"I bbMI@. and nervi rest at ni rd f rom a rufrcowIn system ebility~. I could not Sleep or and felt so weak 1 could not any distance. 1 too& several 4but they only helped mie 1 was taking thern. Mother -ri ..L.FA tn Ir. r), tinued am iab that d June-the finest imonti year. The prospects are good hay crop. for a bigi FORTY Tg -FWR1Y WiII Be Interesteà inb Mr. Thonmp- Son's Recovery by Use of Lydia E. Pinkham's YegetabIe Compound WinpMa-. "Lydia E. Pink- ham'sVgeabie Oompund has done me good iî n every way. 1 was very waak and 'run-down anîd had certaýI'n troubles that womn of my aga are Iikcely to have. 1 did not like to go to the doctor so 1 took the Vegetable,7Coin pound and amn still taking it rigbt along.n Iracommend it to my frieMand mitoa ny one Iknow who is not feeling well.- Mrs. THompsoS; U3 Llzzie St., Winn-i pegMan, ~~7wol~e11wh are bet-ween the ages of forty-five and fifty-five are beset wth sueh annoyxig symptom s an- vousness, rritabilty, mielarieholia andi heat flashes, whicb produce headaches, dizzine'ss, or a sense of suffocatjon,ýtheýy ehould take Lydia E. ?lnkbam's Výý ntable Compound. Ït isespeciallyadapted !o help womenrough this crisis. T, isprpre ro, otsad herbs and continsno hrmfl éÏugsor narcotics. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingrediants of which are derived fromn roots and herbe, bas for forty yearsa proved its 'value in such cases. Wonnen ,everywhiere bear willing testimony ta the wonderful virtue of fLydia E. Pink- ham'e Vegetable Comipound. Women who sufer suld wrtto the Lydia EPham Mene ooor Ontario, for a free c,ýpy of Lydia E. Pinkham's Pivate Text-Book upon) "Alimen ts Peculiar to Women." ops any He 25c a box,i ýhe ini TAL ART WORKS .ISHED 1857 tr direct of AND )SWEEE and only the best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I employ' no cemetery caretakere ",a agents preferring ta seil my own goods thus aaving the purohaser the agent's comm1ission~. A eau soileited. Phêoneopr!* BOUNSALL BowmanvIlle. Box 14ý à k Double Track Route Between Milfred Voss are, N. Y. Milfred Voss, young-est son of Mr.' and Mrs. Thomias f oss, quietly feil as- leep Friday miornîug, Julie 1, after a serious illness of pneumonia. Milfred -\as a sweet, lovable boy of 17 years. -At the age of eleven lie with hie father gave his heait to Clod i a series of revival meetings, silice wbich timie, hic theme ln tiMe of distress bas been "prayer"~. The -night before bis passing he bid his father good night sayingI "Tel m-lother îlot to f orget to pray". The funeral -%as beldf Suniday af- teinçon conducted by Rev. E. E. Warner of Fillmore, N. Y. The soa.gs "Safe in the armes of Jesus", "There'll be no disappointment in Bae" and "Wbien He Cometh", were 1Dat ifully readereci.beu- Beaut-iful floral oieces of various shapes were sent in from road mnen, Sunday schojol, comamunity friends aïnd relatives. The beairers were cornle of bis closest friends and rela- tives: Murrayý Voss, Everett Bull, Bel- mont Ientley, Lawrence Snydler, and Fay Wright. Bis remains were placed in Short Tract Cemetery beside bis grand- parents. Bis mother was the oniy dau.ghter of Mi. and Mis. Thiomi-as James, fornmierly of Canada, and( also1 ýa cousin of Editor M. A. James of1 The States-ilan. Icii,11 Bleading, or 1'ro$trudng P'iles or Hemrorhoids. No aur i)capratirn requred. Dr. Chase's OjItnient wVili relleve You at once anai afford iastiîg benefit. 