BOW1WANVI1LLE, MAY 17th., 1,923.1 NEWCASTLE 1Mr. Cha. W. Smith, town cler< o~f Its ~#ieis P enon en~L J-ORTICULTU1RAL SQCIETY1 0shawa, for 20 years, up to abot Its ale 189~0, died 111 TOooto Iast week in; t ~ ~ ~ fNEWCASTLE METHODIST~ CHOIR N'ewcastle Hortieultural Society his 95th year. Messrs. F. L. Fowke. THE SUP~REME AND POPUL 1+. ~~~~~~~CONCERTA A GREAT SUCCESS will hold its regular nmonthly mieeting Abr .Eer dGo .Ee >'U afi y is Ir eproacja-able he first Frid1ay i dune and in con-, ett attendcd his funierni on Fia w > ' ri~pOaCiauiC(Limiited Space Prevented Earlier rection with it will be the judging wveek. ria t. hechir oner o Mo yTaumPublication.) offlowers each mnonth in the Court m i iUJA N i AChurelh was a muia n ieayeach mioh-th will be totaIed up and muicl ndlerr H o othe oit ive in t he I~T NTIce C\ýTT R O lpE stio EU ~~~~treat hitlierto. unexcelled iby an ag-.dedtth onsienn t h IN TI ATîTE lt tl he towstate of' -~~~~~~~~ ~~~gregation of purely local artists, Flower Sho-w at the end of t'he seas-1CaisF u aeo h ouhpo 1 ~on, when the prizes wilI be awayded. Da iuigton, in it e Cýountyý (if flurhain, whione whotn -we niay properly in lwr 'b ugdt miller. , e~d cld u ey o-wn Miss Gindlys Jack- mionth ar:Sec. 56 of Cirap. ]2l' R. S. O0, 1914, that« L A ýson, whose parents resîde here and rae, i ersos ha 1 inais or dem'ands H 29 wos homle is here. Miss Jackson w sls » in sn l, aainst thie e oa f t e saidChre V3 la ALwas a< valued meniber of~ the choir White, yellow, red, pink, variegated. l'forn, dcadwhio ïdiel ounrabu aise prier to her present year at the Tulips-Best collection of theal fre e to snd bv post, prepaid Is the Purest,'and Most Cleanly Prepared Tea Normal School, Toronto. bloom. 4 or dlAver te T-. n Simi1uon, K,. C. , Bow- Tuis-Double best *ucien avile, Onîaio,- Solic-itor for W4iIimi f ~~tThe choir throughout the year de- TuelmnRoer AÂln aui 4ll _veryv, thle aci- inthe Wor14 votes its talents to assisting in- the w'hite, .yellow, red, pink, variegated. miitao f Ile propsrt 0f theý saidj( PRICES: Star' $710; 4-cyhunder Durant 19;6clnr4 -devotional ercs of the ehurch., Tul-Bs collection of double of n 9o tr ritia ,ve aud sur- by rendering suitable sacred music tuhips, three bloom. oc nefe aad? ý a h(-dr~ cliit 5 f afl stiuar- -Duen $2335.ygie~ouadmosrtin a. dleading1 in the congregational -H-yacinth-Best specinenayclinviigo lerMtsn t.e- D ON RAI :W wlgad iey saing, but uhscnetwsara r it.of tiheir acounts andi thie naulre Ba i g y Mail )ft Iir , ial.ýl'Iïb l the Dur~ant at any time. D~~IIQ~'~Du iviailexpression of the êhoir's capabilities. Uyacinth--Collection of S bloom. Ifflv veriFiell hy statutoy elrto DAin the line of higb class secular NiSu-Bs collection 3 boom evnh i arcîss-"-pst~AN a A KI y 0f Jane 198,r h e INMFORMATION: 'ree information on opeaî~ rdcr fcr > / m hi a~dgwt h tnadtrtg h ot inig and must have required on. the Flowering Almofld-Best 3 sprays. the aissets of thle said decease AY andn varo iv far h twy~~c f o a h od c wsn baibtonnnetakDfodlBs colecio th' tout aiptstratori wll pcedtdstrue MOTN Se bfoeuyxact Bus npuwh lv.