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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1923, p. 10

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A SM1A LL outlay oni Seamani-Kent Floor Img, nnid a littie of yourli tlîne lai laying it will subl- stanitlliy inceasa ieý valuie of yourhoe.A the sainie tue enih add tremeadousiy Vo your, personai cemfort, lessenl houIsehioid drundgery ald actually save monay ila thei end. GeV an aCst4imta foi. ffaman - Keant FiOooiing, based upon tie. size of your rooims. Wa wfll supply full infor- ination for iayiag tie floor. McCLELLA? Phana 15 Bo ,N & CO. owanille M. A. JAMES Steamship Tickets To Europe-Canadian Pacifie, White Star Dominion, Cunard, American. Asic for information. Phone 53, Bowinanville. 1THE ' the stylp are uuaIly Lt you wear out firt s said that we can eond nor good-naur- that hurt. 0OE REPAIRING Le com~fort, r-esterez Id good looks and e ife of your shoci. 6.W. ilumpage The Repair Mani King-st. E. Éowmanville Ho0W Flower and Seed Sales are increased by Lng istance Sem qula tensfromn recent reportsa: "1I9 cails Coslng $'18 SOld 15,000blooma. Nearly all eýu, saes are miade by Long istanice." AqQ of, our orders £romi ~rs are byLong- Pis- 'Wa-e alldenier2s once a week durlng h usy sen- "Do ail our buying by logDistaince ila the eve~ alsages Y011,g i4ac l ssn BLTELEPHIONE CO. 0F CANADA. date for the langue as Satugday, IMtay urg will liikely play 'iti Lin'dsay Vo open i era on May 24ti. was nmad cias the muaI meeting for The Canadian Statesniann is $2.00 a year -an~d worth it Subscribe To-day lot of it is squan&ered~~ Internnlly and Externally iV is Good.-Tha crowrdng property of Dr. Timas' Eclectrie 011 is tînt iV ana ha usad iaternally for many cern-'A] plaints as wa'll ns externally. For M. soeatirent, croup, whoopîng cougli pains ia Vhe chest, eoE1c an.d iany, au kindred ailments iV lias qualities that are unsurpaued. A bottle 'If it costs little and there is ne loss jni always having iV at hand. R. BOWMANVILLE, MARCH 22, 1923 BOWLING AL4.EY WINNERS I Thom'son Knitters Defeat Dr. Bon- ISTILL PLAYING HOCKEY nycastle's oeus I 8be VV Bowinanville Intermediates Lose Alter one of the most successful anrd enthiusiastic seasons of bowling I ____________________________________________Match at Lindsa3r.i Thomson Knittiiig Co. team was de-. Locl aseal payes pper & e Five Pin Bowling League at the CENTRAL ONTARIO 3ASEBALL RANDOM NOTES ON BASEBALL geting in shape for the coming sum-i Goodyear Club Alleys, Tuesday even- LEAGUE ANNUAL MEETING mier season by continuing to play ing" March 13th. The first series of Il - ~~~~~~~~Bowmianville' will open their secl-h0e ok eyV. Wednesdlay night an inter- the'fnl eepie ekpe Bowmanville Selected as Place of dlule at home on May 24th. miediate 'team -ifrom itBowmanville ,o s \w-ier epiye were Dr- jouvîous whichindeaycooesawere iiDr. Meeting For 1924 The season will open earlier this joree oLnsyfra xii Onnycastle 2807, Kaitters 2594, i ea pobbl o te 6t o My.tion -amle. In repoiting this game- the LindsayoDaihe Post oayMaye thus giving former team a Iead of Tefourthi annual etq of the Lloyd Chambers informs us there 213 pins to start the final battie. hea Otri a el ein ws sasoueynotu ntrerpr In. a tilt betweenr the Lindisay In- Excitement 'was at lever heat erl ntaborl Baeailteague a heabsoiutely no truthi terpottermediates and thre iownianville when the gaie started Tuesdýay ng1 held ing Coboffgicarc f he lt. ha h u ig oienidIntermediates and the locais -won by a teDotb ndhi re hlt