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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1923, p. 8

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The Views,'-of_-the-, Candi«dates This departmcnt bas been ararngled te glve tire threc politial candjiates in West Durham an op- portunity of placing- their- viéws'before tire electova. Tire Canadian Statesnmn bas, placed naelumna t ,tire disposal of cacir candidate witirout expense to thyena1. U.F.O. ColumnI Conservative, Cenducted ia the iaterest of I T C olunin. Chanman, U_ .. F .OC andidate. j____ Conducted in the interests of' 1. T. ICenducted in the rinterest of W. A. Cbnpmnan, U. F. 0. Candidate. 1 VaniCamip, Conservâtive Can(iad. Mr. Chaprnaii appreciates tie# op- portunity afforded',byý The Canadian, Ladies and GentIemen-lIt is imre Statesm-an of açldressing the electors for a change,-a- change at Toronuto of WesV Durh'am. H1e is particular- i and a chang-e la the represenattive for ly pleased te bc able te read the West Durhami, at Toronto. T1he ecx- views and claims of bis opp1ieie t avagance and incompetence a wicb who seem te be shunning the publie bas been rife la' the Legislative As- platf orm. r sembly for the past four yeare. on The statemient Xs made that the the tart of the Diry Goverrnment Provincial debt bas reached $240,- ,and its allies, cannot g o on,. The 000,000. That la truc. The statemlent province la beadiug -'fowards Barik- that the Provincial credit bas -beap ruptcy. Gropp governiment bas Til- seriously impaired by the Drury Gov- I %. Tilcinmutby .ce erient is net true. The credit of caive ýresult. We nut return Vo the the rovnceof Ontario taridsvery Tw> tParty systern. 'Econor»y and, he Printe ioe nrkt ftestab1liy are thiée oly -rempedies fer world as everyy man fainiliar with th xsig eeofaf'i nde the bond market lcnows. 1iberals we s110uld end a - n tri Torot whorafr e t~e creit f té ~ asour, Tepresentative, Wp4will stand. whorefr t th, ereit f te Po-for such a course hein.- talce. That vince lsfihg beconie so aeriorusly iml-man seks yeur supportin, the person paired" must have f orge ten whati 'The Toronto Globe' said wben the' of W. Arthaur Va np, 'the Cotrser- Hon> Peter Smith sold $15,0>00,000 ,Aave candrudtatedus Toaes wortb of bonds ast January. "The "wywt rrDkan ae~ salaeof Ontario 51/ percent bonds Onea of the issues of this carwpaign above par, shows a rer»arkableé change is wlietler the people of this pro-1 la the moirey market and la preef vince desire Proprtioal 1epresernta- that the credit of he P'rovince is un- tioxi. I is a plank la the platf oris impaired by beavy borrowings". The of both the Liberals and the Progres- fact is that these borrowings are sies The idea ba4l ts bii-tb in Re-i censiclered by thé financiers as qlite vé'Iutioxary thought,, It s dvo- sound investmients, and the hard cnted *lý1 attenipted by theRedI aIe- headed farmners who compose the monts. ýD you efeorsof West Drury Goveyient are considered D'urham desiré a trial of that freak.1 saf e adaninistrat1ors of the finances systel. of voting?, If yÔu do not, of thue provinice, vote for the C onservativc e nmixe, If Cnservatives are geing te praise Mfr, VanCamp. lHe ân bis party Sir Adam Beck te the skies as the are uxaltera] yoiposeed to rt. bTey Hydre King they should net lan tbe behieve un fair redistribution of aitsi anme breathi complain about the size acrigt ouaip of the provincial debt. Sir Adam Let us -ive the, onservative party bas not beeni able Vo get everytbing a clear wenlking