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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1923, p. 5

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Miss Elsi*e M. Blragg has gone to Toronto whlere she has accepted a position. Order those, golashes early this seaso. Ivs'hoe 'Store has youî size in stock rigtt now. *Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mason, Toi- onto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mis. F. R. Kersiake. , 1 Mr'. snd Mis. A .W. Jacobi, Toron- to, spent the week-end with her sis- ter, Mrs. C. Wesley IVatthews. Miss e li-q Wood, Harrowsmith, Roy ai Theatre, Bowmanville4 SBetter than evor' you will say, after glancing over the very attraictive programs whieh xviii be presented during Novemb er We are sparing no I effort to give otw patrons the best pictures that money can buy. Most of these films corne direct from the big picture bouses -of Toronto. I FEATURE PICTURES EVERY NIGHT ....2 lbs. 25c . .. .3 ubs. 25c Peel .... 35c lb. rrants. . . . 20c lb. Dessicated . . . ..25C lb Assorte.d Candies . . . ý.. 25c lb. Prime Tasty Cheese .. . . 29c IL -Choice Creaiery Butter. 41 c lb. Speclial Blend Coffee ...39c lb. H. P. Sauce. . . ý............ 29c Pure Clover Hpitey, 5 lb. pail 74c Extracts,..2 oz. 9c, 8 oz. 25c Mayfield Sliced e Leaf. Breakf ast Bacon 35c 35c lb. ING MORE TEA EVERY WEEK ,ht The Quality Is Goo~d h Richtnello Golden Tiýp :Ceylon &-Assam Broken Orange 79e ILb.Peh ed we won't charg, Mr. snd Ivrs.iR. . ickicnson, h oronto, spent the week-end with Iis parents and other friends here. Eveîy mother's son who needs an overcoat can save 15%. Read C. E. Hann's sdvt. page 5, and leain how. Mr. J. 5. MeGiffin, formerly of, Guelph, has been appointedi manager of the Brookdlale Nurseries of this town. Miss E1,ILma White went to Oak- wood. on T.uesdsy to attend the funieral of her ni;me, Miss Mary White. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Raine and Mis. Arthur Sailnderis, Toronto, were recent guests of Mi. and Mrs Ed. P. Weekes. :oe 89e lb. Rev, and Mis. W. H. $pargo weîe calied to Exeter on Mlonday to at- e for what tend the funeral of ber brothei, Mr. Thos. Passinoîe. _________ Miss Miýyrtie Mainprize of St. Marys is visiting her brother, Mr. W. 'OUR BI1GJ.Mipze enroute from Arnpîîor WILL BE,~ Apple shipments overses.s lsst weelg JT IT. were: Prom Halifax 22,585 bblS.and __________ 268 bbls. and 100, 916 boxes. Reserve Friday Nov. 1,6th., feOr "Thanksgiving Festival" in St. Paul's Lecture room---Booths open at 3.30, ).75 p. m.-Supper at 5 o'ciock. Miss Blanche Sis, Haiiowýay, was guest of her cousin, Miss Mildred F. I n Cola over the week-end and attend-I in - e the ramaFîiday evening. Misses Enid Sou<ch and Hilda Jack- mani are in Belleville atteitding the Young Peopie's fli-ennial Convention ,as representatives of Bowmanville PROPE - ----- inthke 1R. 0. kP.A. A. il. lemens, IBow- manville R R, 6, phone 2.'7-.3. 43.'tf DEAIHSThe Statesmnan As 25o to end of 1923. METI4ERELL-In Little Britain, Oct. 23, Se-th 1\etherel, aged 81 years, 11 m1onthis. HELP WANTED WI.1ITE-In Lindsay, October 129, 1923, Mdary Edith WVhite. Interment at Little 1VAID WANTEli-God( general. N'o, Britain, washing. Apply to Mnr. (Dr.) 1. J., PASSMrOR-qn Exeter, Oct. 18 1923 Hazlewood, Wellington St., Bowmanville. Thonmas PassmQire, brother ofMn -ev) 2-tf \V. Rl.Spro Bowmianville. MAN WANTD-To seIl Watkins 150J PI KE-,f Bowmanville Hospital, Oct. Pro.ducis to farmens lainJDurhamn County. 214, Edith 'Turner, beloved wife of i wt- 3atisfaction guarante,(d. Will furnish Jiain Pike, I4arlingtun, aged 51) years. cre4Iitý to suitable, party. Write The J. R.Wa tkins Comipany Dept. KA, Hamil KEITH-On Wednesday, October 24, at toIt,WOnitaro, for full particulars. 12-61 2Il Pauline Avenue, Toronto, Joan Pater- son, widow of the laie Jamnes Ieith of - Lindsay, aged 85 years. TURNBLLL-Sùcddepily at his laie1 TO LET residence, »S95 Westmnnter Ae.Tor- onto, Oct. 20, Rev. J. 1.