60e a box; ail dealers, or Effinarson, Bates & 00,, Liited, Tronto, Sarmpie boX free.1 IAftr Every MeuI Chew your food wItuen use WRIGLEY'S to aid digestion. Ih also keeps the teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen. The Great Cancidian WMAN VILLE JUNE 14, 1923. THE IMMORTAL By Chas. B. Bice, B.A Denver, Colorat Are we detined to SOUL A., LL, its de jThE or lat thle i There Valley abuU t and buffe~tea9on the shores of time with its earth if e extingished at last by death, but only to g-athe: new if e and ilnmortai glory beyond the veil? Who can answer? A distinmguishe'd British Author, who bas given the reading public per- haps the finest piece of ratiocinative fiction since Poe's day, recently lect- ured in Denver on a topic far re- moved froin what la considered his flair of fiction, but whieh, neverthe- less, gives hum a standing with niany in this obher, or fourth dimensional field. Not content with the spok-en word Mr. Conan Doyle introduced photographs -ta back bis contention that so întiinate bas man beconeý with the other world that becan take pictures of its occupants as Vbey' appear on this side of the border line. This celebra'ted author of cn niingly devised mysteîy stories has ritten a book, which is illustrated also ta prove that faîines are real and cani be plhotographed. Surely this is treading on filnmly ground; at any rate to many of us, on sacred ground; who do nôt care to have it explored la this workaday fashion. We may permit the Celtic school or Barrie to 'write of the "little people" in their symipathetie, uünderstanding way, not as scientiste, but as ones of the elect to whom it has been g-iven to peep into elfland, always with the understanding tliat they do not talk or write too much of Wvhat they see reveale'd behind the Veil. But belief ln fainies is corne- thing that is boîn in one, not manu- Xfactured. -Our metaphyjsàcs and religion large-, up LU a aeau waii, nyt abandon reason andî subliminal state of mn beyond neason, to mý univarsally held positio the schools teacb the1 of the coul. [n thiný they knew centuries deal more than we ha la tbings spiritual. millions in that land of for granted the indes- the soul or spirit. It f orm of ancanstor wors for instance, lived or li of spirits, a woîld tha.t tion its fatalismn, its raý very on the field of hal uahity. But the East is not1 t'ha Occide7nt ternis spir dfocs not balieve la"s do. The "miedium" is able calinoe A eia VasLy ueep, foi there is another ev( and they respect il, West iasist upon be; Arthur responds> ta is vary imuch il ai questions hic sinceril bothers us the ques bis attitude, hic fi with the spirit wr as mucb if not more Wbile. we nmay que of hic allee-ed faii ual stil wonder the sui led ta for son- little oi we not the hîgl clusivea BWILD STRENGTH RAPIDLY ON 'an to whal ABOY ORONO ,Id to-ay;(From The News) -e nd doubt Mis. H. N. Junker visited in Tor-ý rewvn about, onto. d its griefs, Mr Nceholas Harris is in poor [ge beliefs, health. ta ge. Decoraticyn Day at the cemietery live.Sunday, June 24Ith. j creeds Mrs. South of the Forestry fari, eds, is iii with pileum-onia. to take Mr. Da've Elliott, Toronto, visited ,e would make; bis sister, MýIs. James Tamblyn, re- ,elighigh oently. 7a lie, Leskard stores closes every Wed- ches fame nesday afternoon during summer bh shame. months. ýno isr ht Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Rice, Lindsay, d or faine, attended the funeral of her uncle, Mr. lose the flght; Ed. JaiTnes. rshame; Mr. Harvey Winter under-went an ehind operation for appendicitis at Welles- orld: to find, ley Hospital. 