majority. ,Indep9an- lie wanted from the Drury Govera- dent observers admit juhat thé Con- ment,- as be doubtlesa hopes te do if servatives will carry at least fifty Mfr. Ferguson ahould win', but Ilydro seats and eacb of> the other partiesý Electric ndvance4 in Octeber ast about thirty. The result w;ould bce accounted fer $117,964,934.63 eut Fusion and anether peuilod of weak of a total gross debenture debt of g-overament and uncertainty. W $221,836,338.56. I i Adam had cannot afferd further eprmn n got bis way, bie would have added thre lack ef responsubility such as we Jhave neat ittle suan of $200.000,000 as a had at. ToroAto fidr ehXe hast four firat instalment for radial railways . rsaIhaeatOtwaa he rs Il Coxservativea are keen on ecen- lent time. 'Elect a Coaservative cani-t orny and modeat expenditures and didate Vo help swell the total anidt enreful investments they mnust part mrake geed stroag government pes- cempany with their "Hydre Kig", sible. 'Nebody, even the most sang- whose estirnateés of cet bave a habit 'aine dreanier, tltlnks tathe Uic eral of donbling tiremseîves and who last Party can wmn more than anr oddi seatt year la addition te bis salary of $18,-, where Vire Domuiniona Goverruu'ert, 0110 fro3i\ the commliisson :dr'ew forces are streng, and hae prestige. $250 a day for a considerable parti Se you 'old time 1onsetvatives anel r of tire year as arbiltrater on the Tor- you Independents, let us hlok te the ente Street Bailway arbitratien. . Sir pnrty wlhicb Si SanW1 itneý led Adam is net given te cbeese-paring. untihbis death. For fiteen yearsr We do not believe that ire wouhlid gverned Vl,îs Province Vo the beatD have turned a hair at that $100 ceai of its ability It enoui'aged educa-i scuttie whichr seema te exercise Mr. te;i1oec il ot~çuty Ferguson. The ceai scuttle, of completed the T. ~& N. 0. railway;' course, la a pure mytir. IV waa a developed the Hdro Ehectrie S;ys- 1_ fire place and fixtures wbich get cea- Veau; and in every way developed this t fused in the Censervative mind iVh Previxice. The Province was pros- tire ceaI scuttle, and the coat was $68 peroirs under the regtsrrYe >of the Con-1v net $100. Surely Conservatives dIo servative Party. It paîd its way.ila net wisb te ride te Toroato on a every year. Eyery year, tbe Provin-1s ceai scuttle. We suggest more dig- cial zssets ,vere incrreased. Noiw wec nified~ coaveyance. are $6,000,000 poorer. It's time for t, Conservaives declare that tenaper- a change back te a Cosrv$ative gev- ance is net the issue ir. thiý eletion. craiment.' Mvauy Conservaives who know vtire re- Altirough Temperance legislation ilat cord of Mfr. Ferguson have net beeanet an issue in this campaiga, let usn as successful as some Conaervatives look at the records of the two oId t have been un perauadrng themselves parties te seceun wirese bianda he that prohibition ia net an issue. Coni- cause of Temiperance shouid be 'aaf- servatives ask who placed thre Ontar- er. Thé Mowat Referendumi re- le Temperance Act ba tire Satute quired 'ýo carry, 66%, of the votes books, and answers the question, Tire cast; tire Boss Ref erendum called for Conserva ive Party. If tirey were half as many votes la faveur as weree te ask what the reanît of Sir Williaaupollieri at the previous Provincia 1v, Ilcarst'a rash act was bonesty weuld election; lista were a year old ; ai the 7J compel theau te adm-iit that iV cest ffn-tis hiad Vo do wýas t? stay at boinue. Sir William the premiership of flue The Laurier ref erendum hroughlout c