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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1923, p. 4

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t.ARD OFT IfA1NK Mr. and Mrs. J. Poulton wisb to tihank'-th'e doctors and1 nursesof Bowmanville Hospital for kinduesses sbowu them dluring the illness of itheir littie son Jack, aiso teachers and pupils of the Public School as well as frienda and neiglibors for lovely flowers sent which were greatly ap- preciated. AUCTION SALE Saturday, June 23-Glen R. Parks, Duke-st., (near G. T. R. Station), will seli his, furniture and house- hoid effects. See' ist iu this paper on June 21st. Sale at 2 p. M. Ternie cash, James Ben- nett, Auctioneer. ' aIse foun'd a ready btiyer. Both were advertised in The Statesmani last week. DEALER WANTED The thunderstorms are here. People are being injured and buildings burned by lightning. Shinn-FJat Lightning Rods, the same as used on the Nw Parliament B~uildings are guaranteed to protect life and property. They are in cdemand everywhere. We wan t dealers for Bowmanviiie, Port Hope and vicinity to handle Shinin- Fia t. Easily handleed. Good returns for S mIll inv estmnent. Maxn with car preferred. Write for personal appoint- SHINN MFG. CO. 0F CANADA LTD GUELPH 1ONT. M Secretary and Manager, W1ý. H. Day, -,a-e- -- ,-e- -r of Physies at Ontario 'Agricultural College. 24-2 ELECTRIC CLEANER It shouldn't be hard to decide, beca use- 1. The Royal cleans by air aie fte! Weighs only Il pounds. A child can carry it up and down stairs. 2. lias extra wide 14-inch nozzle. Cleans greater surface i less time. Cleans in and under places other cleaners cannot reach. 3. Instan~tly adjusts to- any floor-surface. Cleans tJworoughly hard-dWood and linroleuiri floors, even concrete! 4. Dust-tight bag that holds ai" the dirt. Fasy to remove, sim-ply liftLs off. 5. Hfandy trigger switch. No stooping to turn on the current. 6. Large rubberoid wheels. Cannot scratch or mar floors. Make the Royal excep-' tiônally light-running. 7. Perfect lubricating system. The Royal requires oiling only every three ntiha. 8. Simple easily-connected attachmients that clean everything. 9. The Royal cleanîs by air alonle! No revolv- ing brushes, beits or gears to get out of order or diminish the efficiency. 10. Every part guaranteed by manufacturer. demnout Asic to tion, a paymer ,yal demons1tra- Sof our easy- Sold in Bowmanville By»' will;ams & Cann Made BUSINESS GOING ON DURING ALTERATIONS Although the carpenters are busy tearing-out the front of our store and putting in up-to-date dis- play windows, as well as the painters redecorating the interior of S our shop1 WE ARE RIGHT ON THE JOB 'Busily engaged filling orders for fresh grocer- ies which makes it worth your while to deal here. WATCH FOR SOME EXTRA SPECIALS ONE 0F THESE DAYS. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 SPICE Bowrnan Ville 0F LIFE. VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE When it cornes to haVing the largest variety of Cooked and Cured Meats you naturally corne to this shop. -EVerything is under glass and protected by best sanitary equipment. 