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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1923, p. 8

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LYALL CdoRDENAý ikI Opposite J. B. Martyn's Store Bowmanville Has been appointed sole agent in Bowmanville for "Corneli" Tailored Clothes To introduce these f amous made-to-measure clothes to Bow- manville men, a great introductory sale wiIl be held Thursday, Sep- tember 2Oth., and continuing un- il Tuesday, September 25th. FR(EE PANT S The NwateIîeedn TIIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th., 1923 NEWCASTLE Mr. Francis Liddle, Ottawa, visited at -Mrs. T. M. Gibson's. Mr. Fred Cowan made a business trip'to Toronto on Friday. Mrs. J. C. Hancock spent the week- end with relatives in Oshawa. Mr. Asa Hruycke, Peterboro, la vi- iting wý\ith Lewis Parnell, Benver-st. Miss Marion Gray leaves this week t;o attend Peterboro Normal School. Mr. and Mrs. Fredl W. Fligg re- cently visite.d with frienda i Peter- boro. Mr. Fred Anderson left on Satur- day for Windsor whiere he will attend school. Mrs. Ed. Hoar is visiting with her p,?rents, Mr. an-d Mrs. S. S. Bva-gg, Providence. Miss Salome Howard bas returnedj to ber duties at Bishop Stracban Sebool, Toronto. Mrs. B. Moise visited ber daugh- ter, Mrs. Frank Hawkins at Hastings over tbe week-end. Mrs. Walter Coucb and two daugb- tars, Bernice and Tucker, spent Wed- nesday at- Osbawa Fair. Mrs. Walker of Toronto, is taking Mr. K. Hutchinson',s place in the bank during hîs hoidays. Misses Evelyn and May Bonneli of Toro'nto, spent the week-end with tbeiv parents, Mr. and M rs. T. W. Bonneil. Mr. Henry Ragen and famlily, Tor- onto, motoved down and spent the week-end -witb Mr. and _Mvs. Jobn Douglas. Mr. Kenneth Hutebinson of Stand- ard Bank Staff is enjoying two weeks' bolidlays with his parents in Grafton. ton: 'OUrIIand IlU implete ,loss. lin bas reture e be exhibited hi, ler Sheep. Norman sbare of the prizes er is walking witl Lt cane these days, d a paiefully in- f ail froni a yoof NEWCASTLE Mr. Lovne Thonmas recently visited in Toronto. Mr. Ed. C. Hoar had business in Toronto last w%ýeek. Mr. Fred Grabiam 15jin receipt of a car of Aiý.berta coal. Messrs. K. Hutchýinsoni and Bob Wý,alton mi-otoi7e. to Belleville on Sun- d ay. Mr. and _Mrs. Bull, Toronto, mot- ored 'down and spent tbe week-end at their cottagle. 'Mr. and Mrs. Greene of Toronto, wvere guests of Dr. and Mrs. Walton- Bail at barris Lodge over the week-. ed. Miss Gladys Bradley left on Satur- dlay for Massacbusetts where sbe will attend scbool. We wisbh ler mnuch suceSs. Mv. and Mvs, R. L. Wrigbt en~- tertained Mv. and Mrs. Goddlard and iîttie dàugbter of Toronto, at "Broad- lawn" over the week-end. Miss Cora BuIger was appointed Libvarian at tbe last meeting of the Libravy Board. This nieans that Élhe patrons of tbe Library will re- ceive courteous and efficient service. MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. Jlm Graduate of Trinity University, ale of Royal College Physicians, Edin burg. Specialty-ljisea-ses of womr- en and children. Office---Parker'ý Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. bonor graduate of Trinity Univeisity. Fellow sf Trinity Medical Collegz. Licentiate of the State University wl New York, Matrieulate of the Post* Graduate Medical Scheol and Hoe pital of New York and Fellow of tbh. Toronto Academy of Medicine. OffIe'. -Mrs. McNaughton'o Reisidenci, Newcastle. flours-8 to 10 a. m.,, to 3 m. m., and by apppintment. J4.Harry Pearce's Sunday Schooï Class enjoyed a deligjitful corn roast at.the lake on Tuesi-av evienin- last week. A large numiber were pr'esent and a,. happy time was, spent by ail. J. W. Bradley Newcatle Geacral Insurance Agent Clerk of 2nd