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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1923, p. 5

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QUALITY- - PRICE-- HIGHEST QUALTY-LOWEST PI4CES- PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE These are some of the advantages you get when you patronize this store. A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL Is the policy on which this business has madle such record increa'ses in volume each year. We don't ask for ail yottr business, but à sha re wili be appreciated. WHEN ORDERING MEAT PHONE 225 Wilbert J. Dudley ilorsey Block Phone 2-95, House 272 iBowmanvil1e MOVED Auto Owners will please note that F. W. KIRKENDALL BATTERY EXPERT has moved to, more convenient and central quarters in MOFFAT'S GARAGE I wiii continue to be local agent for PREST-0-LITE BATTERIES and my long and practical experience places me in a position to REPAIR ALL KINDS 0F BATTERIES Phone 248 e Bowmanville ,ry Plumbiug F or the Home Health as well as eomfort and convenience urges that the home be equipped with sani- tary and efficient plumbing. We have ail the wanted styles1 at a wide range of jpces-guaranteed to give satisfaction, SEE US FOR YOUR PLU%eB1NG NEEDS Gréeeiaway & Eiott Consulting Engineers 'hone 18 day or nighýt Bowmianville "QS0Ie Mia' I One o d-e mAst and muia ro*aed WaRj seuL.. eve arangd, S voca efrinan s e: aisr as. tauaied uith pI~s~i eAt~ LaiPalônW'isas c-vcFez Tit nd You shoul1 alSo hear:- My' Buddy-Fox Trot Itmathina Noveety Orchestra When Wtnter Come-Fox Trct Great White WVay Orchestra "Il i$ 9 Vo"-*teCüw , & M95 ¶'hru' the Night-Waltz The Serenades, Red Moon-Walz Thse Serenaders "His MqsW's Vic"-Victor -soed lNo. M"96 Dumbeli-Fox Trot Zez ConfMe and His Orchestra Baby Bue Eyes-Fox Trot Grat White Way Orchestr "His Mdstcr's loi-Vkr <wJ No. 19f09 .1 AI! ou 1-nch 7 e double-sided .7 c RIS MAIER'S /0ICR. LITED ___m 1 A. 0. F. AT HOME A happy social gathering ~was on-1 joyed by The Companions of the Forest, and the Anciont Onde,, of For- esters at thein union At Home to their friends and the mourbers of the Juvenile Court on Friday even- ing when the Court Rloom, was filled with a very happy company of young and old. M-ýorison's Orchestra under direction of Mr. David Morrisoh, ,wuth Mr. D. 1R. Morrison, pianist, 'gave fine opqxing selections while the peoplo *ere asseniting, anud also b- tweon differont numboirs on the pro- grain. Mýr. J. T. Hooper, Chief Ranger, discharged the duties of chairmnan and welcomoed the niemibens and visitons in a bnief speech. The first part of tho programi con- sisted* of nocitations by Miss Mabel Garner, '1Deair'ng in Chunch", by Miss Rhea Gould, "Little Orphan Annie9"; Miss Ethel Cox, "Give the Ghildren a Place to Play" and an- other humnorous numbilen; Mn, W. J.1 Borry, "Mýy Wife's Husband" and "The Vagabond"; Mr. Wm. Painton, a niegro iermon aud a Scotch number, nîl of which weýre given with good effect sud equally enjoyed ýby the audience;' piano solos were rendered by M~iss Marion Pickard sud Miss Leola M-cM-ýann; piano trio by Misses' Adla Webbor, Dorothy Plum-mer and GretaiPollard; vocal soo, Miss Mary Morris; vocal duets by Misses Mar- ion Pickard and Dorothy Plummer. Miss Helen G. Morris played the ac- companiments for the vocalists. Eu-lcele'le trio -as ronderod by Misses Ruhy Sewel, Mae Manning and Audrey Nookoes. The selection by these young ladies was -o rnuch en- joyod they were recalled twico which speaks for itself. 4yr. A. Martin, High Court Socretary, Toronto, gave a brief but intoresting- and inforinig addnress touching on the juvenile, society, and the benefits derived from the insurance departmreat froin infancy to old age, which this society affords. The address was much ap- preciated. The usual rocfreshmienits -andwices, ake, coffee, etc.,- wero senved aftor which gamnee ofý various kinds were ondulged in by the young folks. A h earty vote of thanks -was ex- tended to ail who assis;tod on the programnimoved byMr W. W. Allia and secondocI by Mrs. A. Garner. Orchestr-a music helped !very mater- ially in maldng the latter parts of the" prograin satisfying aud oui oy- able. SOUTH DARLINGTON WEDDING. A very pleasing event of local