Mand Mrs. b cently visitd his u V o n ' wVT a st e C h i c e n F ed den . .. .Mr. . R. S' tri 1 to the Unitel Sodnand son Buy a Dry Mash Hopper-they pay for them- aPrtoeLval ti 1 tGrie Lymer .... D selvs in thefeedthesavenot xpenivof officers at Leagi. selves inye feed.... Axpensle *ng. either. people ýof" Our con) Always make it a point to visit our China De- partmnent and see our splendid stock and tLhe Iow prices goods are now marked. WHO IS YOUR GROCER? Business is good-we're busy but cari stili serve more customers with best qualityof groceries £ ntlwencr ;nao Special Values This Tim»e 0f Year Wm. Challis, Salesman, Bowmanville Specials This Week In Wall Papers New\ý designs suitable for Bedroomns, in floral and stripe patterns, Blues, Pinks and Greens, lOc per roll., Borders and Ceilings to mnatch. Tapestry Patterns in several different shades of iBrowris andi Greens for Livingrooms and Halls, 15e per roll. Borders and Ceilings to match. W. T.Allen Big 20 Bookstore *Originality In Footwear We've gained distinction for abil- ity to display Footwear fashions that have found acceptance in the eyes of ail women. Particularly is this true this Spring, when selec- tion is the best we have ever shown. Your new shoes are here. Copeland ShIQ Store Phone 2419 J. BowmanvilIle iii *1 .1 u stons ;m". and Mrs. Joint.MoNC(ulliei Mnr. and Mrs. O). - Mciiicullbchave sufere front flu. .... Leatgue had a vry Succes, fui social evenling last Monday.-roa was in charge of 3rdj Vice Presiden Waillace Pascoe. Mrs. RselOrmti, ei toit sang a petysolo fo iedbyth topic on tdie value ofr rading by Mni Ftaiil Giibert. Rain(ollo7wed 1) Hlerb). Ashiton and H-arofld Ormniston, an an ac(cordcion solo by Mrs. L. Pas2o, A-fter playing several gamews an excel let 1jiluhwas serlved. A fir crow turnlled o1t. HÂYDON Leatgue service hreont Sundally eveï1 ilin ws splend(idIly at e. Presiden wals in chairge Ofcopening eeriss1 her tusual eficintmner aften wic 4thi Vice Preiet1 MCcSiemo prsied opic aswe11 presented h1) Mn. C. Averyand Mr. J. A. WrrEn niskilleýn, which proved nmost itrs t owrr 'rn. AMusicaýl sélectionswe M. oultis, vocaists, with Mn. A. Beecl and lMn. Allen1 SLtaintonl, violin acomllpan iSts . A raigwa1s lso Liven iby Lth VicePrsien.League closed with thl M[izpah Bened1,oictono....Sledd eor0 lie 1S. S. Cnvnia!idd asgv C'on Sundlay miorning by Mn. John Gîa _...Miss Muie sh1ton is atLteninig LBus- ines-s Cllgeint orontoý... . Mr. Tirm BowanvlHosp'itali for tonsils and ad- en"ids... .MrS. thlos. S1emn111 et01fe anld broke heor arm1... . Mn. and Mrs. ChaE, Garrard isiteS ienids at Nsln TYRONE Mn.iandl MrSý . James DrcProvi- dece vsiedtheir daghen lrs. F Panner. . evealfront here attnded thel]r, mof Q1ueen E"sther"', given I nt, iste his a Mr , S.\W. a. I Cemns .. Mr.Cei Sargent, TorontLo I spenti1 the 'week-endwith hIis parenats, . and ,1,1 , ins. Thos. Satrgenit ...The Drma"Lgthus an1,' w\as \%e]l at- t 0de 1oFidynight last Procee1 ý.1 185in aid! of the A Ui Bbe Css .... anSI;ti FIrs ionel BYampenlt Snniday at henfraribers lintCningi1toni...M.. T P Finleyandwife and Ol()a, Uniioluville, spnt SundoLv ay a1he,1h-rsMr. Ed. Mn.