord in the tree, and an apport unity ta becomie well off in the mnaple sug-ar and Trup industry. Look at the house and surroundings above, and then lookç me up if yau want this. Over 100 Farmn Bargains Within 20 Miles of Oshawa We Sel1 the Earth and Insure Its Contents. J. C. MONTGOMERY BROKER' 10'/2 Church St., Oshawa, Ont. BOW-MAN\ILLE, MARCH 15, 1923 Farmer's Partner A Bank, likce an individual, is known by the cornpanY il keeps -in other words, every bani t)bas a distinct character. This Bank has been so closely associated with rural develop- ment in the past hall century that it i2 now characterized as the Farmer's Partner If you are lookiag for practical banking co-operation, let 0w local Manager demonstrate "Standard" service. THE STAND"Ià.w I3 ANK TOTÂAL ASSETS OVER EIGýHTYTHREE MILLIONS le Branch, - . . H. W.L Lapp, Manager Branch, . . . E. A. Preston, Manage-r nid Newtonville Branche.5 J. Scott MNontgomery, Magdger Priées Exploded Oppor.tuiity Sale ing our Opportunity Furniture Sale is your nity to refurnishi your hore-every roorn riew and mod~ern furniture at prices ian you've seen in. many a day. need to go into details here. Visit our iy day this rnth and ,see the attractive e and values being offered. ILLIAMS & CANN Embahrmer WHITBY PRESBYTERY FOR UNION Rev. D. W. Best of St. Paul's Madle Strong and Teling Address. A resalution f avoring church union and urging the General Assenibly, ta proceed with convenient speed tal brin- about1 the rnergin-g of ail de- nominations, was passed by the Whitby Presbytery iiii session in. theý Oshawa Presbyterian Chruch, Tues- day afternoon. It was not witboutý considerable oiposition from two orl three of the clergymen present that the resolution was put to a vote. It was moved by Rev. D. W. Best, B. A.. of St. Paul's, Bowmnanville, andi seconded by _Mr, J. C. Young,ý, Osh. alWa. In moving the resoliition Rev. Mr. Best stated that somie churches hadý ailreadly came ta a decisioni on ehurchi union, and they were waitinig for the others ta miake up their minds. "Weý have spent long enough time between two opinions", hie said, "and it should be settled now. There bas always been the hope t.hat if it were given time many might see that they had made a mistake and support the prin- ciples af union Now it is quite evi- dent -we are only wasting timie, andi only demanstratilig that we cannot make up aur mis. 1 tbink we have got ta the point -\ben delay means the killing of church union. We are now too close together ta draw, back. Other churches are shaping their policies accordingiy, and committees have been appointed, not for general discussion, but ta ne- gotiate for church union. If the movement was ta be killed, it should have been done years ago. The As-, semibly will be face ta face with a great responsibility. They will have ta make a dlecisian and therefore know the opinions of the Presbyter- les throughout the Dominian". Mr. Best then moved the foregoing re- solution. M r. J. G. Waddeli, Port Perry, was strictly in accord with the resolu- tion. If church work could be con- tinued successfu1ly aklng separate lines as it was in the past, union would not be necessary, but it was quite apparent thiat better resuits would be abtained by combining farces. The chief obstacle in the HOW NOT TO CATCH COLD p-ast w'.as i Intknow eý To that end, observe the followingl Union might Donts" issued by Dr. Charles J.I but the risii lastings, medical officer of health of dr'awn closei loronto,. These raies, we are as- Rev. J. T. ired, will aid materiaily in -ward- of church u .g off colds as weli as other cam- standpoint. iunicable diseases: said, there "Don't sit or work in an aver- Methodist,2 ated roam-65 ta 68 degrees is1 ian, and the ýarm enoulgh; 60 ta 65 degrees i hre are al ou are en-aged in any active wok. mrnîers. 1sist on thýere being a slight currentj waste of m( ithe air of the roomi you occupy coiuld afflici id also a proper degree of humiîdity.1 maney speni ffilculties naw, ion wouid be ,poke in favor an ecanomîc Perry, he ,ee charches, nd Presbyter- i only 1,100.1 rfour retired it it was a one ministerI of three. If. 'instu good wdC ?a .ïierelv keep weiillJeyc ane Who is couý w any membe: bas an acute act with otherr int to lie sai do so, saine as you would if tli ,et fever or diphtheria. go ta any public meetir ve a cold. You had beti ome until it is better. Y timne in doing sa, and pr( others fram- contracti stand close ta anya m you are conversing- reckless enough ta en you have a cold, and r anv <ircisariceýs shýi Furniture Dealers Ontarîo T. Hall were appointed delegates to the Assembly which meets in Part!, Arthur in June. Rev. E. Turking-, ton was appainte'd Chairinan of Home Missions, Rev. J. T. Hall, chairman of Foreign, Missions; Rev. P. Gar-1 diner, chaýirman of Sunday Schools and Young People; Rev. J. W. Rae,l head of the Gene-ral Interees G.. initte and Mr. J. C. Yoiïng, cbairtnan of Finance. