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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1923, p. 3

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IBOWMANMILLE, NOV. 22nd, 1923 NOTICE I r s rp i n fi DEMQNSTRATION AT S. R. DAVEY'S STORE - r.f . . esl, at Mdia FK'JJAI ~ AIU UaYBE1'HESDA Superintendent Sydenham Hlospital,' FRD YAND ....DA, NOVEMBER23-24 ___ Kingston, has openied an office fore z Mr. Everton Wýhite receýntly visit- the practice, of his profession at thefo1; erthS e o a thîlqud ue eer h ndad rm ed Ms parentsý àý Elizabethylle .... corner of Church and /Tealperance 7fR gLoOn fr s~SkiE »Dis iquid he ynsomtezcim t Mr. Keinneth Fraser, Toronto Normi- Streets, Bowmaniville, offie foranerly Soapthe sLn~iwvcenne ai School, was homie for holiday ... oceupied by Dr. S. C. Hiler. l2_j0* Kk LomC aêas 28abu h MHr. and Mrcs. Blake Oke, Oshawa, Jkury &i Lovell, Druggit ~>pJ..1TYMr- nd 11J,. Eslie Oke and daugh-- ter,Eb eïezer, Surrdayved at Mr. W. G. Rundles.. Mrs. Hoar, MiSs EtheIl iar and Ms. Wetington visited Mrs. E. V. Hbar, Orono ... . Mr.J e~L A. Charlton, Toronto, wvas ges J ne c rie acti n Cl anerMr. Silas Hoar .... Mliss Alice Wer- 1 1pry,Bowmnanville, was guest of Mr. On - that gets both kînd of irtand Mrs. F. A. We..... Miss Ethel th t g t o n « u r u r~Hoar w%,as i Orono viLitng- her Î f brother Eveiett, and Mrs. Hoar... IEEare two kinds of dit in your rûgs,-the powdery Mr, and Mrs. Howard Couch andi '1'~HR~REMiss Marorie Sundaved with MUr. ? t s T ust and litter on. the surface, and the gritty, germ- and Mrs. Irwin Bragg.. . Miss M e-e laden dirt embedded in the pile. Culiough, Oshawýa, an d Mr. Cousins r were guesTaoftMr. andFox 7onot How Royal The Iaboratory jar-of-water test, ilustrated at left, shows Seeco ts Mr. and Mrs. r naldrr stho etsfr clearly how the Royal remnoves both kinds of dirt in the only and famiiy wiere Thaniksgivinig guests tb itway it can 1?e thoroughly rexoved,-with powerful suction oif _Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Werry, Bo-- Note the large scientifieaJlyr aplied, For the oa1lenbyirln! manvilie. amnounit of dirRyatlen inar«in! _______ bottomn of jar. This It has no brusiies, belts or gears to get out of order or slow ZION -full of sharp grt up its strong, cleansing air-stream.____ rugs. 1 i s e b. It xtwide, 14-inch nozzle is specially shaped to go under Lde'AdretyviieiMs cause heavierthe Its exti,'J. W. Baison. Ms yl Éyo oufc ity furniture and into corners readily, and ma be quickly visited be sstrMr. . .TaIson (Foan adjusted to any floor-surface M y mea'ns of the patented... Mrs. H. G. Pascoe is waiting on photogruph.) Royal adjustment screw. Its light weight (barely 11 her io e-in-law, at Hampton .... pounds), lùrge rubberoid wheels, and positive oiling system Mr. Garnet Bickelli k builing i-a ks make it exceptionally easy-running. ýThe Royal is buit to e hoe atTuon..ApeI packiag is'conipleted under the mani- give years and years of service. And,, because it cleans by ag-eiient ,of "BaIson Brothers" at lhn air alone, it can neyer injure even the 2finest rugs or fabries. Solina fruit hoiý.is,... Cottage pray- er meeting was heli at the homie ofý If you want a cleaner that will clean thoroughly and dlean A. J. Stainton ... . Miss Ada Pascoeý everything, let us give you a frêle Royal demonstration in gavé a report of 'the convention ini your own home. Judge for yourself the menit of the Royal. Belleville.Miss Marie McDoug-1LoeYu Awndrl wfxto- ail, Oshawa, visisted Miss Elva Pas- ILv Yo!