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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1923, p. 9

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-Used> Cars I will have on exhibition Dollar Day on the vacant lot on King Street West of the Moffatt Motor Sales Garage 5 extra SPECIAL DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS in used cars. The lot incfudes the following which are priced ýrom $100 to -%,$400%qi' Ford Coupe 2 Overland Touring Maxwell Touring Overland Roadster Prices -will be plainly marked on each car. All cars are in good working order. A. W,.. PICKARD Overland and Studebaker Dealer Bowmanville jTORONTO'S BIG "EX" OVER Monday's Toronto Globe said: Once mrore the curtain bas fallen on the two weeks' delight that is the Canadian National Exhibition. Stili- cd for another year is ail the throb-, bine- lif e of Exhibition -City; the cries of the ballyhoo are hushed; al the pageantry of beauty and enter-' tainmient that has told the story of 1 a nation's progreslias, departed; faded are the týw1nkling brilliance and the radiant glow of the myriad lights. The show is over. But the world has paid its tribute to Canada's National Fair One more record has been added to the tale of steady g-rowth. One million f our hunclred and niirety-three thousand people passed through the the two weeks of this year--seven thousand only, short of the million Iand a haîf. Th-e reckoning brings a proud mes- sage of acconiplishment. Each day but one of this year's Exhibition saw a decided gain. A total increase of .120,500 over the attendance figures larity of the Big Fait. PHILLIFSPS ICNIC Older residents of Tyrone and their relatives in Darlington will ba interested in the repo-i~t of a family picic copied from Essex Free Press: Ever-yday carea and duties were laid aside by the mernbers and relatives of the Phillips Families, when they met at the home of Thomnas Pilliýps, in Maidstone, on Monday last, Sept. 3rd, Labor Day A large number tiirned out for dinner and tea. The afternoon was pleasartly spent in various ways, music and solos by Mrs. Percy Phillips; selections on the phonograph, and social chat. There was an abundance of good aats and ica creamt was served. Guests pres- eut were : Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bailey,- Miss Clara Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Will Baîley and daugrhter, Rochester, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Elton Bailey and. IShirley and Bob, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coulter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Coulter. Miss Ina Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Phillips, Miss Gertrude Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Phillips and sons Alton and Don- ald. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Atkiinson and Miss Eleanor DustY, Windsor; Mis. John Pipe, North Bay; Mrs. J. A Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hens- mani, Mns. H. St.Louis, Essex; Mr.1 sud' Mrs. J. Parks, Doras, Shirley and Marwood Parks, Malden; Mr. an-d Mrs. W. H. Phillips and Miss Ruth, of Gesto; Mr. and Igr2. Walstedt and -daughter, Marguerite, Mr. and eis. Percy Phillips, Jack and L~n ard, and Jamnes Phillips, Maidstone, makiu 55, at the re-union. Gilbert Phillips, Elkhorn, Man., the only other surviving brother of Thos Phillips, Mrs. Jennie Phillips and dauglters, London, were unable te attýend. A Pime Dressing for Wounds.- In som-e factories aad workshops carbolic acid us kept for use in cauterizing wounds and cuts sustain- ed by the workmen Far better to keep on hand a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclecrtic Oul. It is just as quick in action aud does not scar the skia or buru the fiesh. t ~ ! f~ Dollar Day Specials AT MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 5 Tins Listerine Talcum,. .