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or Horse Equipment Ail cafls pramnptly attended to. Private Ambulance. Bowmanville phones 10 and 34 Branch Stores-Orono & Newcastle. WILLIAMS & CANN Embalmers and Funerai Directors. Cails given prompt and personal a- tentioni. No extra charg-e for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bow- manville, Ont. 3-t LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LLý D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR., NOTARY money ta Joan an Farm and Town Property Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money ta boan. Bonds for sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102, Hause 279J. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years attending Phy- s;ician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. Phane 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D.,' C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith'a, former residence on Church-st., Bow- inanville. Phone 259. 44-t DR. S M. JONES Osteopath and Chiropractor 86 Simcoe St. N.. Oshawa, over 141 years' successfui practice. Examina-'g tion Free at office. Phone 224. 2-tf DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNY inor graduate in Dent iiversity. Graduate Ilege of Dental Suri Lce phone 40. DR. J. Assistant-D -aduate of Roý )rnta. Office, lville. Office m. daiiy exce a. House pii< DR. R. E. nar GraduatE AUCI THEO h Farm and Hause Sales a Spec Terms moderate. Enniskiilen uPhane 197-r3. tJAMES BENNETT t Auctioneer 10 years' experience lu farm,1 Sture and flouse auction sales. dress Jas. Bennett, Hardware 0 chant, King-st., Bowmanville, s 131. box 33. e JAS. BISHOP h ~Auctioneer .1Ail kinds of, sales attended n ave îoa. .nd amnsi sco" WE TAKE ORDERS CAREFULLY Our coniplete assortinent of meats enables you to buy here just whlatever your taste fancies. If its fresh meat we have it young, tender .any ci cie of fa( E TROUBLE, in coming thien you've rBargains In Hardware PRE-STOCK TAKING SALE In order to reduce our stock before taking our annual inventory we are off ering goods at except- ional reductions. Corne in and get. your require- ments now and save money. BARGAINS ALL OVER THE STORE Mason &D aIe's Hardware Phione 145 ., Bowinanville We're as Near as Your Phone, You can rel.y on our service to be faultless whether your order is phoned or you corne here to choose for yourself. We consider phone orders for meats, etc., a matter of trust and acknowledge it by filling the order in a manner most satisfactory to you. If it is not convenient to corne, phone your next meat order. PHONE 225. Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanville So They Mvay Live Happily Man, truly, is selfish, if he fails to proide for the future happiness of his loved ones in the eveint death overtakes him. The devoted, indulgent father and husband takes, pride in seeing his f arily contented during his lifetime-and makes provision f or their fut.. ure shôuld death intervene. Just a srnall allotrnent of -one' s regular incorne will make things saf e and secure for those whom he leaves. Don't neglect it-don't put Jit off until to-morrow-for to-morrow may be too late. We believe you will 1be interested in our plan. J. J. MASON& SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phone 50Bomnlj I j Now thpt the snow is heavy and roads almost *Ijimpassable for, cars, why not have us put your car 7orto. in shape- ready for the good roads again? We are ock, giving special prices on work just niow and guar- -- Ili antee a first-class job. thai men the GENERAL CONTRACTOR & ENGINEER Specialist in reinforced concrete Estimates farnished. George\ Chenery ing-st. Bowmanvill Don't takýe chiances on spoili by keeping it dowý,n cellar. We for youL for the winter for $3.00 sure it is aliright ini the Spring. lingr your battery will look after it and you will be s cooked meat, we have the Iargest >wn from mwhich to choose. YOU'LL LIKE QÛR SERVICE îted, straight it wax. rs tili there's notii a difficulty 1, er you are facing iing back upon it, Pho-ne 188 BoysLimited Bowrnanville le 1-- 1 1 C£.r

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