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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1923, p. 2

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____________________________________ BOWMANVILLE, MAROR 22, 19231 For the next teil straiglit reduction of days we are making a fr1-5 Off Reg; ular Prices frany article of furniture fin our store-prices are plainl1y shown. This means for each and every dollar you spend here we give yôu L back 20c-On $100 you Save $20. lsn't this an easy way to make money? THIS I5 A CASH] SALE WILLIAMS & CANN Undertaker & Embalmrer Bo'wmanville F urniture Dealers Ontario Dioctors Pre8cribe Bread Sucli a paltableý medicine should be well received by any patient. Its tastiness and wholesomeness will lie a welco'me tonic. Surely there is no mediurn that is so inex- pensive. Don't wait for the doctor to pre- scribe it f or you. lEat it alrnea'ls ai-d you will do mucli in keeping the doctor away. Freshly baked every day. EAT MORE 0F TOD'ý"S BREAD THIMASTOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Uniexpected Guests WheR- unexpected guests arrive you may be truly pleased to see them, knowing that your Grocery pantry is well filled. It's no task at ail to prepare a meai that will do you credit with th-e help of the delicious canned goods, preserves and other dainties. Phone or corne in and place an order. Ii'ARRe-"Y ALLIN PHIONE 188 BOWMAN VILLE Corn Growers' 'Att entioni We are open- to Contract 50 acres of Golden l3antamn Corn at $295.00 per ton. Last year's yield at Simeoe 212 to '0 tons per acre. This corn should give good returnis in this district. For furthffer- information apply at the office. rîts CnadanCanners D. H. Steinhurgh Lo-cal Manager Pholie 82w Bonlaiivi 7'111e Big Drop In Prîce of Furniture Eastiake" Gagg&nized Copper-bearîng P iFre, Li !hýning, Rust snd Storm Proof-Ma:e a ater g2Conde1sins Serla Postal Card for Zodr "H" Thée etaîic ooflh o ONTAIîO GREETS QUEBEC A very happy gathering of men prominent in afairs of the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec wcre invited to dine at Governmienft House, Tor- onto, on Saturday by Lieutenant- Governor Cockshutt when French and Englishi talked calmuly over prob- lems that have been fruitful of dis- cerd. Sparkling wit, good humeor and robust friendship characterize'd the happy functiorn. We are pleased to Se that Durhami County was splendidfly represented among iinvited guests at the luaicheon by these oldý boys from the Homieland: Col. Chas., R. McCullough and Mvr. H. Wilbur H-utLchinson, Hamuiilton; Mr. Geo. W. MclLaughIlini, Oshawa: Senator Robert A. uhlad Port 'Hope; Mr. J. E. A1tkinisen, _Mm. W. Norman Tilley, K. C., Toronto; anrd Mr, W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., Bowmanville. _Mm. and Mrs. Rhys D., Fairbairn were guests at the reception at 4 p. ii., wheni 2,000 To-rontonians met the Quebec visitors. ECONOMIC FARMING By Chas. MI. Bice, Denver, Colorado. lt alm-ost seeme that the econoiric evil of yesterday is the real miert of to-day. We recail the howl that was set up not mian-y years ago; and! how the courts, froni the lowest to the highest, ,wvould have declared un- censtitutional 9.fliJ legislative meas- ure such as is going throughi present legisiatures la miany of tic states, f or the co-operative farn marketing. Not inany ycars back the provisions in this measýure -wouîd have been con- denined as crinal-practices in re- straint of trade. Only a f ew years ago legisative bodies in this country wereûcugcling their brains to find means to stop1 what they are niow cncoixaglng as an economic necessity. Se tchere Iseems to be nothing final in adjudica-1 turc or in statutes. Co-opemative marketing by fa-mm- ers bas reccivcd encourag-ement eveni f rom Coagmreas, and fro n a-ny in-i dividual States. Ili fact there are' j f ew tolday except hair-splittîng 1?aWy- 1 ers, who oppose the princîple and! the mnain détails. Laws governing this mianner of doing busine'ss camne tbreugh th-e obder law of neceseity. The fariner was' the meost individual-1 istic person possible, living la a co- opemative commrioniwealth uantil disas-, ter came to himi. Now hie is miakingt up for bast time. There la nothings else te be donc if agriculture is to be saved, and with it gorne the countryi is gene, ikewise; anid ail tbils is truc of the Canadian farmers as of thoel I in this cousntry. The' fanmer is act- ing uandier the law of seif-preserva- - tien; hie is becoming part of a-c j"trust"-a combinatien eally la re-, -trait of trade, te use the legalisi- tic terni.