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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1923, p. 2

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AUCTIONEERS THEQ M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farin and House Sales a Specialty. Terms moderato. Ennîskilion P. 0. Phono 197-r3. 1-tf JAMES BENNETT Auctioneer ' 10 years' experience in farni, furni- ture and~ nouse auction sales. Ad- dress Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mer- chant, Kilig-st., Bowmanville, phone 131. box 33.- JÔSEPH COULSON Ljcensed Auctoneer Vaituator & Reail Estate, Newcastle, Oe4tario. 22-tf VETERINARY DR.L F. T. TIGHE VET~ERINARY SURGEON. Day or Nig*ht Calls Pron4itly Attended te. Office King-st. W., Stat.,man Block, Bowmanville. Phone 248. GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,& ENGINEER Speciaist in reinforced concrete. Elstimates furnished, G~eorge Chenery King-st. Bowmnanvilî 49-tf SHOIRTIIAND~, TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING Coinplete Commercial and G>heral 'I»iprovement Courses. Students accépted at any tisne. Good posi- tions f<or ail graduatcs, CANADA ~BUSINESS COLLEGE Osha'waand Toronto fAR(ISIAN LIE~pS' AND GENTS' IiAILORS (PormnerlIy in Bowmranville,) now aï 1262, Yonge-st., stop) at Sumnierhill Ave.,' Torortto, phonoe Triaî±y 3217w. We cari stili gpN. you oir bet sorvIoes., Guaranteeci to Mi and workmansh1p at pre.war prices. DENTAL DR.G. C. BONNYCASWLE Honor graduate in Dextistry Toronto University., Graduate of the 1Roy*1 College of 'Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King-st., ]3owmanville.. Office phone 40. Hous. phone, 22. DR.. C. DEVITT Asitant.-.Dr. C. W. Lyons N (aduate of Royal Dental. College,i Toreto. Office, Ring-st. East, Bow- 'msuville. Ofr1cý hours 9 a. m. to 6 pm.daily except Sunday. Phone 90a Hosephne 90b - DR. R.,E. rNNIWELL. Bonor Graduate of Toronto Ui versityvand ine*mber of Royal Colpg. I of Dental Surgeons. Licens.d to Qractice inuOntario and~ the Dominion. pentistry in ail its brancheK. Office -Klng-st., Bownianville. Opposite1 Ban~k of Montr'êai, Phbne 301. PI C lRfUTA KTflT T -P T Tr7.ýlLIiNV~J~.a ~ JNi 7th., 1923. LEGAL ~M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY! rnoney to loan on Farni and Town Proporty Royal .Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W> F. WARD, B. A. BARRlSTFER(,SOLICITOR, NOTÂRY Money ta boan. Bonds for naae. Offices: Bleakloy Block, 'Ring Phonos: Office 102, Houso 279J. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Compiete Motor or Horse EquipmonIt Ail calis prornptly attende.d ta. Private Ambulance. Bownratvilio phones 10 and 34 Brancl< Stores-Oro no S&,Newcastle. WILLIAMS & CANN Emnba1niers and Funerai Directors. Calls given promxpt and personal at- tentioni. No- extra charge for dis- tance. Phon'es 58 or 159, Bow- rnanville, -Ont. 8-t R.S M. JONES Osteopath and CJiiopractor s 86 Simeoe St. N.. Oshawa, over 14e Years' successfui practice. Examina-i ttoïï Free at office. Phone 224. 2-tf i -.OPTOMETRY ý R. M. MITCHELL RegisteredÉy Exaninatfon 8pecli- izixig in errors of Refraction and Muscular Imbalances. Latest Meth- Office-R. M. Mitchell & Cos. Drus t Store f, Bowmanviile, Ontario] PIANO TUNINGN Having had 17 years practical ex- perienco as fine tuner xithi the Do- minion Organ & Piano Ca., I amn prepared ta de first-class tuning antd action repairing on ail makes of pianos. Ail xork guaranteed. Prices reasonable. , Phon~e 3!4, box 384, Bowmnanvilie, L. B. Tapson. f - MÉDICAL. B. J.- H~AZLËWOOD, M. D. C. M. Gold Mdalist of> Trixdty University 'Toronto. JPour years attending PI>l-1 sician and Surgeon at Mt; Carmnel Pqptl ittsburg, Ra Office and' Resdence, ellteg on Street, »ow- inanville. Phne 108. 1C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. MA. Graduate of Trînity Medicai College, Toronto, formerly of Enniakillen.I Office and residence, Dr._Beith form3er resideniee on Church st., BW- manvilie, 'PhonQ 259. 