You' il neyer get another pair of Eyes Take c'are of tliem. They're the only pair you will ever have. Are they perffect? Do you know if your eyes are right? Don't guess-Know. Have them examined by our qualified Optome- trist. If the glasses you are flow wearing are flot corret-he has the experience and equipment to discover this important fact. Remember, you can neyer get another' pair of eyes-so guard your sight carefully. "Have Your Eyes Examined" R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists anid Optometrisa Phone 92 Niglits and Sundays phone 280 Bowmanvill TIHE ETERNAL QUESTIION le The rikle of the' sphinx-was an easy one coin- pared to this one which recurs thrice each day and must be answvered each time in a different way. It has caused many grey hairs, much nerve-rack- ing torment and endiless despair-ail needless. For the aniswer to that eternal question, "What shaîl we have to eat to-day"? may be found each day by visiting our store an~d viewing the large display of Cooked Meats-already to serve, Qne Delivery Daily G. -A. EÊdmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. one 21 Bowmanvîlle WILLARD'S 10E CREAM Is sold exclusively at this store in Bulk' Brick Cone or Dish When you eat Willard's Ice Cream you eat the be§t. THOMAS TOD B3aker and Confectioner ]3owmanville Eat Mvore Fresh Fruit Form the habit of keeping Fresh Fru~it in the house at ail ti!mes. Enjoy its deli- <~ciousness whenever the desire oîvertakes yoiu. Serve it for dessert and when company cornes. FSat it between meal.s. Corne in and look over our complete stock and take home a basket of our Fresh Fruit. IIARRY PHONE lai ALUIN ROWNAP< VILLE s ê8WINDDUTS CIAN -S eep you -fit , MZDD ,SODay 8Ë5 MISTHS & P5ZCANSL v Aboalt tweuty-fiva members of Qucan Mary Lady Orange Lodge, No. 97, L. 0. 1B. A., Oshawa, took Mr. sud Mis. Harold Wakeliu by surprise on Tuesday eveuing, Aug- ast 141h, il heiug the ffhauvr saîy of their -wedding. The aven- ing Was spent in gamas and dancing in the lawn. After a daiuty lunch- eon was s-ervad, au address was read hy the Wortby Mistress of the Lodge sud Mr. sud Mis. Wakalin weme pue- seuted with a most beaulifuil sexiv- ingil ray. They ahi sang "Sea then smiing" sud "Thay are jolly good fellows", aflar wbich Mi. sud Mis. Wakeliu made s fa-w remaiks. Thel g-uests then wîshed the brida auid11 groom healtb sud Ibappineas thiaugli-, out tb ecoming yeaas, and al left bV motor truck f or homnes ini 0Oshawa, BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 23rd,1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Rev. W. A. Bunner, Pieke. was in town oni Thursday. Miss Alice Thompson ks holi ing with friends in Muskoka. Miss Pethick, of Toronto, ks daying at Mr. H. Challis, Cai Ave. Master Geo. Wilson, Oshawa, visiting Master Wreford Cori Salem. Mr. Oliver Mutton, Pickering, cently visited his sister, Mis. G Charlton. Miss H. O. Burk is visiting sister, Lady Hughes, at her suni residence in H-aliburtoiî. Mis. W. J. Bragg is visiting sister, Mis, John Fee of Onic who ik in very poor health. --Miss Marion M. Worden has sedi lier exams in the summer coi in Physicial Culture in Toronto. Mr. Edward Williamrs attended fuxieral of his nephew, Rev. W. Egan at Baltimore on Wednesda, Mrs. M. Hein and Mis.