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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1923, p. 3

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Honour Matriculatien Entrance to Normal Schools Graduation Diplonias' Miss Brown bas ivéen eingsged te teach the subjects forin- erly taught by Mis. 'Bck,' -wbo resig-ned in June, STAFF Miss A. M. H. Brown, B. A.- Miss 1. K. Smith, B. A. - Miss S. K. Tigle, B. A.- Mi. B. E. Inglam, M. A. - Mr. A. R. Scott, B. A. - Prinicipal W. J. Mrrison, B. A. W. B. COUCH, Chairman, H. S. Board. - Lower Scool Subjects. Englilsb, Modems 'anc5s Ait. - Classics and History. Englis1l Hi.steîy and Modemns. - - Mathenietics. -L - Science. J. S. MOQRCRAFT, Sec'y, H. S. Board. Flail The, Brea.d Wagon The citizens asked for it and now we are giving them a daily delivery in town of FRESH BREA~D, BUNS, CAIKES AND PASTRY Nothing but the best materials are used in our baking which is done under the best sanitary cond;.tions. ILaiI the wagon or p.one' 97. The tBowmanville Bakery (Successors to A. T. ChristieY Spveci'al Sale 0F GUARANTEED 4qDEAL" Only a imited number of pieces to be sold. Guaranteed for 25 y'ears. "J4eal" Alumirnum is 1 99 % pure aluminuin and is made in Canada. Each piece stamped out of a thick, solid sheet and noth- soldered on. *Speci'al at $1.49 LOCAL AND> OTHERWISE Mr. 1T. A. Brown, Direetoro Mtusic, Ottawa, has been visiting rel atives hpre. Miss Isabel K. Smith, B. A.,i holidayinjg t Port Sydney, Mar. Lake, Muakoka. Miss Bea Joness, Calgary, Alta.,i visiting hier brother, Mr. F. H. Jones and other friends here. Mys. David Grig-g and Misses Janý and Ruth Grigg left last week fo their new home in Toronto. Mrs. J. R. Finkie, Los Angeles Cal., is visiting Mis. D. Davis, Beecl Ave., and other old fiends here. Miss Mluriel Everson. Osha-%a, haý just returned freni a two miths, trip to Vancouver, Prince Rupert anc the Pacifie Coast. Mrs. George Argue is visiting hei sister, Mrs. 'jas. Powýles, Fenelor Falls, and hier nephew, Mr. F. Powt les, Powles' Corner. Mr. and Mis. Frank Brimacombe Rochester, N. Y., were here last weel, called by the dea'th of his sisteEr Mrs Thos. Stapletor, Cedaîdale. Five girls head the list of success. fui studients in Upper Sehool exani. in Oshawa Hi gh School. What's tý miatter with the bo-ys in that school? Mis. Harold Wakelin attended thE funeral service of lber cousin, Wilfri( Snow in Toronto on Susnday. Thc interment took place in Belleville. The dlay is fast approach-ing w-ýher the business man ýwho does flot ad- vertise will be looked uipon as a nrian who bas nothing worthi while te sel Rev. H. W. Foley, pastor of Sal- emi Circuit, had an operation on his throat on Thursday and is reperted to ha dloing nicely.-Colborne Ex- press. Mr. J. H. Beamish, teacher, Is. lington, g-ave the senior Editora fîieaidly cail on Saturday while passý ing thru towýn froni Peterboro with his fniy Mr. andi Mrs. Richard Snowden, Mr. and Mis. Foster Snow%,den and soli Joseph, Oshawa, spent Sun'dav lie with the Misses Brimiacombe. 'EginStreet. Mis .C. Wickett and daughter Greta, have returned froni a very pleasant visit wt relatives and friends in Simcoe, Ingersil, Woodl- stock, and Exeter. Pleascid to receive a, call on Mon- day fromr Dr. E. Fraser Bowie, Tor- onto, a Durhami Old Boy whvio stili takes an active interest in the doings of bis native county. Capt. C. W. E. 7Meath, Toronto, spent Sunçlay at Mi. W. B. Couch's. H1e received îmany congratulations on bis 'appontment to the Dominion Pensions' Appeal Board. Miss Mininie Mitchell, Boston, Mass., who is on a visit with rrda-1 ,tives in Canada spent the week-endj with Miss H-aycraft and Miss Wake- lin and other friends haie. The Comiiiunity Sings' wll be cn tiniued in front of the grand stand a, the Canadien National Exhibitioni this year. Over 25,000 people take part in these intaresting features! aach ig-ht.i Mr. and lM4rs. Gao. J. Northcotti and daughiter Ruth, of Toronto,f spent over the week-end wit1 Ailer-1 mnan and Mis. W. N. Lowes. This week they are occupying a cottage at Sparrow Lake.