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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1923, p. 2

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Valuator & ReI Estate, Nlewcastle, Ontario. 22-tf VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Calla Promptly Attended to. Offce King-st. W., Stateaman Block, Bowmianville. Phone 243. GENERAL CON~TRACTOR & ENGINEER- 'Specialist in reinforced concrete. Estinmates furnisheçi. George Chenery King-st, Bowmanville 49-tf SHORTHAND, TYFPEWRITING FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Coraplete Motor or Horse Equipinenti AIl calis promptly attended to. Private Ambulance. Bowmianville phones 10 and 34 Branch Stores-Orono & Newcastle. WILLIAMS & CANN Embahamprs and Fulieral Directors.1 Calls given prompt and personal at-I tention. No extra charge for dis-J tance. Phon$s 58 or 159, Bow-1 manville, Ont. 3-t1 s M. Oshawa 'and Toronto PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENT. TAILORS <3'ormerl-y in owzriaville,) now at 12E Yonge-st., stop at Sumnerhill Ave Toronto, phone Trinity 3217, W. can stliI give you oui, beas. aervlce< Guaranteed to fit and W4rkmanship1 Pre-war pmIcs. County Boy (Fromi Toronto Star, June 19ý) The pisssr e omling bhomýe fromn the Board's trip to the Sg uanyand bac,1onwhich he w"as Lspeciaily inivited g,1-uest. lie made speechies iFrench which mwere be yond criticismn from-i his fellow v oy- ages, whoUidn'tunderstand themr;j aInd beyond the criticism-i of their French listeners who did. For fifty years and more no trip has been needed to miake, Professor Squair a Bonne Ententer. When hie retired fromn the university ha ded-- icatecl bis energy to a better appre- ciation am-ong the English-speaking people, of the value of the French to Ca nadi1a. H1e felI into the Bonne Entent'e movement of seven yearsi ago as naturaily as a duçk spiashesI into a pond. A-t Sherbrooke thet-e was a banrquet in the St. Charles Semninary at night and a visit to thel seminalry next lrtorning. At the * banquet a very brave but somewhat inefficient speaker of Frenzh, as aC strangg týongue g-ot off a few sen- tances, mnuch to the surprise of bisr Ontario friends, and of him-self. In the moringil the main speaking- for the Ontarionwns done by Profes- saor Squiiir. Thereafter a quaiifiedg judg--e sidc to the overnight strugg-ler, e ~our French was very interesting, t and Mr. Squair's French was beati-1 h Actions speak ]ouder nro Frenchl-Squair actioe 1asity be andowed a twe mnuai prize for profic ranch, before the Bonne as thougbt of. Seven y out the timie it was seen ne was the time for Cayll t acquainted, he endlow.e ýllar yeanly pnize for Fi )wmnanville High Schooi. tien was chosen becaus( DF. JOHN SQýUAIR, TOjRONTO0 DUrteSy Toronto DaiIy Star. -ood d, n On- 1 ii. dlo. At Igold macd v-dollar 1ha a to1 o i at Iearnn L44 Iirl1± it> tr events \whkh ;'v miles away. ýwasý a iller-arn Ris sýon Johnireý 7erSity pnofessori 1hool) teacbing -wi undýamnentaI of m-any a noble Ci A. of Toronto. languages camie ;hinty years Id.1 nitenion to his e 'Was ana assisti spartaensbip in r' which bas nurtu PROF. JOHN Sý "THAE S> s au oj iu lruiiuo in 11.. )ent thie firsýt year of bis m1-in- in the,,BayT of Quinte Confer- Fift y easrs of bis if e we re in the mii istry, fromIn 172 to He retîred fr-om the p-astor-ý tMorewood ,Ont., ila June, and mloveci to Lindlsay. Rev. and Mrs. Phil p were CI cbîldren: the late Mrs. H. ibsoa of Ottawa; Louise, who t the ag-e- of ainie; Rev. J. H. Ph. ,D., of Sîackviile, N. B.; (Rev) C. J. L. Bates ý of 'obe, wvife of a Missionary; Mrs. Williamls of Vancouver, B. ife of Prof. WVilliams ,3Of theý- hColumibia Unjiver.