Free!l Free1 FRE Il FLOWERS FOR Mother's Day SUNDAY, MAY 13, 192q Roses,~ Carnations, Tulips, Daffodils, Sweet Peas with every purchase at H BEi%Â%SHER'l Saturday, May 12, 19231 Opposite Bank of MVotreal I3owmanville BOWMANVILLE, MAY 10. 1923.; OBITUARIE S Capt. William D. Hunter, Victoria, B. C. Captain William D. Hunter, whose death occurred iu Victoria, B. C., on Tuesday, May 1, was for xnany years a resident of Ontario. Hie was born in Eugland in 1845 and came to Canada at the age of seven years with his parents. The family set- tled first in the township of Clarke, Durham County, and afterwaxd at Glenburnie, near Kingston. The late Capt. Hunter spent the greater part of his 1f e lu Lindsay, wher, he was for miany years agent for thel Masspy-1arris Con-pany. Later he spent somre in farmiug near Wellaud and about ten years ago re- moved to Victoria, where he .had since lived. Captain 11untiýr, who was a Methodist aud a life-lëng Conserva- tive, was a Fenian Raià veteizýi, and also l;eld the service iedal. lUs wif e, f orm-ierly Miss Mary A. Reed of Lindsay, predeceased him about a year ago, and lie is survived hy four sous, George of Victoria; Dr. F. R. of Canyon, Oregon; W. T., Vernon, B. C.; aud R. C., Parkbeg, Sask.: and one daughter, Miss Mau'de, at home. David Caird Argati, ]Branidon, Man. The funeral of file Iate David Caird Argaîl, of the Imperial Dye Works, 347 Teuth Street, was held April 30. £rom St. Paul's Church to Brandon Cemietery. The obsequies were under the auspices of the Odd- fellows and the Rev. J. George Miller wvas the officiating minister. The paîl-bearers were: Christopher S. andj 3 Charles A. Argali, brothers of the deceased, aud Messrs. G. Butler, Fred Wilson, Brock MeGregor and 'J. A. McKellar. The late Mr. Argal was the son of the late Martin Argail of Newcastle, Ont., and was born in Newcastle in 1871. Nie came west to Dauphin lu 1898, aud about flfteeni years ago moved to Brandon, where wit)h Win. Muir of this city, and J. S. Montieth, now of Toronto, started the Iraperiai Dye Works. Later he acquired the business, and three years ago took Brock McGregor into partnership with Iin. Mr. Argail, who was held iu high esteeni in the city, was a member of St. Paul's Presbyterian C hurch. flesides his wife, he is sur- Yvived bv five brothers aud one sister -Cibristopher S. and Charles A., of Tisdale, Sask.; Luther, William, Ed- win aud Elizabeth, Oshawa. Mr zdar Butson, Bowmaiville. Ou Tuesd(ay, May 1, the death of Edgar Butson occurred at lis resi-1 dence, Church Street. H1e was thirty-three 'years of age ,and was the elder son of Mr. Josiah Butsou of this towu, and had lived here since childhoad. H1e had suffered some- what from iii health througlh the past winter but not thought of as of serions nature until two weeks pre- vious when pneumonxia developed aud in spite of aîl that medical aid and loviug, care could do he passed away. Hie -was highly estemond by a wide circle of frieuds as was shown by the large nuanhier of floral trib- utes includiug a beautiful wrea4th fromr the General Mlotors of Oshawa iu whose employ he liad been prevîons to bis death. Iu 1912 he was married to Miss Leeta Bennett of Peterboro, who is left to mouryn the loss of a kind snd devoted husband. H1e also beaves a sorrowing father aud oue brother Mr. Richard Sleuon, Hayd>u Mr. Richard T. Siemon who wàs the son of the. late Wni. and Mrs. Siernon was born in the township of1 Darlington in the vicinity of 1Hay- don, on Deceniber 31, 1857, and died in I-Iaýdon on Saturday, April 28, 1923. In 1885 h. niarried Miss Fanny 7Mountjoyý, daughiter of the late MVr. iand Mrs. Thos.