-Orillia Times. Rev. John C. Wilson, father of Rev. J. S. 1. Wilson, Brighton, formi- erly of Cobourg, writing to The Woîld froni the Sti. Huronic, stalles that hie and his daughtar, Mis. A. G. Hudson, Toronto, are away on a trip to Vasncouver via Prince Rupert. Tha Galbraith Brothers wýho hiad their bouse burned a short tume ago, iiorth-east of the town, have pur- chasecl the, old Medland property on Liberty St., now owned and occupiad by the Misses Webber and their brother. The Webbers have pur- chased the home of Mis. D. Grigg on Ontario St., and will shortly take possession. Her many relatives and friends in Wbést Durhami will be pleased to leain that ini the Upper Sehool De-! paîtaiental examinations Miss Kath-1 leen McLaughlin, daughter of Mr. and Mis. George W. McLaughlin, i Masoni & DaIe's liardware )ne 15Bowmanz '-.~ ed in hSaeîal applicd1itions were îeceivac for office of Tax Collactor for 192)3. 1A ballot gave Lewis T. Pascoe a ,majority of votas. By-law No. 843 dwas passed conflrniing bis appoint- ment. John Chabolis complained of wat- ercourse at lots 2-2 and 23, con. 2. n' Referred to Reeve Courtice. 7_ By-law No. 844 wTas passed setting various. rates fýnr 1923. Treasiarer acknowledged receipi k of $4.16 front A. Wakely for repairs sto cament mxe;Metbodist Peison- ege Board for cenient $25.50; Benki of Montreal, ieterest on deposits, is $31-35; E. Haggith, past peynient e fo~r Debentures for S. S. No. 19, $1000-00; '2%U on arreers of Taxes S$90.2-5. V Tese orders weîe drewn on e Treesurer: R. Adams, work on White n A Bridge................. $ 2.75 A.Trinible, work on White Bridg-e ...................2.75 John Walter., gasolene ... 3.00 Blakçe Courtice, stone and wvork.................. .75 John Aldworth, shovelling fsnow.....................5.00 -S. Nicholîs, -work, on White briW. eG..otton,.stetu.e . 7.0r W. big....................7.00 1923......... ...........8.00 Lorne D. Simipson, gravel 8.12 iRobt. Burgess, work Town line, Clarke.............. 8.13 W. L. Smith, statute itibor F 1922....................10.00 jF. C. Honey, greve]........ 16.631 B. and E. Service, repeirs to 1 magneto. ................ 19.10o Fred Courtice, w\,oîk White Bridge .......... .........222.50o H1. Wilcdx, work Crossmian .Bridge..................29.50 John MartÉi n,gevel and work . . .. . .. 32.38 H. Wilcox, -woîk, Baker bridge 4 3.7 5 Geo. A. Stephens, lumiber 48.20 A, Wilson, cement for Enr killen.......... . . . . Robt. Burgess, wor51.00s man bridge.............. 55.00 John Brock, woîk on White Bridge................... 59.00 H. Wilcox, work on bridges 336.651 McClellan & Co., lumiber and cernent ................. 544.38 Herold Skinner, sheep valu- ation.....................3.80 ti.A.....................6.20 S.io A . ort.cott ..sheep.valua- R. E. Osborne, sheap dameages 11.00 K. E. Courtice, sheep dam- ages .....................90 Arthur Nicholîs, shceelidani- ages....................27.001 iHFedle-y Oke, W. F. Bonus.. 18.50 F. G. Kerslake, work in Park 7.50 SW. R. Allin, express on meag- nete . .ýý. .. . . . 90 F. C. Paerson, grant Rural Schools.................30.00 Bank of _Montreel, Deb. No. 1 end interest coupons, S. S. No. 6 . ...... ......*"»*407.60 J. J. Smnith, S. S. No. 19, pay- mient on Dehenitures .... 1000.00 Council adjourîiied to Saturdey, September 29, et 1 p. mi. W. R. Allun, !towuship Clark. It is cleinied that prectically evaiytbing macle in Canada from a fountein peu to a locomotive is on, display at the Canadieni National Exhibition. Thera are over 1.5,00 exhibîts in al. ZION (Receive(d tee lete for lest wveek.) Mrs. Chas. Vivian and children, Whitby, spent the week-end with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chant.. .Miss Jean Switzer, Cherryweod, and Miss Jean Kennedy, Sarnia, vis- ited at Mrs. Russel Peikins'. . . Mr. AUCTION SALE 0F VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Undicer and by virtue of ',tie Powers off Sale ,contatined in aiertain Mrgg whieh will be p)rodiucedI at the time of Safle, there will be offeýredI for Sale, by *Publio -Auiction at-the ow cvumHouse ini the Town off Bo'wmaniville, on Satur'day, the -2pd day offSpeerA' D. 1923 t the hiour off 2.30 o'clock in the affternioon, thali following vatluable property, nrey In the owshpof Darlington lin the onyoff Durhamn, and being comiposedl off Lots numbilers-Ninie hundred zand Sbt- tytre(96?3) to Teiincundred and Four- t(een (1014) both inchosive, and that part cf Fiftee(nth Avenue WeVost of the Road Alownc btwen Lots Tw(,nty,ý-two Sand Twenty-three (23) according to ial plan off lots registered in the Registry Office for the Reistry Division off the - Counity off Durhiam as rnumber 97, con- taining by admeaisiirement Fouiracres off land be the samne more or less. On thiis property is a small house idi stale.1 TERMS 0F SALE-:-Onie-tLhird off the purchase money at the imie off saile, anid for, the balance termns easy aind to be madice known -at the time off saile. Ditte<l -tt Oshawaiýv, t1i ls 1th dlay off Auigus-t A.I'. 