_BOWMUAýNVILLE, SEPT~. 13, 1923. Rev 1'ty H. Riclkard, Northport, Mrs. JaIbes Riekard and daughter Florence, Town, Mr. and Mrs. Milt-~ on Wight and family visited at T. H. Clemnce'.... Maste~r Ross Allia, Newcaýstle, spent Wed.esday with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. ID. Bralgg.,.. Miss Margaret Riekard, Port Colborne, has returned home af- ter a month's visit witb Miss Phyllils Clemence ... . Mr. Percy Gilbank has returned to bis school duties in St. Catherines after holidaying home. . M~iss Beatrice Bragg spent the week- end with her sister, Mrs. Howard AI-1 lin, Newcastle..Mrs. John Wbeel- er, son Clarence, an'd daughter Pearl of Midîand, are visiting at Mr. W.î E. Gilbank's . ... Miss LeVaý Turner,l iTownv-, spent Sunday at Mr. T C.1 Bragg's .... Congratulations to Mr. Howard Cryderman on bis success ia the Judging Competition at the Ex- hibition. TYRC)NE Mr. and Mrs. J. H. MeRoberts and family, Toronto, visited at Mr. H. MeRoberts. .. . Mr. and Ms Talberti F'inlay and Ola, Unionville, spent Sund.ay with bher parents, Mr. and Mrs Ed. Virtue .... Miss Hazel Ilodgson, teacher, Franklin, spent Sunday at hom~e. ... Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Keeler, It's ai boy! ..A large niumber fromn here atten'ded the Long Sault Harvest Hom-e services and report a good time .... Seveial froni here attendedl .Oshawa Fair this week..League jis holding a corn rtoast at Mr. Clar-s ence Woodley's on Thursday even-1 ing. Everybody -weleome. .Or-t ono and Tyrone Basehaîl teares play-t ed the ret ura match at the Longc Sault Harvest Home on Monclay. At the ead of the 5th innings the 1 ganie was called. Score 12-5 in r favor of the latter. .. . Mr. W. S. t Staples has purchased a new Fords truck ... . Mr. Will Little, Jr., andL Mr. Wesley Little, Oshawa, visited j their graIndmother, Mrs. Wm. Littlet on Saturday ENFIELIJ Among those who attended the Ex. fromn here are-Messrs. Fred land Win. and Master Ray Smith, Jas. Parr, *Mr. and Mrs John and Miss Ida McCuloch, lMr. anid Mrs. Oliver Meculîoch, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pas- coe and Wallace Pascoe, Messrs. Rus- sell and Harold Cochrane,' Mr. and Mrs .Russell Ormisto, Mr. H1. Ormis- ton, Henry Saunders *and MNr. W. J. Orniaton who wals a successful ex- hibitor ... . Miss Jean Ashtoil s visit- ing in Toronto.... MViss Dorotby Pascoe is visiting in Oshawa .... Mr Russell Ormniston has stadted plow- ing on his new. fan BURKETON Mr~. and Mrs. Lorne Dean, Bo- mianville, visited at Mr. Chas Dean's ý .Miss Dorothy Shortridge spend- ing the week-end with bier parents. . . .. Glad to see such a good con- gregation at cburch Sunclay to hear sucb a splendid sermon by Pastor McKenzie ... . Mr. John Adamns ils putting up a new bouse on the lot wbere bie bad the fire a fewfv years ago... Sorry to hear our frîend Sanderson is givingl- up store. Here's a good chance for some live young man to make good ... . Quite a nuni- ber of our folks went Vo the Ex. and ail report a wonderful tim-e ... . Re- opening of tbe League meetings wilI takie place to-night (Tbursday), Miss Susie Curian, President, will be in tbe chair. Good program- is being rirepared. Everybody come. Ser- vices next Sunday inorning at the usual bours 10.15 and Il o'cloc!k. CARDS 0F THANKS Mrs. Charles Welsh and family de- sire to thank their frienda and neigh- hors in flowmanville and Courtice for their floral tributes and kindness ex- bended to themi in their recent ber- eavement. 