With Which is Incorporated ' tes' M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. - ~ii 1 - vY j Horno BoWmianvi Nelw iber ftistu -$2.00 a Year iiLKS SABBATH SCH09 best of our - iiily Day servie Frocks For Aiatumn Wear The new Fail Coats we are now showing have the happy alliance of Style, Quality, Utility and Price. Most beautiful fur collars and cufs adorn these magnificent Coats, Beaver, Wolf, Fox -ail furs that Paris lias eertified for Fail. Lustrous velvety ma- terials-Marvella, Velmara, Lustràh, Duveytyn, the season' s new- est and most favored conceptions. Tailored and finished with the character of -a Frenchiimodel. The New Autijmn Dreses are creations that eloquently ex- press the beauty and grace of f ashion's newest lines, in a versatility of modes that assure every woman and miss a type that will be- corne ler. Developed in new satin weaves, soft crepes, poiret twill and beautiful georgettes. Navy, black, gray, and the wanted new shades of brown and coeoa are shown. MEN'S AND BOYS' DEPARTMENT The exceptional values we give in this department is bring- ing us new business almost daily. Just now we are show,ýing a attractive range of new Fall~ Suits and Coats. We invite your early inspection. Couch, Jolinston & Crydjerman. Bowmanville phcrne 104 Limiteaý Keep Young Youthfulness is largely a state of d. It is worry and hurry-and ýess maddening tasks-which sapV vitality and fil the mind with bitter ights; that make the body feel old the face look old whule in years are young. In this the kitchen is )Id offender. Modern housewives avoid these gs by having modern kitchens pped with time and labor saving Il Loyers The Sellers Kitchen Cabinet performs sucli a remarkable usual features. service because it lias so many un- Aitogether, there are Fifteen Famous'Features in the Sellers which to-day are familiar to women in practically every city, town and ham«Iet in Canada and the UJnited States. In no other kit.. chen in the world eau you have the benefit of ail these labor and time-saving improvements. And not a single one would you willingly allow to be qmitted from yoùr cabinet. - To see them demonstrated, visit our store. With every Sellers Kitchen Cabinet you receive absolutely free a splendid assortment of Enamel 'Handied Kitchen Utensils. KITCHEN CABINETS PRICED FROM $32.00 UJP FF. Marris Co. Branches: Orono and NevastIIe Bowmanville Will be, inVerese buying event we for ans week on] MINTON CHIb REDUCED ON] Our beautiful ton China imcli froni SaIt and Pe Dinner Plates. Cups and Saucer ans week reducec Other articles portion. WEST1 ,RAGE SOU), lemon lec ýrouglit fo e Classes vIrs. R. H. 1f Phe rton ýj. I-Joln. ---- 1--- 1-1priatte for the occa.sion. JueLoughnian, and paggeant at Vhe0p- ______theOp- Mutton, 'Evelyn Raby, era House on Monday and Tuesday, . eonard Wilson . Pirat October 15Vh anid l6th. 1., Jack Roach Wl- LW O LN ORE 'Ballantyne, 'Lloyd The cast wifl include over 100 lo- LA 4 WLN TORE m, Louise Cale, cal people. This ouglit to be ans Bpwmanville Laiwn Bowling Club was . Galbraith, Teache. o wll represented at Oshawa Clubs Yal -Roderick Conno o the big events of the season ini Tourney bY three rinis as follows: n Dunlop, Hazel B, Amateur Theatricals owin to the T. C. Jewell, W. C. Ivs, J. Lylean L-amontagne, Greta f act that "Cinderella" 'is net only R. M. Mitchell (,k1p.) Riche ds Henninges. full of tuneful musi-but contaîns C. H. Mason, R. F. Mtehe,..n, J. j.ý red F. Cole, Teacher. a Plot that le very consistent and 31ason- and '1. W. Stanley (Skip). holde Vthe attention of the audience M. G. V. Gould, A. Mitchell. C. B. Centl fromthebeginin of he ondefuland Dr. A. S. Tilley (Skip.) B 0F TORONTO foiVsbgnigo h odru Rinks were also present from Cobourg,1 Nursery Pageant to the final curtain. Port Hlope. Whltby, Uxbrldge and Port, -. Drh lubGorgeous old-fashioned costumes, . Perry, and seven Osha'wa rifles competed othea tuh ine C atlubligtngefetsan$ i -19 rinlcs in aIl. held t thehome o eidfashige ind efairy danc in wll'Dr. A. S. Tilley's rlnk won al four James L. Hughes, 47 odfsindadfiydnigwl rouads and brought homne the FrtPie àSaturday, October mjake thise vent one to be remnember- i automobile rugas. Mr. T. W tne' me ti g fo ed by veryone. A dm ission: A dult ri k tidfw ith two ot hlers ndW n 4h ineffl. There will be cohell's Drug Store an) Tuesday, Oct. T'he prizes were awarded on the plus but It la planned ta sudi minus Plan instead of pumber of thn an!. Tier at noon. Reserve seat without game wins. set aPart for greet- extra charge. Adlmission: Child -______ rs t han uaual. -N1 ren 25c-seats Dot ressrved without -ramnne of music, ÇviletacageI____ e weather is fine the exr.cag. