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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1923, p. 4

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Step into a pair and feel the easy comfort of them fitting. Note the graceful lines that make the style correct for every Wear. WE HAVE THEM FOR WOMEN, MEN AND CHILDREN Patent Leather Oxfords ...........$4.50 ta $8.00 Patent Leather Strap Slippers ...$3.75 to $7.50 Brown Caif Leather Oxfords ......$4.50 ta $8.0 Brown Caif Leather Strap Slippers $3.75 to $8.00%~ Black Caîf Leather Strap Slippers $4.50 to $7.50 Black Caîf Leather Oxford Slippers $4.50 ta $7.50 Black Kid Oxfords and Strap Slippers $3.75 ta $8 Men's Black or Brown Hleavy FalOxfords at $8 We know our goods xiii please the most dis- criminating buyer and~ give the best satisfaction possible. NATIONAL SHOE WEEK This week is National Shoe Week. don't need a pair for yourself buy a some one else. Buy your Fail Shoes choice is complete. If you pair, for while the WWW. CLAUDE IVES CASH SHOE STORE 1BOWMWANVILLE 'Il Big Money with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J ohn 1 Siemon; Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Neýs-. bitt and babe, Oshawa, at Mrs. T. Gilders'; Mr. an'd Mrs. J. H. Aber- nethy, Bowýmanville, Mr. and Mrs. B. Metcalf an-d babe, South Darling-1 ton, and Mr. and Mis. N. A. ý Camp- bell 'and family, Oshawa, at Mr. C E. Stewart's; Mr. and Mis. E. Byers an-d d1aughter, Miss Sarahi Byers, Reacli, at Mr. Win. Oke's; Mr. and Mrs. W. MHudge and Kathleen, Tor- onto, at Mvr. Alfred Lockye's; Misses Amy Flett and Mabel Xbbott, Fen- elon Falls, are having a pleasant vis- it iththeMisses May and Edna Lab.... Leagtie Wenesday even- ing in charge of 2nd Vice Pre-ident, Miss Myrtle Brunt. Bible readirig by Mr. Lloyd Ashton. topie on "The Grovwth of Meth-odist Misisons" was ably taken by Mi. Mervin Hlobbs; piano solo by Miss Aima Werry; a reading on "Missionary Work i Ja- pan" by Mr. Royy McIGill; duet was sweetly rendlered by Misses Doris Grifin and Alice Ashton entilted "A Sunbeam"; m--eetingo closed by the MiphBenedictin... .Miss Hanna, Oui district school nurse, called on~ our schlool Thursday. Glad te re- port that she found our school in a heal condition anti gieatly im- pîo1>ed. .. . Rally Day service Sun- day eveniing, Septemnber SO0th.. The sermon Sunday evening by pas- tor MclKenzie on "Obedience" was very instructively given and greatly app reciated by ail. The selectîoa bv the choir "Catch -on te the Lif e ine", was rendeîed in their usuali good manner. ... We weicome te our village Mrs. G. Lockyer who arrived from England on Satuîday. Mis. Lockyer lias spent a year in Eng- land with hier parents while lier bus- band was gettiný. a new home re'ady or lier. No wondeî George bas been weaîing that pleasant smnile these days. Mr. W. G. Benthams andi Dr. Coîley of Toronto, have gene te Wiliet, West of Cochrane, near Lake Nipigon, hunting large -lamne. IMPORTANT STOCK SALE Farmeîs and breeders ef purebred stock shoulci net fail te attend Mi.ý E. F. Weatherilt's auctien sale on Tuesday, September 25th at Erping- ham Faim, Bowmanville. This wi1ll be a grand opportunity for breeders te inipreve their stock as Mi., Weatherilt bas established a en-j viable reputation for registereid Cîydesdales and Hackney herses as well as thorobred1 anti grade cattile. This is undoubtedly the largest sale of the seasen and shoul'd dîaw ai big cîowd. 5ee last week's States- man for comnplete list of stock and implements, etc. Sjaviwng On Ladies' Ready-to-Wear, Junior and Misses' Coats Citizens are already finding out that this store is giving values in Ladies' Ready-to-Wear neyer before approached in Bowmanville. You owe it to yourself to inspeet our new stock, before ~ *:~,,.* buying your Fali Suit or Coat. . BURBERRY STYLE COATS Burberry Style Coats in Velour, full lined, fur trimmed from............................... $14.50 up LADIES' COATS IN VELOUR Lde'Coats in Velour and Suedine, ful lin, slfcolarandi fur trimmed, from $17.95 up tNew Fa. Dresses and Skirts now on display. We ivitecomparison in quality and prices. Sats-Lactonguaranteed or money refunded. F. BERGLOC Fe jtaNGeBOWMAN VILLE Gravel Box-; Set of 4-Section Har- rwvs; Gravel Box; Gilîson GasolineV Engine; Ma,-xwell Root Pulper, Set of 9-000 lb. Scales; Top Buggy; Rub- bei Tired Buggy; Open Buýggy; 2 Cutters;: 2 Sets of Tackling; Quan- tity of Hardwood Planks; Pig Rack; Single Plow, Fleury; Double Plow, Wilkinson; Grindstone, Grain Cîad- les; 2 Logging Chains; Forks; Ilees; ,and other'articles tee numerous te mention; i1Pwer Clipping Machine; 1- Set ,Alymner 2000 lbs. Scales. HARNESS-Set Double Haîness; 2 Sets Single Harness FEEDI-Quantity of Cern in stooks; Quantity of Mangolds; Quan- tity of Turnpis. TERMS-On Cern anti Roots and ail sums of $1.5.00 and under, cash; over that amouat 6 mentlis' credit on approved notes with interest at 6 per cent. AUCTION SALE Theo. Siemion, Auctioneer, ha e ceived instructions fromn the Admin- istrators of the Estate ef the late CHARLES HORN To sel by publiec ction on the 1premis:e.