~fr fpl ay bn<fnth part of thie leader, Mr. W. J. S. Spirie.-Best 3 sprays.onytrheaisf hc Our plan of bthe partieai, eatstledrnthereto hatiingcregard oui plan 4banldn by ia» saves hepi niakig speciai Riclçard, and on th~e part of every Orange Blossom-Best 3 sprays. tehaeoicndheaiadi- trips te tio-n,andI i satisactorGiy in every way and quite meniber, a gpeod deal of thoughtful Lily of the Valey-Best 1 2 blooni istrators adiiiil <o elaI o i as- .imio e stees*atcureztfraes n ~ah aco~s planning, careful preparation and PaIsy--Best 1,2 bloom. s 0ts -raY part thiereof, to auy personW .J kWrite or cali for fll partiouIaxs. patient practising, and those who hiad EntrÏes to be nmade any time up to or persons of Whos clai mn notice shiai .O OE TUE the pleasiure of énjoying it f eit that 9 o'clock the eveninjz before. Hlall 1ad 1 oliito Dutn Dealemros uc ds TEthe choir had aimed high, had found open to receive the eiitries 3 to 51 trihution.;NwtJ kk QT'ANflA~~~n the mark and its highest hopes had pý Mf. Meeting D, 8. p. 1..go MDte Ph St 0a N~My. . 9 SA NA R D ~. J" N Kbe alzd The opeuing. nuni- Drograni. AIl welcomae D B 5mP5nvi, K. O r CAS4A.D &ber w as an organ solo by M rs. E . C . Solicitor foi, said A d mniinist r tors_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fisher It wsa .pleasinoe selection,19- TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-TH-REE MILLIONS incidentaliy dîsplayîng the capabil- NEWCASTLE ON' Aur. IL~AKE Bowmanville Rranch, - - H. Wý Lapp, Manager ities of this fine pipe organi and DrWatn alha pucae Blacfkstock Branch, - - - E. A. Pjreson Meanager played with consu mmnate skill. r . Dt o B al t th e urhosed_ k Nèwcastle -ird N(-wýton,Ile Branches * J. Scott Montgompery, Manager The choir as a whole of twenty- and lot on the eat side of Mill St., oe t two~~~~ ~~~ C ornes todrdfu eetosa h cre fteHri o- . each of a distinctly difterent char-1property. The Dr. thus becon3eês --ý îiei itï) 1acter. The sWeet clear Sopranos, the owner of oue autira village block uuinteyl r n to I '~n a ~< the rich altos, the fine toued tenors at Neweastle-on-tIfe-Lake. The Dlr. r0 m adthe deep son orous basses 'ail is an admirer of the fluer qualities Wheii the c a w u s~ bleriding and conirmingling iu har- in tthe character of Napoleon and bas It. Y, A ', Wb~lS Bt iI e sulu eoni w pendid testi- namled his newly acqùired propemty areuniopenled« fo r Ul s, ed Fo rd Oar mouy of the truth poetically axý,pres- "Longwýood" aftem Napoleon's resi- sed. "Front hairmony, fromn Heav- dlence in St. Hlelena. The walls ofAE enlv hamony, this universal frama this idleal suminer residence, miodemn- PUek T'W O U$ES THE BEST MATE1~~IALS began, fmom hammrony to harmony, ly equipped with atone fire place aundrchSENS .N -, Rogers Cement nmakes the best foundation. toih lTecopssoteutewaer works wilU ba hung wihaconvenient. paile $1on Nashs~ew trad.dêd gu apn it rau the dipsnclosing full ini nuinler of Napoleonie prints, POT- 0pymn 1nNwlrg .ga~t~ QAU(' Ontario Pine-. C. Fir--and Quebec Spruce nian". "Land of hope and Glory', traits an~d e gavings while the roomis the ti, model and year and proteet you o oitta i s make the best superstructure. invra piipe'6< of fufS.