( Panter, Toronto, are visiting2 John MeIntyre and other frie 1here. Mi. and Mis. W. A. Wright, rone, and Mr- H. Fletcher We- Kedron, recently visited at John Sonley's, -Manilla. Misses Ollie and Evelyn Wal Brantford, have returned home ai a poleasant vîsit with their aunt, Iý W. Wallace, Liberty Place. Mis. James Richards, Oshawa, v hias heen visiting her niece, Mis. T. Charltoni, and other relatives hE is now visiting relatives at Ebene. MT. and Mis. R. M. Cale atten the Gradiuation Exercises andI Op ing of the Nurses New Home at( tario Hospital at Whitby on Wý nesday. Mr. J. RH. Sýeindells, C. P. R.,1 returned from a visit to the WE Mis. Swindells and family are mlaining with her sister at, Winnil for an extended visit. 1 ORO.3NUIBANDI> N TOWN el ir 1, rr. G, M: ot le: el le PE c re 1 ip a] 1 a] L- ti 01 ýeý er dE m an 01 5 ric )n 1 C. M is âz as rfi n( rE ný iti W. ,ff ýe, St. .1id Ftd i'E d- ry ,le ýs. ss ,e it [0 Y, a 19 23. 1 BOWMIANVILLE BEACH On Thursday, Angust îflth, a- enjoyable Impromptu Concert" IWeiner ,Roast wasý given to ring, guests At Mis. W. J. Beiry's cott "West Sida", by Mis. E. G. Mit( iday- and Miss Elva L. Virfte, ofE manville. The eveaing was hoîi_ charge of Miss F10, Ward and1 rlisle Marie Law of Toronto. Mi. Wiî Bery., Bownianville, gave sev r eadings%; Miss Lila Thayler and _ iFlorence O'Neil, Toronto, rendi .ish, piano dluets, Miss Jean Sunter,' onto, solo; M. Barr Dilling, B re- manville, a comic selection ent- . T.,C'leys Wooden Wed'ding_"; BaIl, _Montreal, Mi. Latimner and her Sutherland, Toronto, also co rumer Scotch selections, which metv great applause; Mr. Walter Stt her Toronto, a piano selaction. AI ,Imee the evening's entertaininent refri ments were served, Miss Dring, r pas- onto, poured tea. The erd-oya )urse evening closed withi dancing. Mh Thayleî and O'Neil were the 1the c ompanists. 'E. The anniual Sports day wash L. here on Wednesday, August 1, Geo. when a nwst successful program M~rs. enjoyed and conitested. T he wa en ds sports program was held on Sat day last, the prize winneis beinz Try- Children's Race, 4 yeaîs and M r. der-Stanley Bowen, Hirold _Mc( Chil'dren's Race, 6 years andi Iler, der-He1en Brooks, Arthur Scoýt Iter Girls' Race, 63 to 8 yaars-rfl Vrs. Stewart, Ruby, Tobin. IBoys' Race, 6 to 8 yaars-Ja who Newton, Jack Martyn. Br. oks, Race, girls-Kathle ze* Boys' Potato Race-Goidon Ne Ae oy Lunney. )e- Girls' Shoe Race, 8 to 12 years On- Rosalin d Taylor, Grace Thompson. ahe-Leggad Race, girls, 10 to ed- * vears-Rosalind Taylor and Jeý Glenday; Kathleen Brooks a bas Grace Thompson. est. Boys' Three-leggaOýd Race, 10 to re- yars-Chas. Cox an'd Hal. Brenrn peg, Jas. Dunn an.d Nohel Carlton. Boys' Sack Race, 10 to 12 yeais and Noble Carlton, Chas. Cox, B. TuclE on Whaelbarrow Race, boys ai and irîs-Ninaï Dilling and M. Lunne Mar 'garet Rutton and Noble Carîto Ross Hunt and Charlotte MUitchell. :py Girls' Race, 1,5 years and under- of Mary Martyn, Nina Dilling. me, Naedle Race, girls 14 to 18 yea his -Marjorie MceGee, Theo Mit' ng Jean Taylor. Coat Race, boys and grs14i igg 18 years--Jean Taylor and Bi an PethickAudrey Taylor and Rair Ma Mothers'1 Race-Mis. Parker, Mr e Cooper. ýnd untRace, boys 8 to 10 years- ndDean Patte, Gordon New. Punt Race, boys 10 to 12 yeais- .ed Rance Dillitig, Noble Carlton. Jr.1 Girls' Single Scull Race, 10 to nd years-.