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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1923, p. 5

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OBITUARY HAY 0 N The funeral of the lat, rStanleyl Miss Meta. Ashton, Bfowmanville, j 0. Naylor, son of Mr. and lMrs. John' was at home over the. week-end... Naylor, Solina, forxnerly of East Mvr. and Mrs. Silasr Wrewin visited Qps, took place at his homoe "Middle- relatives at Bethesd .... Mr. and green" faim, on Friday morning at IMis, Leslie Graham, Miss M. Coultis, eilht o'clock. The services were j MiFs V. and Mr. Cecil Siemon visited con'ducted by Rev. W. W. Jones. The friends at "Linwood" recently. remeains were taken to Buîkuwon Sta- Mr. Eugene Beecb, a promising tion for interment at Riverq1d'e Cene- young minister, occupied the pulpit tery, Lindsay. Service was con- at Scugog on Sunçday. ..- . GlacJ to see ducted eXt te ceinetery by Rev. Can- somne cf our S. S. and E. L. Officers non Marsh and 'Rv G. R. Macon- back in their usual places on Sun- achie. day,. .. Mrs. tGeo. Cowling is quite The palbearers were Messis. iii at the present time .... Epworth ClUfford Naylor,, Charlie Naylor, League meeting on Sundey evening James Naylor, Howard Windrein, was again splendidly atteded. Pro- Roy Windrenî and Einery Lee. gram was in charge of Missionary The floral tributes were a pillow Vice President, Mr. C. Garard. Bible £rom the Family; cross, Mr. and LeIsson was read responsively by the Mrs. Robert Hutchison; cresenft, Mr. JLeaguzérs. Topic was given in two and-Mis. Harold Dick and Mr. and parts by Mrs. W. Thompson on Mrs. L. Windrem; spray, You*ng "Stewardship" and "Building the Men's Bible lass, Mr. and Mis. Johni Nation", by Miss Vera Sienion. A Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nâyloî, solo was sweetly rendered by Miss Mr. and Mrs. James Brady, Mr. Cecil Ma-,y Coultis. A reading mýas also Pascoe, Mi. Robbins an.d fainily, Mi., nicely given by Miss Mabel Beech. and Mis. Thompson and family, Mr.! Forward Movement subscription was and Mrs. Black, Mi. and Mrs. Will: aIse taken. Meeting closed with Pascoe. League Benediction. Those attending from a distance Tyrone young people will present weîe-Mr. and Mis. William Braidy. hir play "Lighthouse Nan" heie on arnd daugliter Jean of Sarnia, Mr. Tuesday, Mardi 20, et 8 p. in. Ad- and Mis. John Smith, Mr. Percy mission 25e and 15c. Rowan and daughter Doîothy of Toi- You are invite~d te oui Biithday onto, Mis. L. Windîem and son Roy Party-40th Business Annivesary- of Omemee, Ai. James Brady, Mis. March 24th. <ouch, Johnston & Robeit Hutchison, Mis. James Lee Crydeiman. and son Emiery, Mi. Howard Wind- rem, James Naylor -and Charlie Nay-. Attend the Spring Millineiy Open- loi ef .idsay. îns at Dingman & Edmondstone's How wee toslee whre il~on Fri'day and Saturday, Mrci 16 Where sorrow cannot reach thead1. breast, Where ýail life's idie throbbings cease PIANO TUNINC And pain is luled to îest._____ CARD 0F THANKS Having had 17 yeeîs practicalex perience as fine tuner with the Do- Mi. and Mis. John Naylor and minion Organ & Piano Co.', 1 am family, Solina, wish to thenk their prepared to do fiîst-cless tuning and