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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1923, p. 3

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BJ""G CROWDS AIRE NIGHTLY ATTENDING THE Royal Theatre, Bowmanville The featu re programs being presentad ail this mcrnth are being well patro'fiized and greatly a-p- preciated. Every one of the feature pictures being pre- sented at the Royal Theatre have recently been shown i one of the big down town Toronto THE LATE MRS. JOHN FRtISE eized With Apoptýexy Death~ Soon Came. ig to years 1IRTHDAY CE. Mr. A. W. Clemnens, ro.nebw Given AI on all work Yonge and Charles Sts. Toronto. Is well known as the high grade school. Keen demnanjd for our Graduates ail the time. Do flot fool with education. Get the Was John Iffee King-s. 'ownianville. ýU11b. I . ljay pa.yn. ur re- PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS'~ ord for placing students in posi- TAILORS ins isorneCealtdlue. naa. (Formerly in Bowinanville,> now at 1262 N'îit for ataloue. Cm- Tngo-st., stop at S'.mxmerhjUi Ave., ience now. Toronto, phone Trinity 3217w. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, We can atuil give you aur best services.1 Guaranteed ta lit andi workmanship at pre.war prices. 'i<TSA FEATURE AND COMEDY FILMS EVERY NIGHT SEPTEMBER 19-20 "Sure Fire Flint" with Johnny ines also Charlie Chaplin ini A Day's Plea8ure" SEPTEMBER 21-2 Charles (iBuck) Jones in "The Fast Mail" SEPTEMBER 24-25 Lady Diana Manners in "Diana of the Crossways" SEPTEMliER 26-27 "Mighty Lak À Rose" With Dorothy MacKaill SEPTEMBER 28-29 Betty Cornpsôn and Bert Lyteli In "Kick In" r'-Adults 25c, c] tax. We Want You To See Trhis We have just received an impotation of a NEW LUNE 0F DNNERWARE A great dernand has already been created for thisN portu Phone very attractive hune. Ail we ask is an op- Inity Of shlowing9 it to you-then judge for .elf. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY ARCHIE TIT e 65' Bowmanville TURNIPS WANTED FOR SH-IPPING PURPOSES Phone 153 or 205 John A. Holgate & Son Division~ & Queen Sts. rnoon, 1Mr.. A. W. Clemnens tev. E. Our Dear Albert,-Knowing Zthat 's were on Septemiber 1Oth you passed an- 0ensenaother iiestone on the pathway of lliaris. life, a few of your miany frionds have very assoniblod to cougratulateyo an mn thel spend a social hour with you in your nn andl home. anau àlrs. G. . --i M'isis Dingman, Mir. C COomstock, Mr. and tl ind, Miss Alma Yel- t: ide Yelland,M. and tl Mr. and Mrs. G. T~ t1 Mrs. -M. Murdof and famlly, Mr. andi Il, Mr. and Mrs. Mi.J. Pogson adWilbur Pog- CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mis.Arth7urFrise tlaank their friends for k-in and sympatliy received duri 'ilînesoi their mother andf beautiful floral off eriigs. ORONO CITIZEN PAS& William John Fowler ,r with interest and a justl v'OU have devolopedý from, into mi-anhoodl, andi as- responsibility of Home, i State, and we rejoice in iat you have always ru-ng iose interests and events1 ci for Right, Justice and thway, like that of others, ways been smnooth or ai- 'n with roses. But nn±- UBab~j Powdor 6 fallen [yvo 1 1nh c 01 love SES The death took place on Thursd, August 8th, at Bowmianvilte IL pitai, cfi Willianm John Fowler, third vietii of the tragedly oft Flax Mill Warehouse on August1 5<> severe were his injuries tý fromi the beginning but littie ho was held out for bis recoverya only a marvelous vitality kýept h alive. Decoased was a son oi Mr.a Mrs. Robert Fowler and was bo iu the Kendal District 47 years aý The funeral on Sunday aftermo 'was One of the taîgoset ever seen this county, being attended by sy pathizing fionda frouaail parts -'rie f.r PrioeLis .IDAY COMPANY, Limited HAMILTON. ONT. MEMBERS TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. 11 King St. East "Upstairs" Telepjsoue 144 Oshawa INDUSTRIAL AND MINING Toronto Hamilton Kitchener Brantf ord1 Phone Cails at our EiFpense, mllly and unat nealtn wil be yours during future. y'our l.ot to wield n ipened field; ýa on summer oves, sangs among- the 1 il Mis in Perc ýe the Mr. the se l'urnm. TheOUrangceien af Clarke add(itioual mrianifes-tation o-f -estee -ni, District, Black Knighits and 1. 0. 0. fîienciship and good(-will. His F., of which arganizations deceaseci daughter, Edythe, one of the Bow- heldi houored mombership, were out nanivîlle 111gb School orators, also iu lar-ge numbers. 