1One deliVery daily at 8 p. mn. afternoon for deliVery next day. Phone in ~OA. Edmondstone Oedoor euat of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 21 Bowmanvili, ~'1 BUWMAVLtIÂi4En UNE ±14, 1921.1 ZION Mr. and Mrs. John Trull, Bowmanl- ville, visited at Mtr. L. J. Cornish's.. -H. TIaylor is confined to his bed fromn the eff ects of a kick from a horse last Fall.. . Measles Î.3 preva- lent in this community. . .. Anniver- sary on Sunday week was a decided euccess, proceeds being over $120. The concert on Monda y given by the General Motors of O shawa, was one of the best ever given at Zion.. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Glaspell and Mis Peýggie Glaspeil, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Germond and Miss Lois, Oshawa, Mr. antd Mrs. S. S. Brooks, Courtice, were recent guests at Wes. Glaspeil's. ..Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Stainton, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Balson, Solina, visited at Jas. Cameron's ... . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lander, Miss Mabel Lander, Osh- awa, Messrs. George and Morris Hart, Harmiiony, were gueste of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stainton. ENFIELD .Anniversary visitors: Mr. an-d Mrs John Ormiston, Oshawa, with friends and relatives; Mr. anid Mrs. W. Stain- ton and Miss Stainton, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Trewin and family, Haydon, Mrs. Werry and Mr. Gordon Werry and Miss Hart, Enniskillen, Miss Laura Virtue, Hamnpton, Mr. Roy McGiil, Enniskillen,, at Mr. Rus-I sell Ormi-istoni's; Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stinson, Columnbus, at Mr. J. Stin- son's; Mr. and Mrs. Noral Wotten, Solina, at Mr. H. Stinson's; Mr. and Mrs. Holden, Oshawa, at Mr. J. Hobbs' ;Mr. Harvey Pascoe, Mr. Wer- ry and Miss Crossman, Kedron, and Miss Bessie Scott, Columbus, at Mr. W. Scott's; Mr. and Mrs. Fred West, Mr. and Mrs. B. Powell andŽ Miss Mabel, Oshawa, at Mr. B. Ferguson's; Mr. snd Mrs. R. Perkins, Solina, at Mr. F. T. Ashton's; Mrs. Harry James and children, Columnbus, ~at Mr. J. Hepburn's; Rev. and Mrs. H. Wilkin- son and daughters, Pontypool, Mr. and Mrs.,E. Pascoe, Bro-oklin, Mr. W. Alexander, Oshawa, Messrs. Hilton and Clarence Tink, Solina, Mr. and [Mrs. Berry and MiUss Mabel Powell, Oshawa, at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. Elias Ashton and children Enniskillen, and Mr. J. Smith, Ennis- klillen, at Mr. Edwin Ormiston's-, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Page, Cart-wrig-ht, at Mr. S. Page's.... Master Keith Or- mniston bas scarlet fever..Mr. Lorne Simnpson is showing a herd of Angus Cattie at Ormstown Fair, Quebec ... . Mr. H. <lilroy bas return- ed home from hospital and is imi- proving. MAPLE GROVE Anniversary: services- of Maple Grove Sunday School will be held as follows: On Sunday, June 17, ser- mons will, be preached at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. by Rev. Dr. A. C. Crews, Toronto, Editor of Suuday School Publications. Singing by school and choir. Collections in aid of scbool funds. Bowmanville Metbodist Maie Quartet will sing at the evening ser- vice. On Monday, June 18, at 3 p. m., a program of sports will be put on by the school. At 4.30 a girls' baseball game will be played- Solina vs. Maple Grove. At 6 p. m. a League football game will be play- ed-Hampton vs. Maple Grove. Tea served from 4.30 p. in. At 8 p. mn. a grand concert -will be given by Oshawa King Street Methoçlist Church choir of 40 voices consisting of choruses, solos, dêets, quartets and readings. AlI services in large en- ciosed shed. Admission: Adults- tIea and concert 71c; tea only 50c; concert oniy 35c. Children--tea and concert 45c; tea only 35c; con- cert only 20c. Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowden recently visited bis parents, Mr. W. J. Snow- den...., Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hart re- turned home from their honeymfoon on Sunday evening wbich was pleas- antly spent at Smith's Falls. ... Mr. L. C. Snowden is under the doctor's care with a touch of pneumouis but is recovering at tin-e of writiug.. Don't forget the football gamebe tween Zioiy sud Maple Grove Thurs- day evening... . Mrs. Geo. Taylor, Hampton, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. H.G.Freermsn. TYRONE Mr. Allun Aunis, Toronto, spent Sunday with bis father, Mr. -A. W.ý Auns ... Miss Reta Hooey la visit,~ ing atý Col. Win. Farrell's . .. . Mvr. W*t4er Pak'k, Bowmanile, unday- ed at Mrs.~ G.ý Phare's. .. .Mm. and Mms. P. F. Newhouse, Miss Emumer- sonu sud tirs. Eastman, Bowmanville, visiteti Mr. Byron Moore ...Mr. sud Mrs. James Soucb, Town, spent Sunday at Mr. Thos. Richards'... Mr. sud Mrs. Herb. Dilling, Bowman- ville, visited friends on Sunday.... Mrs. Byam vlsited ber dsughter, Mrs. L. Hooper... ýMrs. Riddell sud Mrs. Mereer, Orono, visited their mnother, Mrs. Wm. Virtue .... Mr. McDonald, Cobourg, Sundsyed at Mr. W. Stew- art's.. A number from here attend. ed the U. F. O. meeting in Bowiwau- výille, Friday aftem»ou ...s.... .Mrs. W. Wight bas bad a new verandab erected lu front of ber bouse which iiiakes a great improvement ... . Miss E. Jobuston, Toronto,,visited st Mm. S. McCoy's ...Mr. anti Mrs. F. Moore, Providence, speut Sunday with friends... A number from heme àttendied Fibenezer anniverssary on Sabbath .... Mr. W. S. Staples made a business trip to Toronto on Satur- day. . . Mr. sud Mrs. Wm. Vixtue, jr., sud famiiy, Bowmauville, spent Sunday witb bis parents, M. sud Mrs. Wm. Virtue .... Mr. sud iMrs. Talbert Findley sud Oda, Unionville, speut a couple of days with friends. Mirs. George Coeiman, Woodstock, Ont., Mr. sud Mrs. Jack Coleman an4i son.-Billie, Oshawa, 'vioited Mms. L. J. Goodman.. Mr. sud Mrs. L. J. Good- man sud ehiltir231visiteçi Suuday at Mr. Fred Goodman'ia, Columnbu. iïl»l%;lrlm mrm A wl Ir C! 'Catfle wo.-rp- %cild. Childlq, 7poivm A xrim -r v -Ylr-rxTm, iA SOLINA Mr. Jno. Ayre sud son Alfred bave gone to Quebec witb fifty sheep to exhibit.... There will be baptismal service at Eldad Sunday ...Mrs. Isaac Hardy sud babe have returned nome, fromn Oakwood.. . .Mr. Harold STaylor is improving nicely... A number enjoyed Enfild sud Eben- ezer anniversaries i.....ee.... Men are bùsy road working. .. Mr. and Mrs. S. E.