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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1923, p. 4

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F ROAST BEEF Special, RolledRoasts of Beef 4 LBS. $1.00 SMOKED HAMS Smoked Picnic .Hams, very choice 5 LBS., $1.00 ROAST PORK Nice juicy Roast of Pork 5 LES. $1.0 Kippered Herring Fat Herring in large tins 5 TINS $1.00 G. A. Edmondstone Oine door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phonle 21 Bowmanville You tan Spend An Hour Most Pr ofitably In This Store day so that you can save bovight. The list of bar- gains herewith is on- ly partial-we have mâny more. We are making it possible for everyone rnaking pur- chases here on Satur- day, Septemlier 15 to save Dollars. Everything will be reduced for this dollars on every article THIS SHOWS ONLY A FEW 0F THE REDUCTIONS 2 bottles of regular 65e Furniture Polish for $1.0 3 bottles of regular 50e Furniture Polish for $1.00 Framed Pictures, regular $1.50 and $1.75 .... $1.00 Toy Cats an D ogs, regular 50ec....3 for $1.00 Mirrors, regular $1.50 for .............. ..$100 Mirrors, regular 80c,..................2 for $1.00 Window Sash Holders ......~...............3 for $1.0 Baby Safety Swings, regular $1.75 for ....$1.00 Ail Window Shâdes and Brass Curtain Rods at Special Dollar Prices 20% DISCOUNT ON FURNITURE On every $5.00 purchase we will refund $1.00 On every $10.00 purchase we will refund $2.00 And so on allowing $1.00 off on every $5.00 spent in the store. SPECIAL VALUES IN CHESTERFIELDS One Special Chesterfield Suite in Tapestry, Bliilar to cut, regLlar $185.00 for ......$14800. One Chesterfield Suite, in a good blue shade of tapestry, regular $200.00 for ..........$125.00 THESE PRICES ARE FOR ONE DAY ONLY F. F»,F MORRIS CO. Doliar Day Specials Edmondstone's Meéat Market For Saturday only we offer: *away for free coal. -. A. L. Niîchoils 'Il ài k MRS. A, TAIT PLEASANTLY BOWMUANVILLE, SEPT. 13, 1928.'- SURPRISED- Made the Recipient of a Piano Lamp. GOLDEN WEDDING About 30 maembers of the Womi- Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Reynolds, Solina, an's Guild, choir and others of St.i Celebrate eifty Years of Wedded John's Anglican Churcli, assembled Life on Friday e-vein-g at "The Oct- agon" , the homne of Mrs. Archie Tait, REYNOLDS,ý-HOGARTH-Ifl Bow- President of The Gaiid, and gave hier manvîlie, on September 10, 187'; byl a pleasing surprise. An address was Rev. Dr. W. S. Pascoe (now residenit reaid by Mrs. D. B. Simpson, and here), Arthur James Reynolds, son Mrs. John A. Gunni, Org-anist of the of the late Joseph and Ann Reynolds, chiurchi, presented Mvrs. Tait wýith1 a an'd Elizabeth Jane Hogarth, daughter beautiful piano lamp, and Mrs. J. W. of the late D)aniel and Elizabeth Ho0- Alexander with a bouquet of violets garth, both of Solina, Darlington. on behaif of those present. A very pieasant social f amily Mr. Tait on behaif of his wife gathering wýas heid 'at the beautiful madea vey suitabie repiy, express- home of Mr. and Mrs.A J. e- ing- the appreciation of the kdind noids, Solina, on _Monday, Septen- words of the address and the beauati- ber 10, when sur-rounided by ail meii;- fui gif t and saying that any work bers of their faiily and a f ew rela- that had been donle by hier was done tiv6s and friends, the Fiftieth An- with a glad lheart and in the inter- niversary of their marriage was fit- est of dear old St John's Church. tingly c elebrated. He assured the ladies that the During the afternoon Dr. -Ellis bouse was at their disposal for a Reynolds in an informai address good timne after -which ail joined offered congratulations and present- heartily in- singing "For they are ed bis mother with a rope of Pearîs, Jolly Good Feliows". Dainty re- and his father with a goid and plat- freshments were then served. by the inum watch chain and gold pencil on ladies, a very pleasant evening was behaif of their famiiy. Other gifts enjoyed an'd the party dispersed at received by Mrs. Reynolds were a, an eariy hour. peari brooch, ïliver mnesh bag and.a' The address rend was as f oiiows: g-oid piece. Mr. Reynolds also