With Wbich is IncorpQrated The Bowmaniville News lA P~k.Ç~(TC ~T~vr11~r XTTT ttirTTTTTC1T0 A V C1T-1Trr -ý ) ln.ý) - - J. MUAIDIAVL~. -A.-- vv v.uIN V i 1 , L.i )~ 13,1 923,z~ I[Great Pie ha in rend 11West. lin-, SOn to innual Ah at edhnes-I THE STORE 0F QUALITY What A Great Day ofVale We've Planned Drive direct to our store where you will get highest values for your dollars in Dry Goods, Ladies' Ready-to-Wear, Men's and Boys' Suits, Etc. On Dollar Day, Saturday, Sept. 15, the ¶Vurchasing power of the dollar will be con- siderably increased at our store. We are out to do our share towards making this a memorable event. You will have an opportunity of buying here special Dollar Bargains such as have flot been offered for a long time. Many other attractive values will be on sale Satuirday which we are un- able to enumerate here. i LI the Iavailable ini IwiIl be exhil Ithe capacit; Scbool 9gain be a IShow. Eve ert w Ise. ,rtainn LOCAL M4iss Eleai ON ALL GOODS NOT INCLUDED 'IN LIST BELOW 10 pe ent Discounit WILL BE ALLUWED ON ALI, PURCHASES 0F $5.00 ANDY OVER FOR DOLLAR DAY ONLY This hIcludes Our New FaIl Coods Excepting Fur Coats 10 only, Children's Gingham Dresses, reg. $2.25 anid $2.50 for $1 Fancy Colored and Black Silk Rose, reg. $1.25 and $1.40O for $1 ~6 only, Ladies' ?ullover Sweaters, reg. $2.50 for ........ ....$1.00 Ladies' White or Brown Rose, .......6........... pairs for $1.00 0. S. Black Rose, reg. 45e pair,........... $ Day, 3 pairs for $1.00 Ginghami, specialI on .....................$ Day 5 yds. for $1.00 Ladies' an-d Children's White and Colored Middies, $ Day $1.0 Navy, Brown, Green and Copen Serge, regular Dollar goods, $ Day 4 yards for $3.00 AIl Colored Voiles by yard,..............-..$ Day at Haif Price Balance of Voile Dresses,...................-.....$ Day at HaIf Price Children's Rompers, regular $1.50.,.... .............. $ Day $1.00 Ladies' Woollen Scarfs, up to $2.00,............... Day $1.00 Unbleachied' Table Linen, regular $1.35 yd........$ Day $1.00 Towelling, regular 25e yard,............$ Day 6 yards for $1.00 White and Colored Blouses, a few left ... .......... $ Day $1.00 37 Merchants Co-Ope BigDi Record Breaking Array of People of Bowmanville an Space 15 as fruit , 'double Saturday of this week will be a rs. big day in the history of merchandis- Lde will ing in Bowmanville. This is theý of tbe cday selected by the merebants for ounty is Dollar Day f-or the big shopping. Royal 1eve'nt, wbTlich -will not fail'to have the ;ton, wil kee n iteresýt of a laïrg.e inumbier of id-e and uysinBw nvlead district.1 ,f Grand "'T'e Canadian Stafesmnan" can nfn assure .its readers that neyer before ifrshave the merchants nmacle sucb an !de and earne.st effort to provide exception- d shpwV ally g-ood values for their Dollar Day Full offerings. There: are 37 busineSss founwd bouses represented and this isaa lairger number than hast year. The gb class event bias not been arrangedl hurried- 2Opera ly for the merebants bave had it in f hours minci for several wes and a num- ber of thein bave macle special buy- luche 29 ing trips in order to be assured of m.s. The the best possible values for the hig w-fl be '15E eu visit- Sannouncements of ai the rDay merchants are contained .s issue of "The Statesýman"I. lers will do weli to rend tbem vei-y carefully. Any house-~ Fili be -well repaid by spendiug Ur in the examination of tbe isements to-day. oh the upusually long anîd at- e list of offerings aayone in istrict cannot afford to keep froni Bowmnanville on Satur- The business men bave made ,orth wbiie event to enable al sfromi the country to take n it and save money. e fromn the unusual bargains tatesman bas arrauged for a 1free coal offer of two ane- aý if ar 11 T I Keen Interest In Chas The Mysi 'Bihl' Dollar Defies AIl To Ci Saturday at 9 a. m-.- ir1F 'id Fogg ,motored heave beeni ., vis- san'd -t fa aci ais sisti brougl Unit, IPingle anchMr. ox aintiArthiur nd Mrs. Saim )rman Pingle and [île, miotored to anc visited Mr. ,nd other frienda, C. Moore, Miss wýman-vihie, R.ev. BARGAINS IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS Men's Ties, good variety, up to $1.50.....1............ $ Day $1.00 Five Dollars Off Men's Summer Suits MEN'S NEW FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS New stock just arrived, latest styles and best of materials, good llnings, well made,..........$ Day Only-10% Discount FOR BEST BARGAINS SHOP EARLY ON DOLLAR DAY Couch, Johnston Bowmanville Phone WER OFF mnanvilie are ad- ower will be shut on Suadlay, Sept. of tbis issue for MADE COOKING of home-made cooi ices of the Woiieii SA&LE1 p.l IIget L.imiteca the stroke of nine o'clocki ýoraing The Canadian1 çiever man of mysteryl crious 'Bill' DolLar-will ape and froni that hourj Y every Persan in Bo-,-- catch bui He sa al the merry chase, wbich be the Most exciting ýolar Day. last week's annouace- cal sleutbs bave beeu lues and bnndreds bave, -o join in the chase and, d set for tbe $5.00 re-I goes ta the onewbl Tpue 'here are spe- ins surroundiug tbis ,and those wba iaten41 abould read tbe mie 1 The 'chase wilh bc confined ta the business district and as the Myster- 'loufi 'Bill' Dollar will do 'bis shopping only 5it Dollar Day stores, the cbasel should be ail the .more exciting. t h e $WO perize wvhslute awardets- ar ind, "Yau are the .MYsterious 'Bill' Dollar 1 this )Ut One Ton 0f Coal Will E ho Given Aw thi mai thai chaý flay ore cepi andi plam oth' Whio is goiag to get the free coal Saturchay? Coal is a migbty nice commodity to have these days and fmore especially if youi can obtaia l it for notbiag. Tbe Dollar Day] Stores- are giving with eacb $1.O0 -purchase a coupon entitling you ta -a chance ta win at least a haif ton sof coal. Write yotfr name and address on 1the coupons and deposit theni in the 3ballot box in front of The States-l 1 mlan Office. At 10 p. i. 'Mayor H. -L. Quinn will draw two coupons fromr the box. The persons wbose1 nani-es appear on the lucky coupons!] apecial Z3uD8cril We are not going to let the fun of giving ail the goc day, so we make this -The Canadian will be sent to a niew subscri' end of 1923 or better stili we -v 5 Subscriptions to end of 1923. Ail orders The Canadian Statesma- Li0 Ya n dac n ton drav over for Il your Day nourin The geta tbe i free 1~ U~LAV4A.~0.> ~.X, crate In LOCAL AND) OTHERWISE Mr. Peter J. Camipbell, To-onto, ollr ay ffringS spent the week-end at Raby Fiead. ýo11a DayOffeMrs. James Milligan, Northi Bay, is visiting hier miother, Mrs. R. Duni. Good Values Off ered to as., id Vcinty Tis aturlay Mr. Jesse.Jones spent Labor Day ad V ci nî y T h s S a urd a wih his brother, M r. W alter Jones, r Shine. Toronto. Port Hope's (Jhief of Police, Capt. W. J. Cowill, has resigned owing to alf tons of coal which will be gîiven iii health. waiy. Particulars of this May be id. by referring to special anniounce- Mr. and Mrs. AI. Jaikeway, Tor- nent in aniother columin. onto, spent Sunday wýýith Mr. an i I Mrs Another special feature wiil bce'T- JMason. TheStesa's Mysterious "Bil" Don,'t fail to get some bome-made )o1lar, and a reward of $5.00 paid cooking at Oid Standard Bank, Sat- or his capture. urday at 3 p. mi. There wIIbe bargains and f£un Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stut, W ýrox- ýpenty for young and aid. Do not eter, have. been visiting their son, ail to be in Bowmanville on Satur- Mr. J. Ross Stutt. a,i Mrs. Thos. Tod and Miss. Olga Tod Save nionev by shopping with thlese are visiting the forwer's 'daugbîter, ollar Day Merclbants on Saturday: Mrs. A. G. Wright, Hamiliton, F., 11. Morris Co. Rev. Ho I. Rcar B. A, M. R A ie x E lio tR y R c k d , . . 'W. TP. Allen E., Nortbport, recently visitE*d his W. P. Threto1-other, Mrs. Jamies G. Rickard. C, S. Haimanýi- . LNchoilsa Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Osborne took iMason &,,Dale in Oîhawýa Fair on Wednesda ' and Copeland Shose Store visited their daughter, Mrs. Blowý. ves Cas hi Shoe Store R v u r . A e . M D a g Fred lçnox e.adMs lx e.1_ig W. S~. de Ashbbrn, called on Bowmariville GA. Edmnondaltone friends Tuesday enroute taeBlalti-. C. M2. Caw-,ke-r & Sonmoe Dorminion StoresMoe :McM\urtr-y, & Co. The Womian's Guild of St. Joh)ln's Archie Tait1 Ed. F. Weekecs Church wilI hold their annuai Bâz- Couch, Jefhnston & Cryderman aar and Supper on Friday, Nove miber M c M rtr & o.2 3 r d . 