Provunce. Fermer Conservatuves an the Dominion ha'd te carry la evcry Iý tens of thousanda deserted hîm and. province te be effective; and ofIf, bis party was reduced Vo a miere course iV was killed in Qucbcc. Uni- ti haafu u th Lgilatre W der the Liberal regime, the localII sheuld like to. ask tire Coaservative councils did net bave te submuit the tl Candidate wbetber he la prepared te Local Option hy-laws-no gevera- I plcdge bimaelf te -vote against bis ment rýsponsîbiIity. Se 3fr. or Mrs. I leader if he sheuld attempt witir the EIectork the Liberal record on Tem- a abl asisane o D. Frbs Gçi perance la rather ridiculous from thr~e c- frey, Col. Currie andtire rest, t o pint of view of aebievement. On p brung the hope of the mioderatuon the other biand the Conservatives si League into reaizatien. made the Local Option Law-,s effective _a Tire Liberal Candidate pur poses if an'd non-reversible; and ia 19 16 plac- elected Vo give the Ontario Tcinper- k d tire O. T. A. on the Book of Lawýsp ance Act bis hearty support. DicI and Ontario 'becamie dry. Se wbich bie always support Temtperance lcg- party la wortby of Temperance con- c ilatien la the late parliament? To fidence?- wc ich witgcasere incie: pat l Election day is next Monday, the r irefin atenser e ucîre: hatled25tir of June; the polis wrll be open by the energetie Mfr. Hartley D e wart fran 8 a. m. te 6 p. ni. Inf oraa- or that wh'icrhaili rememb r r tion as wirere yeu vote and whether Rewilyeu wisir a car sent for you auay be q Liberal Column Gonducted in the interest of W. J. Bragg, Liberal Candidate. To THE ELECTORS-, 0F WEST1 DURHAM~ When the electiofi carpaign was about to begin in 1~919,1 had the pleasure of ai interview with Mr. ,J. H. evit.Conservative Candid'ate, eacb outlining thÉe attitude he weuld assume throughout the pending4'leo. tion. It was to the effect that liav- ~igknpwn each other for a nLImber of years eachi having famiiliar and favourable acquaintance with the other, t1hat whatever might Iomn up, -,ye should indulge in no personalities which muight tend to injure th, repu- tationof theý QVhir. 1 iay say that Vhroghout the campaign and ever iter, Ifouww Mr. Devitt a -entlenani of his word and no-references w'ere indulged. ir. Siimilarly, al un a 1ngeent was en- tered into with-.M rhrVn Camp for the , asent eleetipn. Se far as1 o* Mr. Yýauanp has kept his wor and I amitper cty sure that 1 ha-ve n'ver heard mi 'g my camp aig n t s7spcfy ee- ehces mada ±o me byj hm asa c~an- djiate. 6 ivioyps etohe advent of a ceé- diatrpresenting the U, F. O. in- terests lin West »Durham~, the rsn U. F. 0. Candidate choe ate mzake somne reference with regard te xiy- self in which 1 consider> n ny ow iinterest and in the interest of thea party whioli placed nie inanoiniation, d emandsa ~reply. The statement 1arn iveh te i»xderstaini he ni de. was te the eff ct, tha~t ln the initro- duction of the,~ only Temperance legis lation, çlurngýthe past four years, that' wen the vole was takexi, 1 abZ purposely dû ne. 1ThereIx ncwas doubtIls made te w a4p Qowxias the /MçCreary Bill whiéh provided for tihe' tading of. a referenduni. te prohibit the importationand tran- spoertation of al<cohoie liquors iite: the Province of Ontario. This Blil reeeived its if~st Yeading, plaiced on the Order Paper, on March 20, 1920>, ,the firstè session -of the late Parlia- ment. Thesame remained-on -the Order Paper untii April 27th of the same session. Some days previêus1 bo thi, Mr. Sài-n Clarke of West Nothumnberland,Mr. S. S. .Staples of .East Durham and myself iteceivpd anh invitation from Dr. J. L. FHughs >r esident of the Durham Qld, Boys' Association in Ti oronto tei attenda regular gathering of th~aaociation at the Ontarilo Museumirop.nthe evein- ing of April 27thý. ýTot Inowing that anV discussioo Ipecial legisiation -,vas up taeven .ng, accordingly the three above e n- tien ed gla'dly aeeepted the klnd in- v'ery interesting programme was given by various menihers of the As- sociation.