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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1923, p. 6

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When Lqoking For Usefu Just bear in innd that our China Depart- nment on the second floor is full of useful gift selections. You will find everything from a delicate piece of Chipa to a complete Dinner Set. We don't ask fancy prices for our goods. That's why so rnany people buy here. ARC1 HIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmnanville PrOU LTRY AT IlS BEST 'We are very particular about the poultry we buy because our customers expect the best wben. the~y patronize this store and we see tfiat they are flot disappointed. Ahnost daily we are receiving choice plump weIl fed young poultry for roasting, also older birds which make rich chicken pies. You also find at this 'store a large variety of fresh and cooked meats.' G. A. Edmondstone One Phone 21 door e-ast of P. F. Morris Co. Bowmanville I "I la Cheap Electric Lamps ' Is an electric lamp cheap because you can buy a dozen at a bargain counter fo)r the price of six ,High Quality Lamps?2 Experience tells us that lainps which give efficient lighting service and long-life are really- the cheapest larmps to buy. Remnember! The cost of lighting the home is the cost of current plus the cost of Lamp renewals. HYDRO LAMPS the LONG LIFE LAMIPS-combine efflciency and long life ini the nost economical way possible and when in the final analysis the cost is considered, users of Hyydro Lamps are better off in the long run because rer4ewals are reduced to a minim-um. Consider seriously the doubtful advaxitage of buying so calleci Cheap Lamnpe because the price is Iow. Hydra Lamnps give n-ost value for the money. -THIE HYDRO SH{QP Bowmanville Ont. benacpe s otyo i anti loveti as a f ellow mran for hl aria only '26,000 have actually emîigrute(LI, social qualities, anti ho wýon a Pei, This is onby one-flftli cf the numrber manrent place in the love andi uffec that mi ght be helpeti by the fi-at tien of the people 'wvith wvhom an( appropriations. In the saine menths fori whem hoe laboreti, in vurieus cir thseBrts have entirely filIeti theirl cuits throughout- the conferenice. quota of immigrants te the United Attentiance cf youag anti oit a States. The fuct is that the Pull the funeral was very large;ý. Thi te the cities is se strong that pOopleO church anti aceol ri-cnweýre fible( -re net anxious toe enigrate te coun- to over flow with those wiho cami tries wýhere practicably the only way te puy their bas t tribttte of respec of rnidng a iving is through farn-ý anti a v~er- large num1ber coulti no in,-. They woult rather go where gain adiion.' manufacturing cuta a groater figurel Theso mînisters cf the district othe, than ln the great plains cf Canada, tian those already mentionoti wer( or Australia. pi-osent ut the servie ut Tyronie - - -- R e v a . W . A . B u r i n e r , FP . H . H i o w a r d J. H. McBain, J. F. Everson, H. J M Latimer, E. A. Tonkin, W. H. Spar We VVaufl300 N en go, R. T. Richards, R. M. Patterser _______ . T. Tucker, W. M. Leigh anti W ttîght nlow for big pa-y ng michanicai .Dfe jobs. If yeu ae imechan cal y inclinied, ______________ BOWMANVtILLE, NOV. 22nid, 192'3 WE.L KOW ETO 1S MNSTR PA,5SED TO RESTi $8 0000 t THE EDIOR ALK iRev. William T, Wickett, Tyrone mortggeus p j - Writeor( After readJing the splendfid write-' A tery wvide circle of admjiiiels St., Toroni ups iu Our last issue of the Schools mnsealnd ay, 1and vt Commn-enicenient and the Officiai sineeegtofhedahf xef Opening of the Memiorial Library in the besýt love-(- ciibers oif -the iiilai- GEIN Newcastle we thought, as no doubt -terial ' edy of the Baycf Quinte maniy other f ok did, wýhat a grand 'Confereýnce who. pauseod auay ut the beniefaction to that village the new Methodist Pa,,sonaýge roe on Specia] omutyBuildinig is already be- Sundaiy, Nov. ]~, 1923, in the per- Estimiates ing demnonstrated to be. Neyer in son of Rev. Wilim .IXWickett, thie history of the schools of the rWiett.u h 4t.Kn-t village, so far as we recdIl, hathere yer. c issnnstyanhithe\va speti-K been auny function .approaching the igthe ffhyear ou Tyroaie eircuit, iattenldance anti enthusiasmi of that u vtec fhi ih1AII achool enteLumentfon Novemer his people. .)th. It wats the fine Comnmunity' He wa',sborii neur Columnbus, Ont.,1 A-ýuditorium t hat matie that populur i lu 169anl ti etereti