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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1923, p. 6

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AT EBENEZERi ENFIELD lirs. Jas. Starks is unider scare. ýfr. -WaIter Feirgison bad sale of bis surplus stock1 le ta aur commu- H enry Smith of SI b ave arived ta îg interests of Mm. ýr was nat favorablE not real 1 ound and gave a full and splencîi yearls, milklngý , adcess an Proportianal Represeat- ing, eCI cew, 71 ation ta tbe local club bere on Mon- S day evening. years, mllking, m.etDdewobsbe e April .0, wliter! et uly hohsbe C cow, 5 yeaýrs,*i witb A. E. Rundle for saine years as ears, dlue April chie.f assistant, bias accepted a simi- 1 steeýrs, *' yea;rs ilar piosition with rlm. Clarence Wood- Id, 2 helfers, 2 r, ojC. 3,,aIves !ley, Tyrone, and hbas emaved ta Sherthiorni Bull that burg. Bert and the family will be nissed from Ebenezer. 4 weekis old, 1 Mm. A. E. Rundle attended the ,pi5,Is-W, funeral of Mm. Frank Wamde, Toron- May20 1 OWta, one of the unfortunate victims of the railway and motor accident at Lay icig Huens- Weston recently. Frank's cheerful ýsy-Ilarris Pin- caujntenance, as one of aur frequent itt, 113lioe seat isios will be gmreatly missed by bis -er, ;) ft. euit 1 mtany friends in tbis section. jreader, 1 Rake, 1 Spray Mter. The St. Patrick's concert and Sur- 1 S'eiens, 1 Se't1 io, i-<' mr. nie ti.n secial hIeartv y Of geod Mýixed Hay, ClIover Lay. ,et Brass Britelien TTam- Ilarness, Collars. OŽatt f furnituire s to niumlerous te mecl- gs, poultry anC furni- ;Of $15 and lundeýr,cah t !) menhes credit oný )ering inte(rest at 6 perý 30 'clock sharp --lI jUp th Mme. SECONDI CON IGNMENÏ SALE OF Durhami County Hoistein-Friesian Club Alstein-riesians fstockbeing off e for sale- goadproducers 5WAVERLEY STABLES, BOWMANVILLE Mar. 29 QOMMENCING AT 1.30 P. M. SHARP - 32 Approved Females' 4 Young Bulis offerings for our sale thize year bave been rigidly selected ill excel the standard of ever lmet year, -%,blenipurchasing ms fmam over Ontario acknowledged a(l ur offemlngs as one finest in the Province. Show arnia's with record 'ability 'pail consignors include such men as W F. Fallis, A. A. Gib- aP-rmy Seymoum, R. R. Stevens-, J. D). Stevens, A. J. Tamblyn, Seymnoum, S. Jase & Son, L. C. Sniowden and others., STOCK-They include bàýlf-ai-dezeni sisters to the Canadéian ion Jr. two-year-ald (millç andl butter) Jane DelCal Glen ith 19,000 lbs. milk and 800 lbs. buttter in 305 dlays. They e, the ichest Holstein ban--gadduhescd c'ose es of "Rauwemd" the $29,000 cow; lose descendants of Borierges Ormisby, 5 times a 30 lb). cow ccd May Echo Jeinima Jobanna; a sont of a ~sister to Orndyke Pietertj e [yke, world's champion in 305 la-ys witb 1,122 lbe. butter ,119 lbs. miilk. 