44-t t t [f THIS IS Rôofing 1Time 0f course you wiIl want the best which is Brantford Roofing Recommnendled by bui1c1ers and contractors and sold in Bowi»ajville by Masoîi & DaIe's Hardware 1Ph'cne 145 i3owmanville START CHICKS RIGHT Give the chicks the proper feed and care at the start and you will reap big dividends Iater., POULTRY SUPPLY HEAD QUARTERS < We have iin stock the best chicken feed on the hiarket. FUL-O-PEP-Star-titer, Chick Feed, Develop-ing 1Vlash, Laying Mash. H-0 1STEAMI COOKE 15 CHICK FEED-Sold tons of titis last yvear and it gave wonderful resu1tÈ. WODEHOUSE SUPPLIES & RFMEDIES- , Large stock of regulators and conditioners. '., DIXON'S REMEDIE-Also Chick Charcoal, Chiek Grit, Oyster- Sheil. SPECIAL PRICE FOR LARGE QUANTITIES HAl(RV ALLIN. F HONE 186 -BOWMAI4VILLE BOW-MAN Vl'LLE,;JUNE Deverj man tnere openotii Way, and WVays and a Way, t .d the High Soul clirbs the High Wa,-,Y nd the Low Soul gropes the Low, .d la betwvea on the misty flats, e rest drift ta and fro,, t ta every man thero openeth High Way and a~ Low, d every man decideth .e Way bis souil shah go. -John Oxenhum. CET ON VOTERS' LIST tTnless they. undlertake to persoli- ally see that their names are on1 thej voters' lists, many qualifie d voters in West Durharn are in (danger of being, disenfranchised at the comning Pro- vincial Election. The law requires that qualified voters, adults of twenty-one years and upwards, naturaiized Pritish sub- jects, whio have lived in Canada at least one year and who have resided in their respective ridings three myonths, whose namnes have been omit-. ted fromi the voters' lists, must give three days' notice in order that they may e plcedon the voters' list and rivilegdt vote at the cornling lcton. The dates and places of sitting of0 the Revision Officeisý as set by the West Durharn Election BoaÉd appear- ed in last week's Statesnian. LIFE'S MIRROR Whien a mnan becomnes bitter and saur and begins to think dnd feel that everyone is against hlm, he xviii in- evitably begin to treat them iii such a mianner sa that they wîvll bc. if hie thinks and 'acts as' though every-- one is a fri'end, unconsciously he xviii so conduct himaseif that ail will be bis friends. It we put ito our iýelations wit'h our feflow-rnen a full anàl over- flowing mieasure of cheer and goodt wlll, we rnay rest assured that even sa xviii -it be returned unto us.. Sincerity is'the very foundationI stone of true frienqiiness. It is ai-j so a hus»an trait that is haýrd to counterfeit, as the sincere frîendly- mpuslse cornes frors the soul of a! inan and flot fromn the calculating i mnd. Think, kindly and friendly u ;houghts. If you have a heart andv asoul, why be asham-ed of thern? il Brin,- them into the shop, the officea and your daily life. c The band rnay be cunning and the y head miay contain tho brain that can e onceivo the rnostebriiant thoughts, 1)ut ovory good and -worth-y im-pulse orntes frorn the heart. Strengthen- your f aith in rnen, think kindly of themn bolieve thaf they, are your friends, and ini the long rua they xviii be.-"The Kalends". XTRADE AT HOME Commuaities grow in proportion to the support givon thorn by their rosi- ents. You cannot boost Bowman- ille by tradinig olsewhere or placing usiness in other localities that could e placed at home. Folks who try to save pennies of-1 tentirnes ]ose dollars. The hoieý rerchant is generally honest and off- ar hlonest Ya1ue5 f.r yotir mon-2y. qe San't afford to be ôtherwie. He oeponds for his living from t he corn- nunity and rnust give the community xhat it waats at a fair price, When you are teniýpted ta trad )utside and purchase «Jiust as good nerchandise at grïatly 'redliaead )rcsyat s4iould think twie e h-1 .re biiyiag. If you are "lstung" )y your home merchant h~e xili no loubt be glad to make adjustrnent.1 rh out-of-town $ierchant is not per- >nally interosted in y ou. 'He is tent on selling you this once and .obably does not expect to sell you tain1. Ho doos not have to take -ent caro in peevn your good prilrv.a More than owing- it to your coin- unity to trade at home, thus keep- .g your nioney at horne, you sltould ve the borne merchant first oppor- Lnity to ser~ve you, frorn a sound cononie \standpoint. 0W TO ADDRESS MAIL MATTER Be sura to have your mail ad- oessod proporly before yen post it. )o yen know that' evoryý year our st offices get over sixteen million encrrectly or insufficiently addressed eces of mail matter to hatidîs? It is afe to say that ia ninety per cent fthose cases, the- wrong addressing r insufficiontiy addressing of such ail is due ta carelessness, and it suits in deiay in delivery, with pos- 1e inconvenience to the sender or e addressee, which couid ail have een avoided had a littie more care en takon in get±ing the mail roadv. re are sopie poin'cts to rem-ember -en preparing your letters and par- is for mnailing-, whicb will belp us ta ive you the best possible service: Address clearly and fully, includ- i,' street and numnber, or box nui-J r if the addressee receives bis mail 1a bo-x. UTse ink, xvbenover possible. Doni't foargot to give the province, ffer-wise diffictdlty rn1ay arise, _for in- Saturday, WEDDINÙG IN ENGLAND Hinds-Evans. 