in- terest in South DÎarlinigton commun- ity came off on Wednesaateno at 3 'clock at Ebenezer Mýethodiet Chiurch, when Leta Beth, young-est daughiter of Mr. and lWrs. S. G. Pick- ell, was united in the bonds of holy matrixmony wt Mr- J. Cecil Found, son o r and Mms. John Found,1 both of South D)arljngto-, their pas-ý tor, Rev. W. S. P. Boyce, B. A., B. D., officiating. The bride w %as becomiingly attiredý i a smoart navy tricoine suit, largel picture hat and carrying Sweetheart roses. The happy young couple lefti on the G. T. R. evening train for a honieym-oon trip and upon their re- tura wilI take up residence in their own home in this locality. Both the bride and groom have been aci- ively engaged in the' varions activi- ties of the church and ýcomnmlunity and the best wishes of a -host of friend- are extended to thein. It is also a satisfaction that they will still be ýwithi us. Ai! iu the vicinity tend- er sincerest wishes for a sm--ooth and pleasant voyage over ife's matrimon- ial sea. On, the M-Nonday evening previous to their miarniage a happy gathening of some 70 assetubled at the home of the bide's parents in honor of the bride and groom to be and brought mnany tokens of friondiship in tle forin of a miscellaneous showýer. 1Pastor Boyce in a f ew well chosen 1words mnadle known the object of their visit and offened congratulat- ions of a Il to the prospective couple. The beautiful presents rocoived wene num-erous and costly, showing the esteexu in which the younig couple weno held. The nest of the eveaingl was spont in g-ames, music and al veny ploasant social time, fruit and candy being serveci by the ladies. At a late hour all joiued ertily in sing- ing "For they are jolly good fellows", as a fitting conclusion to, - most en- joyable evening. Doctûors Prescribe and1 Hospitals Use bocause of its pu.ity, whole som-e nouishient, aud deicato flavon. Also hast for hoe use. Econonlcal and easy toS mnake. One paçkago S'erres eight people. Coste oxiiy one cent a servie At ait Grcers JKLLY POVnIY Madb UàMatn an Wtmp."g ]OWMANVILLfl, MARCHI 22, 1923ý VHEN THERE'S LOVE AT HOME Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., i begining his discourse Silnday even- ing on "Fathers and Sons" said the sweetes-t and loveliest place on eart~h is Hom~e where Love rei.-ns supreme. Tfhis recalled the old son.- so popular over 50 years ago in Canadian rural homes. Here it is: There is beauty ail around, When there's love at home; There is joy in every sound, When thfere's Jove at home; Pence and ple-nty here abide Smiling 'swePet on every side; Turne doth softly, sweetly glide, When there's -love at home. Love at homne, love at home, Turne doth softly, sweetly glide, When there's love at home. In the cottage theree s joy, When there's love at home; Hate and einvy ne 'er annoy When there's love at home. Roses b1looma neath our feet, AUl the earth's a gardon swoet, Màking life a bliss complete, When there's love at home. Love at home, love at home, Makjing love a bliss completo, Whien there's love at homne. 14ind1y heaven siniles above, When there's love at home;- Alil the earth is filled~ with love, When there's love at home. Sweter sings the brooklet by, Brighter beamis the azure sky; Oh, there's One wha siiiiles on Iiigh, When there's love at home. Love at home, love at honme, Olh, there's One -who siniles on high,, When thero's love at home. Jesus, show Thy mercy mine, Then there's love at home; Sweetly whisper, "I arn thine. Then there's love at home. Source of love, Thy cheering light1 Far exceeds the sun so hright- Can dispel the gloom of0 night; Then there's love at home Love at home, love at home, Can dispel the gloomi of niglht, Theni there's love at honwe. TO EGYPT ON BRITISH IMERCHANTMANI The nianv Bowm-anville friends of Mr. David Nicholson, former orgaln- ist of the Methodist Church hero, will he interested in this article froin the Pembrokie Standard: "That British sa*iors "have not a véry hiAgh opinion of the averagc Fronch war ship appoars to be in- dicatedl in a letton, roceivod lest week byDavld Nicholson, organist at the Miethodist Church, froin his son Al- fred, who is on board the S. S * Alger- ian Prince, one of the bost knowvn ships of the