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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1923, p. 5

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n -, ~ _ 43.4 ants i<emnants Remnants Remnants Remnnants, Remnants Is Now in Full Swing. We Announce Further -Startling Reductions in Ail Departments. Read This and Compare These Prices. An Average Saving of from 40 to 50 Per cent. This List is Selected at Random from our Mammoth Stock. GROCERIES I Royal Tollet Paper, 4 oz. roli............ 10 for 40c * Tooth Picks......................... Only 9c pkg. Pulvo and Electric Stove Poliah ..... .... .. 5c each White Cooldn-g Beans, (new and clean> 43ý Ibs. f or 25c Libby's Queen Olives, 6 oz. jarý. ........... 24c each Cream of Wheat in bulk,,. . .......... ý.4 % lbs. for 25c *Sun Maid Raisins, Seeded or Seedless, 15 oz pk-.... .15c Lipton's Instant Cocos ... .............7c pkg * Clothespins ...................6 doz. 23c Buckwheat Flour for Pancakes......... .... 3 lbs. 22e * Mapfle Syrup, quart bottie......... ............-43c GrapeL Nuts.................... ... . . .2 pkgs. 35c Gem Lye 100% pure............... -.... Only 9c tin * Mixed Poultry Spice, mint or savory, 14 tin , ... 7c each Heinz Pork & Beans, 3 sizes ........... 12%c, 16c, 25c * Borax................ .......-...... Only Sc plcg. Royal Mixed Candies............... .... -..20c lb * Uncolored Japan Tea, Regular 75e........ .... 67c lb Flower Pots with Saucers . ..............-.14c each Spices of ail kinds .. . ............ ....... 4 oz. for 1 Oc S Princess Soap Flakes . . .. .... ...........20c pkg. Wax Candies .......................3 for 5c * Finest English Lemon or Orange Peel ..........33c lh Finest English Citron Peel ............58C lb Flaked Codfish 1 lb. tins .. ..........19e Mixed Tes in bulk ..................63c lb Washing Soda in hulk .................5 for 15c * Baker's Fresh Grate'd Cocoanut in imilk.....2 tins 35c Quick Wash Tablets, Regular 25e for........0ec pkg * Minty's Tiny Tot Talcum Powder....... .3 tins 25c Snap D. B. and Star Hand Cleaner . -......12e tin No. 1 White Pepper, 1/21lb. pkg... ,.......... 22c each Eddy's Slent Matches, 3 box pkg .............. 34c Tillson's Rolled Qats, (Aiuminum in every pkg) . c a ~. Gold Dust Wsshing Powder (large size)...... .... 30c Nutmegs .............................Onîy 8c doz S Baking Soda in bulk........................ . 5 lb Magie Baking Powder, 1 lb. tin.........-...... 33c Extracts, Lemon' ,Cherry, Almond, Wintergreen 9c bottie * Pure Clover Honey, 5 lb. pail . ........70c Palmolive, Plantol, Cream Olive, Toilet Soap, 3 for 23c * Verniijli, 1 lb. package.............. 2 for 25c 611 411 I SPECIAL Proof Vinegar, White Wine, Malt or Cider 49c gallon "Bring your Jar" DRESS GOODS Ail Wool Plaid Skirt material 54 inches * wide, Reg. Price $4.95, Sale Price $2.98 yd * Ail Wooi Celile Dress Material, Copen and, Sand, 48 in. wide, Regular Price $4.50, e Sale Price $2.50 yd * Fancy Checked Serge, 52 in. wide, Regu- lar Pnice $3.95,.......Sale Price $2.95 yd * Armour Ail Wooi Dress Material, 36 in. * wide, Copen and GarnetReular.Y ice Ail Wooi Serge, and Sand, Reg. SPECIAL 56 in. wide, Copen, Navy $2.39, Sale Price 90c yd * Fancy Plaid suitable for Chiidren's Sehool Dresses, Reg. Price 59c, Sale Price 39c yd * Shepherd Plaid Dress Material, 50 in. wide * Regular Price $1.50,....Sale Price 95c yd Duchesss, Messaline and Taffeta Silks, * Reg. Price $2.48,..