'voicedl the thanks of the iamlily. Be- Aiter a short service at the home, iug warned by fionds that hier rep1y preeeded by the flowor bea-rers, ten mut flo exceod one hour in dura- brother Orangemen, hoe was borne ta tiaon, she spoke inapressively and en- -tertainingly and kept witbin the tim>i the Methodist Church for the public limlit, altho protesting at the re- service, about 200 lodgemon linedstriction whenl she -\as so full of hie the roadway and iully a thiousand siubject. Thon iollo-wed short people had gathered. speeches of appreciation of Mr. The service was in charge of his Clemlen1s a a il1 -u1, a frieçnd ancý Pstor, Rev.iA. K. Edmison, M. A , ieighibor by Counceillor Brout, Mn. A. who as ssitodby er.J. . Re. W. Annis, and Inspector J. A. Chani. M.r. Edm-ison spoke oi the sudden ton of Toronto, who in company witli takcing off lu the niidst ai his task, his son Nelson and his daugbtor-in- with prospects still unattainled and law, bad motored down from Taoronto strongtb unabated, and dnew many to be present on this happy occasion. fitting leasons concerning the Proi- Mr. Charlton's remarks wore punct- douce of God, the way af Lif e. The uated witb patunal Irisb wisdom an.d choir sangm tiprsieySoe brovity, remnarking that to hinai the ga e'lmake it plasi to "meapresent occasion 1was a Joyful ex- ba eaut if ndapproprplia t se",ctoaperience. Ris sou Nelson oxpressed beauifu an apropiat seecton.himeseli in very similai termis, addang The service at the grave was con- that the reception accorded hoe and ducted by the District Orange Lodg-e, his' wife would nover be foigotten, Bro. T. A. Reid, D. M.; Rer. Bro Miss Evelyn Brout and Mr. Irving J. W. Rae, Chap; Bro. Fred Graham, Clemiens favored the company with Marsbal. Tle Orangemen for t'he, vocal mnusic, and Miss Velum Stapies occasion welcomed into the ceremony with instrumental numbers.. Be- thei fellow mournens, the bretien fore the comipany dispersed aifl join- of tho Association of Oddiellows. ed! in sir1gingý "God be with you tilt Deceased wvas a resident af Orono we mecet again". about fifteen years, canrying on the Bowmanvillo Financial District Imrplemlent business. meigwl eh.di iio t There is left ta o nîn, besicles meetang wil be heldon M Siaco epSt. his wid'ow, the aged father a-n d G4h Rc Oshaw a umndll, ept. mothon, two sistoe, Mrs 'Englesýon utqt cal ServGi, wimbelte Yept. of home, 'Mrs. Cruse, C'amrbellcroft. ~oilSrie ilb h edn and one, brother, Ja.mes Robert Fow- speaker. ler, flarlington, ta whom tho sy It is usulally safe to say that when pathy of the entire commiunity gYoos a child as pale, sickly, peevish and out. banr restless, the cause is worilna. Thiese parasites îang-e the stomlach and in- Paît woîr -vee: Ralpb Stutt, testines, causinig serious disordlers af Robert Ard, Ernest Pattersan, Han- the digestion and preven'ting th1e in- per Carscadden, Cecil Robinson, W. faint fromi deriving sustenance irona H., Robinson. Ainangst the nuna- food. Mllior's Wormi Powders, by eraus floralý offerings wero: A wreatb dlestroyiug the -worms, correct thesýe from the business miinonfa Orono; faulta of the digestion' and serve ta wroath from L. 0. L. No, 915; wreath restore the orgaus to healtby action. L. O. L. Searlet Cba7ter; wioath _______________ B'laclc Knigbts; wreath . O. O. F. ; Piilow, from tb e family.-Orona CARPENTRY WORK News. DONE Iamn prepared to do al Likea Grip uit the Thiont. Fo 0r kinds of carpentry worki cldis'aeta s tcasda aa from repair jobs to con- tere s probably noe which causes tat o Bowmanvjlle .1 .4 A supremne achievemnenti immiortal Caruso, Un. rivale Galli Curci, Incomparable 1VICCrI8ck 1tWQ sélections of thc.ie and thte àther worid farned Vict or artists on each -His Master'. Voice" Red Seat record, instead af one as formerly. And while aow you recelve twice the mtsiç-. the price of ecdisélection is prcticaly cut ina hlf-for 1O-inch Red Seai reco>rds with two selections - ane on each side- are only 25c additional. * Thtas the gernus of the world's greatest artiats is placed within the reach of every home. Youis is the apportunïty to acquire-quickly a-id econ- omicalty -an unrivatted library of music -a, possession to treasure for years to corne. Start nowl Today is the tinçl Aiiy "Hts Master's Voce" dealer la the placet Go and hear these great artists performI Sélect a few af the records you htke best-then add to your coUlection regularly Tour dealer ha. a î,>ew catalogue likefing al the Double. si<ed lied Spal Records. Âsk fur a copg. Iflsi. rea.. MIS MIASTER'S VOICE. LIMITEr> Free SPECIAL1 11, 1923il ý 1 --- iý STOCKS is Ci ýO e- ,y 7t Il 1

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