ý Mountjoy, to whomi three children were born-Miltcn ut home, Elmier in Toronto and Lena, 'Mrs. Rutssell Gilbert, Efluiskillen, al- SO one haif brother, Win. Trewin ofi Bowmanv'îlle, and Messrs. Jobhn Siemion, Eitniskill(sn, Thomas Siemon, Haydon, Dr. E. T. Siemnon, Ottawa, and Samuel Siemon, Winnipeg, sur-i vive, a loving aud dâvoted husbandl a kind affectionate self sacrificing1 f ather and a devotedl brother. When y.oung in vears Mr. Siemon accepted Jesus Christ as his Savious, and united with the Cburch at H'ay- don, (then Bible Christian), and through the years, dev.eloped a beautiful Christian character and consistently demonstrated the fact that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God Unto Salvation to, everyolie who belheveth and as he had opjiortunity bore clear testimony, with no uncertain souud to the truths and spiritual facts as they extend in- to the experience of his life. Mr Slemion love'd the church of hisi choice, as evidenced by the devoted interest he manifested in the punct- uality att the services, and1 the devot- ed services he rendered in the 'differ- eut departments of the churchs if e and activity. For n-iiany . years hc served as al Bible Class teacher, in fact the last public service he renclered was to teach thie Mble ClÊss in Hanydon Sabbath School, aud as the result ofl lis faithftul ministry "1 any shaîl rise up to, caîl hiniblesseýd'. Foryease served as steward and took hu! active interest ili the affairs of 'Tyroue 'Circuit and proved to be a loyal and true friend to the different Pastors who iu tprn Aerved on the circuit. 1 About a year ago Mr. and Mrs. Slemon retired from fanning and, settled in the village of Haydon, and we had hoped that he would be spared for yet mnany years to eujoy thel quiet of~ the eveutide of if e bû«t the~ Lord -wbom lie 'had faithfully served i deemned it otherwise and on Saturdlay, after a brief illness, he was nlt, h having quîetly passed on tic)theBt ter Land and haviug entered into the "Rest that rexnaineth to the people of God". The funeral iservice which wasl largelW ,'atteuded was held in the MUetho dist Church,, llaydon, and was couducted by his pastor, Rev. W. T. ickett, assisted by Rev. G. T Mc- Keuizie of Enuiskillen. 1 The remnains of a just andi good' mian w4re înterred in Bethesda Cerne- tery lu the 'sure anud certain hope of a glorious resurrection". Now the Labourer's task la o'er, Now the battle-day is past; Now upon the farthier shore Lands the voyager at last. F~ather, ln Thy gracions keeping i Le ave we now Thy servant sleeping. UN4ION CEMETERY, OSHAWA N"otie is liereby given. that auy lier- ,sonwiin to hiave a lot ini the Union Cemietory taken care of must inake ar- ran-gments -with tihe Secretcy or Sup- erintend(ent andi pay for same iu advance. The annual charge for uipkeep) is $200 for small plot ý,ind $1.00 for large plot. Perpetual u1epmay be provided for l'y tht ,payrý-nent of $50.00 for smiall plot a.nd 100 for large plot. If writing give, number and location of plot. Ail communications to beadrse to F. F'. Hare, Sec. Uuijon Cemnetery Board of Oshawa, April 26, 1923. 18-5w 1 uCARS For over three years we have been selling reliable used cars an'd standing, behind them to the satisfaction of our many customn- ers. In purchasirig a Used Car the buyer must depend to an unusuail extent on the reputation of the seller. More important to the purchaser of the car is the' reputation and perm'anence of the seller. If your car "blows Up" it is usually impossible to secute an adjust- ment from a dealer in a distant city or town, or from the "fly-by-night" salesman. Our local service~ station and our associate sta- tions in neairby towns are available to our used cal- pu'r- chasers, as well as for inew car customers., Values are at their