Amngth ofiias f helegu lI Leaside will have the services of aaoeos Teviiosprsn- the hdoetanfficien> etoute attndncewee: as Prsient S "Mck" Mrrybutoteis is ex- ed a stiff opposition, but it only ser- siverwjare on li mlan telpiece'fore Lockington, Port Hope, A. C. K-*im- pected to have imany new faces on idt gveth lcae omthngto12m on Liswil atlpt. Gibbs ad mel Cboug;Prphkt E Prscsthe lune-up. che-w on, and they played perhaps IL)is nediepuhers rolîediupsthei sha;TtVe-rsenM, It's a cin'ch there ia going to be the best hockey that they have shown i -TteS îad -ntont w Dedlia n, Lindsay; 2ncd Vice-Presi- some pretty fast bail in the Central thiýs year. in contrast to somie of sleeveswitha eerinlaont wp dlent M.ý P. Duf, Belleville; 'rd Vice- League this comning season. "Faster teir'formier efforts, they worked lto- otamr btceo 1 is President J. J. Solomon', Peterboro; than ever"', say the boys. gteadsvrlo hi ol ihu on nodtisuuc Seretary-Treasurer J. G. Nott, Oshi- ehran eeaoftergas viougogin dÉl n-.e- awa; Executive miembers, C. M. Anr- Dick Turpin of Cobourg, hadl a were the resuit of team i.play and essýar iy we migt tte tînt the, dlerson, Oshaw»a, Ford W. Moynes veýry goo~d ideca, tînt of a single schle- ýom-bination. 1Kaîtters literaly bowled their heads ,Lindeasy, R. E. Barries, Cobourg, R.1 dule and the leading teams PIaY a Bowmanv4lle put uip a fine exhibi- o 'qeff ndsw -amead tloeir Qpoentsn in ID. Ad1,ams, Belleville, Geo. Peacock, series of g amres for'the champion- tion of hockey wheni they lost to the js al ehv Leasidle, G. 0. Patterson, Bowm-ani ship. locals by 5 to 3, and the locaîs play-ws utabaelwy.Whv vill. ~iieill isassued f te sr- d on offlu bet gmes f te sas eenunable to locate the officiai vile. ellvile i assurd o se- d oe o 'te bst ame ofthese score 'ofthe losers, and maybe it is The cdelegateswhrestedar- vices of the dusky Williams on the On. They displayed more plepo presntatves f te difetet clbs ounid this seascon, and if the Indian and mlore combination, ail of -which ,uta elfrtei oeeo la the league were: Belleville, R.D. southpaw is up t;o his last year's f ormi was ae!ceeary aode0opulot 1n'spa Tosn0nt Adams, N. W. Thonipson; Peterboro, the Grand Trunks will be a tougli win from the Durhami Super-Sox ting team w-%on by 552 pins, and the L. J. Picard, J J. Solomon; Lindsay, teamr to beat. tami. The gamne was ahl the mrore onpy29pntersoe e M. . Ddma, . W Mone; Prt oborg th clb hathadnointeresting because of the appear- in:Mls22 264, 267; Mingeaud Hop. e, S.Locngt. .on, G.s;trog igCoup ite oflmbntheagoall. now -ance of Re'dge Milîs an*d Lloyd Chani- -154, 172, 186; Chiambers-181, 148, BowmianvJIIe, G. O. Patterson, G. N. in good shiape. They have etill with brtoLnsybya eî~24;Bcly18 3,10 vr Thurston;' Leaside, Geo. Pnok hn er a hmsn h Kinig- Moisere basebaîl lad fromn New- -237, 193, 180. Total 2812 Peacck- her Dery ad ThiiisonthThis is the second time i 2 years Cobourg, 0. F. Allison, T. J. Turpin; ston playersý, as weil ais a first blase- cseDrBoncastle'stamhs enTra Oshawa, C. M. Anderson, Eari Trew. mani, and a battery fromn the "lwest". The gamle was last and clea'n, par- in-rs-up, but tliey are cotisoling theni- President Parsons. occupied the Sandy Lockington lias been mi-tiýularly fast considering tLhat both sle ihteodsyn,'hr chair and la lis openring remlarks, taining a miysterious silence as re- tennms have been out of practice fori time's luek. thnkd heClubs and. officers- forl gards Port Hope's" prospects, and w,, somie tinue. Both teamns started outlcy. thieir