- wndtu ne fo tr- Ask to-day for this demnonstration and the terms of our eoe .... Mrs. A. D. Langrmaid is witb an ecstasy of syncopation. Piayed by those partial-payment plan. her mother, who is iii at Columbus.. .-atknowiedged. masters of dance music- .Mrs. Russeil Stainton has retura- Pu htmnadHsOceta ope ed from Bo-wimanville Hospital after PaitbW"hem fa Rose" (Fox-Orchet)a. pled - her' operation of appendiitis. ... ithe"h ie faRs" FxTo)1lydb The Royal Attaclimezits Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Stainton and faa- -trous Charles Dornberger's Orchestra-un aressmiyandeasiyconectd.ily visited Bowmanville friends the reverseý side. here is a gem of a dance record' The iy and algs poiseteed Thanksgivng.... Several from here Ask for furniture, mattresses, piîîows, atedd i hiknpi upe t"is 0.Mster's Voice --Victor Record No. 19151. etc., as thoronghiy as the Royal an~o... Vi.sd Mrs. J. W. Balson and children, visited Mr. and-- itself cleans rugs su andwood Ms ond7omnvle ecnl hree Other Thrilling Dance Hits-! wis togo maimm srvce .-.. . Lots of shooting 'goingi on here frh om you mahie. sevhanksgiving Day . ... Mr. and Mrs. (Last Night on the Back Porch- Fox 'Trot frmyu ahn.A. J. Stainton, Mr. sud Mrs. R. Rob- 1iQ 39~ If 1 Cani't Have the Swcetie I Want-Fox Trot bins attended f owl supper at Leas.. Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra :1 0hSusanna-Medley Fox Troi For hristmnas4- b -'t 191RO54 oh The Great White Way Orchestra "iMaster's Voic-e".-Vco S. R. DAVEY KDO Southeru Melodies-Waltz The Troubadours ~ crs Mr. aud Mrs. T. Snowden, Maple (Blue Hoorsier Blues-Fox Trot It'B a lving ift.'the livingg u Furniture Dealer Km St. W.Grove visited Mr. John Lee and Mr. ii8 ~i-FxTo The Great White~ Way Orchestr2 of the grea Vitor atistssn FriueDaeKig S.W J. McGregor. . . Mr. Dudley Me- An4zm eFo To Brooke Johns and his Orchestra th Dat Orcst ,ai iter MadenileAgn Gregor, Toronto, visited his homeDacOrhsasi here.. MT. nd Mrs.WmAgentyfrends' homes as your Cbit1a in anda ýee ...MT an Ms m. atygift and yours will b>e aren. Oshawa, were guests of Mr. a'nd branice worth while. _________________________________Mrs. H. F. Werry and Mr. and Mrs. ' c) 1"His Master's Voice" eacr Clarence Werry. ... Xrs. W . J. lie* .I- have rny record cobinto Langmaid an daugliters Florence, - ai in attractive Chrstasbou Vida sud Sybi'l, Oshawa, aud Miss a Maste!r*s oice é r A-o eMarion Allun, i±'ewcastlee visited Mr. E. Mounitjoy. . . Miss Neilie Ormis- - ~ton, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. W. ~. k . .... Hepburn's.... Mr. aud Mrs. Herbert(~' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R u n d e and fam ily w ere gu ests of ~~WUL U ~ E t IU~W Mr. W. N. Hosin . .. . Mr. sud Mrs. %CV W ~ ~ WHO IS SH IE. Davis and sons visited with M'r. t WHO____ su ad Mrs. J. Nesbitt, Oshawa .... Mr.1 VW , Te detîy f !