$1-.00 4 bot Witch Hazel Crearn .$1.00 3 Boxes Saxon Linen Stat- ionry -'............... ý$1.00 14 Gainsborough H1air Nets. $1 .00 5 Botties Cocoanut HIair Shampoo ..........I....$1.00 Wampole's C. L. 0O1....... $1.00 Magnolax '(Wampole'*s) . .. $1.00 $1 50 Hair Brushes Saturday $1.00 2 lbs. Neilsons Bulk Choco- lates ..................$1.00 35e Tooth Brushes. .4 for $1.00 As Our Optomnetrist, R. M . Mitchell is booking appointments every day, we advise your 'writ- ing, ealling or phoning for your eye examination to-day. R. MI. Mitchell & Co. DRUGGISTS & OPTOMETRISTS Phone 92 Bowmanville Phone nights and Sundays 280 MOVED --e4ýr- Bicycles, Repairs and Accessories My shop is now located on Division-st., opposite Balmoral Hotel. I arn better equipped te, give prompt service. H. C. Alfin The Bicycle Man Bowmanville rq ni6à,lore COPELAND SHOE STORE GLDEN OPPORTUNITY FOR SAVING MONEY Read this, then corne and see for yourself. Variety of Women's Straps and Oxfords .................$1.00 Wornen's Silk and S-ilk and Wool Rose .................. -$1 .00 Boudoir Slippers .................... ........................»....1..$1-00 Variety of lVen's Shoes, Black or Brown, Blu. or Bal welt at $3.98, $449, $5.50. 2Pair of Men's SiIk Hose .................................$1.00 Polish in Tins ............... ....................................... lOC Also a 10%7 discount on ah hlines not mentioned above. FREE PlrAIR SHOES All our "Statesman" coupons for free coal will be stamped "Copeland Shoe Store". If the first coupon drawn bears this stamp we will give to the person a choice of any pair of shoes in stock. It will be worth your while to try for this. Copeland Shoe Store ~' Phone 249 J Bowmanviile IMlakeYour- Headquarters at Cawker's on Dollar Day * A glance over these f ew suggestions we' are off ering clearly shows that it-will be well worth your while to make your headquarters hiere on Saturday. YOU SAVE ON EVERY PURCHASE Salmon Cohoe 1 lb. tin,...$ Day 3 for $1.00 Salmon 2 Cloven Leaf and 1 Ral Pink for $1.00 Kipper Snacks, reg. 10c, $ Day 14 tins for $1.00 Tea, our Special Blend,..$ Day 11/2 Ibs. $1.00 Peaches, extra large tin.s,....$ Day 4 tins $1.00 Ponk & Beans, large tins .... $ Day 11 tins $1.00 Eddy's-Matches,.......$ Day 8 Boxes for $1.00 Roneysuckle Tobacco, $ Day 21 packages $1.00 Maple Syrup ,the real thing, $ Day gallon $2.50 See window for cluster groceries at...1... $1.00 BUTCHFfR DEPARTMENT Watch our window for'specials iii Prices wihl be on al cuts o f meats. meats. C. M. CAWKER & SON Butchers and Grocers Bowmanville M Hail The !Bread TWagon Tecitizenis asked for it and now we are giving them a daily delivery in town of FRESH BREAD, BUNS, CAKES AND PASTRY Nothing but the best materials are used in our baking which is done under the best sanitary condition8,. Rail the wagon or phone 97. The Bowmanville Bakery (Successors to A. T. Christie) A,ýNO0UN CEMENT Ladies' Ready-To-Wear Shop Opens Friday, Sept. i 4th In Horsey Block Mr. F. Berg, formerly manager of "The Fair", Oshawa, wishes to announce that on Fni- ~ . day, September 14, he will open bis new store in the building formerly occupied as Densem's Bar- ber Shop, Rorsey Block, Bowmanville., A complete and attractive display of Lad- P ies' Ready-To-Wear Garments will be placed in---- stock which will embrace the newest and most popular Faîl and Winter Coats and Dresses. Mn. Berg's wide experience in the whole- sale and retal Làdies' Ready-To-Wear business places him in a position to give his Bowmanville customers what is newest and at most reasonable pnices. The public is cordially invý,ited to visit this U store and inspect the new goods. If you can't corne Friday, call Dollar Day or at your conven- îence. Fe BERMG,, Ladiej 'Ready-to-Wear JBowmnanville

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