çity' , van - P. and Nellie H. Phiip, a5t home ilber of the. Collegiate Insti:t- re are four brothers aýnd two - living-obert of Rurkeon ls of Wiinaipeg;, Richard o!f toa); and Rev. osphOf Ram- Mrs. Headlers of Port Ferry [rsç. Pbilp of Arthur, ont. Durham Reports on Canada's Crous [ / ,, , the season the Bank of Montreal issues, reports on the pr<ogress of the cmrps ini Canada. These re- ports, telegraphed to headquarters from the M/anagets of the Bank's 600 Branches, cover every Prov- ince aind form,,a reliable index of crop cond1itions. The reports are furnished free. U[Pon request at atz Branch of the S Bank your naine will be placed on Our mailing Iist. BANK 0F -MON TREiAL Total Assets in J3xce'ss of $650,000,000.00 ced Mo LIFE. 0F LIFE When it cornes to having the largest varlety of Cookèd and Cured Meats you naturally corne to this shop. Everything is under glass and protected by best sanitary eqtîîpment. mp Fre reiich spý3Laer, e Ontario piig-rimis madle a ort to spread the prize-giviap pnoposed tbirough1 the Boni. ite to get a five-diollar year hip endowe(&_ in tbe 130 C h schools, hhimseif f oilowir )wmanville example several. But thie Squair method dk( sa functioning, even if Bonn te leadI(ership proved dea ,st ancil The iiiemory of ýrlan Dunhamn ty years ago-ý hit the Squair vers mianv trans lihed i y, bigni EEKLY ÀDVICE m -any evidences that practical, homey' an'd lks to her very wide readers are ln love d lady and read her rkeen interest. That indlividuai those who y budget of advice his. Week she discus- *of youth: JOHN S. BOND, TORONTO -Courtesy Toronto Dally star. OBITUARY John S. Bond, Toronto. il Samnuai Bond, for 30 y Sailhng n 1884 grocery . busii la tba coun he was la b ownanville. ýd The Great tLakes Served The 7>letçd sof Onie deivery daily at 8 p. m. afternoon for delivery next day. Phonie in G. A,. Edmondstone One door easit of F. F, Morris Co. phone 21 DBownianvjlje evidence ui olçi sho t alnd I CB. N. C. Foi ns, Orton BE .an-cl Ernes INSUR ANCE CON VEYANCING REAL ESTATE Mývrs EJUth Y~ Scobeli Phocne 189 Bowmanville -im te publisha etween bis reIn the start a POUL' We h mnarket., FUL-0-PI MOTOR BUS TO HIRE bes wisbing large condor nciosed motor bus for sr, Chick NA attention fro )r Bus Line. at elther of Paid on Deben-turles These are issued for periods of ftrom, 1 to 5 years, and have half-yearly coupons attacheci, payable lst January and jtuly. is paî'i on Short- Termn Debentures, re payable on 60 dlays' notice. I9AN AND SAVINGS CON PAnY 23 SIM~COE -ST. NOR~TH, OSRÂA MEOR *ING A4O NqCTrOnIÂS1S.. roNTo, ESTABUISHED188~4 M AMPd% J. RtMN -,MANAGER - OS"WA nOPENS AIJGUST 27TH. Soothe baby's nioist easily chafed skin witJL '.3 SEC ..onrctors concrete -wýork trictiy .mpt. le emn- Farri Terms Fhone 10 years ture ani dress Ja chant, E Mi1. box OBITUARY Wl iam Phuip, Lindsay. leath occuýrred June 21, at nily residenice, Liïdaa4y, of r. iiam nPhiip, a retired- ist elergyman. Deceýýasedî en iving in Lindeay for the ar or so, after spending fiftyl n active minis;tr"y forty-nmiie (ýh were in h, O ta wa a'ndý ,VenCe Vlley,. late -Mr. Philp1 was born in entswer WiliamPhilp d Wery. 11emoedto Mail- '9and to Carlright in '53. le was euctei lathe !Public nd in the faà o.-f '64 mns- C. M. ',R.J.C spractical with the 1 10 Ce., I Lss tuninoe a - -- - -- - ----------------- --- - - 777 -1 IM - -- FALL TERM

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