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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1923, p. 6

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Mr& Fu1REE A lO-Sha.ve Tube BRaby !Mýb4U. DR.ILCHASE I60> cents a box, al dealer or IM HEL? FOR YOUflG WMEtN A j ~ rered A riU$CUNIS ONCLMSscond 'prize essay written by COUTIE CUNCL MssAudrey- Shartridge, -rand- JUNE SESSION daughter of Mrs. S, Shortridge, So- s Hfeajthiy CIiti]da (From The Sentinel-Staýr) Sprucedale, Ont, write.- The Junie session of the counities The, information that I received "Wlie my ittl sonwas hrec council convened on Moncday, June on this, subject hasi been tola mne Whe 21 litie802 WU dies 18, wiîth Warden Smnith in the chair. by Mr- an.d Mrs. Thonmas Baker, 3Irs. rionths o>Id le broke out in sores on siae o h erae J. T. Rundie, Mr. Thomas Shiortri~Lge is chest and arms. We did ail w Adnministration of justice .$19,300.OO and Mrs. Frank Hockadoay. -ould to heal those terrible sores, but Education.............. 52,Q0000 Mr. and lWrs. Law w,,ere the first othing did him much good. Final ýTunicipa1 expenises .... 9,800.00 Persons known to have kept store in ,' veturd o ~boxof r. has's eneral expenses, includ- Solina. Tbey kept their store on y vnurdonabo f r Caeî ng registry offices, the south-east. corner of the village intment and kept. on using it. At printing, rents, fuel, on the property now oecupied by last we were rqwardedi by the water, light, roads and Mr. -B. G. Stevens. steady healing of the soi'es, and bri4jges .............. 10,5 00.00 Mr. Parmienas Allen was the next finally lie was completely reliev. Grants: agricultiural $2,, person t<o keep store. He started qd f ~em He~ 20W000,, general $3500, on the property now occupied' by ed f tem He i no treç children's aid $3,600,,~. 9,100o.00 Mr. Elmer Wilbur buit wais rly there years old, and lias had no te. Heuse of Refuge ....... 18,000.00 for a short tisne, mnoving to t tiurn of the troublIe sinçe," Absentee Lands......... 1,580.50 property now eccupi&d by Mr. Frank qqInterest................ 6ý0oo.oo Hockaday. While keepin~g stor'e Mothers' Allowance .. 2000 hr ayCiil(Mn., Frank ~sO : ¶1K NrCounty Roa'ds.......... 12,00.00r Hockaday 'now) was a clerk in is dmanscsn Bates & Co., Lt&ý, Tronte. Cobourg-Grafton TolM store: After keeping' store there Road.......... ...... 8200.'70 for a wiilecho moved 1o lthe south- Law Costs...............2000 eas corner of the village on the -.----Miseellaneous............ 1,000.00 property now occupied by Mr. B. G. 10YersofAsh (The provincial highway accourit Stevens. After Mr. Allen came 10fter o Ashia Dr. hJ. o etbe resed frJames C Groat. After Mr. Groat D. Kellog-g's Astbmia Remiedy proved 1 a ltytbe eevd frtle business passed into the posses- the only relief for one grateful user, 1922.)aec ecips an* hsi u n cs nognay lAdinistration of justice. $ ,00.00 emlployed Mr. Robert Kirkpatrick te jLittle wonder that it hias now !becomie Cuts.......4.0holp ini. Mr. Batten c'ame after tD n eon~drmd nte ivisionCors.... 94.0-lernasoeadtH mhanrke ni asea rned itsnfa te by icenses.................40.00 KirkpaDýtricel rnasoe nal miarkntver asgeffe tive ane ouse of Refuge ........1000.00 or-shop conibined. Mr. Batten was its everfailng efectveres. I isfollowed by Messrs. W. 