support in the past seaýson. H1e are unable to figure out wliethei'lhe at a clip, Lindsay scoring two goals: esaid that a determined effort should lias a whiirlw.incl teani hidden away in quick succession la the first per-,FRTBSBALSHDL 1 b mae o hve li ply-ff eris r las otingataitworh alkngiod, which were rather lucky, while FIRS_________CHDU be in d tt haer e 0.A B p. iily-offerie r ias otigotait.rh akigthe visitors scored once. In the inteO .B .fiîhderir bot eodpre nihrta crd Secretary Nott lias mailed a draft! andl not have teams playing in the Looks as if Oulette and Browns- -while in the last Lindsay~ of t'le achedule of the first half of cold weather. H1e urged the League comibe, of Lindsny, ilow at Belleville; d' e three -goals and the visitor the Cetarlal Ontiario Amateur Base- clbi t iv1 heJnors a chance by *Mýlcaffrey of Cobourg, now at Peter- te. Lindsny-'s two defence menbail l League fo rapproval of the organizing juvenile leagues an'd (de- bore; Tysoni of Cobourg, noaw at Osh- Cooembs and Reeves tallied ail five, different cl'ubs in the league. The veoig h ounger players. Too awa,' andi others will have to "walk opening d ate is Satur.day, May 19,' littIe attention hld been gîivea to thîs thre carpet" before they can play lan oas.1ndthc closing on Saturday, July phase ia Central League to-wns, and the Central League. ;iwaorthre visitors Moise on the wing 7t(i Presideat M. J. Dedman and, in tIris connection hie stated th at "anaaî"Sct wl sae h the best 'but .Mlîs was very the Secretary will mreet in Lindsay' hromiebrews were alter ail the best Lindsa.y iounfd with Charlie Alleneffective,,wanplayed a ngoongtme. nFia oCnîe n leai *players, citing the cases of 'Galt and inteCnrlIlge ti ya.Cabrswsas trn n teto sanie sent in by clubs of thei Belleville la the final play-off, their That is the rumor' that hiasdeene. Bohuolers utpalleague. ' tenisbengcomposed entiei of this way, and since "Canonball"bas g d rn'o oce.It is more than îikely this scliedulet home brews. la losing lie thanked oeen residing lai Fenelon Falls since The visitors put up a first e1as8 wiil be chaagcd asý a movement is the Press for faithful and enthusias- thre i ry art of the yen r it is brnnd of hockey and the locale were1 now on/lfoot te, adopt a-, single ache- tic support throughout the season and qie ary Pile d. gind to have the opportunity ofi dule la order thnt the seasen willl stated the League could not survive qut esbeie.'Pr oe lashing., and hope to have a chance, no tbe proioaged as in previous years.! wvitliout the nid of the Press. Sandýi Lockiagton of Pr oe of vlsiting- the lake shore town nextl Mr.Keney o Kagton ws The 0. B, A. A. is not thre body thnt senson. It mighttlbe mentioned that present and nddressed the meeting ian h .H.A e o lyr(f therte visitors camne as guests of the SEE THE BIRD HOUSES favor ofthe Limestone City's applca- O. H. A. kaews it) cau JUmYp ixito Dur-ham rHesiery Co., the teaîp beingl____ tio, bt aterdisusson y te dle any towa on July 3lst and qualify patcîyafcoytai ga bates r int ssi n wastre ee for hockey, but players can jumup p iii- atrytar.AnehbtofBrlHusmle gaespesn sie asrjetd.,to towns o e me 3a n r' Bowiianville-GoaI, Colwell; de- b'y Bowmlaaville Boys and Girls are The mlorniag- session was taken up aloe oqaiyfrbsbail" fease, Me1Murtry 'and 'Cham~bers,i now shown la Rice & Co's window. witli the Presideat's address, -secre MngrJkSooorseec- centre, Avery; wiags, Moise and Educationally tuis pastime lias mrany tairy-Trenisurerc's report, reading of MngrJk ooo s~~t