- When about i tme fôr the companiy te disperse, I prceedte take a street car fogr the~ station te return.-hônie on the andnight train, Mlr. Clarke andMr~. Staples returned *hi'eugh Queen-'s Park te the Parlia- mient Buildings where they found the MIcCreary Bill up for discussion. At the second reading, and after mid- nig7ht of that same session a vote was taken. It is only fair to say thrat with the exception of two memberc, the en- tire Liberal meinbership in the lieuse voted in support o~f the McCreary' Bill l. There was, however, a num-ber of pairs, one of which was Mr. Mc-I Creary, introducer of th~e Bill, withj Mr. Hogarth, ConservatWve nemberU from Port Ar-thur. IiaflI rlnown i bhis Bill was to be uip for discussion 1would certainfly have returned with he others and been in my place te have ,*ivenit my support. The first 1knew of it being up for discussion and vote, was when I returned to the city the following mnorning and the papers had a report of the discus-J ion together with the names for and against the Bill. It is evident fromi what transpired previous, and ruinors circulated ince the above started, -was for a direct injury to myself and to pre- udice the chances of success in the ninýs of the electors of West Dur- ham. My position on the Temperancet question as well as other questions rai» Ifw o akTo the-tim The N NEWCASTLE Dr. Farncomib tripped to Torontc o»1 Monday. Miss Edna Hall, Toronto, anotoret Idown on Monday. Mrs. Franlk Gibson, is speniicng 1few days iia Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hanceock speni Thursd2ay ia Toronto. Miss Ma.y Bonneil, Toronto, spe'n i thre ,week-end at home. My. George Gray, Oshawa, spent shfe week-endi at homie. Mr. Ilerb. 'Toms, Toroixto, was - home for the week-end. Miss NeIlie TA~mas, Bewmanville, was home over Suniday. Miss Mabel Le.ke, Toronto, was r home for the week-end. 1,Mrs. A. Ottoni left 'on Friday for c Lake of Bays, Muskoka. ý,.Mr. George Bonathani, Toronto, 1was home for the -week-end. Miss Catharine McEacbern, Osh- awa, vas homre over Sunday. Mr. Reginald Matchett, Toronto, ~was home for the week-end. Mss Phobe Lake visited friîendý, -in Bowmnanville over Sunday. Mfr. W. G. Hay, Toronto, is spend- iga few days with Mrs, Hay at the Mfr. Alfred Beninett, Toronto, is v isiting with his daughter, Mvrs, Gee, 1ýr..Norman Toms, Oshawa, spent the week-end with bis mother, Mrs. M. E. Toms. 1ýhiss Georgina vanDus,ýen left oni b unday for Toronto where she bas taken a position. M iss Iilda i1baon ias returned to Treonto ater a pleasant twc ïeeks' »isit here. lyiss' Marg-aret L~ake, Toronito, is spendixc'two weeks holi4ays with bier mother, Mrs. Frank Gibsen. Mr W and Mrs. Ernest Laking and fanlily, Toronto, motored clown 'Io s;pend Sunday wltb their parents 'Several of our townspeople went to Tornoo ea4Mlerrday te attend the funralof helate Rev. James E. Dr White of Lindsay, a brother ofj Rey. W. -F. White of Welcome, was guest of the Misses Tbomiendrn thie past weelç.pondrg Plan to attend the Methodist Lad- ies' Aid Strawberry Festival on Vhs c1hireh