Th'fe .'Liftul)' a lhtented ln, vention with uoii-sllp lasl inside bit, gently supports the abdrren andi is verýy béueficial for nias after an operation ïinvalvýing ani ab- domninal incisioni. Moat ef- fective in r ivlgthlose physical ai1m-nts f r oin which nïany worsien suIfer. Write for- the ,pcmeof a -fsas Corsetiere ïnear yoit. SIAS CORSETS, LIMITED 41 Britain Street, Torontco COR s Els F. Hî. BOUNSALL Proprietor. Bcwmnanvýil*, pihone 326W Box64 "Every Part of My Body Ached", "For several yearslI wasii u scb poor hlealth that 1 was a buirdlen to myiseif sud to othiers. I was compilletely raui down. I used to sufer terribly nwitl lhcadachies. The pain in niv iy eadc was ailmnost beyond endurance. 1I1 ha3' no appetite. I liad been iosing weigliît steadily. I coui'l't sleep. I wold' lie awvake soiltimles iintil dayligl ht someitimles aMilnighit, I had nio h e, l'ON eacrgy. Nly ierves iwerejmay Soiletimles 1 wonldlforce myseif ï n Wiliu Idid 1ivwould suife r Itle iost severe pains inlu y stoinachi. E' part 01oimy body aclied(. Notlin-g semned to CdO Ime auy good uiii I purchased a few h)oties of Carluol. Ilefore I had fiuishied takjitg thç 1-rst bottie, I feit relieved. It ifords itue the 'greatest pleasare to recouiendii, Caruol to auY one wloisita a rua do state of lheaith. ilt las cloneie far more good than 5nany other toyic." Mrs. Elizabethî King, Hlfx Buay a bottle tody,. - For Sale by juir '&Lovell ORONO "I Had Terrible »ackaehe Ms ' n ea pntEserwt Fr m Kd ey Disease» Reserve May 24th for Arclu Society entertaininent. Me.M. A. McNeili, Ca. Mrs. Geo. Glass ýind son, Lyness,I naan Sta., N.,, writes: visited friends in 'Toronto. "I ws toublci or yars Mrs. W. S. Roy spent Easter week, wt îerbebcace eutn ihrelatives in Chicago, 1El. - î i- teri'De bakacbe, esuJingMr. Harvey Winter, Oakville, from Kidney cisease. At tîmes in spent Easter holiday at horie. ecdi month I remained in bed, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stutt visited the pain was more than 1 could at Mr. W. McNeil's, Port Hope. stand, and to walk was almost Miss Hilda MeCutelcon is taking a ....... impossibl.1 used about $50.00 business course at Oshawa College. wort o~ oter ediine, ~Mrs. Wmi. Underwood, Toronto, is wort ofothr meiciesbut visiting lier aunt, Mrs. James Hunter. *with lfitle res>lts. Now 1 amn Holloway's Corn Remover takes completely bettoer, after using the corn out by the roots. Try it only five boxes of Dr. Chase's and prove it. Kidney-Liver Pills. Orono Womieni's Institute will meet in the Counceil Chamiber on Friday, Dr. hases Klney4ver UIs April 20, at 3 o'clock. Dr. has ls K dne -1 i v r ilsMr. and Mrs. Moses Robbins bave %One pili a dose, 25Cts. a béx. AU dealers, or Edmianson, Batem returned from Leskard where they & Co, d, Trot spent the winter with their sons. Mr. Wil Allen, Kirby, has sold a __________________________________________________young teani of general purpose hor- ses t.o Mr. Edgerton Hancock, Ani- Shareholders of L. R. Steel Coni-,tioch. pny are info e tattlnost theyi Misses Lenora William--son, teacher, 15e n th dolar.teacerToronto, spent their holidays TFere are many, ve and at hornie. may hol iSleighsan cuttershaebn To have the childrern sound and man, oterswh trogh ally superaflnuated until next win- Iiealthy is th first care of a miother. gthe years have 'proved the te. They were in commiiission fori They caninot be healthy if trouble'd pwrofarnc longer period than