-Werry and Master Wesley visited at Mr. T. H. Clemence's, Sbaw's.... .Mr .and Mrs. Ellis Pas- coe sud daughter Grace, visited at his fatber's, Mr. Richard P'ascoe .... Miss Lorraine HÙtchison, Toronto, at Mr. Elmer. Wilbur's....... Mrs. T. Pascoe and~ Miss, Mrr-garet Pascoe, Hampton, at Miss-MIry7Hgat's. . .Mr. and Mrs. Ogd,.O0 awa, sud Mr. sud Mrs. Geo. Ta , 'or sud Mr. sud Mrs. Chas., Taylor ,andILloyd, Pontypool, Suudayea at Mvr. W. T. Taylor's... Mr. A', .e-id Misses Mary 'sud Willenma aruid Mrs. Walk- iug-ton, Toronto, and s Florence Waikipgton, Shaw's, <'. at Mr. W. J. Crydermnan's. ' Rolan-d Coruford speut Sundayc-with Mr. lEd- mund Florie, Hampton. - EBENEZER Ebeniezer S-tnay chool offcers sud scholars areè greatly rejoiced over the sple'ndid success whicb attended their efforts for the anuiversary on Suuday. Weather conditions -wa/eý ideal, congregations large sud thie addresses of Rev. J. E. Griffith, B. A., assistant, pastor of the Metropolitan Methodist Chil-roh, Toronto, were ail that could be desired to make the oc- casion belpful sud inspiring. Th¶Çe moruing address was on the training of childiren based on the words "Break up tbe fallow gr.. .. till He rain rigbteousness upon you." Hosea 10, 12. The siuging by the school sud a solo, "The Shepherd Song," by Miss Vers Werry were very plesaing. Iu tbe after.noon th,' address was on Seed-sowing sud was interestiug te the littie eues as welli as the older members of the sehooL Mrs. G. F. Aunis sang most appro- priately "Leave it with Hlm". R ey. W. S. P. Boyce, the pastor, added a s f ew kindly words. The report of Secretary H. H. Nichols -was miost satisfactory. Rev. Mr. Griffith's evening sermon' te the young people was s very fine ad'dress containing good -wbolesome advice sud was greatly appreciated by ail. The choir under leadership of Mirs. A. E. Rnundle with Miss Mur- iel Peufound at the organ furnished good music, Mrs. W. R. Courtice sangl the solo "Ahide wlth Me". The col- lections for the day amouuted to $61.63. The fl oral decorations which were very pretty were the work of ýbe Sunsbihe Class. The work of usbering and collectiug ws tione by members of the Live Wikre Csa&s. Monday afternoon Ebenezer and 4 nislçilien Girls' basebail teams tried teir siili the home team winning. t- The football game Zion vs. Eben- ezer esulted in a tie.J 'Fhe ladies kept up their splendid reputation by serving au excellent supper, the large crowd doing full justice te the good things prepared.j The eveniug eutertaiument wss put ou by tbe youug people wheu their drama " An Old FashlonedI M1ýother" wss again preseuted to a full bouse. Between the sets music was futrnished by Misses Muriel Peufound Land Louise Osborne in piano duets aud by Mrs. G. F. Annis lu vocal solo. Total proceeds about $336. Mr. R~. E. Osborne, the superinten- dent, sud ahl others who heIped are te be congratulated ou the success ofj this annual eveut. Visi'tors: Mr. sud Mrs. Humphrey, sou and,~ daughter, Miss Reynolds, Oakville, at Mn R. E. Osborne's; Mrs. W. H. Perkin, Moorefield, at Mr. F. W. Rundle's; Mr. sud Mrs. J. C. Trul sud Mr. sud Mrs. Lorne Truil, Toronto, at Mr. Ira Trull's; Mr. and .Mrs. A. C. Hezzlewood, Toronto, at' Mlr. G. A. Pearce's; Mr. sud Mrs. W. G. Run'dle, Mr. snd Mrs. Everton White sud daughter, Mr.- andIMrs. Howard Couch sud daughter, Beth- esda, at Mrs. Esii Oke's; Mrs. Nor- man White, Vegreville, Sask., at Mr. W. White's; Mr. sud Mms. Riddeli sud Mr. sud Mrs. Ed. Osborne, Orono, at Mrs. Ehi Osborne's;- Miss Leta Jack- son sud Miss Edith Bennett, Bow- manville, at Mr. R. R. Gsy's; Miss Nancy VanCamip, Oshawa, at Mrs. S. Penfound's. Au elegant stock of new Ratine sud Voile Dresses uow showing at CouhJohston& Cryderman's. I 'i Now Is The Time To Eat Fresh Fruit We renew our supply every week.' So that you niay f eel a.s- sured that our stock is absoluteiy fresh. Pick up -your receiver and" phone 83. You will find our ser- vice unexcelled. LOOK OVER OUR LIST 0F FRUIT FOR THIS WEEK Oranges 40c, 50c,! 