-Sale Price $1.65 yd * Silk Tricolette, 36 in. wide, Brown and Rose, Reg. Price $2.75, Sale Price $2.00 yd BOYS' SHOES AND RUBBERS Boys' Fine Tan Caîf Boots, Regùlar Pice $8.00,....., .............Sale Price $2.25 Youths' Fine Tan Caîf Boots, Regular Price $4.90,......................... Sale Price $3.95 SPECIAL Boys' Tan and B~lack Fine Calî1f Dress Boot, Regular Price $3.75,......Sale Price $2.75 Youths' Fine Rubbers, Regular Price $1.10, Sale Price 75e Children's Rubbers, Regular Price 85c, Sale Price 55c pr DRY GOODS Galatea Shirting, Blue and Black Striped, Regular Price 39c,.......Sale Price 23e yd Denhiam, suitable for Overalîs and Smnocks, Blue and Black, Regular Price 45c, Sale Price'30c yd Military Flannel, Grey, Regular Price 79e, 'Sale Price 50c yd Cotton Batting, Regular Price 18e, Sale Price 15c SPECIAL REMNANTS Ail kinds price an-d yardage in plain figures on every Remnant. Costume Veivet, colors Dark Green, Navy, Burgundy and Purpie, 27 in. wide, Regular Price $2.75,.............Sale Price $1.60 yd Pure Wool Kimona Cloth,. Red, Blue and White, 56 in. wide, Regular Priêce $2.25, Sale Price $1.60 yd Lomond Fine Striped Shirting, Regular Price $1.00,................Sale Price 45c yd Eeavy Quality Corded Velvet, Black and Copen, 27 in. wide, Regular Price $1.25, Sale Price 75c yd Corded Velvet, Taupe and Navy, 36 in. wide Regular Price $2.00,....Sale Price $1.35 yd SPECIAL Remnants of ail materials. Bargains. Nothing but, GUESSINO CONTEST SPECIAL LADIES' WEAR Ail Wool Hose, Black and Brown, Regullar Price $u '1.50, ............. Sale Price $1.00 Pr Pure Wool Hosiery, Regular Price $1.49, Sale Price 95e pr SPECIAL Pure Wool White Cashmere H ose, Regu- lar Price $1.75,..........Sale Price 95c Pr White and Grey Lisle Hose, excellent quai- ity, Regular Pice 80c,.Sale Price 50e pr Holeproof Silk Hosiery, ail shades, Regu- lar Price $1.85,........Sale Price $1.40 pr Black Silk Hose, Widened Cashmere Top, Regular Price $2.75,..Sale Price $1.75 pr Crompton Corsets, aIl styles and sizes, Regular Price $4.00,....Sale Price $3.00 Pure Linien Initial Handlkerchiefs, Regular Price 35c,.............Sale Price 23c each SPECIAL Genuine French Kid and Suede Regular Price $2.50,..Sale Price Gioves, $IMM p Xma.s Gifts, Boudoir Caps, Coliar and Sets, Suit Fronts, Beits, Fancy Pins other articles, positively below cost. Cuif and Lay ini a Reserve Stock While These j Y Prices Last GUESSING CONTEST SPECIAL I st Prize $10.00; 2nd Prize Merchandise, Value $7.50; 3rd Prize 1 Pair of Ibex Flannel- ette Blankets. Guess the nuinber of Beans ini the glass jar in our window, another jar with the same numnber of Beans in our Dry Goods Departinent. Bning your guess to the store. It is flot too, Early to do Your Christ- mas Shopping. We Have a Wide Range of Gift Suggestions Suitable For Every. Member of the Family. Buy Now. A $ Saved is a $ Earned INFANTS WEAR Crib Blankets, Pink an~d Blue Check, Regu- lar Price $1.25,.............Sale Price 85c Baby Sweaters, very fine wool, Regular 3 Price $1.45,.................S ale Price 95c SPECIALI White Pure Wool Shawls, Regular Price $2.48,....................Sale Price $1.55-J Wool and Veivet Bonnets and Toques, Regular Price $1.50,............For $1.00 Carniage Rugs, Regular Price $4.50, Sale Price $3.25 HOME FURNISHINGS Silkoline, Side Cur-tain Cloth, Regular Pnice $2.351........................Sale Price $1.25 yd Fancy Cretonne, 48 in. wide, IRegular Price $1.25 ..........................Sale Price 90c yd Madras Curtain, Naturai, Green and Blue, Regular Price $2.25,....Sale Price $1.10 yd Il SPECIAL Silence Cloth, 52 in. wide, -$1.60,...................... Sale Regular Price Price $1 .00 yd Fancy Chintz, 32 in. wide, Regular Price 40e .................................Sale Price 29c Fancy Chintz, 36 in. wide, Regular Price 39c Sale Price 25c yd Art Sateens, Reg. Pnice 85c, Sale Price 50c yd .1~ Boys' Fine Waists, sizes 10-14 years, Regu- lar.,,Price $1.50,.............Sale Price 90e Boys' Sport Shirts, White, size 121/,2, Regu- lar Price $1.25,.......... ..Sale Price 90c Boys' Ail Wool Combinations, Regular Price $3.00,...............Sale Price $1.75 Boys' Heavy Ail Wool Pull Down Cloth Caps, Regular Price $1.00,..Sale Price 65c Suspenders for ....................25c pr Boys' Fleecy Knit Caps, lined, extra warm, Regular Price $1.00 and $1.25, Sale Price 65c 4 