1 Many Canadiap frieads and rela- tives xviii ho iaterested in the f oilo-- iag weddiuig and wjll extond beartyl congratulations ta the bride who visited ber uncle, Mr. D. B. Simp- son, K. C., la Bexvmanviiie, a f ex years ago. Her mother, Mrs. Evans (naee Mlargaret Simpson), xvas bora la this toxva being a daughter of the late Hon. John Simpson. Oni Monday, May 14, 1923, at Holy Tria- iity Church, Brook Green, London West, England, Captain Gilhert H. Hiads, R .F. A., xvas united in mar-ý niage with Margaret, eider daughter! of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Agard Evans, Selly Park, Birmingham, England. ' The reception was beld atthe Hotelf ,Rernhraadt, Kensington, so that the 'bnidegroomi-'s relatives, ,vho live for thie most part in Ram-sgate couid at-ý tend the cerenmonai easiiy. The bride wbho was g-iven away by ber: brother, C ap t. E. Agard-Evans, iooked very sxveet lnaa white crepe-aad-iace frocik and carried a heautiful bouquet of white roses, the gift of the brfide- groom. Hem bridesrnaid xvore pale' bine goorgetto and a bad a kouquet of rose piak carniations. The pret- j tiest incident of the 'weding was the: cutting of the' cake xvitb ber bus-' band's sxvomd. It is ta be hoped byj a xvar-sick w%,orld, that no more dough- ty deed may ho required of bis xveap- on. The h.appyr pair xvili spead their honeymoon la South Devon, wbere' the lanes and hedg-es are ail radiant just noxv la their Spming heauty. V. B. Lyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mi. W. Lyle, Park Street, xvbo grad.1 iated this yeam £ram Toronto Uni- versîty xvitb the degree of B. A . Sc., n miniag engineering, bas mecently accepted a position xvitb the Mining Corporation of Canada, and left yesterday for Nomtbern M'anitoba to j engage la geologiýcal exploration 1 worlk.-Pe terboro Examiner.1 "Àuilal I4 nvi11g s.s the ski:n-adlcs Multiplies Îtself 250 tiues years tu a man's looks. By giving them a Ltc at~i ees shavinig çrearn soething to the skia we Ldoesr atsy away. ry wiped years fromn millions of men's faces. Strong-waIleci bubbles h( At the sane time we eut down shaving -for easicr cutting. time for t 'hem. And the after-.cffect js We spent 18 months-made- 130 ex- skin-soothing. Periments.-perfecting a cream with 5 That's why millions ofn distinct ' advantages: PALM OLIVE SHAVINI It softens any beard in one minlute- We ask you te try it at oure without rubing-in. for yourself the truth of oui THE PALMOLIVE COMPANY 0F CANADA, Limaited Montreal, Que. Toronto, Onte. Winnipeg, Mani. PALMOLIVE SHAVING CREAM 1907 June s in rich lather. Y, iÔ minutes- hold hairs ereci slotion-like- men today use [G CREAM. expense. Tesù ur cIainxs, Simply fil in your name and mail to The Palmoilve Company ofCanada, Liiîed Dept. ptol Toronito, Ont, -- - - - - - - - - - 9th ON SATURDAY, JUNE 9th, we open our Oshawa offic'esý, at 23 'Simcoe Streeg' North. interest Praid on Savin gs Accounts Çwvith th 'iviLege of jssuing cjýequer)- One dollar opens an accoujnt, and dep,-osît-s or wiîthd!rawals mnay be 1iladle by mnail. Paid on~ Debenttures on These are is-sued for periods of from n w H Ito yesadheha-yal couponS at'ache-pa yabi(e lst ian-an at nit C5l I for loanis bVyofFrst Mort- or cicypoeris to the extec(nt of 50'0 of the vale of -udih propelties as' Wehv made'.extensive alterations in our en- cleavoûr to provide for yotx a pleasarit andi convenientplace ini which to-do ~business, and we' coil-dially invite you to make use of thes.e facilities. A special rest and writing rooiyi has been providedfor ladies. o/xndtng IDep o-s ïiinrde or Dében- eSsôI on îhat aday will bear renainoen urvfi1 the- off ice.s ~rest frrnJùne 1 st. 'We Solicit,-Yoùr Business.ê- i23 SI CO0E 5ST. NO!,!,T H 0dSUAWA CQRINEIR KING ÀNICTIOqilA STS., TOR~ONTO ESTABLISFIED 1884 FRAýNlJ; J. R-EDDIN - MANAGER - OSHAWA -~. -L -~ - ~44 '-4 - s- Mail coupon for free lO-shave tube. i t'j 1;, N --------------- Multipliest itseq 4'ctLe ijuckly Maintamits itselt Soothe.t the skin TLhese Quiçker Shaves jo10qcer Meaii Young"er F aces N K I- 1- C, Ir, 'l We have doý i Io On.

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