Week Endý Specils We have two new hîgh grade bicycles that we willsell for away below eost to clean out this Une. A splendid opportunity to get a good xyheel at a cheap wheel price. Regular $55.00 for $38.00. Remember there are only two of thern, first corne first served. any and quantity of wiIl pay the Poultryl high est 81 col- BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 20th, 19231 CANADA LEADS THE WORLD 0 In exports per capita of population à Canada is first in the world and S atually fourth in volume of ex-r ports says The New York Times B of Augusit 29, 1923 .0 in case iast v( ACCIDENTALI Canadians. 1I ion m s rec ýi s had been a a vei y la yr miles frir a tLown on tF e. His broke ut ail attem y had been raduated fro 1ooI, thena la, after wl xI. I-e the niversitv to FORD TOURING We have one 1918 Ford Touring in good shape, mechanicaIly good tires and top, a real buy $150.00 cash or terms. Also a 1922 Ford Sedan $550.00. We have many others but these are specials for this week. ,f exports. 1Ter world tra d Junie, 1923, 00. Our popi J] for these ed ta Luke, BysoLmfed turad IJOYS9 Liited was ai Phone 188 Bowmanville eight o einlci rger thý morts Piýckling Time WE CARRY MIGHTY GOOD SPICES White, black and red pepper, cinnamon, nut- meg, cloves, allspice, mace, turreric, curry pow- der, mustard, mustard and celery seed, or mixed spices, whole or ground. Mighty good spices, indeed, because of extreme freshness Proper spices are best for cooking, canning and preservfig. Lay in a stock now. High grade vinegar always in stock. FIARRV PHOE 18 price. Phone on runing f ul ythe hiP,ý Far )Orts wpear. Offers le pleasing conser. cee eÊyou sri 1. STIEN WHIITBY or drop me a card and I will cail. 32-3m 'YEARS ER Insist on "Nu gget" i; d1FEELS czema of MarshaIJ5 Spriieedale, Ont., mothscid he br.kec zt his chest andi arws. JN could to heal thosé ter nothing did Iim mucl Iy 1ventured on a box v yean ola, Babjy marsh.ILturn of th( DR.EL HÂSE'S OIN 6cents a box, axIldeaiem C Ed<w nBates r the year niearlv Si, t life, and rus early age of 23 years wili ne'd, not only by his by the many friends !ver lie went. ýving miembers of his -her, his two sfisters, Papineau (Toronto) ie Lathrope, and his1 .er, Mr. Issac Lath- owmanville, we ex- elt sympathy. FTER THAN FOR MONTHS b Findal Dreco ai1 al serýv: la wliat au n lette. ser a and1 'y. Mr. D. amount ta nearly $850,000,000, about 31 per cent. of the whole, while Britishi capital in the same enterprises is estimated at $285,000, 000, slightly more than 10 per cent. of the total. Railways, mines, auto- mobile manufactures, meat paeking, inetals, paint, pulp and paper, and oil refining are the main American invesiUnts. Wýith lier immense, thiniy pojpul- ated area, Canada ie stili chiefly an ilgricultural country .Her fau-m pro- perty is valued at $6,830,000,000, lier myan ufactures at about half that sum; but these are moving ahead rapidly. Water power is being developed on a large scale. The sum of $330,000, OOOwas spent on building ia 1922, an increase of more than $90,000,000 over 1921. Canada is on the lii-h road to a marvelous develoment, and by lier prosperity the United States wili be madle more prosperous. Our interests and hers are in many re- spects inseparably entwined. CANADA IS SOUND A Montreal daily has been pub-1 lishing a series of articles, evident- ally for same ulterior purpose or political or capitalistic gain ta corne persans or concern unknown ta the public, in which aur country is made ta appear ini a terrible financial con- dition. We have jleacure in re- publishing fromr The Globe this tille- iy; editoriai reference ta these harm- fui articles. "'the Whisper af Deatl" was neyer more than the whin.e of a disgruatied ring in a single city. The wheeze of St. James Street lias been dro-wn- ed by the lusty voice of this full- lunged young- giant of a Domninioni throbbing with vigorous hf e. Con-1 pare Canada with any part of Aia, or Europe to-day. Japan stricken, the swarming millions of India and China eteeped in poverty, Asia Min- or again under thle Turkish yokce. In Europe, Russia stili in the shad- ows, Germnany on the verge of col- lapse, the Balkan~ war cloud lower- ing