~~e t rnîn Irni- agis obeval de"" " % 'Evepy car ~ra~ our R . earSinls rulaxt Jo(Ygink Miçhael's Towerm was a beautiful ex- nineteenth century styles. The Dr. the best covering. tamiple of four part inlitiative sitig- bas aiso introdué'ed anether link lul kALSM K The tO WES T PRICES Ever vi io i.flaon ing "oldTp-pu" ariedon bck the chain that binds maedieval history LES Mil BaeBrn adodF1orn is more dur- to the days of the ballad singers, and te local' modern life by uaming the FreIe. ek-Quetd on Und Ford Cars No o. Be~or BandJ{arwoo ooing"Good Night"' fitiy came as a cesing new home in' course of' erection, Wýrite the hrj, able and sanltary than any other, therefore it js nnbr "BOYS Of the Oid Bmi'g- "Barkum" Hall, thus perpétuating , ~td osra 't thé hest flooring. ade", a duet by Messrs. Mark Allîn the- ancestral naine forlîistory says -CASH_____________ ~Ik~aud W. J. S. Rickard, though diffi- that aftem Williamn thae Coiiqueror. ini- Q5 A ]Beaver IBoard Plain or Beaver Bo>ard 'Grained cftwawelasrdan rugtvaded Euglaud andi made his triwpî- elkp make aiidsme Wals an ceilrig. nries of the coimadeship and uhaor througll the jouthern partl FOD. TOadtING FR ODTR IH ) VR Pine Doors,Y Sasbh and inside trini make th~e Jbest Sale", a huniomous musical sketch by rested a wliile at Brkum, thé homle Baane $6.50 imBlhc 85#mnit Elii.$2 at fns.and Grace Bra-g and Edna k~ 4 ~ 1~ Ful ndLu br ept s hebet was muc±h aujpyed.. "Go to Sea,, SA~ Y f4<ÇA(YS AS LITTLEAS$0AWEK IL The Pople'sFuladLme eo steb t a fine rolliclring seng ,vas -well Sung P, A ENABL YOU 7 T FODTESEA pjace to biy. byý Mm. Frank I<ickard, Tha quar- NESTLETQr4 1 MMM te M oli4 o e gi8\b AH CASH kPrices reasonable and a square cleal for eve- teaet oo li Coa Agai" an Mm. James Emron awood, vis- 4'1Vi OWN vi129ý $62 ry Messrs. Allin and Coéke, sung iu soft itati his brother, Mr. J. W. Emerson, Good-looink< SE tfj ~a~w1see us toiles was exqeuisitely suggect- recently. . .. Mme. Wilton Crea<l and FORD COuPE Caladseu.iveafnonib' jnor Thte sou are speudinz a f ew days undar FORDCOUPE Coniton aGo4S,. __ fist nuumrber' of the second1 part wsthe parentl rof with lirfather Bane $17 ,ot ,ajnc 22 iY a~ 'pI4 Asilby tiet played with practic'èd and ôrtheme and fïMpePtr iii -9 Lim iteu Cooke. "Sing, S'-ip-g, birds on, the twith, be sistar, Mme. 7/re kcil J1 CASH 'IV Wiug", duet by isses H. MUason Janetville. ý..Mr. C. H. Portaqus ip' ON 9!..C> U A~A aV~~ King $t. East Bowýmanville and Edua Riekard was sung with weIl stmetched an airai wir g cr~oss for thek Office Phoe 15 House Phones 228, 274, 218 traiued and perfectly blendiug benefit of Mm. John W. Emerson whoi FORD $1ASTE a mon6 CA __________________ veices. Soaming birdec ever