Ï These proposed laws require that! i the fariner shaîl siga away his liberty!I of individual action. Shade o f Adam Siïth, Ricardo, Miii, et al!t jWbat next is on the program? But tic fariner nst agrec te abîde by thec decision of thc co-opemative Society.e r Ris produce neolonger belongs t hiii; it is commrunity property to e'c handled, not in his individual inter- i est, but for the geed,- of the farmn- I ers as a body. His crops go te a j- genemal or central head quarters toe bc deait with there, dispoed ef byt the collective agcncy. Once Pa mieniberr he cannet imake a bargaine for himself, by blinseif, under pen- u alties provide-d by law. Here wea observe the streng tendencies of thisc species of legisiation te socialîsmn, buti it seema te be urg-ed by aýi unrelent-a ing nccessty-the necessity of self-, f preservatien.t A new ligit bas conme te the farm-t er. He lias always been a very pro-1f nounced individiualist, white mrn i that was arounrd inii is collectivisi.10 He may have thoug-lit lie was buy-1s ing and selling in the open miamket,a but lie was not; it was a ,jallucina-1 tion. There was cither an open ori secret comibination in ail tint lie,l as seller and buveir, deait with. If hie required agricultumal machin-1 ery, leeIbougbt fromn a powerful cern-J bination, miade up of a large numnberý of units that were drawn into thec maignetic field y.eans ago. If lie11 seld bhis produce, hle was selling! througb a miiddleman te a powerful comibination, whîch blad lcanned thati in unity ef capital, theme la stnength. l As an individualist, battling against the armer of combin'ation, iela been getting the w orst cf itü until he was near exiaustion. He eul neti defind hiinself; he was thc bubtt fi fnancial and political agenceies, ande ruin awaited hi. I goed or lm lsnevrtes. q ý91yTo-day1 Cavan aaid Milllîook 014d Beys', and Grs Re-Union bas been fixcdý for Saturday, Sunday a-nd Monday, August 25, 26 and 27. Mr. Albert 3i. Fallis is President. Ca-pt. J. N. icGill, Secretary, Mîillbroo<, and Miss P. Burnian, Assistant Secre- amy. Let'sa ai go. 31THOUGIiTS' ON EDUCATIONJý System of Pr.omotion of Pupilh b Writtea Téstas Set Outside th School is Perni'Cious Even Thoug Set by tIhe Wisest and Best o Men. The City of Ottawa is f ortunat 1a in aving fer inspectors of its Pubi lic Scbools tw,ýo suci ina-ding ani progrTessive edlueatlonista as' Dr. J H. Putinan and Dr. E. T. Slemor the latter being a worthy humnai product of Durban iCeunty. Thes gentlemen have favored u -s witi copy of thc annual report for 192ý whih maies cxceingly 'interestinjý andi instructive reading-. We fim a nath-er forceful an~d timely pro nouncenit on the important pro bleni of promotion, ef pupils by writ ten tests set eutside the school witl wbiich as an, old teacher wýe heartib cencun. Here iý the part of th( report referring te thîs questien: Thc systeinor promotions basec oý,i the results of written exaniînationý set outside the schoel and alm-osi wholly independent of the gradà teacher, interfered with promnotienE iby fxn the attention of pupils. teaciers, principals and parents up. on tlie cidskaowledge or lack oi knowled.gc of certain specific factý irnstead of fixing it uponi the c'Iîd himseif, bis age, bis obility, bis needE and bis gen-uinie attainnients. *He mri'git le in possession of other facts quite as valuable and quite as essen- tial for an educational foundation as those aoked on the written examina- tien. But if lie failed te rememiber thiose particular thinga whidh somre person, net is teader, thoughttlhe ouglit te knew, lie must, except ly the grantîng of a special concession, spend( another year in the samie graîde. Promotion by written tests set eut- sido the scheol le pemnircieus la itself, quite as;ide