1It will include a 21,000 lb. cew in 305 dn,-ys;_ ý, witb 27 ibs. ini 7 days andf over 23,000 in 10 months. But the full details of our offeringp sit ri-ght dw to-nîg«ht and oùrý Secretamy for a catalogue if yeu wallt the kinlJ ai -we are breedingl in this dfistit-lt wll -ive you alil the de- fermales have been rig-idly selected ta give buyers tbe finest yr of s-ock. Off ein gs are isicludied froin tbree Accnýedited an rmothers now und(ergoiing Accredation. ýy are somne of the finieet Hoîsteins eyer offered. Get the -Lie, and! conta the sale. The Catalog;ues are ready. Write the. Secretary. STEVENS, L C. SNOWDESCY President. *R.N, REC3Y Bowmanville- 1Bowmanville, Ont. E. FRANKLIN AND THEO M. SLEMON, Auctioneers. clsan,, instruci 'nolde bas returnedl is son Neison, coning is stili quite poorly ,the bouse. I: Miss Aura Run-ý 'ý, with bier uncle, Mr. mes. J. N. McDougall, ,itb ber sister, Mme. 4r. Lloyd and AMiss eIt Cartwýrigb-t; Mme. m(l little daugbter rywood, eat ber bin Reynolds; Mis Oosarea, nt Mmr. Silasl ie vemy icrest <in -wbicb miade roai etionteers, Mi s from 1-n-1 1by auction on tbe premises 5, Con. 6, Darlington DAY, MARCH 30TH llawing valuable famm stock, implemrents etc: ;ES-i Bey Herse rising 6 years, . 1bay mare rising .5,years, 15751 ay maerising 7 year*s, 130 IS ijare rising 13 yeaýrs, 1300 lbs., I noral tnat will ne ielt oY all; itains plenty of good whole- )medy that will interest any a. Kindly reserve the date )d entetainment la promiised. n, Aduits 25e; cblîdren 15c. ______________ 12-t ZION Emmerson Chant visited bis r. S. Cbant. pÈli Mms. Russé Robbins spent at Bowvmanvi!le. gpeople are enjoying skatingi and Cameron-'s field. A. D., Lan.giaid and babyl are visiting at Columibus. nd lMrs. J, W. Balson and visited Mr. A. J. Balson. ý. T. Stainton and Doris bave ite fti but are smne. better. rbos. Hall, Calumnbus, visited ghter, Mrs. A. D. Langniaid. ack Francis, Western Ontar- ýd lý overseas commiade T. C. àelen IMiddleton. A. T. Stain- Anson Balson tried the ex- in on Teacher Tt'aining, entitled "The Pupil" at ~Aid -was held at home of G. Pascoe, Mamcb Ith. bn usbands w\ýere invited to ai11 bad an enjoyable timie. m7i-emi-ber joined. re invited to our Birthday) Ith. Business Anniversary- 24th.~ Couch, Jobnston& ian. ý HAMPTON ng Beils are ringing! Trial report on page 12. S.. S. Quinn, Toronto, isi a f ew weeks with Mr. and F~. Corden. ïe invited to our Bithday Ltb Business ,Aniversary- 24th. CoLich, Johnston & tan. 'unday services are Weil at- ind rnucb interest is being the series of sermons hy our Rev. W. W. Jones, "On the ýayi 'gs of the Cross," whicb n continuing tbrougb Lent. ebruary 20, the Hami-pton )eople met at the homne of the deà, Mr. anid Mrs. Sidney Tbey were completely tak-, irpris e, when they were pre-1 withi a pyrex pie plate and lbatb set in silver. Mr. and1 rsey made fitting replies exi- tbeir sincere thanks. Re- its were served and 'a social sspent. n's Institute met on Thurs- 'ch 15, at Mrs. A. Trenouth's. D. Sykes gave ati interesting "Preventin- and Destroyingi- Mrs. Treneutb read a good ii "Hot be.ds and, Vegetable 1-gl. These subjects werei ~X~l~ d'lcusdd, Froli ýo the Roll Caîl, "My Favor-, 1 we learaed of inany books treading. - A, second dona- $15 was voted to the Cemie- provemnent F un d. Next on Tlidy, p , at tAn ngprogramn is expeoted with, 1My Favorite Flower". Will io have not paid niemibersbip tbxs year kindly do so. emeeting Frîday evening ,haxge of Miss Mary Souch,' .ce President. Meeting op- -h singing aixd payer aftem r. F. J. Groat gave a very in- talkc on "4St. Patrick". 1'44ss [ohns gave' a Sh']ort readingi Mary Niddery favored with solo. Two very enjoyable weme engaged in after ýandy and popcorn were nd the mneeting closed witb ýu l3enediction. SOLINA bees bave been numierous-, id Mrs. J.