87-1w*ý The Brothers and Sisters of the late Mrs Weber desires to tbank most sincerely ail lier frienda for bbeir g-reat kindness to their dear sister during ber illness, and for the beautiful floral tributes, also for hel kindness and sympathy extended'ol Lheir sister's faithful friend, Miss Boylan, London, England.1 ENNISKILLE24 Visitors: Mrs. George Burke and 1 Miss Burke, Mrs. Roach and Eugenea bave returned to Rochester, Newv sYork, after a pleasant visit witb their rbrother, Mr. W. Moorey, and sister. Mrs. F. Robbîns; Miss Wînnie Ash-o *ton, Toronto, spent Sunday at bomne;E Mr. James Stainton spent a few dayss *with friends in Orono; Mr. N. By- ers visiting with bis son, Mr. O. L. 1 Byers, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. N. :l A. Campbell, Oshawa, visited berp ifather, Mr. C. E. Stewvart; Mr. Wm. Robbins and famnily, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm-. Strutt, Mrs, Wm. Hambleton, Rochester, N. Y., with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Robbins; Mr. >and Mrs. A Herriag- wvith friends in Millbrook; Mr. and ( Mrs. Tainage He.IýTy, Tyrone, Misses s Irena andi Marjory Griffin, Burketon,G Mr. Walter Rham and Miss Laverneo Griffin, Town, at Mr. Wm. Griffin's; e Miss Anale VanCamp, Cartwright, r at Mr. J. A. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. IE Wesley Oke spent a f ew days at the I Exhibition ... . M- E. E. Staples bas d purcbased a Chevrolet Car._W. e( 1M,. S. beld their montihly meeting gi Wednesday aPfternoon wben Mrs. H. çi J. Werry gave an interesting read- el ing. A duet was nicely rendered j( by Misses Maudie Ashton and Win- in nie Oke and a reading by Sadie gl Crag. Meeting closedl by Mý,ission- o( aybenediction ... . League Wednas- dayV evening in charge of the Presi- at dent, Roy MeGiîl. Bible reading by ti Mr. John Wodrnan; topic by Miss Mae Werry; readings by Mrs. Alyiner M' Herring and Mrs. Arthur Randall. El A dluet was nicely rendered by Miss-- es Winnie Oke and Maudie Asýhton, a reading Mrs. Turner's Tythe Box was given by Mrs. E. Hall. Rol Cal a well responded to. Meeting closed by Mizpah Benediction. Lea- ue next week at 8 p. mi. The sermon Sunday eveninig by our Pas- tor, Rev. G. T. McKenzie "Love thy Neighbor as Thyseif" was very in- structively givn The music by the choir wýas readered la excell ent manner. See Correspondence on another pagel Call and inspect the new Fal Millinery on Opening Days at Ding- mnan & Edmiondstone's, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 14 and 15, SOLINA Messrs. John and Alf Osh-I veaing under the direction Hilton te;rs st Vice- JAbe ,v Mrs. Fred Corden; Mrs. 3 Sc bur favoredi with- a solo;i lng. h Jobns gave a, reainig.Mr at closed the meeting %vith fTh MAPLE GROVE inC IA roast or No. f onday even-, tume. .T Feâtival held Long Sault Supday and sfun1 evrv :es boxes of - cious hoi deli- )on't Bother Ba king Dollar Day You wiIl want to be up town buying $ Day IBar- ains on Saturday so Jet us do youjr baking. SPECIAL DISPLAY 0F PASTRY AND CAKES See Our Windows For GQod Things To Eat' .n Lee, q are was iv to heý IJpa.tgu wtt. nday naxt.. n is judglng ýstera Coun.- corniut gooci". McMurtry W.P.Corbett (Successor to Thomas Tod) 'ZOCE CosBi Dollar Day Sale YOUR DOLLAR WILL BUY LOADS 0F BARGAINS SATURDAY -f. It's YQur Duty De arTo Save Money When Yoù Can We never had a Dolar Day -with such values be- f ore. We can't recal when a fuller and better dol1ar's -worth was ever given than we are off ering SaIL- urday: PICK ANY 12 0F THESE FOR $1.00 Corn Flakes, regular 2 packages for.......... ........... 25c H. G. Sauce................................. _.... 15C Clark or Dominion Souqps ... ....... .............. R~obin Talcumi Powdler ................lOc Dominion Pork and Beans .......... ............oc Ki"ppered. Snacks ......_o Brunswick Sardines .... ....... .................O Rex Catsup .......................................15e Salvo Stove Polishi.......... . ....i_ ..... 5 Sapolio (hand and kitchen) .IS... ... ..1c X-Ray Stove Pollsh ............. -15e THEN WE HAVE MADE THESE REDUC1TIONS Whale Steak, reg. 25e lb........... ....... .... $ Day 12 3ýc Salmon, reg. '-;>c tin,....... ............$ Day 12%~c MIacere1, reg. 20e ... ..................... ýc Drimilk Powder..........60c size 40c; 30e, size 15C R.e-nu-all Polish ................. 