% and Fins. Wm. Vîrthue to outr village. Thewy have mlovýed into the house formr.iýr ly occupljid by the late _MnS. Bsi Hawey. . Mn an lMs. Fred 1MoQre, Prviece pc.Su day a' it Mn...i Mutt1on'...2. ln. anS Fis. F. Thompson shavisited at Mins. G. Phare's... llipapecoI Sider iitedoun scý(hool laist Th1unsdayv.Mn.. anr. Mr. Geo.Scott, arts hasmoe on to the 11enniyplc whchhepurcatsed some lime ago .. Mn. and olMns. Jahe Mor, nnsklln visiteS frienids hiene on Sundayi. MiSsýss Ji'lie and C teSmial, sh- awa, spe!nt Sunday t h lome..... .Miss Lot- ie C aloi nSfrniei1d, Ohaw, ndayved1 ut H. Wîilco's Jr . irs' Choir wilI leaS the singing.on Sundachy ce ilx Miss Munritiel Trull, Bwavfe apenlt Sundaýy at home(... .. and MnS. H.E. (Cule visiteS friends InOsaa A biaptisimal service' wae, helS on Sundayi evening ilso a reception service,wte sevenail wene, received into church rcmx-ý hership ... . We extend s3incere syipathy to Mrs. John Colwill, Jr., also to A1rs, C. Johns and famiily and Mrs. Rees Juhas; li their recent bereavemnîs . .. Sorry tu lose Mr. anS Mrm. T1. L. Williamnison fronm Our village, Mn. WillMamson ha.vlng taken up farmiing at Manchester. - fore leavlnig Mn. Williamson was pres- etdwlth a mionogramn ring from bhis S. S. C'lass of -young men. Mfrs. -Williamn- son waes also presented with a bteauti~ftl Searf and pair of boudoir Hlippens fromn the W. M. S_, as ~sllht tokens ofe- teem i n iwhlch they wvere held. 1Womien'e Missionary Society mieeting at Mms. G,. A. B3aron sý, Tue-sday, Aýpn-il l7tb. Ofnlers elected wr: Prst.- Fn.J. J. Vitueý; lst Vice-Fins. Wý. W. Horn: -MissL.Ryn15;Cr.fc, Fin. J ClwilJr.; Treýas.-Mrvrs. P. CG. Kers1iake; Strange-rs'Det-isW. . Joues; Su1pt. hita twnsi.-r Jf. Buiros; Sup. ?Mite Boxeýs Mrs. T_.1D. Sykes; ýSupt. (ndi,11 Fn. .J Ast.Fis.(tv-) *Jones; Watcýh Tower HenaldHs Mirs H. W'lcox, Jr. aa;; Mr.Kuiox, China; Fins. J. Shi(eckleon, F-rencbi; n.Smyth, findian. Neyt eet- inat Fins. Jas. Cuirti.q, No need of sending your money out of town when you c!an buy Boys' Suits with 2 pairs of pants for- $7.90. S'ee then and! be convinced that these aereal bran. Couch, johnston &Crydermtan. BUY WALL P.APER NOW ntsfot very often you can get a reduction in price of wall paper at first of season-but you can if you deal with A. E. Jennings at Hamp- ton. Rig-ht no-w he is offering wal paper for any room in the house at 25 %' discount. You fo1kts who think y-.ou al-ways got to buy away from- home corne in and see this fine display of wal.I paper and it won't tak-e you long~ to decide to spend your hard earned cash with Bert- because you can get what you want and save znoney, too. 13-t 'li Eddwill have their usua . S. S I nniver, ary Lwith tea adentertain- 'i me-_n t y «27 andcl2 8.... .Prof. J. B.1 ani( i vs. RyodGuelph, visited(1 j i~roheJohn, who is výery we,,-ak t at time of witing... Mr. Richard Pascuýe is >somewh,,1at better. . M17. Iand Airs. Everett Hjoaýr and daughter, Bathesdaà, visitedl at herfthra,, J. J. Smithi. . . . Mrs. N. E. WVgh jvis'ited with her mother,Ms.J a- -1 NetiûToronto Sunday. ..Mnaq lMl's. John Pas.