- W. Yeilowlees and )y boy were at Toronto on ,, o coinsult a specialist. tiulationg ta Mm. and Mme.1 'll and Mr. and Mms. Clar- ýe on their reeent rrarriage. Edgar Werry visited 5his James A. Werry "wi Enniskillen, wbo bas beený ta the bouse. Snpply Ca. Ltd. disposed of ck on Tuesday to Mr. Geo. Mr. W. T. Baker was the r. À £rom bere attended the )f Mrs. John Hig-gipbotham, who was interred at Zion ibvt.d oor itd, ,ay. Business Annivrsary- been seen flying north but the ther- mometer does not fly, very bigh. Mi-. Russell Ommis ton bias purchas- ed the f amm of Mme. Allen Hayes row occupied lby Mr. Ehner Bradley whose lease expires lst Marcb, 1923, the price is $9300. ENNïSKILLEN SuadaY School and cburcb at the usual bolirs. Miss Eva Soucb, Bowmanvllle, le visiting bers ister, -Mrs. John Pye. Mrs' G. Preston bas beep called to tLindsay to wait on hem sister wbho bas been yery ill. Tbe Teacber's Training Class met at Mms. (Dm.) Ferg-uson's, last Mon- da evenîng. Congratulations to Mr. Russel Me- Laughlin and bride (nece Mabel Mountjoy), in their recent ntarriage. You are invited ta aur Birthday Party,-4O1tb Business Anniversay- MUarcb 2-4tb. Cauch, Jobinston & Cryderman. Tbe flu is still prevailing in the villa'ge. Quite a nuniber of Miss Hat's pupils have been detained fmom echool. Mr's. A. Tamblyn, Orono, le enjoyý- ing a pleasant visit with ber daugb- tens, Mrs. H. J. Werry and Mms. Wmi. Stainton. Tbe W. M. S. will iiold a concert Friday, Mamch ý0, 'w3en Rev. G. T. McKenzie will lecture on Jean Val Jean. Drills, chomuses and music are beipg poided. Admission: aiduibe 25c; childirea 15c. A numiber of tbe Leagues visiLed Blackstack League andj ail spent a jolly goa.d time. Leag-ue thie weeký in charge af tbe Mîesionamy Vice- President. Tapie on Immigrants, ta bp- taken by Mm. E. E. Staples. Goods; Men's Clothing and Furnishings, Boots and Shoes-also Fresh Grocer- ies of best quality. FREE SIL VER WARE With every purchase at this store, coupons are given which entitie you' to Free Community Silverware. SAVE THE COUPONS MçM~itry &Co., Ltd. PÎ-ONE 83 BOWMANVILLE âýRdus.,TYE TYRONiZ- _Mr. J. H. i'-utton m__' a business trip to Toronto this we,' Mr. Gordon Sargent p n t a few days wýith friends in Toio,ý to. Very sorry to report M,.Geo. Cowlýving is stili veryý sero'u 4y Vill. Mîr. Garne't McCoy spenýt a f ew daysj with bis brother in th)e city. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, Provi- dence, spent Sunciay with friends. Mr. 1 John Lillicrapp, Cannington, visýited bis sister, MUrs. LionelBaum. Miss Margaret Moore spent the' week-end with friends in Bowman-i ville. No school here this week owïing to the ilness of our teacher, Miss M.L 1 Wighit. Mr. Chas. Staples, Anigusville, Man., la visiting bis brother, _Mr. Win. [Staples. Miss BretaHwky Toronto, vis- itedI heir 'MrZ~ . A!bert Hw~y Mrs. Geo. W. MeLaýughjlin, Oshawa, visited bier father, Mr. John Hodg- son, wbo is quite ill. Mrs. Chas, PhilIips and son Mel- bourne, Maidstonle, Ont., are visiting- ber brother, Mr. Harry Collacutt, MWr. and Mrs.' Jas. Bal and child- ren, Leskarij, and Miss Grace Virtue, Orono, Sunidaye'd at