Milîs; subs. Cliartran, Deaseni and mnerits. -It miglit be noted that t communicattionÉs and election ef offi- ed, to have n couple of promuising Pe1ndry. every boy and girl lias lis or lier cers. younigsters to help the Petes out this el______-ondxert fdsg a ok The f ollowiag were elected te gev- seansona. One aew nmoundsman lias niansheip ndfmdceitnsgiand te era the leag-ue for the year 1923: been unearthed, and thîs addition te GIRLS' HOCKEY TEAM Vieni lan this way. Past Presidet-E. Parsons, Osh- Peterboro lineup will be a material DEFEAT PORT HOPE' But the greatest miotive is to awa. relief to AI. Heckmnn, wio liad te ____ Presdea-M.J. edmn, in'- hld he ortpraticllyaloe mt Bwmayiî ~-oe- H~~ ~ create la our boys anîid girls a spirit Presilonüiýl.J. Ddirin, Liý,1-hIL thefortpractcall aloe lat Bomanvofe lovetHofor oolorebor rds.bid Cou C dudyou say yar imagine the kindl of bey -who would'1 lsV Vice-Pres.-M. P. Duff, Belle- Geo. Peacock admiits that lie le8t Local fans have seen very littlei take sport la tryiag te kili these ville. Hînes and Shiaw, but lie is neot -wor- ho(ckey pla tdhVe girls tu's seas-1 little friends of ours or trying Vo rob' 2aid Vice-Pres.--J. J. Solemon, ryiag, and dlaimis tnt Hines neyer On as Bowxniiaavi-Ile was given a' bye their nests? Peterluôro. -was a reai artist. Mr. Peacock even la the sced-etule whidli ôniy gave Most laborers 'ask mrore Vlan their 3rd Vice-Pres.-G. O. Patterson, remnarked that the trip te Kingston tiei one hom,1,e gaine. It is te lbe board te-day, but th~e littIe robin' Bowmnnville., and bnck would net emibarrass his lioped if the Girls' Hockey League asks onIy, shelter and food. The Secretary-Tresurer-J. G. Nott, club. No, net whiea Mr. Durant is to be continue'd another season al value of l is labor is liard te estirnate. Oshawa. eai liand over a persenal el-iequie for section wiIl be possible including Ce- A writer tells of finding a robin thntI Executive Meiers-Belleville, R. $],000 every season. bourg, Port Hope, Bowmraaville and halid been shot, ia whidli three eut D. Adamis; Peterboro, J. Picard, Ce- Apparenitly Lindisay and Port Hope Oshawa. The first step lto bring onswrefudl14t tmci bourg, T. J. Turpin; Lindsay, Ford are Vie onily tennis la the league with- about such a group) took Place at Acut-w\ýorm enau eut dlown rive te- W. Moyaes; Bownrianville, G. O. Pat- eut a line-up ail eut and drîed, readly Tnylor's Rink liere Frîday nîglit when mate plants in a niglit. tarson; Leaside, Geo. Peacock; Osh- te land on the dianiend -when the Port Hope girls played an exhibition Here is thre daily mienu Of a robin awa, C. M. Andersoa. season opens up. Belleville, Ce--gamle witli a eain compesed mostly. living la yeur gardea: white-grub s, The Secretnry-Treasurer was vot- bourg, Bowmiaaville, I1easidle, Osh- of Thîomson Kaitting Ce players. beetles, cut--worms, grasshoppers,' ed an honiorarluiief $200 and the, awa and Peterboro delagates te an- Whiie the girls fromi the hili aide crick-ets, meotha, ants, wnsps, catter- cost of a typewriter. nual meeting were open la tbair re- tewa nput up a plucky gaine they were pilIars, gypsy-mnoths, canker-worms,! Ak listo mie adopted by the m arks ad ready ,witbi the reply, ne mratch for the mlore experiencedý woodl-boring beetles, wire-worm-s, langue were: A. Kay, Peterîboro; R~. "ready, aye ready". local hockeyists who adilstered a armi-y-wýorns. Thaen give Mr. and' Butler; Lindsay; C. H. Beuady and Bwavlewill bear watching cent of whitewash-or ninybe we Mrs. Robin a, shelter and hey will' R. E. Barres, Cobourg-; Claude WiI- this season. The iosiery crew were sh otld say 'powvder' seeing it's girls---! eep your garden free froi tiese, soli and H. S. Dell, Oshawa; G. E. 1 somnewliat of an unknown quâatity y score ef 4 goals te 0. Alma draaded enemies, practically with,- Howard, R. Collinga and Rev. D .C.1 lasV vear and showed n surprisiag Piper plnyed wali for the wianers eut 'wnges. Jack Miner's Robins Ramsay, Belvilie; Jack Rosevear, i strean'th la the second lnf of the and scored 2 goals. 