'D. Lamlb, Searning it~ to-day, as it has done for Treasuirer report, ed the present Andrew Noden, Daniel Tramner, S. B years. It is the greatest asthnia state of the debenture deht of these Brown and B. G. Stevens. Mr. B. a specific wit#hin the reach of suffering counties as $45,107.40, the last pay- G. Stevens s Ill occupies the proper- humanity. m nent being due in 1936. ey but doees Uxot lteep a store. Morsswere out en masse on Sun- Treasurer reported $6,282.23 day. The fine weather and the spent on iNorthumiberlan~d bridges in The tirst regular post office to, be - ,good roads were attractive. 1922-23 an~d $2616.13 on D}urham* kopt in Solina was by Mr. Parmenas Haovr os: Toth i~trit,~bridges. Allen. But before that the mail wasbrog1tup from HIampton by childon to hîli'tay i alwya a Department of highways stated aM danger signal. When you sec one the Cobourg and Grafton toîl road n sbPwopt tit o ahead, slow cdown at once, and if you wâs acquired at a cost of $27,335.67, ai n dr. lwsse nd the pfeplev are in doubt stop. lof which the counities' share of the cr.Amen caeleJtamves C.rAftr ýý cost -,,as 301 percetor$,0.. Following- these two men the post st M A Yuare flot inster of Education stated the Office was kept by Mr. Hfenry Hooper se exoîen-lgsitv ratapotoe t u-who lived on the south-west corner CIEM Ylilg, 1Dln al public and separate schools in tire of the village.,-Mr. FHooper kzept the V Mto r itreeazoe and kgiIriau- modation was $2,214.96 for the but it was later mio-v, c ot the scluth- , ent er ezea ai thes't int cenites or quimeptandaçcm-1)o,.oficebfoiaeuzner f yars ands te$s0.47mpo foorr. ublc shoos ati 70corfoneear-eas conerwheo i v t kpt nti Chas iistliýilt free if you imention this ate schools, for which the counties about 1916 w'hleni it 2 removeti papet a dsete .o.stamlp for postage. 60e. a a n box,;;1 iail ers or Edman)son, Bates & o.,are requ e v aise anequivalent . andthe people receîv ueîr nmail S Liniited, Toonto. grant. from H 1ampton by v- Rural Mail lý Ontario Municipal AssociationDevey asked or a $25 membership. Mr -V The Canadian National Institute Mr Samuel Cole, 'the first ed Corm ated aîwmzed for the Blind- asked fer a grant, aIl blacksmiith to operat_ 1': oina. He 0] ,at J1ýd rfrred te Finance Committee. kept bis, shop on the norh-east cor- oc St.., KOGw%%Mflfl@ Boiler inspecter repos-ted the boil- nor of the villago. Followlng Mr. a S Dirmf #m oOUâtmmt r at the House of Refuge in gooti Cole came John Beer, after hini camieoe rt W rotcondition. Mr. Mlounice. Mr. Mounce sold% his H, The. Metif o R sOO c. Reeves were appointeti a special sýhOP te Mr Jonathan Pickarýd. Af- so «J comimittee te revise andti equalize ter Mr Pickard camne Frank Awvde, UM Kn% .0 ~ ooi the asssoient of the varieus muni- then Mr. William Tomi. Ris fisst shop ______________________ cipalities. was on the nerth-east corner of the Dr. G. M. Fevris, surgeon of the village for a short time. He thon JO Flouse of ,~ Refuge reported, 111oVed it te the preperty noýw Oc- scý fCZ I 1 luch sickness ini Pebruary ant in~ cupied ,y Mr. Albert Balson, where' 'ýRaswTromi Mas-ch. Since the New Year they he worked for- a number of yeýars.1 DocorsDoThe B ad 13 dleaths, 'nearly alI ggai ,Mv. Tom sold his business tu Mr, pei r eSt edby the flu. No acute illness at Woods who sold it te Mr. Frank Cry- A "*'orty years 1 îuffered. One leg raw th-e present tine, but