the iis«,try(Frmrl ussemibly possible. Whiat an aug,- li 18, sedngtre(er FYoingeat miented linterest it developeýd lx Pur- prqbatidn on Mfskoku fields anti1,To101nto, enta, chilti!ren anti the citizens, young iwo yeurs ut Victoria College, Tor- We caýn st and old generally anti that eveuin's entef, being ordaineçi in 189)5. fie Guarainteeý performances wýill liniger in the mem-ha ine-e travelled on the following ories of those who were present charges: Mjountuïin GCrove, Victoria while they live. What a gloricus RoadI, Morveni, Scugog, Shannonville, tribute these religlious, literary,! Fruserville, Bethany -and Tyrone. musical, educational, and social suc-1 On every cýircuit'he woni the love M. G. cesses enjoyed in the Comimunity and esteem cof his puriý-hioners anti BARRIST Hall by the citizenis andi people of proved imiself a strong preacher, mloney to the- surrouniding -country are te Mr.1 an indefatigable pustor andamstrpet Chester D. Massey andi what a great;, cesu lwne r I.os Bowmr comnfort and gecnuine satisfaction hie' The funeral service u-a helti atBo1wraiv miust feel because cf the eminent Tyrone on TueýSaayNov. lSth. A m succeas thus far of the diff erent Pu- bief service was held in the purson- BARRMIST tertii'nnents and ot1her gathering's age ith song anid prayer lay Rev. Mýone'y to s0 far hield in the Community Builti- W. H. Spargo cf Bowmianvile. The, Offices: ing s0 generously doniated by himi cortege then- proceetied to the chiai-oh Stîreet, to the village. * near 'by, where a congregatien of Phones: * * ~~someP 400 gathered. Nearly every_____ domipetition la the life cf tratie homne on Tyrone circuit waýs repre- and God helpa those who help thern- sonted, anid frientis were pi-osent Fui seles-we ext tht sin-, mnis J rom almnost every field on which he tecrs cf the Gospel are practising as j hd laborelI. Twonty-six nfiisters i well as preaching. It is believed by wr rsn.Tesrvc a o-Cmlt soin. "in the know"' that there are ducteti by Rev. R. A. Whattam <of Ail cal] sonie ministers in this Bay cf Quintei Cellorne, President of the Coenfer-P Mthodiat Conferesnce whe ucted en ence, and açidresses woro given by Bowliai the prinicipbes cf these slegans at Rev. S. C. Moore, Bowmanville (his Branch St the lust two annual conferonces. Be chiairmuin for' 4 Sears), anti RevS. this true or not, it is an iiopen secret R. A. DoIve cf Brooluin anti Wesley AL, that there were miany surprises nt, Elliett cf COambelford-tw-ýo lîfe fEmibalmer the elections. A puragraph in the longl chums -'he pallbearors were Caills give religious press tels us that a M. E. six ministerial brethern: Revs. J. tenin country minister dtown Soutih wrote S. McMullen, W. Elliott, R. A. Letan. te his fellow country brethren sug- DovAt.EiioR .Cr anve.e, g'estiag thut instead cf elocting the ruter ati . . ene. here big city pastors and district super- mains ene t. W. takes.oTLittie intontients te General Conference Britain. Next day some 200 people they should. elect ordiaary pastors. gathereti at the eid hoinee, wheae The response, the report states, bas ri ewacnuttib e.EA. Ot< been almnost overwh'elmîng anti next j MIcCutcheoni, Pastor. 86 Simec Confereace will have a materially' Loving tributes vweire paid by old yeurs' sue dîfferent aspect freinm ost Of its friehds, Reva. R. A. Derve, A. R. . iin Fre prodecessors'. The pasters' bloc, as Santierson, B. Greatrix, The body it la calleti, may contro! the next was laid te rest in Little Britain meeting. Aitho the party la 4àlled Methodist Cemetery, with the A. F. the pas tors' bloc reully- it appears to 1and A. M. Lotige of Orono, cf which bce matie cf country mninisteis-a 1 ece<"eti was a miember, assisting at B. J. HA4 rural pastors' bloc. the grave. The Methodiat Churich GelI Moýjdý e, * * 1anti Ministry leses ene Of its choi- Toronto. Isa't it surprising that the unei- est anti nobleat spirits in the dopai-t- icun andi -poyeti in the Olti countries whea ure. cf this earnest g-oly ma whom 'Hospital, they emigrate want to go to the big. every'body loveti anti atmireti. Reaidence, cities in these timies? It was net _____ se 75 fears anti more ugo wýhen eur (Frei Oshawa Telegrain) mai1ville. forefathers who bravoti the oceani We have pleasure in atiting these èW. passage on sailing vessels that i-e- quireti as mnany weeks as the present1 paragraphas from anl excellent report Graduate steum-ship of the ortiinary type takesl that appears in