~No.,elda Berry, Margarx 'ce Patte. er Boys> Boat Race, 8 to 10 yeais- ut Morgan Lunney, H.'Bhënan. Girls' Double Scull Race-The 52' Martvrn and Nina Dilling, Dimple (Cej Shuttleworth and Catherine Fox. nd, Boys' double Scull Race-Rora G.1 Copp and Russell, Bruton, Lelan iel Berry and Alex Stewart. ke War Canoe Race, boys and girls- .st lt Aex Stewart, Frank Hoopei IBruce Lunney, Leland Berry, Ninx ir-Dilling and Theo Martyn. -2nd- j.. Horace Copp, B. Shuttlaworth, Nobl s. Carlton, Russell Brutorn, and Eliza id beth and Catherine Fox. ,. Girls' Tandemi Canoe Race--The( g Martyn and Nina Dilling, Miss Shut h tl.eworth and Miss Fox. d Boys' Tandem Canoe Race- ,.r. Frank Hooper an;d Bruce Lunney ât Forest Dilling and Howard Cowl,,e. Single Canoe Race-Frank Hoopî v- er, Forest Dilling. T, Bicycle Race-Noble Carlton, Hor- e: ace Copp, Master Sadoniski. ,h Miss Lois Edick donatecl a Silve SCap for the War Canoe 'Race to be (competad for each year. d oBase bail match for boys fîomiri1 -e 12 was won by Alex Stewart's -teain. Swimi Races, boys 12 to 14 yéaiqr e ils euttle, Noble Carlton. Jess 12 to 14 yeas-Doris Smith, JeseGlenday. ;S Girls 14 to 16 years-Miss Brins, d Miss ShuttlewoTth. , Boys 12 to 16 years-Billie -Cut- e tle, Mastert Bruton. n Girls, 16 years aud over-Mlýiss t Shuttlewoith, Katherine Fox. 0 Boys, 16 years aud over-Mi. 1Vanstone, Mr. Green. a ff Tb Ranppres iligNn as s monument to bis achievemaints. Ha lad a very -active life, devotinýg bis anîia euanrgy to bis profession, sud as a resaIt of overwork bis heatb failed sud ha was obliged 10. give up bis praclice three years ago sud taka up resideuca ini the- Suth at Raleigh, N. C, U. S. A. Ha came uortb iu Jane, this year, intending tob spand the Summe-r on the bomestaad, bat he -rwrail weaker and was, ,admitted to the Toronto Genarali Hospital August. 6th. Ha is sur-,- vived by bis wife, Emily Lick, on'e dauxghter, Mrs. R. Rateliffe, Os-hawav, and three sous, Robait, Thomas sud Donald.1 1Prof. and Mis. R. O. Jolliffe a I wo sons called on, friend erai Friday on their way to visit Mr. ai Mis. Caiman Denike at Havelock- Campbellford Harald. Ah m.,otorista should1 obtain a co] of "The Highway Traffic Act 1923" from Ontario Motoir Leagu Toronto. It comas into force bh year. Be wisa in time by seair the changes. A card from Miss Elva B. Bis, of this office ou holi'days at Pleasri Point with Miss Gladys Palmer, bo reprasentative of the Bell Telaphoi Co., says the Kawaitha Lakas, ne, inÂdsay, is a flue place bo spar holidays. Mi. sud Mis. J. Theroux attendE the ýweddiug ou Taesday of M~ Raudolph Switzei, Port Perry, an Miss Jean Haagh, whichl took plac at the home of the bîide's molli at Lindsay, Re-v. W. Higgs, Pci Ferry, officiatiug. Mi. sud Mrs. H. T. Willmot,5 Farnham ave., Toronto, aunoune the engagement of Iheir secon daughter, Helen, to Mm. Normani Bray, sou of Mi. and Mis. SamuE Bray, Enfield, the marriage to ta] place Sept. 15, aI 4 p. m. aI Chui Charch, Deer Park. Congratulations to Master CIar ence Nicholson of Ancasîer, on pas siug bis autrance exam with honorç Ha was the youngest in bis, class ari the only one who ohtained honors Ha bas made a fine record havirý plssed into each class ascii yaar wit] honors. Ha is a son of Mr. Day]( Nicholson of Pemibroke, formarly or ganist in Bowmanville Methodisi Charch. Mr. Bruce Inighlam, M. A., of Bow. manvilla High School teachiug staff sud nmoîber hava returned bô Rose naath froni a delighîful trip through Western Canada and the Coust Thay wara at Los Angeles sud Seattle. Iu the lattai city they had the pleasure of hearing the latc President Harding deliver an ad- dress. They enjoyed their trip very mnuch, eopecially the trip Ihrough thb Canadian Rociies as averyone does. Wa ara