Mr. Wmi. Virtue 's. Mr. Harold Welsb, New Ontario, atten~ded the funemal of bis' aut Mms. B. IHawkey, on Friçflay 1 st an( visited friends. DEALER WANTED Thie 1new ParIiament Buildings, Ot- seetdbecause of their superlomlty. We ,vanta dealer 1i adiohnnFà in Bownitnn\iIIeterritorY. Easily handI- 1,ed. CGeod returns for qsmalllnvest- ,,,ent. crE"xpert inst-ruction giva. Mn witb Ca preferred. Write for persenal appointmeunt witb cour repre-sentative. SHINN MFG. CO 0F CANADA L.TD.,l uehOnt. Socretary andl 1Manager, W. H.>Da, Late Professor of Physies at Ontario Ag- ricul1tural College. 1- AGENTS WANTE1) Local repIreentattive-s in ail parts of Ontrlote elidirect to the farreer andl user the ORlj(IINA'--L BELGIAN ME-1 LOTTE, the m'est rellable and satisfact.. ory, e'asiest turning ana 1hest sIkiniming Cream Separator ini the woýrId thie most popular miachine ever sold in Canadla,1, - 00o,1000 in use the worlId over, sold inI C'iianda b us for %0 years: Lister M-LNlk- ing Machines, Listeýr Earm Engines, Grindersý and BIoweýr Boxes, Lister Eleet- ri, Lighing Plants, ail the best of UiirI kin--slenîdopportunity for lclmn-j chine maior frir son with good1 mehnl no'wledge a"nd selling ability t -must pdsess tlie 1,est of character, lie 'Wel1 known in Iocniity and be prepared te dirive 'he distrioIt ceiitinueuoisly.v slîddopportmnity for, mecrwho 1und(er- stnd their job aýnC areinet aradof ,werk. Sar and commiission withi g ood adL'vertisîng assistanIce from Headi fice given. Appl 1y stating agereer encesan full particuflars te R. A. LISTER e, COMAl1PNY, (CANADA> LTO., 58 Ste[wart Street, Toronto. OPERA The Message of the Blue Bird Under direction of Mr. Asaý Huycke of Peterboro in the OPERA HOUSE THURSDAY & FRIDAY APRIL 5th AND 6th Ladies' Colonial i stLrap slippers, in Black Patent, Black Satin, 'and Otter Suede .................$8.00 to $10-00 Patent and Suede Cornbination Strap Slippers, in one strop efi'ect $6.75 to $9 Young Girls Low\ Heel Slippers in Pat- ent, Black Caîf or Brown, also in com- bination effects........ $3.75 to $6.75 Special-25 pair Women's Brown Ox- forcis, sizes 3, 3 andi 4;w\Tere $7.00 to 10.00 Shoes for.......... ..$3.00 pair Women's Brocaçiec Brown Satin' Strap with wishbone pattern, turn sole and Spanish heel at ........ $1 1.00 pair MWomen's Plain Black Kid Slippers, with medium heels, good comfortable fitters ........... .....$3.75 to $7.75 pair Brown Leather Heels ,suitable Patent Leather Medium Heels Oxfords with Low for goocl steady wear, $4.50 to $7.50 pair Oxfords with Low or $4.50 to $8.00 pair1 Sorne ear1y to get your chcdce while our stock is coniplete W. Claude, Ives Cash Shoe Store Bowrmanville Y ou rBuy Wisely When you buy regularly at McMurtry & Co's. Departrnental Store WEST E ND ,'HOU3 rS E Nevér before have we shown as complete an assortment of Spring Gôods as we are nQW showing-in ail departments- andi at prices that are almost unbelievable, quality considered. WHEN BUYING SPRING GOODS VISIT OUR STORE~ Distinctive Easter' Footwear Bedecked in Spring's Latest Frock and other Wearing\ Appctrel Milady Will Not be Complet e Unless She is Outfitted in the La test Footwear Where you 'will find new attractive Dr~y

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