lnany friends anrd neilibors foi the action îepaiîing on ail makes cf syinpathy and kindness siown them pianos. Ail work guaranteed. during their recent bereevemient, al- Prices reasonable. Phone 31~4, so foi the floral tributes sent, box 384, flowmanville, L. B. Tapson. r La stwe e k s Ad Vt.a Brojught Manyýq Buyers" - -ARCHIE TAIT So many people told us they were just looking for such a chance to replenish their cuphoards and china cabinets as we offered last week. The same bargains prevail again this week al- rthough stocks are somewhat reduced. There is stili 2 Wedgewood Dinner Sets left, 97 pieces, City plice $50; ............My Price $28.00 You will also find our prices are Nippon China and French Limoges. till you have visitefl our China Dept. lowest for Don't buy CROCKERY-rCHINA-GLASSWARE ALI REDUCED 20% DURING SALE i Use the phone, No. 65, when ordering groceries. Goods promptly delivered. THE OLD RELIABLE GROCER, ARCHIE TAIT :Bowmanville, Mareh 14, 1923. The Shop T'hat Leas In Making a Selection Of Shirts and Neckwea,,r it will pay you to visit our store,beas here 'you will find the greatest assortments of thie best qualities, and wiill always be sure of getting THE LATEST CREATIONS In- every line of goods. Our present offerings in- clude the finest of Shirts in the newest designs, and real Neckwear NoVelties. SHIRTS PRICED $1-75 to $5.00 NECKWEAR PRICED $1.00 tp $2.00 GfW N.aTHURSÏQN maniitlville's Up-to-date Hiaberdashery and Fur -Shop. BOlWMANVILLE, MARCH 15, 19231 BIRT _____________________ IWRAV-In Hamptoi Mr. and, 1Vrs. Thos. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE (Nora Eileen.) LUKE-In Bo-WIaan' Hospital Benefit, April 5 and 6. lZth, ta Mi. and daughter, (Helen Mai Mis. A. G. Willoughby, Coîborne, VALENTINE-At visited frienýds here. Iraspitl, Rusholme Mr. Gordon Morris, Toronto, spent sunday, Marchi11, 191 the week-end at home. a daughter. Mr'. and Mrs. Wnk McReynolds________ spent the week-end in Toronto. Miss Maîgaiet Crossey is enjoying DEA holidays in Les Angeles, California. HlAWK EV-I Cia Mis. C. N. Ruse is visiting lier MVarch 14, 1923, Be daughter, Mis. J. K. Stoutt, Toronto. widoWý of th1e late Jo rane, aged 68 years. Mis. Geo. Proctor is visiting Mis. Funeral l'rom the re (Rev.) D. W. Best et St. Paul's Mr. Rz. Davey, lot 88, Friday, ac 16, at Manse.cemetery. Mr. J. B. Tinning, Travelling Pas- VIRTuJE--At Margc senger Agent, C. P. R., wvas in tomn Robert Virtue, in bIs Tbtiisday.]y of ]3awmanville. HIOOEV-At 9U i1 Mr. Arthur Tîebilcock, Toronto, Mrh18, Williamni1 spent Sunday et his fatheî's, Mr. P. Year, native of Cartw C. Tîebilcock. PI R!E-ln BerIçiele' Mr. J. W. Wilkinson, Victoria Col- March 1, 1923, (,eor, yerformerly of Bc lege, Toronto, spent Sun'day et Mi. McCUTHEON-At Wesley Couch's. Alexa«,nder MclCuitcheo Mrs. E. Weetheiilt of "Erpingieihubn o gnsR Faim", has been visiting lier sistei, BRIMACOMBE-At piaMarch ll, Jat Mis. Matchatt, Caven. in, bis 49th year. intE Mrs. W. B. McMuitry is visiting cemietery. lier mother, Mis. W. P. Pîower, and WAR- HIampt other relatives et Brantoîd. an t1riday, MVarh, J Mis. Alex. Rutherford, Dundonald, 87'h year. bas returned home after a pleasant OU N N