50c size 40c; 25e size 20c Jam, 4 lb. tins, reg. $1.25,. ýý. ...... _........$ Day 63c Jam, 2 lb. tins, reg. 75e .......... ............... $ Day 38c Lipton's Cocoa, 11/2tins, reg. 25e ..... ........$ Di 20 As there la only a limited quantity 'in some lines it is a'dvis- able to -shop early. A R C HIE TLAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville MEAT PRICES DROP Ail meats purchased at niy store on Dollar Day will be sold 10% BELOWV USUAL PRICES On ail amounts of $1.00 or more. This, of course, applies to cash sales only. Excellent dis- play of choicemeats to choose from. / Wilbert J. Djud Çy Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bownianville hree at thl 2and tray and a nicebý ss. A real good ti -ed by aIl. Refres] :ve'd and alI wisbed srresiaent, gave, a lengtny report of ber visit to other Institutes. Mrs. John Baker sang and Mrs. Sulas Wil- lianis gave a reading after which D la fruit and home made candy were served by the hostess. Those con- Last year was a tributing fruit to the Sick Cbildren's Hospital wlll please bring iV to the we are making it even mi Sons' Hall on October 3rd... Messrs w rhcoigm n ie T. Baker aad A. L Pascoe attend- ed a meeting in connection with the Bran o i Canadlian National Raîlway at Or- agisfr l. ono Saturday ......... Miss Audrey goodsyuwl efo a1 Werry,5 Oshawa, visited Miss Mar- g syuwl e o garet McKessock and Miss Hazel ___________________ Wright, Oshawa, witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright. 1 Oniy, Boys' Suit, size 35, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. 'N. S. B. Grey Norfolk. . .$ Day for $4 James, John. and Dorotby, Bowman- Mns Wr htIdio ville, at Mr. S. E. Werry's; Mr. and Mns Wr hit,~n4o Mms Ernest Lariner and babe, Blue, Khakl, Rlack and White, Blackstock, at Mr. W. T. Taylor'a; aIl froin reguar stock at $1 ea Mr. and Mrs. John Larmer, Black- Men's Work Boots, Black, or stock, at Mr. N. E. Wrigbt's; Mr. Brown, guaranteed solid leath- and Mrs. W. C. Werry and Mrs. Ar- r otecpa $.0p thur Wright, Oshawa, at Mr. A. L en o a t...*.0p Pascoe's; Mr. .anid Mrs. G. A. Step- Me's Fine Black or Bro*ýn hans, Miss Stephens and Mms. Pol- Ci l~es ihrbe el lard, Salem,. at Mr. Roy Langmai'd's; $4.50 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page, Bowmn- vile, at Mr. W. N. Pascoe's; Mr. and Men's Overalls and Smocks, Mrs. J Affbolder, Mr. Nelson Rey- "Brotherhood", Union Made, nolds and son Howard, Misses Des- $ Day OnIy $2.25 aie aad Marv Reynolds, Toronto, at Me's Rublier Boots with white Mms. John Reynolds';/ Mr. and Mrs. rolled soles and heels, ail sizes, Clare Thomas, Orilia, at Mr. H. Regular $5.50,..$ Day $4.00 Arzgue's. Harvest Home services will be held Ladies' Middies, aIl colors and at Eldad on Suaday, Septeniber 16, sizes, regular $2.25, $ Day $1 wbea Rev. Thos. Wallace, Newton- ville, will preach at 2.30 and 7 p. m. Children's Gingham an'd Chami- Special music wilI be readered by the liray Dresses, sizes 4 to 10 yrs, choir asaiste'd by the Bragg. Quar- $1.00 ea tette On Môanday eveniag, Sep- teinher 17, Ebenezer Youag People Children's Romnpers, assorted will give their play entitled "*An Old- ciers and sizes,..2 for $1 Fasbioned Mother". Admission 3.5e and 20c. Off ering la aid of par- Ladies' rlouse Dresses, Giagham soniage fund. Everybody is cor-< and Chambrays, reg. up te $4.95 dially invited. Stylishi and up-to-date Millinery at Dingman & Edmondstone's on Opening days, Friday and Saturday, [Sept. 14 and 15. Ladies visiting Eownianville Fair next week will miss one of the best parts of the show if they fail te eall and see the splendid display of, strictly newv dresses and coats now sb-owing at Couch, Johnston & Cry- derman's. SAVE A DOLLAR On Dollar Day anyoile making, a purchase of $0~ or over H-ADDY & CO. will refunil One Dollar, $ Day $2.00 Uableached Linen Huck Tow- els,............... 3 for *1.00 36 in. Steaioom, fine quality, 4 yards for $1.00 Ginghams, Ginghams, 4 yds. $1 Boy Scout Wearwell Stockinga, black only. ...... 