pleased la note that Miss H. Pearl Cale, daaghber of Mr. 8114 Mrs. R. M. Cale, Mauvais Road, Bowmanville, was awaîded the prize for Higbesb standing lu Class sud in Genaral Deportm'ent, lu first year aâ the Graduating Exercises at Otario Hospital at Whiîby on Wednesday, Augasî 151h. The prize wasa pretty silver casa with ber name an- graved containing two thermiomabers. The priza was prasantad b y Mr. W. W. Dunlop, Inspactor of Hospitals. Mr. W. R. Allin, P. C. R., of Hampton, IYarliuglon towuship's active clark, who bas beau an attend- sut of the High Court Independant Order of Forestars for the past 25 years, has beau appoiutad Se raetary owiug ta the absence of Mr. J. D. Keachie, Toronto, who is ou a vieil la Scotland afyar 40 yeaas' absence. Mr. Albert Allin is also atîending the meeting aI Guelph Ibis week as re- presantative of Court Archer. Peter Martin & Special Sale ver "an t] ttagE Bor Mis n.j ýVera Mis cere Tor Bow Mr 1Mr witl treet .ftei Tor. eae- held ws Vatel iz un- G ee. un- bt. ack een rs- )12 esse and 12 ker. and ley, ton, ýars to nId ph ,Is. 12 et leo es Ice er, le a- it- T. in J. )r- Ir. Ir. r. ýt, r- e es Id, ar kr e A tremendous crowvd of citizens ,and many autolo'ads from country. I centres assemhled to liste h to the musical program anuouuced by the ,splendid Orono band on the occasion sof Iheir recent appearance hera fori -the Friday evanlng open air weeldy 1 concert. To state that Ihey were sappreciated is only to echo the en- 1thusiastic applause given so fie- Squently during thiis hand's perform- -ance. Oui town musical criîic fui- 1 nished this comiplimantary report of the work on that eveuing: A prominent f eature was the visit of the Orono band and the appre-c- iation of the citizans in connection with the fine program given. This organization which nunibars some 30 instruments is certainly a credit uot4 only to the village of Orono, but the couuty as well. There are not usually to he found in, a country vil- lage baud, or a town band for Ihat matter, a nunber of soloists who woul'd ha a credil to 'any ciîy organ- ization, as witness the cornet soloý played by Mr. John Tambly-n, and the euphoiumý solo by Mr. Harold Allin, and also a saxaphone solo by a son of Mr. Kno, the conductor, a novelty around haie nowdays as wve have not bad a player on that in- strument since the laIe Wm. Yuie left here. The 'Orono baud has four or five saxaphone playars, which -wtl the clarionets will certain]ly m'alqe for finer harxnony and adcd to the orchestral quality of music rndered. Mr. Knox and hi-, musicisus deservei credit for the excellent progiani puti on here. We hope to again havei the' pleasure of bearing thisbody of playars in oui town. 1 INFORMATION We shall be pleased to send to those interested a copy of the lWining Hand- book containing compiete information of every mining companly of import- ance in Canada. STOBIE tORLONG & CO. MEMBERS TORON TO STOCK EXCHANGE 1l King St. East Telephone 144 TORONTO HAMILTON Oshiawa KITCHlENER Me at by Mail Some people in the country mnay not know that every day we send choice cuts of meats to our rural clustomers by the mail men. Why flot take advantage of this service and get fresh meat during the summer months? Phone your order to us day ahead.