~'he onerand Mrs. Ellis Pascoe and Gràce, dpn 6 heine," ow "Tehoseaiz n1f. soryBrookl!in, visited with Mr. A. H. Pas- d f l 4H $ u l e perein he aF-ail He r sud .... issFlrneLuke, '.h apperedin te Fmil Herld ndhurn, Olive<hýuke aud Mildred Cole, A î e 3V1 e Weekly Star, is causing wi'despread Toronto, were home for Thauksgiv- speculation. Her remarkable achieve- ing.,. . Mlisses Marion and F'lorence ments under appaling conditions, Van Nest, Toronto, were guests of_________ USES THE BEST MATERIALS handicapped more ofteu than aided relatives .... R(-v. R. A. Delve Rogers Cernent makes the 'best foundation. > he jutrfedteamhat nlset ssemSudanny ~ is~e~ddMaionansgivhg Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir-anid Quebec Spruce "Qewmultnmiin.h e VnNs'Prtofardis with a duet "Hfe Lifted Me," which It is now announcedi that a beauti-.wsejydb i.i.H mak th bet upestrctuefui portrait of the "The Vonderful Fl1etcher Werry, sou Harold, here, B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcanite Rofing make Heroine," reproduced in ail the col- Mr. sud Mrs. Frank W. Batty, theb~t oVrrg.ors of teoriginal masterpieee, 'Vll Brooklin, motored to Omeme. re- the est oveing.be given free to subscribers of the. cently aud visited Rev. sud Mrs. E. Baver Brand Hardwood Flooring is more dur- FailHradud WeySt, W. Rowland aud Mr. sud Mrs. Thom- Bc Montreal, that is, to those . who as'rremeer, Iin4day ... . At tthe abe ndsaitrythan any other, therefore 1,t is subscribe l tinte. church Friday evening Nov. 23rd, i the best flooring. the Ladies' Aid will present their playl.t entitled "How I Earned My BeaVer Board Plain or Beaver Board Grained BURK-SMALI-COMBE Dollar". I4rs. John Baker, Solina, makehansom wals nd eilng.will iug and duambel sud wand ex- makehandome all andceilng.The Weklding took place ou Nov. 14 ercioer, by Miss E. Peardon will be Pine Doors, Sash and ixnside trim miake the best t the home of Mr.an Mrs. ,Thoa foflowed by a social time sud re- finish. erines, of their eldest daght:er,Car- Mt sYa aiy uwwe The People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is the best Athu. Te Bur'k, Pas ort their chuîdreu are trouble wit plac to uy. ducted by Rev. A. H. Sowitt, rector worm., sud tbey lose no time iu plae o by.of St. Thoma Church. The bride, applyîug a reliable remedy-Mothei' Prices reasonable and a square, deal for every- %who was -* a ie ahr Graves' Worm Extermnator. body. aud cred bouquet of Opheia ' NWTNV ". Let the pores of your skin breathe freely like a child's" Cail nd se us.nl ofthe. register, whic was ervices in~ conneetion wi1th the witiiessed by Mr.sdM.E.F eighty-fifth Anuivergary of the' Pres- -J _, .MCC PIIIn Ce, unI[E in ofNiagara Falls. Ont byterian Chuch dre was hdld oun~~ groMisHle.,memnsag RvGo MsnofBwanileCte4idfl c. U. crefl flkshav 1erhe touseBeehams ,Miller's Worm Powders wre de- h tu okïÏ.iv---ere ous tca' vised to promptly relieve children Pills, which hv proved both co-rrective andi wuio sufer from the ravages of preventive, xerec has taught them to worins. It lsa ~ simple preparation always have a box handy. Profit by ýtheiJr Jto destroy stomaehic and intestinal examnple-always have Beecham's Pills jworms withept shock or injury te - the mot sensative system., They 1, Iii Y our H om e seat thorougIyan painlessly, andJQ N AY I & C ,tMTO SOLD EVERYWHERE IN CANADA. 07,THE Ivoiting, ha I a'idicatin0f *T~N@ -"-I#arestSale of anyMediine in'the Woric tej owrul ui nent Qof any - 1 ý 'r ý si M ý 7

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