Only, Youth's Birds Black Mackinaw Coats, Regular Price $8, Sale Price $4.00 Boys' Black Velvet Hats, Regular Price $2.25,.......................... Sale Price $1.25 Bankrupt Sale of Ail Store Fixtu res YOU CAN BUY AT YOUR OWN PRICE 4-Sulent Salesmen (good as new) wired for electricity 1-National Cash Register (9 Drawers) 5-Counter Display Cases (Various Sizes) 1-Umbrella Dîsplay Case 1-Life Size Swing Mirror (Bevelied Plate Glass) 1-No. 8 Guernsey Platform Scale 1500 lb capacity 1-30 lb. Toledo Counter Scale 1-3 lb. Toledo Counter Scale 1--Large Refrigerator 1-Hand Power Coffee Mill Severai Hundred Coat Hangers. Desks, Chairs, Stools, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. . I Delivery Mare, 16 Hands, Weight about 1300 lbs., 10 years old1 lMcMURTR'Y & Co., Ltd. (Bankrupt) JOHN HODGE STOCK-BROKER West End Ijouse Bowmanville - MEN'S FURNISHINGS Soft Feit Hats, all shades, Regular Price $4.50, .. .................... Sale Price $2.90 lVlen's Ileavy Ail WooI Ribbed Socks, Regular Price 75c,.......Sale Price 45c pr Men's Slicker Raincoats, $10.00 value for $7.00 Men's 4-ply Linen Collars, Regular Price 30c,..............................Sale Price 20e Kant Krease Soft Coilars,. Regular Price ............... .............. Sale Price 25c Stanfield's Blue and Red Label Ail Wool Underwear, Regular Price $3.25, Sale Price $1.90 Men's Hatchway Combinations, Regular Pr,.ice $1.50,..........Sale Price $1.15 Suit Buy Now For Next Spring SPECIAL 3 Only, Men's Heavy Winter Overcoats, High Quality Goods, Regular Price $45.00 and $50.0,..Sale Price $32.50 and $35-00 2 Only, Men's Heavy Winter Overcoats, Regular Price $30.00,..Sale Price $14.95 Suspenders, Full Elastie, Regular Price $1.00,........................Sale Price 40c pr 4 Only, Silk Muffiers, Regular Price $3.50, Sale Price $2.25 Men's Wool Leather Bound Gloves, Regu- lar Price $1.25,-......... Sale Price 75c pr "ilrotherhiood" Overails, Genuine Stifel Denham Cloth, Regular Price $3.25, Sale Price $2.50 Men's Work Shirts, Ail Wool Flannel, Regular Price $3.00, Sale Price $2.00 each Men's Leather' W'ork Gloves, Reguilar Price $1.75,............Sale Price $1.00 pr 8 Only Ail Wooi Muffiers $2.50 value for $1.50 A Word in Season. If you Require Any- thîng that has Cotton ini it, buy Now. Cotton is soaring and ahl Cot- tons will Advance Enormously be- fore Spring. See the Daily Press for the Advance in Raw Cotton~. MEN'S BOOTS AND RUBBERS Men's Fine Black Caîf Boots, Regular Price $4.50>...................... Sale Price $3.75 pr Men's Heavy Soiid Leather Work Boots, Black and Tan, Regular Price $4.95, __________Sale Price $3.75 pair SPECIAL Men's Black Vici Kid, Cushion Sole, extra wide boot, Regular Price $7.75, _______________Sale Price $5.50 pr Men's Fine Black Caîf Boots, Regular Price $4.95,........................Sale Price $3.95 Pr Men's Knee High Gum Rubber Boot, Regu- lar Price $4.75, ..........Sale Price $3.45 Men's Fine Rubbers, Regular Price $1.50, Sale Price $1 .00 Your $ Has Equal Purchasing Power Now and Here, To It's Pre-War Value MISSES' WEAR 'Girls' Fieecy Knit Toques, different colors, Regular Price $1.25, ........Sale Price 75c Children's White Ribbed Cotton Stockings, Regular Price 40c,.......Sale Price 25e pr SPECIAL 6 Only, Knit Suits, Brown, Grey and Red, ReIgular Price $5.50 ...Sale Price $4.25 Si1k Middy Ties, ail colors, Regular Price 45e............. Sale Price 25c ea Pure Wool Fine Ribbed Stockings 90e .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - Remnants Remnants Remans Rmunt Remnants RemantsRemnants Rmat SPECIAL With Every $2.50 Purchase in Grocer- ies we will give 10 lbs. Redpath's Gran- ula.ted Sugar for $1.00 BOYS' DEPARTMENT * * * * 1* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 1 1 >1 1 ý 1 1 1 Il iiimm,ý i l'Imm" imim m- .............. M e Remnants Remnants Remnants Remnants

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