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE eeting 'will be held in Committee hope for M.adMs .Hmlo ae StenebrTha. man were called Vo Lindseay Vo at- -, C76 SPadina .>. OE ETRE N U tend the funeral of theýir brother-in- ORITY îaw, Mr. Thos. Blackwell, who pass- ed away on Friday agsd 63 years. Appears in Towni Hall on Mondayv Akthnsowrwsgvna Eyenng, ext.the home of Mrs. W. E. Armistrong, V. E. Taplin who will lecture on Argyle-st., on Friday evening, whien Foot and Shoe probleins and con- about 25 girl friends and neiglibors duct the Style Show ln the Town Hall assemied in honor of Miss Clara fon Monday evening next, October Rolibins, a bride-Vo-be. A very Of 8th is the pioneer Of Corrective and jolly time was enjoyed opsning the Protective Footwear la Canada an'd numneroaus parcels of aluminuin and is Voday accepted as the leading au- pyrex, after which refreshments~ S thority and advocate lu the world were served and the -eigpas The miethodse employed la hie bus- The girls of the local Bell Tele- iness are said Vo be years in advance Phione Exchange met at Vhs home of ýte inthespeial of modern Shoe Fitting ' Methods. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiliams, Silvei- tedin he pecalThese wlll be demuonstrated by hlm to Street, on Thursday evening andù are announcinig ail who caîl at the shoe store of Fred presented -Miss Emma Alcumbrack dy.Knox commencing Tuesday morning who le heing transferred Vo Toronto .ily.after the lecture.. Mr Taplin believes with a pretty gold finger ring set NA in fitting the foot in the Proportion wiVh sapphire. Miss Alcunibrack of Vhs foot itself and provides nine has been in ths local office for six 'E.THIRD (9) wvidths of shoes in Rîl sizes for,,years and cairnes with dier Vhs hast this purpose. Careful attention is wishes of all. The evening was display of Min- given Vo aIl pecularities of the strue- spent very pleasantly, refreshments udes everture Of he foot, as well as Vo con- being serverd and a social hour enjoy- ids eeything ýditions of Soreniess, weakness, Etc., ed. ýepper Shakers Vo Etc. The experlence of Mr. Ta'plin JeuaeiLdewshnrdwh lias proven that there are very few a vis fro eenty o ore mei- feet beyond satisfactory repar bers of St. Andrews Lodge o 6 providing tliey are properly fiIted Ag.& .M, oot ,WeNesday, ers regular $2.75, in chose pocssessing scientific linos. A.veni&g,. MepTeobronto,. Thesd 1 ta....$1.85 le The "Taplin Natural Tread Shoe" Degres was exýemplified by Worship- V he rcuIt of ten (10) years of fui Master G. C. Kirby and officers of Specialization. It will be fitted visiting lodge after which a social reduced in pro- and sold in the chas store of Fred hour was enjoyed in ths banquetting j Knxeilning on Tuetdeylecture. hall. Speeýches were give-n by Me Sr. ing fterVhslectre.T. Il. Spry, A. E. Hagerman, G._C. -As M~r. Taplin le consulted bv enS- K,v- J Q%4 l., T T-O A1ra ±uake selectione iis adis,,nay le complete. Alex Elliot Jeweler Bowmanvile 1111V UV 1e is 1g in Western for ceveral -w spend six ' Provinces lectu 5c a Copy No. 40 unay, ..Mtober Il. £,UULs gpei at 2. 