usual. with -worms-. Use Mother Graves' WoniEteria. You are not MTr. ad Mrs. A. J. Leigli have re-1 Scott'sEmulsio PEL ff erirnenit- turnied froni Toronto whre they vis- muEu- Wu In wh nited their daughiters, Mrs. John Steel1 of uvtmn beaing netfrErei n Skiaii.rrita- Mr. Wilbert Scott and family have; pure lions. it relieves at once and gradu- cod.liver i to nelp nourish aliy heals the skin SampIG box Dr. arrived hére fromi Maple Lake, Ont., an sreg e te Chass Ointent free ifyetimelition tiis ad reoccupyin thehbouse of Prin.. chsd.Itisabndnt Lîmiited(i Toronto. section house. Mr. John Hill, Uaderwood hiome- in .ýhe vitamines that COOkà s CUttRoot Cmo stead, lias leased the Mrs. W. F. Pat- are so essential to 4afrulzrepulating terson farm, 8th Con., the former t fat fmedenc. Sold in three de. tenants, Messrs. Polîard Bros., hav- grees of I egliN.1S]* ing mioved to a an in Manvers childrenand aduts. N-o2 $3 N e 3, S.5 per box: &~Bown~ Toront. Ont.soIdby ai -ru ator sent A Foe to Asthma.-Give a'stlma ppao e,p to-Add'-. haachanc.e and it gains goudrap- -. THE COOK MD CO i~ dl3T. But~ give it repeated treat- TCROIITÙ, cQN. Wsrsin Id maso Dr. J. D. IKellogg's Asthmaii - Remiedy and it will fail back evenî W O'S HO l~U~E RfrehesWer Eesfaster. There is no haîf way meias- The rea *nîsh n'praua Yure about this remiedy. It goes riglit Yevutss mtaesntsB-d n Eavv,-ue Murie.It a to work and drives asthmla out. Tt ni idVes s orNerou an, 11- u~- It Ir-Fee1heiagstbiýtii ps Makes tfor Iei.r, Brighr and Ï_ sa-es Sand leaves no Place for the flei an~' Me frainWr Sarklig. ies.Sld and tobet [r. Have it by you for Despoiden ELsso neir , Pliato !ReoeDed yAi! rsir.rayue lhe Haali Memnory rie ebox.; iad ue for ý5 Soid by ail druggists, or maied in ]liIV rwl hre fre rn pkg. on receipt of price. New pamrphl 11e 0 ru YS*bo,~no M.Toa I'a.e h 're.TIE WOD O..OROTO.NT ______________________'as becnila in idia since the close of ** ** ~ ~ the wýar -uith the Impéeri*al Flyiag Corps hs returned to oron to where he fami11y reside. Mleszsrs,. Wimsnad Patterson- madea lrgeshipmient of horses Sat- TII" 'EY TELL 1H EIR urv stI Trntsiel NEIGHBORoS:reiou shipmrent. A largze shiliment of hogs was m N*lGH8 R X samie day. Withi so thorough a preparation at Women Tell EacliOther T11GWTe W mJ-V~ baud.asa Miller's Wormi Powders the 'Were Ikjped by I.ydia E. Pu- 'o C U H S siffer fdmtAeravages of wormis i for CVegetable Compou M *unwise an-d culpably careless. A hi'sV'fftaleandi BRONCI-ITIS child subjec.ted to the attacks of I I wormis is always unhealthy, aad wilI Woodbridge, Ot. -"-J took Ly dla 7E. î4 uU Umu n Imm mg be stunted ia its growtli. It is a Pinkham's Vegetable Comnpound for f-" _______-___________ erciful aet to rid it of theseQ de- male troubles. 1 wouild have hedcesrcieprsts secially wlien it backaches,' pains between my shoul- abedon e wîthout dîif'ficulty. dors and under ry sho;ulder-blades and After Every Meal 'Mr.Herb. Bat, an ,l rn dragging down feelings on each side. , boy, Soni Of late Charles Barrett, 1 was sometimtes ttnable to ë» -11 played in the finals at the Checker work and feýk very-badly. My mother- TUýournamieut at Hamilton foQr the in-law told' me about the Vegetable J cham npionship of thec Dominion. 