'es men meet Mr. and Is. Robert Best, Thorn- deceit. bury, visited friends here and lu Kendal district. ~pay the mnan Mr. G. H. Linton of Toronto, is er you can, visiting bis son, Mr. G. M. Linton right and wron.g of the F'orestry Faim. en be strong;I. Miss Elsie Rainey is spending a gain, couple of weeks at her uncle's, Mr. free from stain. W. T. Taylor, at Solizia. you do, honor you. Mis. George Cooper is in Toronto Edgar A. Guest. witb. her daughter Etta, who is un- ____________dergoing an operation for tonsils. Mis. F. W. Bîinneombe who uni- breathe, we di- derwent an operation in the Bowman- carry on mauy ville hospital recently la home. otions of which Peevish, pale, restles andurl e1r1 an n .ntain. s anmd Miss M. he W. M. S. of h at the Branch Miss Neva Ramn- 'orn the Mission a life vc' Ipute lin IPhaedo I d hv p -Cuts ai-d Bruisas Disappear- IWhben suffering froni cuts, scratches, Ibruises, sprains, soie thioat on chest and any simlar in~t use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011. Its healing power is wall-known la every section of the com-munity. A bottia of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil should be la tavery maedicine chest ready foi the temaenecies that mnay always be an-I Mr. Johin Cornish snd bride have returnad from thair honeymnooa trip to Ott-awa snd are takiag up heir r iiec n the former Standard TLanik building, which bas been re-. îge to take pia a Cold.-Coldsa liaents of manki -nay laad to serio Th oro -isa' Fect DUgil beeause iL la the thioat. trc storm idama loves11 but an A Imported Roses 2000 Import'd Bush Roses, splendid variety ........ 50e ea Clinibing Roses .................... ............75c *a Pepnies, large rmots.... ........................ 50c ea Also large stock~ of fancy evergreens and shrubs at at- tractive prices. Perennials in grea.t variety.... ... 15c andud p per root Also Fruit Trees, Sniall Fruits and Greeinhouse Plants. Early Cabbage and Celery Plants in abundance. IBrookdaIe Nurseries Tree Surgeons Foresters Phone No. 7 Bownianville Why Waste Money Daflyl Of ail farm m~achines, the1, ÇremrnseParator is thie one On which you cari taJke n'o ehances, for the smallest ofmo treain losses soon mount frrto dollars. The Me1(t has been the Carnier' best friend for over 30 years. It is the machine with suspended bowl and enaneled bowl casing. =1nig naturally on a bail- baigspitde, thé bowl is perfectly bàlanced, and is guaranteed easier to turn and to wvear longer than any 011 account of the recent ad- vance in raw materlals, it ls j2Ipossible to guarantee present 1 wPrices for any definite tirne. Ten-year guarantee wlth every machine. Write for free descriptive R4* LI STER & Ça (Canada) Ilmnited I (NewvAddess) Head Officeý HanmUtonOnt, Xnr4 1oronto, Winnieg, Regina, 1aly, Pmo*no thbewonder*dI ILIS TER MILKERI SinhplciyI "Nu gget." Tenz -Ît makes white sLhoes stoy white. Col-i K.Yfit-resn est, andU noUone Y. Still, there ion of whether iiliarity to and dloas fot repal thap it attracts. ive -woi dr -che [at it Sp ýo be raenactec yet, wbhen we 1powers andi ninal mind (s eve tbat tbey purpose, and a o us o si h iast as hic [y com-il bais an( l~inil -obiE of pbyý on Uf ilUI Jruta. ked by Astbma. The tfret sensation is of suff ocaiioni, aur by bour becomaes more ae and hopelees. To such a relief affQrded by Dr. J. D. s Asthmiýa Renmedy seemes no- ýs than miraculous. Its help Jy apparent and coon the 1attacki is mastere1. The as- who bas found out the de- ty of thie sterling remedy er 'bu without it. It le sold 4 il We Assume the Risk for You With increased usage of automobiles naturally the percentage of accidents will be greater this year than ever before. That's why insurance, eovering fire, theft, col- lision and Iiability, is absolutely necessary.. You may be the wost carefuii drivQr in the worl~d, but you do not k~now thaX the "other fel- low' is? Of courise not. <Corne to us for the best grade of insurance at exèeptionally low fees-in- surance that means 'prompt settiement. J. Jl. MASON &5bO was under niaîshaî1, 1M PhoneoS50 4 \~ I SCOT( mm MAM 77MM 7 77 ras cLe