0 P. nM. Mr. and. Mrs. James ogers and claugliter Thelma and Mr. and Mrs. 1Ernest Rogers and two sons, Tren- ton, spent Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mms. Jos. Rogers. Miss Elsie Allun, Edmonton, Alta., daugliter of Dr. Norman Allin is staying with her granduo4her, Mrs. Jane Aluin, Ce'ntre-st., where she will spend the wiriter and attend school. Our worthy nsighbor and citizen. Mr. Johln MclMurtry, completed, eighty-six yea'rs on Weidnesday, Qetý 1ober 3rd. N~o business mnan in West Durham is more highly respect- ed. Mrs. (Dr.) T. C. D. Bedail, Teni- perance Street, will receive on Sat- urday, October 6, from 4 to 6 p. m., for the first tiime since ozaing to Bowmanville, and afterwa.rds on the. first Tuesday. The teachers of the Publie Sehool entertaine'd the teachers of the High School with their wives at a social tes on Monday evening. Ail tboroly enjoyed the huur which .was made very pleasant to ail. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James, "Lorne vi lla", wil libe At Home to their friends on Fri'day afternoon. October 5 from 3 to 6 o'clock, and i the evening from 8 Vo 10 o'clock, the occasion being the celebration of their Golden Wedding. Mr. Samuel Harris, 142 Cottrel Road, Roath, Cardiff, Wales, En- land, 'wrote some time ago inquir- ing for his sister's address-Mrs E. Luxton, wi.dow of William Luxton, who lias two sons Thoi-nas and Wl liam and la daughter Mary A-1. Can our readers supply the iin-.or- mation aslked for? Mr. Herbhert C. VanN'est and hiis staff of canvassems who -worked thiis town in July in the interest o-r h,~ MacLean publications of Toroxiýto has had a very successful vacat«,-io. A recent issue of MacLean's Weeýkly says: H. C. VanNest and his staff are in Lindsay* The first day's pro- duction of 17 orders and $47 ca, shr shows that Van and hie boys are flot losing any opportunities of get ing7 front money. Herbert is a a- uate of Bowmanville High Schýool and is registersd in Victoria College- i Arts and Theology. Walk upstairs, IPay Cashi and qave Dollars, C. S. Mfason's SExclusive Up,- Stairs Coat and Dress Shoppe in Prower INTER-SCHOOL MEET Bowmanville-Oshawa- WhitbyI Begins at 10 a. nm. and 2. p.r . At The FAIR GROUNDS BOWMANVILLE Admission 25c à. LXJX.' comri YDAY. LOCAL AND' OTHERWISE manville Mrs. E~. Worden is visiting he-r si%- w.ere a ters in Clinton. ool was Mviss Marguerite Adanis, Toronito, Bartlett, spent the week-end at home. ices, the Miss Ethel Webber is attending ,rai dec- Nra cola eeroo .ul. TheNoalShoatPtrr. ing was Miss D. Amor, Toronto, spent the. dl in the week-end with Mrs. F. F. Morris. >actical Miss Fleda Clarke, Picton, is visit- ving les- in- her aunt, Mrs. W. C. Washington. in Sol- Mrs. Wilson, Parry Sound, is vi&- In th~e iting with lier sister, Mrs. Charles 1 Maun- Col. g.ether" Mrs. J. N. Mcl.Dougall is vîi;itiug ,Iard in her sister, Mrs. T. C. Osborne, Pick- o, sang erinlg. lArise". [W coor -Miss Gladys Weese, Torionto, spent ýr Mr. T. Sunday with lier sister, Mrs. H. L. led the Pearn. sweetly Mr. W. H. Halfacre, Tyrone, hear-t of though still confin0ll to hiL lied is do-. 1 Love ing nicely. Misses Mrs. F. A. Foster, "Norwood )n Pick- Place", will flot receive on Friday, ", their October 5th. nd Miss Rev. S. T. J3artlett was gu-st of expres- his brother-in-law, Mr. John Hellyar, In the while in town. )ay ser- M.ac Ws .B atnrcnI ent was vMr.te d is . J. atnrcn uperin- vstdhsstr r.Ths arot te firstarKgsUe Dr. C.I Mrs. Wm. Allun, Toronto, bas been 'lie rol visiting her sister, Mrs. A. C. Allun respon- and other relatives here. 3ellman Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Woods, Owen ting ail Sound, recently visited their daug- ie Corn ter, Mrs. Geo. W. James. Maàter Mrs. W. S. Rose, Wallaceburg, la )ie-" by yisiting Mrs. F. A. Haddy an~d num- ild thee erous other friends in town. Miss Misses Lizzie and Rilda Eockaday, Mic -Solina, recn'tly visited tlxeir aurt, ,raegh' Mrs. J. N. McDougall, Liberty St. Messrs. A issFlorence Baxter and _Mis le, Geo- Agnes Haddy, Toronto, spexnt the ey sang week-end at Mr. F. A. Had'dy's. Dr. John Spencer, V. S., of Bow. ,ery in- manvile, is visiting in Lindsay and id the Sturgeon Point for a few days.-. ,,. he Lindsay Post. nediet- Miss MinnieWebber and Mrs. Eld- te orch-, gar EiutsLan recently vigited the lat-< e -fter- ter's cousins, Mr. and 1 Mrs. Errol ýbY as-'Clarlke 'Peterboro, 'Sr, T. Getting more like a City every day. Powmnanvlle now has an exclusive Up- " tairs Coat and Dress Shoppe. C. S. ou