-1 uli . A.,ý ROOM AND 'BOARO--Suitable for w b~ D., aged 52 years. Former p)astor of, gentlemen. Apply boxz 477,Bo a- St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Bow-ý ville, phone 290J. 42-1w mia3ville.1 ROOMS FOR RENT-At present occu-1 COATES-At the home of lier son-a-1 pied by B-owmanville BusineClles e. law, John Storie. Columbus, Chatrlotteý, 1Modn ~veniences. Possession Nov. widow of Janies Coates, Cartwright, on, lst. .4ppIy to -Mr. T. G, Mlason or J. J. October 24, in hier 75th year, eldlest'. Mason & Son. -t da Ilgliter' of the late MUr. 2çI rs. Johnl Bray, Enfield. IN MEO-IA Notice To Creditors f SEYMOU R-In loving:i Luxton ,beloved wif e c miour, w]*o died tOctolier Five years have gone ar ber, Neyer shall ler msmoic Loving hearts will alwa- Round the grave wner, This world iay chan g of the estate of ve mis~ i~aslaid -om year Jed ,lier, Si- Wveduing celebraioin of uneir KroLier, and sister, Mi. and Mrs. James Nich- olle 1,at Port Hope con Tue5day. Among the prominent Orang-emeni invited to speak at the Royal Arch, L. O. L., No. 32, Anniveîsary ati Lindssay on Novetuber Sth, we note the namne of Major F. H. Bounsali. The Comipanions of the Forest will hold a Prog-ressive . uchre at For- esters' Hall'on Thursday, November l5th. Admission 35c. Prizes and refreshments. Everyone welcome to oui first euchre this seasion. 44-2w Mr4. George Wight, Providence, lIas been visiting his sisters sud other Toronto friends but prefeîs living close to Nature and the quiet ofý country life to the rush sudgaietyi of the city. Mr. sud Mis. C. E. Smith, Edmton- ton. Aita.. announce the maîria.-e ofi $'19.75 We have purchased for quick selling corn- ýcng Thursday morning, November Ist., a itity of Ladies' and M~isses' Coats-made of finest Velour-, lined thrbughout, some trimmeci g ht, Alta. o great was the deniand for eme's and Misses' AIi-Wol Ut.il- Coats at $15,00 that we bave se-, -ed another 3 dozen for tuis week, 1k ijpstaiis, Psy Cash, Save Dol-1 S. C. S. Mason, Upstairs Shoppe,l )wer Block. 1 Regular meeting of Women's Hos- 9- pital Auxiiary Friday, Nov. 2 at 3-.30 ""' p.m. in the Council Rpom. an Mvr; G. A. Kingston, Editor of the n Caanpbellfo;rd Heraid, has resigned1 the position which bhe has heid for 19, of yeaîs, of superintendent of the Methodist Suncday Scheel in that town. 1 Solicîtor manville the 25t1i da G. V. GOULD, Victoria M. Turner, inistratrix. Ir CQoI-Weather Footwear The -chilly days of November will make you think about your footxwear requirements. Our stock is comp1ete. We purchase from the best Canadian makers and quality and price are our byword- IVlen's and Women's Brogue Oxfords from 6.00 to $8.50 pair Men's Spats $1.50 to $2.75 pair f. Ladies' Spats $2.25 to $3.00 pair guaranteed in every respeèt.' :tra, good' value price of $19.75 this valuei r snow. ,;et have them dupicated. Make host $19. 75 tra andi a good time assured. Gamsby, R. R. Foster, Presiçient. Secretary. 1. BOYLAN WBER i NOVZMBER 16-17 Noma Taima'dge in Ethel Clayton in "The Eteral Flame" "The Remnittance Woman" NOVEMBER 2-3 NVME 92 Jackide C4oogan in NVME 9~ "Trouble" Betty Balfour in Bustër Keaton in "Me and My Gal" "Day Dreams" NOVEMBER 21-22k NOVEMBER 5-6 Lru o'~ 1~ex Bach'swith an ail star cast "~The Spoilers" with Milton SUIls, Anna Q. Nps.. NOVEMBER 23-24 son, Noahr Berry and ail star Harry Carey ini cast "Desert Driven" NOVEMBER 7-S OVME 2-2 Constance Talniad ge in LiNI VrrMoER 25-26 i "DQrCy"Ruebëns in NOVEMBER 9-10 "Enemies of Womnen" "The Man Next Door"pb h uhro with an ail star cast bThe Fout ,orsenof NOVrBJER 12-3 NOiVE1WBER 28-29 "Gruiupy" "Brawn of, the Noth with Theodorb Roberts, May MeAvoy and Conrad Nagle with strongheart NOVEMBER 14-15 NOV.- 30-DEC. 1 Anita Ste-wart in "Divorce" "The. Love Pi1,r" With an ail star east Admission: -Adults 25c, children 15c.-including tax. - The Shop Thnat Leads fl IYOUR FURS For i923-24 May We Remind You . That we mlanufacture Fuis 4 the highest qua- lity sud Of the iotest style. That we have be4n iu tuis busipèss for over 30 yearg asnd established in Bowniauvilie for 5 years. That we are know-n in Bowmapvile and district for good, faithfuI, stylish Fui Garmieuts at the nmost ireasonable prices. That we Ilandie no sweat shop work snd our garmeuts are fu~lly guar. anteed. That th&e best iu FurÊ are always the cheapest. * -hat it le not necessary to, seu4 out of the eity for youi futr garni>nts. Oui stylem are the iatest and Oui pricee the Mnost réasonable. We chai- g lenge fair couipetition anytwhere sud *ill stand~ behind every garment we make sud oel. That 1 arn acitizen and property ow%ýner in Bçw- Tuanville and soeicit thie patronage of every truce loyal citizen. That if you esunot finid 7in our stock a grmeutto fit or suit you we -will make to your orcale- der any garmnent you de- sire frein our(wn se- lection of skis That a.il we ask Iis a fair trial-Let us show y oulthat w e an give you th.very best goods at aI saving to y5ou. Our - Specisty-lIir ............................................$4.50 Pr ........................................ ....... $3.85 pr 5LARGI AST OF 94ci 9.75 ,wlth anfd Chu CIO Mrs. j )Nj ie i

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