'eanahlm itlousands of dollars of, Port Hope; Tedl Large and J. Ther- schedule. Tire defeat they handed Bowianville lina-up:GeiM - good, whiie they only devour abouit' oux, Bowmaa-ville; witl ire presideatVi e Peterboro teain was an exhibition jorie MlcMuilen;*dfaeMs M. twenty-five cents worth of cherries ef the league given power te add te of gond basehalil. Thay will be n- Ae 1an esi igannon; centre adaottesm asrwere. the ani. trialy srentlinedtus aarby ie Nellia Piper; wiags--Giadys Mut- Tien think of the genial company, The offer of the Durham Hosiery additin of Deer of Port Hope teo the ton aad Alma Piper; sparea-Maude' yen are going te have ia your.garden1 Mill-, of Bowmapvilie te give one pitclngi, staff.-Peter'b-oro Exam-inier. Wilcox and Ivy'Moore. -Wrens Juaicos, Purpie Martins, dozen pair's of iosiery toteie Bab wni a- BVitnnswr usso i Ruth of Vie Central Ontario eage'Kingston Whi:-Just wa set ohtaswr usso hýRebins andI Woodipeceirs! was aecepted. iag these Central Ontario towý,ns is Thoison Kitting' Ce. at Ciristie's The sub-com-mittee Vo decide pro- liard Vo imake ot.t Kingston la net Parlers after the gaine. TM' CON tests ara: S. Lockiligtori, Port Hope; pnHde' ayo erteGi A. ~ ~ ~ C.Kime'lobur; . arlr y of ei o atsee t0f thenisnppar-t -Yesterday was mine Vo ewn. I lad it' 0O1îiawa; F P. Craig, Peterlboro; nai etl aile enirbebthat ie isupport LAWN 11OWLERS READY ail and spent it, reietDe&mnr. gv snorbsbiieei wyFroni dawn te dusi< 1 squaadered,ý Amleadmlents te the constitutioni beyoad Vie f ew, extra iies thy owmiaaiville Ln-wnBoln Club' saved, beuglit, gave away and incinde Vie double umipire systani would aeed Vo travel. Besîdes tathl tsanalmein 1nJ.J eniV wns passed; uluder ne cireumastances Kî-ngaton is one of Vie finest sumrmer nMa s Sn's Offieen i even-JA minute ierammnttae shail tie deposit of teani îosiag Pro- cities on Vie continenth13 tireben aad la maayull .rstolaor tes be returned; Vtweapyesces the -fast supportiag tennýiis fair- ;g ad 3 hr bigago1t e fl er elbr rý,,n ravoertendace l the absence of Presi- Sema Vume for plensure for myseîf, holding Central Ontario cettificatasier est would weicome can 'en .L.Mlmn iecar n altIefr ynigbr in 192and have silice cliaged their Vuanity Vo coule with theni for Vieà plae o rsidncewiîiaVie~eguepuros ofmakntheTliusnd s-occcupied by Past Presideat R. D. 'WiVi somie of it a profit gained, byi tlase o sidpaern ist fn te1iith la Tp saig i wte is e tary J.:J. Mason pre-i soea anew joy-tasted, that ~~cl !ir lyrcno b andwn nýnd ua i V thg erwti - ---------------- -- -- ] h-e ShopThtLaI The Latest Attire for Easter man is known by~i the clothers he wears. '~ ~ '1" HOLSTEIN-FRIESI1AN SALE Beith-'s Farm, Bowmilvi1Ie TI-LURSDAY,Ž MARCH 29TH U.ove pictùre-s give you an iIeà of the splendid type of nllk producers being offered for sale. Both of these niimals are listed in the catalogue for sale. Cal1 at The Statesinan Office or write L. C.X Snowden.. ZR. 3, Bqwmanville for 'catalogue. 1 m 1

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