VIere are sev- dea. For a ehrt mi-e tere M rom, taeE ta body. No living man could oral olti inmates far froni well. were two blacksn-tiths in Solina. One befleve wliat 1 suffered. It was D.J.D. Canipbellford Board of Education ýeing- kept by Mv. Frayne. ils J at relieve4 nme, antd for three years 1 notified the cuii htS .did 1 avn't ~ eena or had resigneoti.ea. The fisst carponter shop te bc kept thc fut arrtCetrv lOtro.lr art Fredi J. Smnith and A. Wavner ask- 'in Solina was by Mv. Simion Lee as- ni will answer apy questions Vou care to ask him. cd the couricil te establish an ex- sisted by his son, Daniel. In those ed If you haven't tridthse eooling, healing 1cen ae at - wore called whelrihtsfro D. D D1.21for skia diseaie we ghail be gladtqanmnation cnr tTyvone. To dythy eWaon, OOihs un W( oeil you a 'bottle today on our personal guar. Schools Cemrniîttee.Thymdwaossogsfr- ate. 1.0 a bttl. Try, D. bD, Sap, tOO. A request fromn the policeo iagis- ture, coffins and many other such like te trate of Northumberland and Dur- a-rticles. After Simion Lee~ the shop liiý hani for a typewriter was referred was run by Mv. William Colwill. Mv. " 0 t]t:»outyeoprt "mmtse Tom kept a mian te do the carpenter t îZî he meat important business of wokfrhm v ila as o 1 Jur L Iel, Drugglsts. Tuesday session was the appointnment anti for a short tume Ms-. Charlie P ________________________ of a comnmittee te investigbte refor- Hili.-y ______________________ station in the sandy wastes stretch- Mv. Robert Libby, calle blinky rui ing from botween Cartwright and conducteti a geneval iob'bing shop in it D arlington on the west te Trenton Solina for a'nunuber of years. Hoe are A uniVor$al caStomn on the east of these united ceun- had a, turïsing lathe and plano. Ho as ties. also macle barrls, rolling-pinls, Po- W After bat benefitsevery- Warden Smith said the couancil atomsesad uhlk. M.b sEhbody. urge on theprvnilgv John Ruse 'clone a groat deal of car- A rnaient the necessity of reforest- ponter work and geineral conts-acting. Ëea , ids digestion, ig' etan ateladinteselHo had sonie mon te'help him. Their nmu IL£aso h teh countios. Ho suggested that ai nanes were Messrs. John Giles, Wil- L5 Ua cmiteb poneit g n liani Trimiblo, Richard Worth, John hion Soothes the. throat. the matter. Wostaway and Albert Wright. They A,, Clork 'MacNachtan said this miat- built ml-ost of the lieuses for miles'p -tor had been brouglht 1* ?i l roveund. Thoy as buil Eld'ad council by A. A. Powers on severial Churvh f ioccaisionsý, but ne action -%as ever 'uh W ,R Igi E n , 1taken. The biggest stretch af The' 1efi[y. o f* wnk f-,*.~ M.who ïnake -this, test Find qîzdcký-r, çasier sh«vingy Wwntvou te test a shav' ing eamn which, millioôns Latiier wiJlI ast 10 minutes on thse face. of rnen will teil yvou, giJves qis3iciter, casier shaves Strong bubbles hold hairs esecl-for casier cutting. It coî,t us 18 snnhs ime-iSO experiments-to Skin is left soft an~d soothed by Iption-.likc effect of perfect it. Bu-, he remît vas a cram m S5 ditirct wvays etter: palm and olve oils. Is ofi ns ue toe hes h ard in ne in te- ith uî If P A-' L M Q U Vý E SH A V IN G C R E A M does all this rubbîetn Lctuget1týr )oj. 1ntewtot you will zeaizete know it. If it dosn't-well, wve are ulipl ienis. f20tie i rc atsthe ]osers. 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