-eoe visited his; brothelir i EdJward, \West Whitby, adatne the funeral of the late Mr: icar Wa-lters ,Tor onto, ,'aùt th ý Union Cejjj- etery. She fHel ie at Max-. well's School. . ..Mr. W J.,rag Bowanvll,spent ,a fe !days Lat Mr. J. Baker's. . ...Masters Verne and Dan MfcLaughin-, Oshawa, are vis.. iting their gra-ndparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe-Farn-ers are husyý days tilling the sou,. Fail ýwheat and seeds look fairly go.... M1r. Russel Smnithi visited! at Toronto, Newy el-2ctedlLeag-ue officers lst Vice President-Miss Hilda Wonl-ý nacott; 2nd vice-Hilton Tinik; 3rd vice-_NIrs. Roy La)ngiaid; 4th Vice -Chas. -Smith; Secretary-Miss Lauretta Naylor; Trýeasurr-Evereptt Crydcermanii; 'Cor. Secretairy-Haro(-lïl Pascoe; Forward Movemnent Sere taryMissFrances Crydermian. GET READ"Y .F'OR SPRING WORK o'sthe time to g;et your stock ready for Spring %vork. Give them a sping toic. A. E: Jenning, Hani1pton, has just received a freshi supply of "Sprin- pick-ups" which1 he is selling at lolowing prices: 7! lbs. Pratt's Conditioner 49c; 6 lbs.' Blaber Saîts 25c; 5 lbs. Epsom Saîts 25c; 5 .lbs. Suiphur 25c. You can'.t buv them aiy cheaper and some ýplaces they charge more. Rememberi this is fresh stock and full strength.1 13-t1 YOUI WILL SEE GOOD HEALTH Ia the miirror after you have taken our course in ch-iroýpractic. Day by day you wvill note the imnprove.. muent-the color corne back into your uheeks, the brig-htness- and c-learlness to Fouir eyes. I' re- maka le wat an effect chiropractic has upon the generai health. OFFICE HOURS Bo'wnanville Opposite Town Hall, Temperance St. Hours: 2 to .5, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sundiay; 7 to 9 even- ing-s, and by appointmnent. At Orono from- 2 to 5 on Monday, Wednesday andi( Friday afternoons. Dr. Durwin E. Steckley Honor Graduate of Tor'onto Chiropractie College Phones: Bowmanvillfi, Office 141J; ]Residenee 141W. An d that's the reason Darling Boysi Leave homie and go astray; Because their miothers failed to lead But let the-ni have theîr way: But when they're gone f orever- Lotto ail hope aind joy; w-s too. dear, to be 'sevee Weeis My Darling Bo!" HELP WANTED Dining Room Girl, also Chamber. Maidf. Apply Bowmian HO-Lise, Itd,1ý GET THE BEST FERTILIZERS cmýil" Fertilizers you have the satis- I faction of knowing you get the best that science anti skill can produce, best igeint-betconditioni-! ýbest bag-water soluble ni'ýrog'-en. 1Local nmarket gardens and farmlers r who use'd Scotch Fertilizers last -vear were well pleased and are buyin- inj larger quantities this year. Place y-our ordler now forMa deie. Thos. Taylor, R. R. 6, Bowmilanville,I phone 820r14 Mi. A. JAMES Steamship Ticket$ Tu Euirope-Canadian Pacifie, Whitei Star Dominion, Cunard, American. Ask for information. Phone 53,! Bowmanv'ille. ~SOLID t ~WORK PHONE 83 EATHER BOOTS BLACK OR BROWN FOOTWE AR SPECIAL F OR SATURDA Y i y, i i 4 'I REGULAR $4,50 SATURDAY ONLY WE GUARANTEE EVERY PAIR BE SURE TO SAVE THE COUPONS FOR FREE SILVERWARE MNcMurtr.y &CQ0.,Ltd. 'i BOWMANVILLE