2 pair $1.00 2 pieces, Heavy Blue Striped Shirting,........ 4 yds. *1.00 Ladies' White Flannellette Nighit Gowas. ........1.00 ea Chintz, Chintz, Chintz, ail col- ors and widths, 4 yards *1.00 Day Opportunities f or Thrifty Buyers memorable event, and this store was crowded ail day with delighted shoppers. This year ýre worthy of rememnberîng and patrons will find in this big store Dollar Day Bargains sto participate in. 1.Be prepared for bargain surprises. You'll be amazed, surprised, delighted with the Dollar. You may capture the mysterlous "Bill" Dollar in our store. He'hl be here. I . 1 piece Table Damiask, 64 in. width at . .......$.oo yd 1 piece Unbleacbe'd Sheeting-, 2 Yards $1.00 Pillow Cotton, circular and plain 4Oia., 42 in., 46 ia, 3 yds $1.00 1 piece only, Green Homespun, 58 ia. width........... $1 yd. Men's FeIt Rats, ail styles and shade,, , $l.00, $2.00, $3.00 ca Balbriggaa Drawera, balance of stock,.....-- ...2 pair $1.00 Balbriggan Combinatioas, all sizes. .......... $1.00 Per suit Interwoven Silk Socks. aIl shades - $1.00 pair 3 ealy, Spriag and Fall Coats, to go at...........10.00) ea Men's Caps, ali szes and styles, $1.00 ea 4 only, Spring and F'all Coats at $15.00 Knitted Ties in brigbt colors, 2 for $1.00 Men's Linen Coîlars, aIl new styles, sizes 14-16,2, 5 for $1 Men's Braces, including Police styles,............. 2 fer $1.00 Boys' Sweaters in two lots, No. 1 $1.00 ea; No. 2, $2.00 each Men's Cotton Pyjamas, sizes 36, 38, 40, reg-ular $3.00, $ Day $2 Men's and Women's Raincoats, ail sizes......... ý$ Day $5 ea Boys' 0dd Bloomers, navy blue pure wool serge,,.$, Day $2 pr Ladies' Silk Rose, Grey and White only .......... $1.0 Pr 1 piece oaiy, -Creain Curtainl Net,........4 yds. *1.00 Voiles, balance of stock , 4 yds. *1.00 100 yds, Pure Linea Toweiliag, with red or blue borders, 4 yds. $1.00 1 piece only, White Curtain Net, fancy design, 2 yds. $1.00 Fancy Plaid, suitable for Child- ren's Dresses,..2 yds. $1.00 Striped or White Plannelette, 36 in. fine quality, ..,4 yds $1 2 pieces, Fancy Overcurtaining, rose oaiy,.. ........1.00 ,a Large Cotton Hueck Towels, 3 <lez. oaly, reg. 80c, $ Diay 3 for $1.00 Ladies' Pure Weol Cashmere Hose, with ribbed top, black only. ...... .....ý.,..$.oo Pr Ladies' Princesa .Slips, white on- ,y,...ý.............100 ea Ladies' White Underskirts $1 ea Sateens, in aIl shades, 4 yds *1 Children's Black Cotton Rose, sizes 8 and 8 Iý,..3 Pr *1.00 Ladies' Black and Wlhi»te Lisle Rose, sizes8, 9, 91/,'4 Pr $1 Pure Wooi Serge, navy and copen.,.............1.00 yJ Wide Ribboa, àhI colors, 4 yds. $1.00 Navy Blue Wrapperette, 4 yds. $1 .00 Monarch Dove an'd Flnss Wooi, al shades,...... 5 bala $1.00 'Children's Navy and Khaki Flannel Skirts on cotton waists MlcMurtry & Co., Ltd. GROCERIES VanCamp's Chicken Soup, 10 tins $1.00 Flaked Codflsh, Mapie Leaf Brand, 1 lb. tin,...5 for $ "Cute" Brand Pink Salmton, ,taIl tins,....._.....6 for$ Muskoka Syrup, quart bottles, 2 for $ Clover Leaf Sockeye Salmon, 2 tins $ RHeinz Pork & Beans with Tc- mate Sauce......5 f or$ SPECIALS SHIRTS, SHI1RTS, SHIRTS We have taken ahl our regularc stock and idivided iV into 3 lots, according to quaiity, they in- çlude prints, zephers, repps, per- cales and broadcloths- LOT 1-$1 .50 LOT 2-$2.00 LOT 3-$3.00 MEN'S OflD TROUSERS Rather than buy special for this sale we are reducing the price $1.00 per pair on aIl our staple lines sucb as $4.95 Pant minus $1.0o0.......... ...... $.6 MEN'S SUITS 8 enly, Men's Suits, aizes 35, 86,. 37, quality guaraateed, former price u1p Vo $32,. .$ Day $13.50 Hanson's Pure Wool Socks, ab- solutely the hest working socks on the market_. .2 pairs *1.00 Large range of Men's Gioves and l'itts, unined, Lot 1-2 pair $1 and $1.00 per pair PHONE 83 BOWMAN VILLE 'III. - I 1 M.7 M ý75n , , ", - - . , , , M él i - --- - 1 1 Baker & Confectioner 2 : jý Bowmanville