TT-A,'t Du holicay spnt a Bownanvile. borne1, -March 12, John holiay pen at ommnvile. loved husbjand of Lau Mr. C. N. Ruse is îepresenting the 77!h Year. Brýother o Homne Circle et the Grand Lodge Airs. Gýeo. tDlckýinson, meeting in Toranto this week. Spîing Millinery Openiings on Fi- day and Saturday, Mardi 16 and 17 IN MEMO et Diiagmian & Edmondstone's. SEYMOUR-ln lavi Mr. John A. Bowman, Coldspriîngs,1da son, WlimAI Reeve of Hamtilton township, recent- dedMarch ï:,,~20 ly visited bis sister, Mis. G. A. Gîl- Tim,,h5a heal the lispie. Time manuy malte fi M~~iss Eva Hellyer visitaed lier sis- ButitL cannat stap t ter, Mis. (Rev.) S. T. Bartlett, Toi- For aur loved aone ente, xvho continues in veiy poor Darrta mamory t health. -Are ,thought5 of hi' God took hlm borne Nippon China, French Limoges, Foirgeýt ihlm. no, 1 Wedgewood, greatly jeduced in price. nere by Mothier, Buy now, and you save mnoney. See Bro ais. Archie Tait's edît. SPENCER-In lavir Mi. and Mrs. Ernest R. Freeman,1 penc, wopse Whitby, visited bis mother, Mis. H., Th1ree years h1ave goi S. Freeman who lias been ill, and lher other relatives hie on Sunday. Neyer shall her ni Lovýing 1hearte wlla] Miss Davidson, îepîesenting the Round the gravew Sailors Missions along the great T ol a h lakes, bas been in toma for a efav year, days in the interest cf the wark. And friands from- Gaudi, Jobnston & Crydermaan will Front ery h celebiate. their 4Oth Business Annii- mmeoyfd versaîy by holding a Birithdcay vPaîty, ________ Satturdeay, Mardi 24th. See advt, Liglit Musical Opera, April 5 and 6 ANNUÂL, HOSPIl1 Newý goods, new designs, new bats for 5prjng, xeady foi inspection on The mienibers af Fîiday and Saturday, Maîchi 16 and pital Auxiliary mi] 17.- D;inglmani and Edmiondstone's. Envelopes for the Mi. and Mis. W. H-. Jackson, wýho foi the Hospital i have bc-en spending the minter *ith trust all oui citizei lier sister, Mis. James Courtice, bave liberally as posishie returned te their homne in 4emcawe.stle. goo'd -moîk. l Mr. and Mis. John Yelomlees are spending a weak with friands in ALAN CAMPBEUI Bommaniville and Lucknow bef oie !PRESIE leaving for their homie ini Vancouver, B. C. l Athietie activitie iMr. Andrew Welch bas returned- have been coniduc to bis home in Bioadview, Sask., af- yeaî undar the dirE 1ter spen-ding twvo months miti 4ela- maniville- Amateur tives and friends in Bommanyille and tien andi the resuit vicinity. satisf actary. Jai Mis. J. F. Clug-ston andi daughiter large attendence Doiothy, Dunbartan, and Prof. P. sb oma at the annu Gillespie, Toronto, mere guasts cf Tomn Hall, Tuesti -Mr. and Mirs. Geo. A. Gillespie over suiccessful yaar liai the week-end. Officere alecteti Miss Helen Bray and Mi. Chas. dent-Dr. J. C. D Smythe, B. A., Tarante, maiee guests Alan Campbell; V of bier uncle an'd aunt, Mr. and Mis. G. C. Bonnycastle; F. A. Foster, "Norwvood Place" on Ai tchison; 'Ass,,ister Sundey. Mýasea; Secreteiy- The flue brigade were called out visaîy Board-C. Satuîday afternoon causeti by a Paterson, G. N. T cbimney being on fire et Mi. A. Bea- The splendid rer ýock's Liberty Street North. No ser- Piesident Devitt a ious damnage mas dona. qhiîgoni tog-ether mi Goyeei