DR. CHASE', 50 cents a- box, aUI dealers or Y 'FOOD BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 7thl., 1923. 1 and seari dierlyng iearned t LUTHER BURBANK %withthe theroôt .Written Specially For~ The Canadilan m-ost ofi Statearnan By a Durham OId Boy tlirough Ch4ý. B. Bi, Lawyer, Denver, and impi 0f Luther Bi uthfully sai.d tl the~ seeda of ýain willI grow it , C is the gente-ssouled natural Santa Rosa, California, who haç so muchI and taken so littie mankini. lHe bas mad6. the a better place i live in for ii to-day, and for many more iy to-moi'row,,,. He lias won mar tories but has flot shed human HIe las been at war to remo, blotches which have corne unm 137 upon the earth and restore something akîn to what theC desired it should lie: and ia re a çli, Peonies, Also jarg tractive1 ta can nit. ;t on the ocean of t be an ted Bush Roses, splendid variety .~.... Soc ea ýoses....................... e a ge roots ........................... 50c ca stock of faney evergreens a'nd shrubs at at- ini great variety ........l15e and up per root Trees, Small Fruits and Greenhouse Plants. age and Celery P'lants ini abundance. Bowin~nvi1Ie I - _____ 't e -- I Of all farmn machines, the Cream Lseparator is the one on which ycni can take no chances, for the smallest Of cream losses soon mount î nto dollars. 1The Melotte bas ben th-e farmers' best friend for over 30 years. It is the machine with suspende4 bowl and enamelled bowl casing. Hanging naturally on a ball- bearing spindie, the bowl is perfectly balanced,~ and~ is guaranteed easie~r to tumn and to wear longer than any On account of the recent ad- vance in raw materials, it is impossible to guarantee present low prices for any. defirnite time, Ten-year guarantee with every machine. Write for free descriptive has again beeei ent the U. F. 0. irhaml. Mr. A. nservative jnm- flnot entered tlie t, ilt e groç acres; ýn or twi e lias ihis wo able succes~ attained by Burbank in 'lgiving to tiie world s0 many ne*ý formis of plant life? An fitb)eritance that -was given to hlm .fronIhe nowýs flot where. Patience, the patience of genius; love of Nature and an un- canny understanding- of bier -ways ani-i Luther Burbank believes in the Sou! of Nature. HIe believes that Nature is good, that good la God; that oniy in degree is there a di1ference between thie humian an.d plant. It is ail involution and evolution. Treat, Nature with love and~ kindness and she wili respond mosf generously; ig- pore lier 'and she la apt to Jbecome re- peliant. Turn, for illustration to his philos-1 ophy of love in Nature as the re- dleemning qu.ality, to the niarvels wrought by hila the Cactus. The latter for millions of , years, very likley, had been the enenýy of an and iower animais. t wa*s the pýar- i of the desert. No on ir totjch it witl i ipurity. Itscm ton. Its rotection. d a woody jais could turçsl to n -n earts of snousands wtio have known its benefits. -jThe Statesmranis$0 to end of 1D23 and twas t Spare the chiidyen romn suf ering, fromn wornms by usingIler's Wormi Pow%,ders, a most t i,.. vermifuge wiýtliih to combat tfa e insidjous?: focs of the young, and bý)pess. Lt, a, ain excellent worm' ci(, r oer, ani whenl lia qualties becote k ,no-%wn in ai houseliolci no other wil .e used. The mledicinýe acta b-,7itself, requir- ing, 1o purgaý-tive to aýsaisL it, and so thoroug-hîy t lat nthing moreTHE de- We Assume'the Risk I for You» à% A. LISTER & CO. (Canada) Lirnited (New Address) Head Office, Hailton,, Ont. Motregl Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Edmont=n Dailyl 'Have you seen the woziderful LIS TE~R MILKER Simplicity t ~, t i s I by Long Distace 'on Siturd-1ays seemis LesMangerJando 1would talc. Iscott's Enwlsienl Ie toil t h o r a s -b ( the fow( S more bli and it bec Heredit heriteci fi certain c MONTH are and , the Cactus ln- ms of generations tics. But after the deert scene-i vation and protec- e training grounida er the loving Care he new environ- onderful change.11 a "wvizard", ugl:yý Cornes from hia ature.1 LInv v he re- theïr açeci, care- 011ap- surance that means prc J. J.MAS IReal Estate and Phone 50 best -in1- S-QN Cream t- Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. W-e Want Y Ours If wd f ail to call on you we would appreciate a phone call or write us. ESTABLISHED I1857 eal b trnforred, mansa thoughits 'mnP,.ter dircct oý turneci fromi the b,,ase, destructive foces, into the nobler productive SCOTCH AND> SWEDE onles, -whicli wili lift hlmi to higler GRANJITES - planes of action toward that happy day wlien mian shah' offer his brothier and only t.ie beat radjes of mani, no bullets andi bayonets, but ý'EMOT BUEIMABL, "ý ruchr gaina, fruits, and fairer flow- VERMQT ~L~ MABLE rs". Speed theflday. eniploy no ceeeery' ~eaei The physical if e of à great part ~gesel]pemerringta ýe!- of the erh las been changed by ods hus saing he uro Ile Burbank as by no other sungie soùl genî'scommision. ,~ ~, who lias lived, so far as we ko. Fifty y ears ago lie gave to man the Burbajuk potato, whîdli in dollars lias beejn -worth to thie country many mil- F.H. BlnuNse'LL lMons. He lias given to man grasses, - r;ator. omnij fruits anciflwesby the score. He lore 2Wox4 lias made tr'ees to grow in one hlaf, even one third, the time it took them to reach bearing oir maturity. 3 bas made hardwood out of softwoocI, not by any legerdenain. He studie'd Oronio Creaniery Co., ORONO A, slow ove-n wiIl net spoil y'Our baking when you use ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER, TELLS How Backache anId Perioclic Pains Yield to Lydia E. Pink-, ham's Vegetable Compound Co0., ffl i '00- ~sit lis f ew UJ.ei4,1 Es J. H. H. 79 Agent Bowmani has Imm Bowmanville col- Why'Waste