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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1923, p. 7

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read ry names of visitors. )ring! 1Tod's Hot Cross Hune lay. Bennett, Toronto, spent at home. oweToronto, spent at home. ýw, Oshawa, le viiting maconibe.1a VanCamp, Buarketon, Wednesday. aie, Toronto, spent -elatives here. i- announcement of hood wns in Flower".1 2 pages this week. tisemients. TJaey are K. Haddy, Toronto, at ber father's, hMr.ý Bottreli and MssGai-1 o, spent Sunday et Mr. Fashion Cares Little Whether the Mercury Rises or Falls f or She Chooses Present Ail Her New and Lovely Creations. Bowinanvillb and Mrs. W~ DEATHS 1be interestedi ['houghts, on Ed- ard, Toronto, is [n Bowrnanviiie, d to Our iness Anniv ouch, John itt recenbl, ýs, Lindsay, factoriiy f: san'd sisti rue, who s iuda are Iacdoialfd, e Caniadi ,jor and Mi nj. therilt basi treatmient pital, Toron theelth. and Laura week-en( at 2.30 p). m. In- Cemetery, .NIMasoni, NewonvleMairchi 'k ared 791 veargý, rel atives RSSAtWitby. AMarch 15. Hugli M. Ross, ry GoodIs Merchan1t, in his 69th year. Birthdcayl'McCALLUM-At :Cobourg,Mac 1, versary- fEmmaNeal, dO of the late Cliarlesý nso CURRY-On Monday, Mardcij 19, Amy Ma1ie, wif e of James WaIter Crry K. ly visited C.., ami daughiter of thie late Wiliam ,H. ,,Who is Eyr,Cob)omg.ý rom( hîs PANAS-Tn Bowmanville Hospital, Mac 1,Smuel Pnsof Courtîe, ag- e'd 56 yas Interment ini Bowmaln- er Mies ville, eey pent the HIGGINBOTHAM-At thersieneofl bxetd)erso, M. G.A. Lahgimaid,Osa, exetdon ar 5 Mary Garbujmtt anma wdOF oýJthelate Johin 1iggin,othamj, Toronto, Bewnlanville,, in her 9th year. an Cub, TERLING-At San Leandro, Califor-~ ian ý1 nia , on Fbuay28, Dr. Malrlon Fair- [rs. R. J. ete trig formeiýrIy of Bowman-' vill, widow Of lthe laite Dr. CalsSteri. an,- md siste4' of Mris. Davidi Keit,11Bewo- returned vie received ýnto, very IN MEMORIAM aBrima- 11n loving memoryof '.r. and Mrs. John d with Lxon 'noe"Mte, h pse j-.rei -bMaeMbe, awvay iircn 17, 1551, e yers bas pa'ssea n Toronto. SIne\ 'you %vere eIled mvy sal an -aft of this officei d]reary dalyl-1 rs. J. J. Croskem, But we liolOPe ,gain to mieet yen he the Crescent, Toronto, dTherfwif liad s e hp. o re and called onl you hreneo aeel er r 's ot ros Bus Dar Fathe-r %who passed away March iFVl11 her dear fatiier in thinc arms and MisNettie Or- A l,'et h.er heneeforth b, MISSmessenger of love bet-ween our human re. John E. Allin - hea','rts anid thee. ing on Wednesday, Sons and Daughters. infienz.-DailS Hot Cross Bunc EGGS FOR HATCHING I Ili 0 FORsHIRE toindo ail kind al Pesoa l vers RoadL, Bm ERTY FOR SALE qEN ï-100 acre !rm, nei -Framie Touseý, 7)rooms. n, good \wteýr, shed ea l, 4 acre laind with sin 1just offPovn Ili,-, anvile. heapfor qui Jas. Gan, ox 03 B -Nw sevenilroonied r, C)e1o LRîin S1t. Nor1 ter and urncehard1w< ltel on 11-'acre lot with trees, re;icy hy April igog St,lBowmaiin vi1lle. 1: -Framne bouse, smnall bai 1soine fruit, nean M HAY FI othy lba. FOR S Apply te mlanville, JFOR8SS SALE lýlTITY of Barton,1 Sucklng r'. R". ,ï 6 years fMi FormaiSpi g ashion Review FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 23rd. FROM 7 P. M. TO 10.15 P. M. New Ways to Judge New Wraps TUCKS Tucks do a big share of the trimining of Sp)ring Wraps. They are found up an'd down the skirts, around the leeves, on the cufs and about the colars. So different are the effects pro- duced by tucks of various sizes to run in various directions that ecarcely any of these trim- pmings are alike. EMBROIDERY The embroidery found o~n uew coats is known not for ite quan- tîty but by its brilliance. Striking- bits of colorful ern- broidery brighten the Most som- ber w-raps and make the gayer ones m~ore gay. CREPE Ail Tyme Crepe-this is un- doubteddly the novelty fabric of the season. We handie only the British quality which iie more elosely woven and with a better lustre than the Cana- dian -make. There ie a wide variety of shades. Specially Priced $2.95 yar'd CHINTZ, ETC. Chintz, Art 5%teen and Coin- forter Çoverings, we have a w\%on-derful collection, in il col- ors and patterns. Priced frorn à5c to $1.10 yd. NOVELTIES In many departments of our store you xiii find a superb as- semblage of noveity Neckwear, Trimrnings, llosiery, Fancy Spring Gloves, etc. May We Have the Honor 0f your presence to view the styles as they are for the New Season, reflecting the very spirit of Fashion as it is dictated by world-famed style cr-etoýs-Exclusive-H-igh Class--Unusual-.