Athietie Aýsociation will pornfte meetiue hold an Old Timne Dance, Friday nx eksise .eveaing,, Mardi 23. in Wîngfloot Hall. Admission 35c each includîng tex. Keep Apr. 5 & 6 Everybody corne. Good musi c "Erin Go Breg] Mr. Arthur Bligit, Miss 1lîaCocrFîdy1 and Miss DeFoe, mbo gave the Re- P.aul's Lecture Rooi cital la the Methodist Churci last j mission 25c. week, maiee guests of Mi. anti Mis.1 Durham Boys' C T. W. Cemker, "Noimey Cottlage." ' brates its 2,5à Mis. S. H. Scîipture, Toronto, lias Thurstiey evaning heen spanding ae meek with lier 515'JColg-t SeI ter, Mis. Chas. Manning, celled haee page. bv the daath of their brother, _Mi. fAyOtoF Geo. Pîrie, îefeîence te mhom meiy coy ndut aopF: be found in anothei columa. 192o suctad -papp Great Musical treat on April 5 4~ 6 Agricultural Colle- Mr. Alex. Bagneil had the fiist ie, for a circuler' tbree fingers of hus rigit hanrd ampu- tuîre of the wvork, tatad ine machine et the R,)ss Cen paumaiints, and fui Company on Monday, It mas a mrost foîm on wbhich to~ ITios. Tod on Montday ~evening. The owxdai, l, n [meeting mas meIl attentied and the: addîress mes vary mucli enjoyeti. Re- fîashmanits waîe seîved et the close TOWNN TRI and a social time pl;easantly spant. Applications mii bE Spring Milliaery Opanings et deîsignad for the pc Dingmnan & Edmondstone's on Frlday for the Town cf Bawv and Saturday, March 16 and 17. urday, March 17, 19 Coma andi see the nem ha&s. . 10-2w. (ind than words Cani tePi m 0lved sowai it weýS IMîs l neyver wilI. Father, Sisters andj iig menlory of AMebal 1away March lt. ,e and stiýl we miss amaiy fade; iways linger, hlie -Mahels hs aid. ingeý freim year ta day 'o Cday, na weï htivad laway. Relaýtions. TAL, OFFERING t'ha Womaen's Hos- M1 distrihute their Annual Offeriag îext week. We is will responti as la inelping on this' L ELECTED >E NT B. A. A. A. s-rin. Pcwmanville' ýtedI for the pest ection cf the Bo-, Athlatie Ass-ocia- ts bave been veryl lging fîom the anti enthusiasm al ineeting in tlie ay igi-t an'other ts been launcheti. axer: ien. Presi- )evitt; Presitint- ;Traasuier-R. F. nt Traasuîe-L. -M. A. Neill, Ad- S. H-ailmian, £G. O. hbuzston. ports prasenteti byf ndl TIreesuîrrAit- ith a completa re- ring, mill appeer lan 3foi the Blue Bird., n", St. arcs Maeîch 16, ini St.1 )Mat 8P. M. Aid- ,ub, Toirente, cale-I ainivaisary this in Y. M. C. A. etter on an inner arnmer mishing te bive expariment in Ste C. A. Zavitz, e, Guelph, Ontar- explaining ther ne- giving a list of ex- irishing a blank apply for the mae- tioulai experimenit n Statesman )a year worth it ýe To-day :EEPER in as Jiook-kepr. Pl1ace, Bowmeanvilla. )R HIRE I- arnipepra ot ing. Apply P. Martin, ianvihia, phon 29q4wv. FOR SALE now for your !liecu-~ ge pan of spiendid. t, Wyandcottes, bieti is in Aeia Ceýn MY -withfra lsh eggs ruca in hetch- $15 fr 20o $2 par eggs later et semae rruthers, phono. lSr2, 11.-tf EASURER ,e reclved hi th*ý un- ,sition as Treasurer 'meinville, up ta Set- 23. JOHN LXLE, ARTICLES FOR SALE -- HAY FOR SALE-QUANTITY of Tini- othy Hely. Apply ta W. L. Barton, Bow- meonville. 