3 7 -2 w S. W7. Mason & Son Mr. Rupert Hamilyn, Ottawa, was F?. R. Krik in town over the weekend, guc It of R . M . M itchtll & Co. i a e t ; M . a d M . T o a rurv & boveili arns r.adM.Toa Royal Theatre Vl1offtt Motor SalesHai. Th,,aala Statesrnan Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Parent and B-lann's Habercishiery Mr. Haines Cox, Walkerville, ,are rohnston's clothing store guestao v John and Miss Eva The Hydro Shop ,sso r Dngmian & Edcmondestone Hellyar. liss4 &arCoe Misel Violet McMillian and Master P'. il. Bounsall Party MeMillian Dart 'have been sztay- Yj.Msr&-Son ling with Mrs. 'W. C. Pbilips, Har- PlkrEliott mony. W . Pi kardM s. W m. Oke, W hitby, pent the ~e A terweek-end witbh ler aunt, Mrs. J. H. se AfterWerry, Horsey-st , and tber rela.- I~~11tives here. ,terlous Bill Dollar Messrs. C. F. Rice, Jas. Nokesad Hubert Foster were recent success- fui exhibitors in poultry at Toronto atch Hima-Chase Startsi Exhibition. -$5.0 Reard.Miss Winnie Ward attended the .~.50 Reard.exhibition on Tuesday and spent th.e 'day with lier cousin, Mr.. Walter The Canadian Statesman, and Jonxes, Toronto. ohas in his or her hand a copy of Mr. and Mrs. M French and Mr. sDollar Daty edition of The States- Ra'y 1'renc-h, Gr'and Bank, Newfound- n, and wbo bas in bis or lier pos- land, are visiting the forniers' son, sion one of the couponsa showing Mr. J. B. French. ýt they have made a. $1.00 pur- Misses Lizzie and Jennie Spry, se at one of the Official Dollar Miss Marion Wor.den and Mr. Ray y stores. . Grant recently visited .Mr. and Mrs, Phe competition is open~ to every- H. A. Rose, South Bay, near Pict- in Bow;%manville and district, ex- n ýt the emiployees of The Statesnian Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Asliton of De- ltheir familles or any of the eni- troit, have been guests of lier sîster, yers or clerks in the stores. Ail Mrs. (Rev.) S. C. Moore, at the ers are eligible to soin the bunt. Methodist Parsonage. ut the really imiportant part of' -Mrs W. C. Rcisevear, Cobourg, vis- lar Day will be the extraordinary ited lber sister, Mi-s. Henry Brock, 7ing opportunities which willbe'Mauvers Road, on lier way bomne from owu. open by the inerchauts to Calgary, Alberta, wvýhere she visited people of Bowinanville and vicia- fir son and daughter in that Pro- More reerchants bave joined vince. thbe uadertaking than usual and Will the party who took the bi- yare dolug their hest tealae thie cycle froni the Higb Schoel on Mon- the higgest one in the bistory of day afternooa, kindly retairn same at ýi ercbandizing. Watc$h for -once and save further trouble as ho Dollar Day Stores-tbey are és known. ýnly marked wjth special window Mr. and Mrs- M. J. Coistoek 'and s.Read the annouacements adubtr Audrey, .Mrs. T. C. JewelI issue. and Mrs. Thoradyke are on a nmotor- ~ e ring trip te London and other West- ray On olar ay good entertaiient should not fait tattend the series of concerts be- ing given in Ne'wcastle 'Commnunity each be presented witb a hiaif Hall. First concert is Friday aiglit. of biard coal absoluteiy free. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Siate, Miss i case the bolder of any number Nelibe Shite, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford ,vn cannot use the coal M. A. Green and daughiter Gwendolyn, To- es & Sons wiil be pleased ta hiand!rno isC-ri .Pitn ht the equivalent in casb.roa, stsu Cane I. PraitndWhit. car in mmid tbat ta get a coupon by,.spentoSna ibM.adMs he free ton of coai you must do W.Pitn r shopping at the Official Dollar Miss Helen Ricee, Montreal, speat St'ores whose names and an- Sunday withliber aunt, Mrs. J M1 cei-eats appear, in this issue of Werry . Aeconipaaied by hér mothier, Statesman. Makb, sure you Mrs. S. H. Rice, Sunny Broe, N.B., a coupon with eve¶'y $1.00 you -wbo bas been visiting relatives hl re, c. The miore dollars you spend tbey left Monday evening for La- etter chance you have to get the Mont, Alta. coal. Misses Mary and Mildred Soucbi of Hampton bave returned from i it ing Mrs. Win. Newý,by, Orillia. Ms Mil-dred Souch sang a solo, "The tion EUd.E.tKing of Love my Shepherd La" in pti n O fe the Preshbyterian Cburch there on Sunday and was greatly appreciated. t the merchants have Mr. and _Mrs. H. Hosback, (1e0 d bargains on Saturl- Miss Leila Gale) andh twin daugbte-r, 11 .$2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 97 TInN ý 1 il mai WEST 1 il