- H A M PTO on MONDAY, SE?--T, 24th The f ollowing valuaible ' :r-i Stock, Impiments, Live Stocký, Furniture, etc: HORS ES-Bay Mare, 5 years old;I Chestnut Herse, 9 years old; Black Mare, Aged. COWS-Black Cew, 4 yeaxs old, bred Aptil llth; 1 Cow, bred May 4tli; 1 Cow, breti May 24th. POULTRY-40 Laying Hlens. IMPLEMENS-1 ten Chevroletl Truck, 1 Adams Wagon; 1 Haimes: Wagon; i1fleavy Democrat; 1 Set I Toboggan Sleighs, Set Knee Sleighs; 1 Frost & Wood 5 ft. Cut Mower; 'l Spring Tooth Cultîvator; 2 Single IWalking Ploewa,. 1 Scufl et; 1 Hay-I rack; 1 RqadSlsier; 1 Fig Crate;~ boy Buggy; 1 Cutter; 1 Set Wagon Springs; 2 Set Double Heavy Har- ness; 2 Set Single Harness; Whifle- trees; Neckyolkes; Chains; Hoes; Ferks; etc. FURNITURE-4Quantity eoflieuse- hold furniture încluding Ceai Heat- er, Small Box Steve, Bedroom Suite, Wash Stand, Sisall Tables, 1 Kitchen Table, Kitcheri Chairs, Atm Chair, Couch, Quantity Care't, Fruit Jar., also Melotte Creai eparator and a Refrigerater. TERMS OF SALE-Poultry anti furniture, cash; ail sums ef $15 and under, cash; ove,,r that amount 6 meonthe' credit on approved notes, with interest at 6 per cent from dateÀ of sale. 3________ 8-1w BURKETOIN A goodly number turneti eut te the opening service ef oui League when a goold program was given. A splendid reading was gîven by Flor- ence Avery; Missionary topic was takern by -Milton Sanderson; and a very interesting missionary stety, was told by Pastor McKemiie. Owing tQ some of eut folks leaving tew,,n it was necessary te appoint seme new officers. 3lirs. McCutcheon was ap- peinte 4 President in plae of Miss Reid ;and Miss Florence Avery and Miss Dina McKnigit 92nd and 4tli Vice President ... . League to-niglit (Thursday) at 7.30 p. m. Social niglit ladies are asked te bring a cake.. .Service next Suntiay motning at the usual heur.... Miss Margaret Reid visiteid at James McLaughIlin's. . .... Mis. McCutcheon spent Suaday at Tweed, visiting lier sister, Mrs. Donnelly ...A number attewtied Oshawa Fait and report a good time. TYRONE Mrs. Wmi. McDonald, Co)bourg, spent a f ew days witli ber patents,, Mi. and Mis. W. Stewart... . Miss Evelyp Brent rec.ently visited frientis in Whitevale ... . Mi. and Mis. L. F. Bysis and Doreen spent Sunde.îy -withi lier parents, Mi. andi Mis. Lillicrap,, Cannîngton. ... Mi. A. H. Clemens and fam-ily spent the week-end at Mr. Chas. Dawson's, Cainpbelford. jIr- ving iemaining te attend schol. ... Several fîom here attended Peter- bote Fair last week .. .Mr. and Mis. Wm. Riddell, Oireno, spent Suptiay at Mi. Wm-. Virtue's... . School Fair 25th.. Heavy frost tiid considerable damage te coin, potatees, et, here S .About 25 of oai Leagu rs at- tended the Coin Reoast held at Mr. Clarence Woodiey's. A vety en- The "Supa" Self -Filling FOUNTAIN PENS _50C- The mechanism of this pen is equal to that of the most expensive lever ac- tion pen manuifactured. See 2W>"y them at the "Big ONLY 50e W. T. Allen Bowxm~anville I ' J BORSALINO HATS MADE IN ITALY $7.50 Borsalino is the King of Italian Hat Makers. Ris goods have a world-wide reputation for their very high standard of quality and superiority of finish. For business men who are exposed to ail kinds of weather "The Borsalino Hiat" is the best we know of. NEW STYLES, NEW COLORS, EVERY HAT GUARANTEED GN. THURSTO-N Bownianville's Up-to-date Haberdashery and F[lrýShOp.f Teniwjti'eth Century Clothes "The Clothes With a National Reputation" We have just received our New Faîl Style -Plates. Also samples of Suitings and Overcoatings. The range is exception- ally large consisting of the finest of Serges, Tweeds, Scotchi Sax- ony, Meltons, Frieze, Check-backs and Crombie Clotits. Nothing but the finest of hand tailoring and trimmings are used in making of ail garments, and we believe they are superior to anything in the clothing trade. Caîl and see the wonderful assortment. If you are con.- templating purchasing it wiil be to your advantage to give Twentieth Century -first consideration. Sold exclusively by M1cIMurtry 2&,.Co., LtAd. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 83 j

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