- Practieal pparel for discriminating women-giving a double em- phasi,,ý1U',xcellence oif assor ments--supïfe'ior cqua'iity-7and ex- ceptiontal value. COMPREHENSIVE DISPLAY 0F LADIES' AND MISSES' SUÎTS The suits of the boxy type and Jacquettes or bloused suits, are shown with,-either the plain tailored skirt or with the dress to constitute the three piece suit. The skirts are being worn, from 8 to 10 inches from the ground. Tricotine, Poli-et and Twill Cord are the favorite materials. Our suits corne from famous houses, such as Northway, Harry Rother, Greenburg, Smith, Davies, as well as several smaller firms. Each suit lias been seïected w\ithi the utrnost care, taking into consideration every type of figure anid every purse. SUITS PRICED FROM $22.50 TO $68.00 MISSES' AND~ LADIES' COATS 0OF JN1ARALLED VALUEf Top Coats are shown in straiglit line effects, either loose or belted. ipelts on most of the garments are low. For Misses many have bloused backs an~d fronts with tight hip line and side clos- ings caught in many cases with buckles or elaborate ornaments. The Bromleigh and mannish cut coats are very popular, made from Polo Cloths, Tweeds and Homespuns. COATS PRICED FROM $14-50 TO $52.00 DRESSES OF SMART DESIGN AND RARE É3EAUTY It is beyond one's conception to realize the styles, smartniess, workmanship and materials displayed in this gorgeous collection of Dresses. Printed words convey little idea of the smartness of the frocks we have assembled for Spring-some with tiglit bodice and full gathered and circular skiirts, relieved with liglit contrasting timmings and Bertha collars in self materials and lace-others with plain. pleated and rippling panels with allover embroidery--paliels floating free or set in to the skirt-novel girdles withi pleats, rope effects and tuck-s-others cauglit with straps of fabric. Shirrings are ýnew and most effective. Sleeves often show the brevity required this season especially in Taffeta Dresses. Sleeves in Canton Crepe, Ail Tymne Crepe, and Flat Crepe Dr~esses, on the other hand, are flowing-alI manner of these beinig shown,. Our Dresses are most moderately priced f rom $6.00 to $46.50. We have three special lines at $18.00, $23.75 and $25.00. The sizes ruin up to 46. TIIS IS NOT A SALE. THIS IS A FASHION IREVIEW Please bear in mind no goods wilI be sold Friday Evening S. W. Masonjjuu & Soin Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Pay Cash And You Buy For Less New Ways to Judge New Wraps SLEEVES New sleeves are decidediy tein. perental and go to great extremes. Loose cape sleeves often flow almost to the hem of the coat. Shortezr cape sleeves are wide and ripple<l. Som-e cape sleeves turn out not to be sleeves at ail-but one with the- cape that tops the coat. The Raglan 'sleeve is a great favorite with its wide opening and fiat cuif. PLEATS Simali pleats inake an interest- in,- collar on a sports coat of grey mixture. The coller le pieated inito a band that fast- ens abouit the ithroat with a buckle, to form a soft, flaring ruff. SILKS Siiks in the newest shades and beet values. A f ew of the 1new shades are Samara, Mucffin, Salvia. VOILES, Printed Voiles in1 the newest Paisley Patterns, for waists, for sleeves and for trimmings. Priced 45e ta $2.45 per yard RATINES Unusuai collection of Ratines, in plain, overchecký, self pat- tern and plaid effects. Priced from 60c to $1.25 yd. SWISS VOILES Swiss Voiles are very strong again this Spring,> high colore soeem to be niost popular. FI, G. 1

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