lawn, quly 4. Excellent progralir prer»ised. If you ýe a lolie striinger scour- in-- your fieldgun in hand, don't set the dog afier hlmi for it is ikely to, be Prof. Migt looking for wood ehucks. Mfr. and Mrs. Nelson and daughter also Mfr. ~and Mrs. W. T. Hiawkins and soni rotered down fromn Toronto ard spent Siuday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Finley., 1.Al wmen interested la the Mfe- hioriul Libary are cordially invited toattelud a meeting of the Women's Mémnorial tibrary Aid ia the Town H1all on Friday, June 22, at 3 p. ni. Preparatioens are getting undýsr way for the big reunion and the op- ening of our New Community Hall. A. prograrn covering feur days lé be- ing ayranged and the intentions of Newcastle people la te make this thel biggest event ln the bistory of the old townr, We ask for the henrty ceooperation of, every man, wonaan anrd child in the district. The resuits of the receat examin- atjons held la the Methodist S. S. on! the first book ef the teacher trnining course-"Tdie Pupil"-togethler wlvih te certificates for the successful' students,_ carne to brand last week.1 'O f a class of seventeen who ried, tl'ffteen passed, four winning bonors. This is a very credititble showing for both teacher and pupiLs, considering trat barely haif anl hour a week, during the regular S. S. lesson period, was spent lu study. Also hrough varieus circumistances, the atten- dance on the part of sonie was very ,irregular. The successful candidates were: Rev. E. B. Colse, Mrs. Cooke, Elizalleth ffancock,.- Mrs. llarry Jose, Mr. Harry Jose, Odie Warrenl, Ber- nice Coueb, Lillian Colwill, ine Selby,/Earl Osborne, Beatrice Bag Gladys Joes, Lawrence Crydermian, Clarence Allia, George Jones. but did bis utaneet Vo influence others l s Book Shower A Great Success. A very successful Book Shower, t for tire 1VemoriaI Library was ireld atý -tire residence 'of Miss Drunrmond oný Friday. The donation of bocks rwieic numbered 200 was la charge of ý _Mra. McLaughiin and Mrs. B. M oise. Tire tea table la charge of Misa E. Leckhart and Misa Cern But- ler assisted by Mrs. B. Wyna, Misa B. Ceucir and Miss Marjorie Cowaa was a great succeas anad netted the suan of $18.15. A deligbtful surprise of the af- teraeea wns a birtirday cake con- rîbuted by Mrs. B. Moise. The cake was decerated with 91 candies 5 a honor of Mr. Jas. Pbilip, sr., 91st bîrthday. Mr. Phihp who was pres,- cnt was- thie recipient of congratula- tions and geod wisbes after whici Vire cake was cut and seicI with a birtbday candle at 5c a piece. Tire sale of tire cake amounted, te $3.25. Tire subacriptien liat for tire Lib-' rary Aid Fuard was aise opexred that afternooa and was in charge of Mra.1 'R. Gibson and Mrs. George'Jaulesen. A large aumber of people took e.d-1 vantage of ,Vhis oppertunity te give their donations oward f urnishlng the Mem-oiai Library and Reading Roonui. Tire ameunt contributed ýduring tire afterraooa being $116.00. IV la Vire intention ef tire Memorlai Lihrary' Aid Vo bold book showera cvery two weeks and it la hoped libat they wlili nîl be as great a success as tire first one. Foliowing la a list of the donations received: Mrs. E. Hawke............ $ 25 By cheque (pcr Miss Lockhart) ameunt la bank Vo crédit of Woaaen's Patriotrc League. 54.16 E. HI. McLean, Picton, Ont.. . 5.00 Ueceivcd from Miss Cera But- ler, Sec.-Tt.eas. of Advls- ery Comaittee, Newcastle Soldiers Beception and Mé- morial Committee......... 9.31 Mv. J. Anderson Smnithi... 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Asa Clarke.. . 