re- Bowmnanviiie Sept. 7th., 1923 ceiveýd a pennl tie pin an-cl gold cuif Dear Mrs. Tait-The memibers of links and stud. the Women's Giid of St. John's The groom made a very suitable Churcli and the womnen members of; tnply after whý,ich brief addresses the choir wish to expres t 'ou were made by Mr Richard Pascoe, their deep appreciation of the very Mr. Thos. C. Osborne and others. efficient help and service you have The table was prettily ýdecorated rendered both theé'aQ organizations with roses, white asters and abund- in the past f ew years.1 ance of other flowers added to the As President of our Guild, we, the-ý beauty of the rooms. A real wed- members, feel that you have given ding dinner was served, the weddirng your time and energy unsparingly to cake centreing the display of other the projeets of the society, tliereby good things enjoyed by the guests. contributing in a large mneasure to A very enjoyable social time was the success with which our efforts spent during the evening-. All have been crowned. You have ai- members of the faiiy were presenit: so been a very faithful and reguiar Miss Luiu Reynolds, Hampton; Miss attendant at ail choir practises and Edna Reynolds, at home; Mr. R.' H. church services, and this bias been Reynolds, Toronto; and Dr. E. C. appreciated, and has hieiped to en- Reynolds, Erin. The bridesinaidi courage the ol4ier members oif the and groomnsinan of 50 years ago,- Mrs1 choir. Fanny Mitchell of Soiina, and Mr. T. As a small token of the regard and C. Osborne, Whitby, were among thne estem n wichyouarehei hytheguests. Also Mrs T. C. Osborne, esnemeriofohh uaeelbodes the Mrs. Thomas Pascoe, the bride's olýd- Gild anofd t th Choir, ies,~toe est sister of 80 years, Miss .Margaret acceptanthePiaoirmp with uato Pascoe, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Rich- aced t godisheiand am th ope ut ard Pascoe, Miss Mary Hogarth, Mrs. ed god ishs ad te hpe hatEva Fletcher, Kalamazoo, Micii.; and you an'd Mr. Tait May long lie Mis. James Jebson, Hampton. spared to 1en3oy îts xndiance. A pecuhiar feature of this celebra- tion is that, it is the second golden Iwedding in the large Hogarth famiiy BOLD ROBBERY AT COURTICE an'd there is not iikely to be another. _______ IBesiýdes relatives and friends pres-, A most daring robbery was per1 ent a very wide circie of friends and petratéd on Friday at Couurtice five I acquaintances in Wlest Dur hýim, miles west of Bownianville when!l Whitby, Scarboro, Toronto and else- John Walter, Postmasster and store-' where will join in wishing Mr. and keeper was robbed of about $200. Mrs. Reynolds many more years of Three youing men drivin.g a Ford car1 marital happiness. stopped on the way west to purchase motor ,oil. One engaged in conver-ý sation with Mr. Walter keeping bis attention, while the othe.r two caâlmly CARD 0F THANKS walked into the -atore and relieved the cash register. The one, who re. Mrs. Henry Balson, Court- m-ained whith the poE;tiniaster, bought ice, desires to thank ahl lier friends the oul, passing- over the exact change and xneighbors for their great kin'd- so it would not be nec-essary tog neais and sympathy during the illness into the store, and ia thils way per-, and death of Mr, Balson and for the f ect their plans to carrycm te ro-; beautifui floral off erings. Soun af ter, the three yoiing men LADE R AD T S got into the car and went away, go- A ISRE DT I ing in the direction o~f Oshawe. Included ini the rnuney %tulen were On Dollar Day we wil two General Motors' pay choques one allow- $1.00 off regular of which amounted tu $o 64.14. The theft was discovered shortly after price on1 the departure of the bandits. Mr. Walters inanediately inutifle<l the TRIMMED HATS -Bowmnnville and Oshawa police also sold on Saturday. This ar orig nth awp vr ffr reduction is good for one being made t locata the thieves. day- only. The trio must have laid t.heïr plans very carefuiiy for the robbei.y w,, MISS HARNDEN executed without nny unnual Gce- Milliniery Parlors Bowmanviile urrences. iN ICHOLLS' BIG S SURWÇPRIS DOLLAR DAY - -

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