6Oc, doz Pineapples, EVERY ONE GUARANTEED 15c & 20c Bananas, large and ripe, 40e doz New Lemons'40c doz Cantaloup, large size; -30c each Bread, Buns, Aunt Betty Cakes, Currant Bread,,and Brown's Whole Wheat Bread. Fresh daily 'MIcMurtryx- & Co., Ltd. PHONE 83 BOWMANVILLE "Asic For Your Silverware Coupons" 6 BURKETON' The heavy rains have damaged the ........ The Maples bave put their "ýsimmer',glory on", Ail natu~re seems in tune with the month of roses S ..Sunday School and Church as usuai next Siinday.. League to- uight at 7.30, Miss Dorothy Short- ridge, 2nd Vice President in the cýhair. Missionary night. Do not f orget your collection ... . Tbe C. G. 1. T. Ciass meets at Mrs. Waterhouse's at 7.30 Monday evening. A full at- tendance ie desirpd . ..Auniversar- iec are the order of the day. I. - BURKETON School report for May: IV--Ora Abbot, Elsie Abbot, (Teenie Mc- Knight, Dorothy Sbiortridge,ý equal), Dina McKnight, Blanche Parkins. Jr. II-Thomas Abbot. Sr. Il- Leona McLaughlin, Marjory Me- Knîght, George McCutcbson, Lena Glennie. Jr. 11--Clarence Pediar, Kenneth Pedlar, Howard Abhot, Rets McKnight. Sr. I-Mabel Iusley, Charles Adams. Jr. I-Eileen Mc- Knight, May Adams, Edgar Wilson. Sr. Pr.-Albert Abbot, Harold Me- Cutcheon, David McKnight, James Giennie. Jr. P'r.-Bert Dean, Har- old E. McKnight, Arthur Dean. M. X. Reid, teacher. t-- j STARKVILL~E . NNISKILLEN Dr. Walker, wife una familv mot- Miss. WlÙuie: Ashton, Tor~onto, at ored down fromi the city to'S. G. hier par'ent's, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Halloweil's. Miss Neria IIallo- Ashton; Misses Edna and May Lamb well accompanied themn home but bas a~re visitiug friends lu Fenelon Falls since reýturned... Mr. Jackç Hassard,. . Mr. and Mrs. C. lE. Stewart andi Mîlib, oolk, visited bis aunt, Mrs. MilJ-MssPhenies Hall spent iundasy ligan, recently .... Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Ms thur Dunii sud son Robert, visited bier at- Mr. N. A. Campbell's, Oshawa... parents, Mr. Wm. Cowa .... Every- .Mr. snd Mrs. R. Griffun, Burketon, bo*dy is looking forward to Shilob spent Sunday at Mr. D. Burgmaster's Sunday Sehool Strswberry Festival, . .. . Mr. W. Strutt, Rochester, N .Y., Juiy 4th.... M~'iss Beulab Halloweilirecently visited at Mr. Frank Roh- spent the week-end under the parent- bin's. . .. Mr. andl Mrs. S. Preston ai roof ... . Mms. EIartwell Lowery and and faiiy, Orillia, at Mrs. T. Giid-F son spent Suuday, with Miss Norma ers' .... Misses Gladys aud Barbara Hallowell ... . Mrs. Vasey and son of Wotten spent Sunday at their grand- Miidland, is visitirtZ ber fatber, Mr. pareut's, Mr. and Mrs. W. Herring.. Jas. Robinson. Mr. sud Tvlrs. John Slimon with theiri daugbter, Mrs. Hugli Annis,, Sn-lina HAMPTO . .. . Rev. and Mrs.. H. Wilkinson, Poutypool, visited at Mr. W. J.1 Visitors: Mr. snd Mrs. Geo. Ed- Staiuton,'s and with other friends.. .Mr. Jane~s lBell, Miss Mary Camn- ger, Oshawa, at H. Wilcox's, Jr.; Mr. eron, Miss TblehaHil sud Mr. Fred1 and Mrs. R. S. Virtue, Oshawa, at Mr. Spry, B'obcaygeon, at bis