British imprchantile miar- ine. Witing fnomn Beyrout, Syrn, on: Februany 8, Mn. Niclso, jr., says, "TÏhere are the usiial oxawds of French naval cnaft, smral soops, in barbon, very diffenent froin our own The writen also tells interostingly of a visit to Alexandrn,, Egypt, -whene ho attended St. Audnew's iPresbyten- ian (}hurch, "and liked the service very much. [t lasted i 4 hibuns, as companed with the Church of Eng- land, 45 mninutes". Telling of bis purchase of e mon- key, Mn. Nicholson oýays: "'I arn now the possessor of a small mnonkey re- joicing, or at least 1 suppose ho ne- joices,,lu the naine of Jacko. The second imate bought hlm in Malta for twonty-two shillings ($5.50), but af.- ton two days was thankful to seli himt to me for ($2.50). Hoenanàged to got loose one day aud enthnoned' himself on a waten bottle rack from which he hurled clown evenything within range, glasses, waten bottles, etc. Ho ended a miost enjoyable hailf-hioun's liberty chowing part of the top off a new boot. So you can gueqs the second mate was quito gind to get nid of hlmi. The chief engin- een also bought one and the two are great friends. "I kept theni tied up lu the alley- way until rocontly, I lot thein go sud now they wander ail oven the ship, but always corne round at meal times. 1 have arrayed mine in a grey sweat- er constructedý out of an old sock. 1 gave hipi a bath on Sunday monningi] much to his disgust sud he ho-wled so loudly everybody came down to see whet was the matton. It took three of us to put his sweater on, but! eveutually we managed it. It is sa; little chilly lu the ovenings and ho, seems to appreciate WL'% Speaýking of thein calut fBey- rout the writer says: "We are borel for a fow dayswatn ordens toi proceed toMese for sbeep, anoth-i anf d Haif a on our way up but' wore there ouly about a couple of! TOO MANY PEDDLERS This countrv is being overrun wîth podlers trying to sell things that eau ho purchased from local stores oni business places. Thene are the stock, peddllens, the aluininui npeddlens, theî book pedfflers, the now%7spapen sub- scription canvassors, aseores 'of othes who are trying to make an easy living on the public. Botter make a rule to give these cheeky fol- .lows a wid(e berth, aid (do your bus-i inless at the homo towni stor'es. tý pays every tirne, sud you are not coaxed and wheedled into buying a lot of things you don't need. Asthrna no Longer Dreadled. The dread of renewedl attacks froin as thina has' no hold upon thosewh have leanned to nely upon Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthnma Remecly. So safe, do they feel that comiplote reliance, is placed ou this true specific with the cortainty that it wil l lways do all that its makers dlaim. If you have not yet learnnd how safe youf are with this prepar~atîon at hand get it today an1d knw for yours.lf.ý w, ileuiesi S)przhg~ Prices Lo'wer and Values Greate'r Than Have Prevailed In Many Years Every day sees the arrival of new Spring styles in footwear from the leading and best Ikhown makers in America. Smart, fashionabie models that are representative of what the dressed men and women are demand- inýg when they buy ,shoes-style and quality at a reasonable prJce. Copeiand's Shoes are known and appreciated. by people of diserirminat- ing taste as the standard of dependable quaiity and style in, footwear, and sold at prices that are within reach of ail. Specimens of t he New Season's Styles are now on display in our show window. An inspection of our Springý Shoes is inVited but you ýare not urged to buy. Copeland" Shoe "Store Phone 249J Bowmanville Dont e ooied 'Easter April I st. You 1will not be fooled on your Spring Cloth- ing andl Haberclashery if you buy it at Haýnn's where you get satisfaction guaranteed. OUr, Men's and BQys' D)ep-artments Are off ering a wide range of exceptional val- ues in Suits for Spring. Cone in and look them over. well spent. It will be time Our Mad'e-to-Measure Dept. Is off ering the widest range in, town. PRICED FROM $25,00 TO $60.00 Give us a eall before you buy. Hann r' Haberdashery Quaiity Highes~t Phone 61 Opposite Bank of Molitreal Prices Lowes~t Bowinanville ux / 4 ,.,. I 1 IL

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