Court of Revision and AppeaI Lake,dwhiere t1hev bave spent holidays, Noie ahreygve _a h frten4cogratulations. The groo>m ____________ ba te Irt is a Crt-wright boy and a niephew of - ittlng of the Cour o0f Revision for the, Ms. Xobt. tTownship of FDarington will lie leld 'n Bi-'s, Bowma-'**'*l*. *Town Hall, Hampton, on Saturtlay, May 26, 192P. at theie our of 2.30 o'lock p. m., to bhear and determine the era compflaints and omissions in the Assesa.- S14E RECEIVED GR~EAT ment Rloil for the said minincipaity for NEI F OMT M the year 1923. E E I FR MT M li ersons having business at the0 W *Cout are requested te attend asaforeThtsW yNv Sc in W. R. AI.LI4, Ld Cierk of the Township of Darlington. ay Recomnds Dodd's Dated at Hai0mpton this 15th day of May, Kidney Pîlis. 1923. .20 -2ý,W1-f Mrs, Leo Gauçdett Found Relief andha s Te1Ls Ali Su«,erers to Use Dodd's v ORQNO KIdzey Pills., Saninierville Sta., N. S. May 15 Frorn The Ne-ws (Special.) Thbe value of' Dodd's Mrs. M. J. Taiblyn entertainedçI Eidney Pilla as P household remedy is at, 5 o'clocic tea on Friday. shown by the folowing statemenat of Mrs. No~ble has 'teturned after a Mrs. Leô Gaudett, a w ýil known reai- pleasant visit with friends in Tr-1 dent here.Ilui nt oflnt anultrinn 1r "~suffered -with kn trou~ble , Reua nultriigo 'u-Mrs. Gaudett statesli , "I : aDodd'sWeuaate ham 1Regiment cominexced Saturday Kidney Pis and have r- --ved great a-t-en night, May 12th. 1ben'ieflt froni themr. 'I1, th ni:-they are 10%pure pali AnnuAl Sunday SchooL day of th ery Od (xcp1j Metho'dist Gli'rcà wfllt e held on What Mrs. Gaudet~ ta: s la ji Witze anid a le May 2th. Rýev. C. W. Demill, B., A.,that bas evcr~ be.èn claime f o' Doddf's »d(ark shades thi af ormner junior pastor on this cire it, 1Kidney, Pills-tba~t they art.. good for cannot bo prepart wi!pec.sick kidrieys. T'he o ro to goo from i ead and.zinc wil lies through the krdneys. if to be mnade fro In the absenceeof the pastor onl theyar'e kept strong and weIî, a1l the w-hite ea( iSnnday 1Rev. E."B. Cooke of Neweast- i1mpil)ritieesare trai'ned eut ef the pure e'xide of ?nu] le, eccupinpd pîpit of the Methodist blood.. If they are wea~k and out of wth cjooirig ina Churcli at the morning service, IRev. order the jmPuritiefi stay in the blood ter in proportiona W. Lim-bert at Kirhy in the after- and disease ia the sure result. Dedd'sqattesne noon and Orono in the evening lat Kkeep aary tomaire thei Sunday. _V4e~ Pilla ee the kidneys in good rsetv hd cniinto dIother work of cdon-rsct*ehd .terrible inotor accident occurred ing and purifyin andbQQd in ts, withpur nt Pickering, Monday; butmd- Ask vu n hbo f Dodd'sKi-linseed oil and tur ngiin which a former Clarke boy, ney,-Pils 'do not make ound,hbalthy perine dryer, au, Pred A. Brown. son of Mr. Dwýighft kidneya to e e erely FR1ý BIrown, Newcastle, \a samong tihe ri xater, ben ijrd, and a young lady, 'Missi 510, whiting au( 11athIoeen Carpentier QçeL$atton ws il autrain instantly killed. PeteQueexi'Ili '-11V ils ad' 3 SJC T nity appears the name of Building Contractors Victor E. Bullock, son of Mr. and Mys. W. J. Bullock, Orono. Last Plastering and concrete work a le- NARTN-SEtOUR yenr he ebtaine'd a Bachelor of A.rts aPecialtY. degree wiVli houera, and' Science Blociking Machine and large Specialist standing. This year adds asquare timbera' auitable for rais- further laurols by ebtaining a Master ing hoes. of Arts degree in science, Mr. Geo. Glass who ewns the Sharp) We are also open to do. Team:1 f arm, Renwick's corners had a. stroke ing and Truclmlg. Truck going Wednesday afterno on, while plough- daily between Bewpianville and ý ing in the field facing on Orton'o-New- Osha-wa. Phone 294W catle road. As 'ho did flot retftrn at 16t suppe~r tim-e Mrs. Glass went 'out and _________________ found him 1yingý un.conacieusf" and______________ very eoid'. ' Es 'teanm was on thte opposite side' of 'the field, guarded by te dog. It would appear that hi had been stricken early in the after- New Eyes 'noon as he had only made ene round. nul you cat Ptomofe a Latest reports are that ho, is' lightly egeleitIhycosiUo improved. 'TIREKeMuxi1 e Remedy Sudylast Orono Lodge No. 436 WN~tadMrig of Odidfellovwa -attended divine service Wfe o Fe Ee are Book . atS.Saviour's Church, somne eighty WrtefrPeeyCae k at S t. hnoC.,a Md, Co.., 905 oî&sici, CLîago streng, accompanied by a splendidl turneut of Eowmanville brethren, al- so, Pontypool. The preaciher for the occasion -was Rev'. Mr. Carter of Toronto. ind his .disuorrse was lis- tened to, with rapt attention. He- said that while a stranger, he did ne DRTH4OMAS' feel so, as he owes his precent prieat- * CL.E TR [C * hood andl standing inthe cQerIy , Rev. H . WValsb, an eld Clarke'boy,' 8L and hoe felt a sert .of bond attachin * A SURE $AFE AND8i.MPLE him te tJhis place. Rev. Carter js a AILETS OF MA ANDa . yourug man and a splendid speaker. IT 5310 n ALVAY E EP Singing. by the 'choir was excellent. VC EPEA - The sole by Harold Allin'was much u S ES' CANNOT$ appreciated, and 'the Oddfellows B E O AYAN Quartet fronl Bowmanvile was inuch HAVE DYFOR .;< FO enjoyed. The church was packed TET EWE O