pareut's, J. J. Virtue's; Mr. and Mrs. N. Uoidge Mr. and Mrs. John Spry.., . Mr. andc and children, Osha-wa, Miss Aikens, Mrs. C-cil Coulter and family mot- Owen Sound, at 'Mr. W. G. Doidge's; rdtTonoon ueay... Mr. sud Mrs. Lorne Robbius, Les- or e ed dTrnooTesday.gwsi kard, Mr. sud Mms. W. Ranton and Cearguede o sdVicevPeeng w ssl W.Vite, Tentoin, guessatd Mrs . Florence Hart. Bible resdiug wa-s W. . Virtue' nnsiln ssa Mrs.Tip ort, taken by Mr. Gordon Werry. Topie W. . Vrtu's;Mrs Tip Tronoon the 23rd Psalm wbîch was very gu.est at Mr. F. J. ,Groat's; Miss instructive and irlteresting was given Helen Johns spe'ut the week-end lu by Rev. G. T. McKenzie. A duet Toronto; Mr. aud Mrs. E. Ward sud was sweetîy suug by Mrs. Theo. sons, Toronto, at T. Sslter's; Mr. L. Slem<èu an-d Miss Maude Ashton. A Cryderman, Richmond Hill, speutj reading entitlecd "Tiçd to your Sunday at home.. . Mr. sud Mrs. A. Mother's Àýpron Strings", was giveu B. Cryderman, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wil- (yMs a er;apaode a bur motored to Belleville sud attend- n iss Maren ery pianos due was ed convocation services at Albert Stevens, andi Mona Preston. Meet- College ou Sunday sud visited frieuýds nlsdwtthMip beic ...Miss Verna Devitt, Whitby, v.is in. cLosed wth te Mia eue ic- ited Miss Emma Niddery. . . Miss E. w- ti .. NLeagu uervicey thisee Brown, Roteueath, is vistingbe owing to Enfield anniversary and al cousin, Mrs. L. ID. Sykes. report a good time..Our Girls League meeting last wveek wass lu asebaîl teani piayed Ebenezer teamu charge of the Missiohary Vice Presi- at Ebenezelr on Mouday. scolie dent. The topic Missionaay Path- eiding ini 30-18 iu favor of the lat-I finders iu Jspan's New Day was, nice- ter. iy presented by Mrs. Clatwortby. Misses Lottie Horn sud Ruthi Johns ocJhsn&Crdmaae sud Mr. Will Wilbur fsvored wlth a ou, o hapruon&ye stockare trio and Miss Elsie Langmaid s read-1 lwn atcjai lesoko ing Metig nxt'ççee isinchageVoiles, Ratines, Crepes and Ging- of the Social Dept.ha. U. F. O. NOTICE Providence Farmers' Club will hol& its next meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clemence, Tues- day evening, June l9th. Mr., I. T. Chapman, UJ. F. O. Candidate, and others will aýddress the meeting. Ladies are requested to bring theïr baskets. 0. R. Bragg, R. KÇ. Squair, P resident. Secretary. The Statesmina is $1.00 to end of 1923 HORSE ROUTES Peter Ra~nge No. 61888, Rule I Vol~ 1, A. T. R., Canadian No.- 2226,en rolment No. 1094. Form AI. Three year old trotting record 2.25. Ha$ show» 2.08 speed. Sire Peter The Great 2.07114. Thegreatest sire i- the world. He sTihed 549 trace trark performers. Dam Erirange 217 IMatinee 2.18-ý dam of 6 in the list. ýPeter Range. Color mahoganiy. Stands 16.1U. Weiglis 1345 lb; On- ly six other premium S. B. h'orses (Form Ai) in Ontario in 1919. Im- ported1 by T. A. Crow, Toron-Le. Ternie: Insure grade $15.00, S. B. $20.400, mark down to 2.10 $25.00, 2.10 below $5,0.001. Payable Feb. 1, 1924. Ail accidents at owner's risk. At his own stable, Orono. W. F. McElroy, V. S. CARPENTRY WORK DONE 1 amn prepared to do ail kind1s of carpentry work from repair jobs to con- tracts for building hQuses, etc.1 Estimates Furnished Free H-L D. MOSES BoX 461 Bowmanville I i

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