19-23. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON, Vendlor's Solicitors OSHAWA, (NTý 1(). 34-3w. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FORJ BOWMANVILLE Grand Tirwxk Railway. *é Golng East Going West~ Express 8.42 a. nm. d Express 4.22 a. mi Express 10.38 a. mi. Express 7.061 Pass'ngr 1.26 Express 10.02 Pass'ng-r 3.09 p. nm. Pass'ngr 2.02 p.m Lacal 6.49 p. mi. Pass'ngr 7.13. p. m.*' Express 7.21 p. mi. Pass'ngr 8.24I Express 9.58 p. nm. Express 11.07 p. mi. Cssnadian Pacific Railway Going East Going West Express 12.26 a, .n. Express 10.18 a. mi. Express 5.47 a. nm Pass'*ngr 2.08 p. m.*~ Local 8.20 a-* ni.* Express 9.16 p. ni.* Express 4.33 pmn Express 11.18 p. nm. Local 7.00 p. m.*' '")sdjly except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Towin Agent. Canadian N.%tional Railway. West Bound East Bound Tyx.cne Station *Pas'ngr 8.15 a. ni. Pass'ngr 6.34 p.ni. CARPENTRY WORK DONE 1 amn prepared to do al kinds of carpe<ntry work from repair jobs to con- tracts for building houses, etc. Estimates Furnished Free H. D. MOSES North Elgin Street Box 461 Bownianville Peter Martin & SonsI I Building Contractors I ig Machine and large tnbers suýitable for rais-. Schiol THE EITERNAL QýUESTION The riddle of the sphinx was an easy one com- pared to this one Which recurs thrice each day and must bc- answered each tîme in a different way. It has catused many grey hairs, much nerve-rac-k- ing torment ai-d en dless despair-ail needless. For the answer to that eternal question, "What shall we have to eat to-day"? i»ay be found each day by visiting our store and viewing the large display of Cooked Meats-already to serve. Onie Delivery Daîly G. A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 21 Bowxnanville itII kinti w 1 and good ws MJusie, garne, tifrie was 9njo, e of the avený SCaniadien Neti double the att( e greet Stete F nd e better sbs iade by any of th past, in the sâ ,utive days. tAK ini Dr lier f 1 a se( during t'ue1 1d Mr. and Mis. Foster Snow- d son, Oshawa, visitenl Mis. tainton. FALL FAIR DATES vulle........ ept. 18-19 ck .........Sept. 25-26 .....Sept. 27-28 ="y........... Sept. 13-14 ... Sept. 19-22 r0.......Sept. 12-15 .sept. 10-12 . ....Sept. 25-26 . ....Sept. 25-27 .Oct. 2-3 . Oct. 4-6 National Aug. 25-Sept. 8 . ... Oct. 4-5 Secure your wants ii good timie for the QopenuInjý of the schlools. P. S.-School Supplieý are strictly cash. W. T. Allen" Big 20 Book Store Bowm..nvil INFORMATION We shall be pleased to send to those interested a eopy of the Mining Hand- book containing complete information of~, every mining cornpany of[ import- ance in Canada. j STOBJ FOLONG &CO. MEMBERS TORONTO STOCK EXCHA'NGE 11 King St. East Telephone 144 TORONTO H-AMILTON Osha~wa KITCHENER BRANTFORD Meat by Mail Some people in t~he country nay not kno'W that every day we send choice cuts of~ meats to our rural customers by the mail men. Why ù-ot take advantage of this service and get fresh meat during the summer months? Phone your order to us day ahead. .Wilbert J.. Dudley Horsey Block Phoine.225, Iouse 272 Bowmanville Oh:it ilfaroldi "OH! 'HAROLD" bulbhng wsth life and rhythm is the veey newest dance favorte-and as p!ayed by Zez Confley and his orchestra-it's really an irssfribk' fox-trot. Its compantioll seection (on. the reverse qide)-"ROSETIME AND YOU " is an added reason for the grèat popuilarity of this record. A..k for- Hils Master's Voce"-Vctor R~ecord No, »1090 And Cut Yourseli aPiece Q,/Coke To You'Il Jennie-Fox Trot JVant Melody King's .Dance Orchestra. Too! I'm Driftïng Back to Dreamland -Waft Just for Tonight--walt The Bensoi Orchestra of Chicago. NUMaste,'p 1Voetq" ltor Recod No. 10101 Biff Bangs From the Dumbefl Revus,Fox Trot Biff Bangs From the Dumbeil Revues--oOne pt. Harry ThomasTr. lO-inch p double-sided 7 5c at "Lus MaSter'S VokCe" dealers j Asie to hear them pieyed on, the 'Vi otrola 1115 MASTER'S VOICE LIMITED z J zmcý Plasterinz and corcrete worir 5 7 A raints-

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