field orý ba 1eaiifra~erïo. M.IPYVDW Y _______________________________________woodlaud ne'e san _u mr at Porteous. Mr. Henmy Thsono and ]Balance $11 msoit1i FORD COUP E p $9ptj Mmsn n oerptr ý. George Wilson havaeac St oi ~ TU oas ote thn tese A ooçi type of tached their radio te win givlitg Mr. four part conversational song-1st Emerson the benefit of the radio con- FULL SET 0F TOSAND I and 2nd tenor andi lst andi 2nd basets anti sermns whjch ho appre- fRV NTUCIN 1 % -accompanied by gesticulation andicae vmnuçh and tiiese friands E 1~~iii~ T~f action was the selection "LaughiugartehÇo endfotarfreem:$1 ol eJJser 1Life Gas" by Messrs. Mt. Allun, H. Cooke, thugi at induasa.We fo weoi or'-l FIL~ wr _14 G/~ OD O R W. D. Bragg anti W. J. S. Rickard. coule back te Our commuty Chan- Plefectly iIî.1 lled, MOKeTJ 7wv~ 2.j DWN t.e~in n one hi uner was accorded vigomous celier Bowlas of Toronto, who bas matceuit and o give IBuys this 'Goo-okn Rela me and lnger andprolougeti applause. Mme. Geo. retumned with bis housahold te bis cet- the ni<>t batfinddur- if e ini the shoe, îf vou Houey's soloeliht was a ravala- tage north of hare ...Mise Ruby ablle srf5chesoui for FORD SEDAN FORD> TOURING es $2mu tien of the musical pewers of the Veale, Mr. aud Mys. Gea. Wilson ae floo pruWrns Let uosr cl,$5 abDw aale$1mnt FR ÇNTU use "6Nugget.5e htîman voice vw.hen possesse i, u ech anti Misses Isabella anld Dis visîted horae thesê of rroi 10nahDw ac quality anti range of toule as hy Mme. lu Toronto for the week-en lay the flôqr yoursaW ley. li notes of joyoUs lieo, Mr. anti Mme. George Marlow went MCel~ The Tiabve easy têerms are for twelve monthly pay n,.t-a ulioltpe warbling ad ever ascnding 'she te Oshlawa. ou Suuçay to sea hem cllai& C. nisrne Sktati'r ainsfrAL po r dW bIl we always have a goo stock of used Fords .15 pie ,n vlat ' poreÏorth als it ware hiem vem'y soul brother Charlie who is in the hosi BowmRafille tirnG to buy-when we are ai tihe »ohI of our uls. 7 u 9 c s in a glaçi acstacy of song. tai having underwent a serious opera- The second ladies' quartet "Lul- tien but w. a -pleaseti to state is Poe1 laby", by Mrs. 3owall su ise oing as w\ell as can he expecteti. Bragg -nt Rickard ýwas purest of the The funeral of the late Josephf H. PEN-TNTNY~» ~r-utmseteiht ta Taylor took -place on Wedtnestiay of1 BLAC-TANTONE REDlast week ,ant was largalv atteudaed,ý 11 DARK BRiOWNi AND WHITE wheu soft voicesdie, vibrs.tes in thebeu cudtdby e.MmCa-*aLratFrDqla" memory ~~ruthers sud hie assistant Mr. Al. Sani- a.6 À vs "Lassie 0' Mine" a. delightful love derson and Rev. J. R. Bick, a former ~aJi~n i e~ ~ N~NOPOEMI 8 song, by Mr. and Mme. Frank Rickamtt, iastor wvho s-poke on "We know that (u« o' FKQ O O T M Mmstirrad thie sweetest passions of the if our earthly bouse of this tuber- - yeutltful auditors te eider ones nlacla were dissolvad we have a huild- tz-ZU rIzz bmogh remniceca of c tship's ingz aboya uàt made w'ith hiands". Iti - ~ ~ ~ ~ - ----"- ardlent das(a1,vr epulat esovn d