once more; the League of Na- tions, the 'chief hope of stabilizing the Continent, threatened by Italy with a niortal biow; exchanges d4e- moralized and trade in chaos;, even in Great Britain an army oýf tn ployed, growing larger as winter ap- proaches.1 pessimist wiil not per 'bat there je any iconditions here and 14c. Excepting the vhere is there a land h there is so higli a ng-, s'a iittle uneun- stress, sud grounds in the future, as inj consi na da ? ul. Il andc ence "Before McNabh. " Company ,jm endid ren-edy aý in the followil recuIt wac that I was g-etting noc nourishiment and My system 'vas get. ting weaker each day. "Since last Spring 1 have takeui iseveral different medicines, nane af which gave me the ieast resui t. Ther Dreco was suggested ta me .and 1 thouglit I could do no more than give it a trial. This 1 have done and the improvemient that 'bas resulted in three short weeks is littie less thian marvelous. "My constipation is greatly reliev- ed(, mny appetite is improviuig and no longer do I have that tired, we2ary feeling. My food dig&ests weli and I have been freed of my g9stric1 trouble and sourness. My liver isi active once more and miy kidineys miuch stronger and I can notice th'at sýince my system h.as been purgedl, the yellow jaundice, wbich had evloedi dur in g the course of my sickness, is grad('u'ily disappearing. Ail in ail, 1 arn wonderfully im- proved and gladly give the credit tai D)reco"ý. Anyone's system is apt ta get rua1 down, but it can be readiiy built up again witli Jreco. This grand her- bai remedy containa no mnercury, pot ash or habit forpting drugs and is the most reliable tonic and regulatar for dgsietroubles ever put on the markiet. Let it free youi from un- necessary sufering by putting your stomach, liver, kidncys and bowels in praper working order. Dreco is being specialy introduced in Bowmanville by F. R. Kersiake, and is sold by a good cruggist everywhere. FALL FAIR~ DATES Blackstock.......Sept. 25-26 Orono--------------- Sept. 27-28 Lindsay .............. Sept. 19-22 .obre-,......Sept. 25-26 Bellevile ............. Sept. 25-27 Port Hope .............. Oct. 2-8 Markliam....... ........ Oct. 4-6 Millbrook............ .... Oct. 4-5 Peisimism miay be sincere, but there je no sincerity in the profes- sional decriers of the country. IThey have tried ta sow public alarra ini order ta giind private axes. Can- adla is soun'd, Canada je steady, Can- heaviest burden over the rougleet etho'dist Churci in Canada >osed ta celebrate this fall ure of its first two mission- f oreig-n land. It begins to the jubilee wili have ta jsome degree in a fresh certainly in an attempt the present emergency." west priced tea is not the A pound of "SALADA" re cups to the pound, and j ~nore satisfaction than or- 1that it is realiy the most i ta use. iffer from eorns whepn they .nlessly rooted out by using- sCorn Remiover. thinks about?" CISTAND here idie for Jhoursata dtit!Ho-hum! She forgets that she hires me- to heip her. "She complains of nevt having time enough, yet I 'ver watched lier for over an hour1 tr-yipng- to write one letter toP Springville, 'For a few cents I'd put her in Springvilie, and for 5minute-sa thme music of her voice would make sornebody happy, VWhen she piçks up a Pen she ge-ts so) Self -conscious that her Ltters-well, honest, they don't do hier justice. "'No pen heips a woman to express her reai self, at, ber Ibent, as I do-no postage sLamnP traveis so fast. .L sometfirnes thik lher hu- baud apprecîates ilme more. A universal eustow After a bn cey MJeal ±Xs h te: 8wothe8 the tbroat. WRRGEYS' 'bkiÇitIum-Roof Çomnpome grees cof pten h-N a 1 2,8 ; o. , 5 er 60.1 VrePSd on recePi aofpce. Wxeo pamphlet. Adess TIHE COOK MEUICO e TORONTO, ONT., jFumely Wudw41 BOUNSALL'S MONUMENTAL ART WORK, ESTABLISHED 1857 Imlp,.ter dIrect oif SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANiTES and oniy the best grades of 'VERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 emTloyno fln<,pmtr'v ..-M-,.f Ifkeepsm - indefinitely when the cans areunopened. Pure, rich, Route ALLIN 'BQWXMAnVrluE, POULTRY WANTED. I arn prepared to handie T he s( the leather the more the shoe. Frequent Af "Nugget" wili keep hirs.