f,,r its effects upon me- tarda-tien. The syston of written tests beiyers the 'quality of instruction by co-nstaatl'y flxing- the attention pf pupils and teacher on an immedh(te end that caun le discounted and clallçed up te tic pupils-' cre-dit lnaa wveck, or a meonti, or' six months. Ite moral effeet is bad lecause it inevit- ably mnaies teaclier a-ad pupil attacli undue importance to' marks and per- centages. lIts social effeets are lad lecause it induces an unbealthy riy- amyv amisag the brigJit pupils and, a cor responding "don't cane', 'diseour- ageod attitucde aiyong tic pupils wbo arc slewer. Itis cultural effects are bad becaus-e it leads teacheits te ever- estinate thc importance of'and de- vtaý an undue anrount of time te tho.se suljects-aritmctic, gramniar, spelling and defi2nifions la geogmapby -wic n e auccnrately and easîly measured bly written tests and te ncglect thoeso subi ects--litmatume, 1 lstery, miusic, hygiene, nature studiy, a.rt and physical exencise-whici have a high spi-ritual value and wbicb cannot so e maly serve the purpose if wm7itten 'xýýinations. It ,oimn occCurrence aftcr orur p aun-pti"ons by 'written tests in 1911 a-ad 1912--since thon al promotions have been made ly the teaciers thenmsclves-f or a tea-cier to express ici' regret to a Iarent that jus ciid, bavlng failed te ýwcure enougi marks, hiad net been promet- ed - and, at flic saine timie, te assure tIc pmeint thiat sic thought tiechcild coûuld very well do the wenk of the ccitt grade. Could anything bave been more a-isurd tian a plan of promotion ruib ade ptipibs, teaci- ers afnd parents tic slaves of ,that tyrant, wnitten exa-pinations! Could1 any systerm have beeil devised more. effectively te lowen the self-respect of the teachera in tic eyes of pupilsr and parents? Responsibility logi- cally implios tic nigbt ':te somne cier- cisc of power. To bold a principali and bis staff of teaciers responsillei for tie educa-tien of a cbild an,' then to dony therntic power of promo- tion made tirer'more pupp ets in thc ands of a ma-chine. The systeni nvonkedl at ail oaly because, as a gen- erml riile' principalIs and teachers, in, 3pite of the results of written ex- ,iaiations, assumed their preper re-i sponsi,,ility a-nd pmom-oted the pup-1 ils whio were ready for promotion. 'No teadher ean teach well whoi aims a-t a-cc omplisbing a resuit tint ix on cigit meontis hence can be ac-1 cr5ately'* or oven appreximately measured by anotier teacher. Edu- cation la a process of slow gnowý,tbi. Tt doesnet consist la the acqu, isition ofan incmoasîng number of factsl which cen be serted eut, labcllcd andi valued. Educational growtb imlies achange and imlprovement Of func- tion. Tic teacher berself rwho ives wvith tice child tw-,enty-feur heurs a weck ,from thc beginnring of Sep- temlber te the end of June, kInows -or LEGAL. f M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. B3ARRISTEJP, SOLICITOR, NOTARY' money to lban on Farin and Towni Properfy Royal Bank Building, rBowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. Ï BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to lban. Bonds for sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville Ontario. Phones-: Office 102, Hlouse 279J. MEDICAL B. Ji HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M. (o1d Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years attending Phy- sician and Sur~geon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and 'Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- mnanville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C, M. Graduate of~ Trinity Medical College, Toronto, form.erly of Enniskillen. Office and. resi 'dence,, Dr. Beith's, former residence on dhureh-st.~, Bow- mnanville. Phone 259. 44-t DR. S M. JON~ES Osteopath andi Chiropractorý 86 Simcoe St N.,. Oshawa, ove, 14 years' successfuxl practice. Examina- tion Free at office. Phone 224. 2-tf DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE HIonor graduate in Dentistry Torontoý University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King-st., Bowrnnille.1 JOffice phone 40.' Eouse-phone 22. DR. J. C. 1>EVITT Assistant-Dr. C. W. Lyos Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow- inanville. Office hours 9 a. m. te 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone% 90. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DH'4NIWELL Hlonor Graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal Collegel of Den tal Surgeons. Licensed to practice in Ontario and the Dominion. Dentistry in al its branches. Office -King.st., Bowmanville. Opposite Bank of Iontreal, Phone 301, AUCTIONEiERS TFIEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farmn and Flouise Sales a Specialty. Ternis moderate. Enniskillen P. 0. Phone 197-r3. 1-tf JAMES BEN.NETT Auctioneer 10 years' experience ia farin, furni- Lure and nouse auction sales. Ad- dress Jas. Bennett, Hardware M1,er- chant, King-st., Bowmanville, phone 131. 'box 33. JAS, BISHOP Auctioneer *All kin.ds, of sales atteopded toin- cluding farms, farm stock and in -j plements, real estate and furniture.I Nýarly 30 years' experience as suc-1 cé,sful auctioneer. All sales at- tended to promrptly. No extra charge- for distance. Apply to Jas. Bishiop, phone 287, Oshawa P. O. or Tom Percy, Bo'ývmanville. 40-tl VETERUNARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Calîs ~Promptly Attended toi Office King-st.ý W., Siratesmnan Block, Bowmianville. Phone 243.' GENERAL CONTRACTOR & ENGINEER Specialist in reinforced concrete. Estimates f urnished. George Chenery King-st. Bowmanville 49-tf SHORTHAND, TYPEWRTING BOOIÇKEEPING Coniplete Commercial and General Improvement Courses. Students acoepted at any linme, Good posi- tions for aft graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE Oshawa and Toronto r I.. -s OPTOMETRY R. M. MITCHELL Registered By Examinationi Special- iz-ing ia errors of Refraction andi Muscubar lImbabances. Latest M-eth- ods, Modern Equipment. Office-R. M. Mitchell & Co's. Drug Store 1 Bownmanville - Ontario FUNERAL DIRECTORS F- F7. MOCRRIS C -O. -- Complete Motor or Horse Equipinenti Ail cabîs promptly attended to. Private Ambulance. Bowmaniville phones 10 and 34 Brandi Stores-Oreno & Newcastle. - WILLiAMS & CANN Embalmers and Funeral Directors. Calîs given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bow- manville, Ont. 3-t So They May Live Happilyr Manl, truly, is selfish, if lie fails to provide for the future happiness of his loved ones in the event death overtakesý him.1 The devoted, indulgent father: and husband takes pi-ide in seein.g his family ebntented duripg lis lifetime-andl makes provision for their fut- ure should death intervene. r Just a small allotment of one's regular incom~e wilI make thinga. af e and secure for those whom he leavés. Don't negleet it-don't. put it off until to-morrow-for to-morrow may be too late. We believe you will lie interested in our plan. J. J. MASON & SON ICeal Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phone 50 Bowmamvll Use Bank Money.Orders Ir HEN you want 2o Yrmit any &mount up ta fifty doliatjn VY emember that Bank!. Money Orders are inexpensive asi Weil as sale. Th.e charges, exdusive of Revenïue stamps, aego $SM a nd under, thrâee cents; over $5.0Cà and not. exczeed i-9 $le, six cents; over $10 and flot exceeding $30, ten creniý; 0-f« $30 and not exceezdinig $50, fifteerL cents. Yeu cao gel Money Order8 et any,byanrh of this Bank~ THE m STANDARD BANKÇ TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THFEE%,MWLIONS Bmanville Branch, - . - . H. W L.appý Manager 2lacksto;ck -Branch, . . - E. A. Preston4, Manager Newcstl an NetonvlleBrache J.Scait Mciitg-om1ery, Manciger LARGEST VARIETY 0F MEATS IN TOWN, W'e have aimd st ar'y _kfrd of fresh and cooked meats; that you may desire-a--nd you-may always depen&i upon getting the hest quality. Sorne may think because our prices are the Iow- est they don't get the best qualities-this is a false impression.i A trial order wil convince you-as it has many others-that you get the liest nmeat at the lowest prices at my store. ONE DELIVERY DAILY G. A. Edm-ondstone One- loor east of F'. F. Morris Co. Phone 21 Bo)wmanville f -s'-' -'\ a i 1~ I t. 4 4m' w 4;Z;4ýn -a-LIU ,Mill ïd'ïîliiîl éà """ "Wwîiw~

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