0f Comp<Qund and I got some riglit away. Barrett's playving the correspondenit It bas dont me more good than any writes tlie spjorting colun-in of the other medicine I ever took and 1 rec- _ loe -Brrt played a remi-ark,- ompeind it to rny neighbors. You are ably skilful gaine. quite welcom-e to uise letter as a Top o (>Fac02m11 Externally and Initernally, it is testýimonýiial if yoýu thiulç it will help some w th Ca b i t 0 I 0Goo. - Whlenr applied externally by p or s,;fferer. r. EDGÂAl SnimMOS,sw e inte or brisk rubbing, Dr. Thomas' Eclectric RR2, Wooýdbrid'ge, Ont. Qil opens the pores and penetrates In fiearlyeveryi-neighborhood lu ee-ýry ol W IL Y the tissue, toucihing the seat of the town attd City in this' country there are trouble and immediately afording re- women ý-, ýo have been helped by Lydia it satisieýs the lief. Administered internally, it willi t.Phe nil- teat etalments )ipcuito SweetCZ totsntill the irritation in the throat which the reamen ofaiiiiets pcular o adfieUl kýinduces coughing an.d wiIl relleve their sex, and they take pleasure in aids digestion, 0-à affections of the bronchaI tubes andi passing thegood word abong te other earesiaoyogns r'tadb womeu. Therefore, if yen arle troubled PIe oSu ve a ndesprtr ogn. Ty tadb in th i) waywhy not give Lydia E. Pinkt- beneïlit omn ed. ý-1 Clarke Township Council decided ban-ii s Vegetable Compound a fair trial. - at 1ast mneeting- to commute statute T.his famous remedy, the méedicinal labor at $1.00 per day, the feeling ingireients of whicb are derived from geueralby throughout the towpShup roots and herlis, bas for forty year being that the old systemn of per- proved its value in sucli cases. WomenO forming statute labor had served its every~wlere bear wfling testimony te tirre. This is the day of good roads, the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pik n ve.ol vI eaietecoui hams egtabe omoun. .34did the Ilroper thing. ______________________A Household Medicinc-.-They that are acquailnted witli the sterling pro- perties of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 0i1 ________________________ in the treatmient of maay ailm~ents The Four Touring The Lowest lIdsmobile Price in Ei'ghteen Years A LTHOUGH to-day Oldsmnobile quality and performance are higher than even former Oldsniobile standards, the prices, are now lower than they h~ave keen for the .past eighteen years. For a car of practiçal utility and distinctive appearance, no car at the price can compare with the QldsmobiIe Four Touring. To fulUy appreciate the quality of the Four Touring you must see it for yourself - examine its appointments-ride in it-drive it. But some conception of its urnusual value may be obtained by glancing through this ,Iist of equipment: Drum head and cowl lamps, high-grade uphol- stery, walnut steering wheel and walnut finish instrument board, windshield wiper, etc. Corne in and let us demonstrate this remark- able car, MOFFATI MOTOR SALES Bowmanville and Oshawa $1375 F.O.B. Osh~awa Governmezit Tax Extra k j s Il 4 j L k 1923 PRICES Mcdel "43-A"--4-Cyliiider 115" Wheeibe.. 3-PeSWY Lioadster - $15 5-I'ass. Touring - - 1876< 4-Pass. Seni-Sport - l"65 5-i>ass. Brougham - 1896 4-Pass. Coupe - - 2065. 5-Pass. Sedan - - - 225$ Mode! 47, Light Fliglit 115" Wheelbase 5-Pass. Touring - -$1899. 4-as.Ioadeter - - î~ 8asSport Roadster - 2296 4-Pas. Super-Sport Touring - - - - 2395j. 4-Pass. coupe - - - 2595 5Iass. Sedan - - - 2795 Model 46, Uarger Elght 122" Whielbas4e 7-Pass. Touring -, - $267e ÂU Prices F. O. B. Oshawa Gevernmnent Tai Extrit OLDS.MOBILE C Bni Bri Sel len No: ont Re, Sai lier mel eau pea a d gif i the car rosi 3 moi soli lac( L 1 =M7,