6-tf FOR SALE-S lb. peu Amiber i- oaey 45c. G. A. Gillisie, Liberty St., Bow- mianville, phione 304J. 10-tf ORGAN FOR SALE-In goad repair. \Vil] ha sold echeap. Apply 'ta MNiýs. J. T. Hlooper, 6 Liberty Place, Bawman- ville. 6-tf FOR SALE-Youing YVorkýshire pigs, tive weekcs 01(l. best bacon type,. Gr TalcQtt at Jas. Staley faii. Phone' 124r11, Bwmnvil.11 -,1wý* FOR SALE-Paweî Makers-just thie thiag for farmners wlo lhave ar-wh saw Wood, grind fed, etc. Olily 4 leýft, reguler price $337,50, learing e t$20 paIsh. A. W. Pickard, Phione 1.85, w mnanville. 6- FOR SALE--Foidson Tracter, Double PIpw vand Cultivator, autt coiiflete-, aIl in good ruaning order. 1u),b sold at once, for cajsh or, reaisonala. termis. Ap- ply Rtoy Truil, Bowmanilville R".PR. 2. Phone 176-13, 11-2w PROPERTY FOR SALE FARM TO RENT-100 acre faim,. north hiaif lot ", Con,.58, parlingtoni, pply on the premiises. il-tf FOR SALE-Nv 7-rooraed brick heQgse an Libert~y Str'eet, wlth aIl mad- ern canvaniences, 2 acres of land, gar- age. For ternis apply box 468, Bow- manille. Ih-tf 1* FOR SALE--tramtne bous, 'snillbarn, 1 acre of land, soie fruit, near Meple Grove, close ta huls inie, $1.200; 7-romed franie biouse, town water. tollet, very cenitral, $1000 cash, balance 6%, why pay renit? Faimls froin 50 aceres up;: gardap, properties from 83 acres up; dsiae tOwn 'lots. 1 saîllan-1 lw commission. Get my prrce hafore bulying. J1. L, Miteaif, 2-6 \Wallingzton St., Bowimnville. Phione 363J, i1-t FOR SALE-The praperty formierly awned by John J., utonom by (the undersigned, contialing ahout five acres, situlata on aithar sida- of llighiStiaet la Bowînanville, being lots 8, 4 and1( 5 in, blackt "B", and e portion heving a front- egag cf about 8.62 chains on east sida of Hlighi Street. The bouise is a brick hlý4, storey 19 x 27, with a fratie kitchaýn and woodlshadý about 14 x 18. The outbihdl- ings about 20 x 24 with cahier, and also a fraile 18 x 26 with stahhling iund(er. Ap- ply ta Mrs. C. Dyeî, box 8,Mdc n elleralin ra c REAL ESTATE CON VEYANCING Representing Willoughby Faim Agency Mrs Edith Y. Scoâbel William T. Symons Phone 189 Bowrnanville Spring Wall Papiers We have received and are showing new Spring Wallpapers. They are very pretty and more reasonable in price than last year Cali and see them.r IW. T. Allen 1Big 20 Bookstore1 Bowmanville wiIl be delighted with the b'eauty of our styles- and the very moderate prices we are asking this season. SJ.W. Mason &Son Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear P hone 106 Bowmanville Z- k- Easter Footwear Oùk stock is now complete with the newest of fashioniable and staple footwear. The styles of our shoes are the Iatest, The quality is of the best. There is a fit for every foot. A price for every purse. The cuts of shoes shown, in this ad are ani example of the distinctive style of our new shoes. In a spae ike this it is impossible to portray al our uînes, 50 we invite you to inspeet our stock be- fore buying youl< Easter Footwear. Ladies' Oxfords or Strap Slippers $4.50 to $11.00 Misses' Oxfords or Strap Slippers $2.50 to $4.50 Children's Oxf ords or Strap Slippers $1,75 to $3-50 Men's Black or Brown Oxfords .... $7.75'and $8.00 w/0C LAUDE WES Cash Shoe Store Bowmanville

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