Divis-ion Court, Com.. mïssioner, etc. carry lie energ; SH4ATTERE Coal NOW order. Bowrr Teiper and by Oronc > . Dr. Durwin E.S ualflleson i Honor Graduate o Chiropractie Gol Phones- Bowmanville,( Newcasth, Residence 1411 WH-YP 141J; Spoil your Pickles, Sauces and Relishes for the lack of a few cents? BUY THE BEST SPICES AND VINEGARS WE HAVE THEM Grocer l Lit( asket RK. WALTON Newcastle 7 This is a very rare opportunity for Bowmanville men. Clothes offer one of the very best values in the country. "Corneil" Tailored At the special in- troductory price of $27, you can choose from a magnificent selection of th.e very finest woolens, in ail the newxest FaIl patterns and weaves. Every gar- ment is strictly tailored to measure and guaranteed to satisfy in every way or money back. And to introduce these f amous values, an extra pair of pants will be given FREE with every suit-a pair of pants valued at from $8 to $10. Thînk of it. miss this sale. Don't Don't forget the dates, Thursday, 'Sept. 2Oth to Tuesday, Sept. 25th, at Lyall Corden's, King Street, East. at rictonni lla ,aynoouzu i n mesain capacity for the Depatmeet of A,- riculture. Mv. W. F. Rickarl and Mrs. J. H. Jose locked auto -wbeels wbile reture- ing from tbe School Fair qt Newtý-'on- ville on Saturday last, fortunately no person was; injured and the cars were oely slightly damaged. Some good yieids of Alsike are re- ported by our farmers. Mr. W. C. Lake inarketed 192 bushels- from 20 -acres and Mr. 0. A. Parker sold 80 busbels from 7 1/_ý acres. The price paid is reported to bave been $6.00 per bushel. The entertairimeet by tbe Aeolian Coedert Go. in Co±nmunity Hall Fr1- dlay evening was a splendid aff'air and a good audience turnad out to bear the "Old Reliable" Cameron & Ben- niett and everyone certaiely bmd tbeir moeey's wovt'h if laugbing was worth anytbing. Tbe reai treat was tbe violile selections by Miss Maud Buschbien. This young lady is far above the average in her lirie of en- tertaiemient and will be sure to dravv a full house on hier next appearance have. Tbe services in St. Georg-e's Churci last Suiiday were taken by Rev. J. Scýott Howard, assisted by Mv. JOLI) rlna'than. Two excelent addres-s e-enîng o eing -thef tý*in Of Jesus as" 1 . Tbe servicesy ec'onducted by HIGH QUALITY AND I CLOSE PRICES Count at this hardware store. No need to let shopping worry you if you buy here. We re- fuse to seli inferior goods and guarantee ail pur- chases. Prices are close, too. 1\ ewc as urday, of our F'air o: 1beld in ntei-bex Wllu M. JAMIESON Hardware Store Newcastle Dollar For Dollar It always pays to buy your groceries and baking from H.' S. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer Newcastle now Special 150 Ready-to-Wear Overcoats Big burly ulsters, just the kind you'il need-1 for winter wear. Snug warm coats that defy OÊbla 4 mu the coldest blast of winter, offered Thursday vm, to introduce "Coriieli" Tailored Clothes at the$ 2 4 9 We also specialize in NEWTONVILLE casbyterians are nm 'i I pians ,a-tzenc~V~lU. >JVV UIlis1 NEWCASTLE CHURCHES thodist Chiuvch, Rev. E. e, Pastor. 11.00 a. n, dng Worshii.p. 2.30 P. n [av Sc«hool. 7.00 n. ii,, __ Man- Style Ulsters LâY1 Imported Roses 2000 Imported Bush Roses, splendid variety......50ce a Climibing Roses..................... .........75c ea Peonies, large roots ........................... 50c ea Also large, stock of fancy evevgreens and sbrubs at at- tractive prîces. Perennials in great variety........ 15c and up per root Also Fruit Trees, Small Fruits and Greenhouse Plants. Early Cahbage and Celery Plants in abundance. Brookdale Nurseries Tree Surgeans Foresters i. - Such a rare opportun ity comes but once in years.

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