best at this season. Why not investigate our stock of Guaranteed Used Cars NEow? PRICES FROM $200 TO $1850 Moffatt Motôr Sales LiïMi-ît ed McLAUGHLIN AND OLDSMOBILE DEALERS Wm. Challis, L ocal Manager. Bowmanville Phone 248 Oshawa ONE freated by our a normal Swil dily it to regain Consi -Will be in, Ise is transmit- y functiJn will rfered with So a meniDer sînce his early boyho( days. Am-onz the friends sud relativ who atten'ded froni a distance wer Mrs. H. Norris, Mrs. Fewster, Mi N. Butsôn, Mr. sud Mrs. C. N. Sou( of Toronto; Mr. sud Mrs. Err Clarke, Peterboro; Mr. Thos. Hi Pontypo oh; Mr. sud Mrs. Win. LaI Newcastl*e; Mrs. John Orchard ai Miss Marlon, Mr. sud Mrs. W.1 H-erring, Mr. andI Mrs. A. Herrin Mrs. Wm. Wotten, Mrs. John Py Enniskillen. Mrs. Nathan Byers. Enniskillen. The death of Phoebe Jane Bver l tisease. Th~e degree being f the interference. rierve supply is caused by ire being found mostly in acements thus [y to ahl parts function and1 as at En~nis beiug a de long niembý urch. ng itlir -G, ago, April 2, u more f eie dise 22, edî Monday, 'Wednesd, CENT SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAY 10, 11, 12 THE "PLAN: Buy a 25e box of Aspirin Tablets at the regular prie of 25c and you will get an- bther box for 1 cent or 2 for ,26c. This plan applies to many, REXALL GOODS Including Toilet Articles, Remedies, Chocolates, P~er- fumes, Rubber Gootis, 'ýta- tionery and Drug Sundries. The Biggest Money Saving Event 0f The Year See Hand Bills For Com- plete List. GLASSESmm $5.00 COMPLE . Genuine Gold Filled Framp-s, complete with Periscopic Lenses, EVERY THURSDAY We have secured the ser- vices of J. W. WORRELL, D. O., Eyesight Specialist Don't take chances with your eyes-have th'em properly examined, by a specialist. SAVE 'YOIJ 30% Extra large double vis-, !nlenses in sheil fae- saving of at ieast 30%., Laura Secord Announceemerit We Have Been Appointed Service Shops For the celebrated Laura Secord dan- dies, and we will be pleased to receive your orders. Your order must be in by Tuesdlay of each weeIý, commencing at once.. Delivery will be madle each Thursday. You mnay order any assortment you Wish, which will be box- ed especially foi you at the Laura Secord Studio~, Duri buried inu Te JURY & LOVELL, Druggists and Opticians . *3owma.nvilli Rev. 'Wm' Tucker, Toronto. Rev. Williarxp Tucker, a retired Methodlist minister, died Thursday, May 3, ut Ibis late residence, 30 Tran- by Avenue, Torouto, in his 89t3,i year. Bornin-iu Cor~nwall, England, Mvir. Tucker came to Canada when 21 výears of age, attended Victoria Col- loge at Cobourg and was ordained lu London, Ont., in 1865. For 34 years le was activelv engaged in the mxinistry. 11e was stationed at c1'arges lu London ,Toronto and Bay of Quinte Conference. Twenty- elgîht years ago Mr. Tueker retired tci Tor onto, where ho had lived since. For sonie time he had been closely connected with St. Paul's Methodist Church, Avenue Road, Toronto. lIn 18,67) Mr. Tucker married Mary Aun Godkin of Ailsa Craig, who died five years ago. Hle is survived by one daugzhter, Mrs. (Dr.) Morton Gallagher, Bay City, Mich.; and two sous, Rev. W. B3eijamin and Rev. S. T. Tucker, bothi of the Bay of Quinte Couferene. ~Qe61 ~1 Imported Roses 2000 Ixnported Bush Roses, splendid variety .....Soc ea Climbing Roses . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 75c ea Peonies, large roots .. .... . .c.. ...5eea Also large stock of fancy everg-reens and shrubs at at- tractive prices. Perennials in g-reat variety..... ... 15c and up per root Also Fruit Trees, Small Fruits and Greenhouse Plants. Eaoely Cabhage an-d Celery Plants iu abundance. TreBrookdale Nurseries TreSurgeans .Foresters Phone No. 7 Bowmanville