2.00 Miss Cirapple............. *1.00 Miss Prumimond and Miss Annie Drummeid ..ý.......25.00, Miss Enua 1Hedgesa nd Miss Louisa Hedges .......... .00.o Mrs. Robert Adair......... .2.0 0 D'r. and Mrs. J. A. Buter .... 25,00 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. W. Piip. . 25.00 3fr. Jas. Philp, sr.. .. . . ......10.00 3fr. and Mrs. Geo. Jamieson . . 5.00 Ia memery of Cirarlie Eilbeck 5.00 Proceds oftes at book shower aMisDrunimoad's . .. ..18.15 Pveceeds of sale of birt;hday cake......................25 Miss Renieflck ...............1.00 Miss Laura Walton......... 1.00 Mfr. and Mrs. J. C. Haacock. . 5.001 M-. W. H. Qîbson........... 4.401. Total ?212.52 PORT GRANBY Miéss Winifred Joneslhas complet- ed ber school course iii Osbawa and is î-ioidaying at home. .. . -U r. Perey Burley called on friends here receat-1 l..... Mr. Wayne Elliott vis-itedý friends in Oslipwa Sunday.. . Mr. and Mrs. James Smnith of 13ellevilIe, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Elliott .... Mr. and Mrs. Cornieli and Mr. Wilbert MeMill.a.n motoredi fromn Peterboro and vislted- with Mr. an'd Mrs. T .E. Brown. Upon their retura hey were accompanied by Mrs. MacMillan and Miss Alverda Brown who had been spe nding a few days with their father, Mr. T. E. Brown... Mrs. Isaac Willoughby, Wbitefislh, Montana, has beeni enjoy- i1Xg a ple"snt soi ourn with- ber fath- er, Mr. T. E. Brown. w e are ahi pleased te see Violet's smiling face la Granby once more ... . Sorry to leara that Kimball's are sufering-- from chicken pex.... Mrs. RobeTrt Burley is spending a few days with lMrs. Willis Farrow.. .. .ý. . .Sunday School a.nd Chureh services were held a1t the school on Sunaay by the Eng- lish Church Camp ...Miss Rubyý Lancaster spent the week-end with bier parents as did aise Miss Marie Selby. ... Mr. and Mrs. Halwoy, Tor- onto, are holidaying at Mrs. T. E Brown's. Voiles, Ratines, Crepes and Gimg- J. A. BUJTLER, M.D., C. M. Hêuer graduate of Triiiity' University, Feii>w <of Trinity M.?dical College, Licentiate ofluhe State University o1 New Yerk, Matriculàte et the Pont- Graduate Medical Scheoo and Hos- 5pital of New York 'aad Fellpocf the Toronto Academ.y of Medicin. Office -Mrs'. McNaughtonla Roct4ence. Newcastle. Hours-S to 10 a. m., .1 tor 3 D.m anuud by a ppointment. J. W. Bradley Newcastle Gernerai Insuance Agent Clerk of 2ad Division Court, Cons- missioner, etc. ivingu FULL WEIGHrT FULL VALUS FULL QUALITY Ahi we ask hé a-n cpportunity to sbuow you tirat it pays to 4eal hère. H. S. Britton 44tkor & .Giroce.r Tools to Make Spring Wô'rk Easy ni Yes, we have everyithing a well equipped hardware store should have. And say folks, be- fore you send your, money out of the village for hardware eome in and see my stock and compare prices. We make it worth your while to deal1 with WM. JAMIESON Hardwaje Stèire Neweastle THE FOOD IS GOOD- THE PRICES ARE LOW That's always the situation in this Grocery Store. Because of these two great factors we have built up an enviable business. We botlh lose when you buy elsewhere. R 'WvA LT01%N Grocer Newcastle THE,,SUPREME AND POPULARi DURAN'T CARSI Newcast la v J- k PRICES: Star $710; 4-cylinder Durant $19; -cldr Durant $2335. DEMONSTRATION: We will gladîy give yoru a demontration of tire Durant at any irus. INFORMATION. Froc information on op)eration and cars of car. IMPORTANT: Sec us before buying a car. W. J. MOORE & SON 6 I $1395; 6-cylinder Newcastle 1 Durant Dealers

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