- Wilbert J. Dudley ITorey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanville GWVE THÉ CmILDREN FRESH VBGTIABLZS Nothing is heaithier to eat than Fres'h Veg- etables. Put some on the table at ail dininers and suppers. For the children especially they will prove beneficial., Fresh Vegetables arrive here every day so that you nmay be pèrfectly sure of their Wholesome- ness. ARCHIE TA Phone 65 ýiT, Bowmanville _xternaI PainsÀ relieved by TRICO01LA Bowraanville nOnNTf-b 'D A NTý -T 0F GUARANTEED "IDEAL ALUMINUMVI Only a iimited number of piecesa'to be sold.. Guaranteed for 25 years. "Ideal" Aluminum is 99%7 pure aluminum and is made in Canada,.iEach piece stamped out of a thick, solid s1heet and nQtùh- s oldered on. Special at $I1.49 Mason & Dake's llardware OUR TOWN BAND IN ORONO 4M ýý i Following bis brilliaut career at collage he went West and seîtle'd in Boisevain, Man, where h-e p"<actiqe'd for five yesrS prior to mioving int Wiunipeg. He built up a larg-e prac- lice in Winnipeg-, specializiug on Suýgeîyv. To better accommiodatl his patients, 'he huilt a hospital, the Victoria, wiîh accommodation for one hundred beds, which now stands 1 1 .« Plastering an'd concrete work a specialty. Blockipg Machina and large square timbers suitable for rais- iug bouses. We are also open ta do Team- ing and Truxcking. Truck going daily between Bowmnanvillean Oshawa. Phone 29,(W 10-tf er e Phone 145 A great crowd from town and country gathered within hearing dis-! tance of the baud stand Saturdayl evening to ,lisîen witb maich pleasure to the programn given by the Bow- nianville Board of Commerce Baud, under direction of their leader, MmI. H. C. Durgin. This organization comprises some 25 players aud their selections wera hearlily applauded. A vocal duet withbhand accompani- nient, "Daddy's Little Girl" hy Ed-ý itor Joe Hynds and Sain Glauville, the latter a former Orono boy, was given with a ernap that took- fine with the peopleansd they had b repeat. This baud is a new organizabion witb niany enthusiastic beginuers. A great improvenient is noticeable since thei appearance haie in Mr. W. J. Bragg's parade after the me- cent elections. We certainly mniss- ed th'e faces, however, of the old boys who stamied in bauds for yeaxs past: Dave MWorrison, Jule Roenigk, iBilly Tapson, Jack Joues an'd others. The baud had just completed their pmogmam witE "GQd Save the Kin-g" when something- went wrong withi the electic 1ghtvs aud thie town was laft lu darkness, 'and there was a resort ta lamps and caudlas, good enoagh f or oui fathers but sadly out of date for th~is generation. At the Aran- ouries the boys were entertaiued at an excellent luncheon byý the ladies and mnembers of the Omono baud. Short speeches wvere made by Baudmater lYnîgin, J. W. Hynds, Leader A. J. Knox, M. J. Tamblyn anid others, when the exchange of bauds iu these street concerts was ýhigbly commendad.- 1î 4 4',B4à- n' * 1 RAILWAY T1IME TABLES FOR! BOWMANVl.LLE Grand Trunk RaiJlway. G#iz E Eut Gotng West Express 8.42 a. mn. d E~xpress 4.22 a. Expres 10.38 a. m. Express 7.06- Pass'ngr 1.26 Express 10.02 Pass'ugr 3.09 p. m. Passngr 2.02 p.m Lacal 6.49 p. mn. Pass'ngr 7.13 p. m.* Express 7.21 p. m. Pass'ngr 8.24 Express 9.58 p. mu. Express 11.07 p. m. Caadan 'Pacific Railway, Goiug East Going West Expreffl 12.26 a. an. Express 0.18 a. mn. Extpress 5.47 a. m Pass'ngr 2.08 p. m.-* Local 8.20 a. m.* Express 9.16 p. m.* Express 4.33 Express 11.18 p. mi. Local 7.00 p. m.* w!Jlaily excepat Sunday. C. B. Kent, Towin Age'nt Canadian N.%tional Railway. West Bound East Bound Tyrono Station1 Pass'ngr 8.15 s. m. Pass.'igr 6.34 D4.. Tl a Il Ill ý à : à", i il