Oshawa Telegrami: Toroento, tixys te span the Atlantic. The Hisfia m y brother miinisters anti Office anè Province cf Ontario was setted other frienda throughiout what il former res chiefly by people ronheB-th1 known as the Bowmaniville District,! manvîlle. lais, ntine eunry in the wrib lui fact, throughout the whole Bay evler atiao conery in s e pioers. jof Quinte Conference, were saticen- Tvrhey cae ithery l fp*e rs. ed - when it becamie knewn thut Rev. often with only afe shillings o .T Wcet fTroi asvr their passage mnyatthyvtibi, with little hope cf recovery; anti te-wok o otey fandr athe ium th 1ey were tieeply sorrowful whea the ber camps anti sawý-nills, as the wrt-no-ws came that lie hat ieasedti te ls VETE ' IN, ers ahe itanti matie good reward. NîhtCa meoney which they sent "'home", fer Rev. Mr. Wickett was a brother Office Kim, their wif e antifmd yi te 1lf beloveti in the work cf the Cýristian Bowmiaavil en bhiti Thatiscif hla îlChurch; lhe was a thorough christian stances were known where in tino nioe fwo t a rlyb at aftr iar wrk ndfruallivngI"fie was a in who feared God, uftr hrtwor ati rugl ivighonoreti the King anti boveti the these moen became lanti-owaers antiBohrdct. later prospereus farinera. Itwa. H was orau Clmbsanire asch en aslese wolk e deendoui ceiveti his fiigh School education in yonsw ie r f Mio newof arsoi Oshawa. For his acatiemic anti Farin andi you--nger ilasw ionshe cf acres cf theolegical courses lhe attendeti Al- Terins mec virgn su aait he sain- bert Cellege anti Victoria University. Phione 197~ ewyý, arma cf the settler te clear, break-up anti cultivate them t(1 S ' fi e spent 33 years ia the active min- thin preduce the abuntiant ep istry. _rra fe was very anxions about the thatcan e ~ n thn. welf are of bis people; ho prayeti 10 yea-s' No geovernient grants for assist- for t hem often, ant inl his preaching ture anti1 cd pssaes erevotei t inuceant inlathe everydtay ministrios of tIress Jas. emigrants te come te aaa a i work among the people hoe ever chant, Kin Canada i soughit te keep bof ore thon, Jesus 131, box 3 those days about the middtle cf theasagientpterfohlylv 19th cenitury. The wýrlter's father!lsaÏudanpterfo oy i1 ing anti 'f ty thought.1 JOý anti hundretis of others frem nDevon- We shah nover ferget the wordsi Liý shire, Cornwall, Yorkshire anti sone efnprain ntotnsnutreiVutr Mitlatiani nrt o Eglaticon-by de coaseti ut the lat District nieet-, Ontario. ties, solti their family cows anti ing hoIt la Simic'oe St. Methodiat _____ other belongings te i-aise their pas-j Church, Oshawa, a f ew weeks ago. sage nonoy. But nlow it is tifferent.1 A perioti of thea session was set Gi-eut Biitain anti the British do- apurt for prayer anti the Rev. _Mr. SHORT] mîillionis each matie available last Wlckett parti'éipateti anti net only year, $7,500,000 e assist sultable hssirL u h l( so l persoas toe eigrate everseas freli iasprstbu'he hersjf hComplote GratBrtan e hedoinon. e rti elt the bleased presence cf Impilrevemuýi ginnling with this ycai- the suinill Tii he Sirit nta ocso. acceteti be $15,0à,000 freineuh-f' hesyputhy ef a very ie i--top.for two~ ~ ~~i patis. lasp of thelct- ie c f-enisgos1et4e1rs.-AA VETERINARY Dr. F. T. TIGUE ARY SURGEON. Day or laPromptly Attendoti to. ig-st. W., Siatesm~as Block, ille. Phono 243. AUCTIONEERS ÎEO. M. SLEMON Auctioneerï 1flouse Sales a Specialty. )derate. Enniakillen P. O. 7-r'.. 1-tf FAMES BENNETT Auctioneer experience la farin, fui-ni- house auction sales. At- Bennett, Hardware Mer- ng-st., Bowmasvibe, phone 33. 'SEPH COULSON censed Auctioneer &Roui Estate, Newcastle.. 22-tf MONEY TO LOAN Io lend on farms-firist, secono m.orgags pid off, mr ircasd. Business privatme. aL . R. Reynols, 77 Vtoria to. 34-151 NLRAL CONTRACTOR & ENGINEER iatý in reiforcýed concreýte. ýý furnishedï. George Chen-ery kN LADIES' AND GENTS', TAILORS Vin, Eomniiie) now at 16 stop tlSumer hiliAve., Plioe Tinity 32_17 w. tili give you our , best services. di to fit and workmanshlp ati pre-war prices LEGAL V. GOULD, B. A., LU. D. TER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY o lan on Farmi and Town Royal Bnk Building, Ville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. ER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY 0 ban. Boinds for sale. Bleakley Block, King BowmianviHe Ontario. Office 102, flouise 279J.' W. P. Corbett (Successor to Baker & Confectioner Thomas Tod) Bowmanville Dominion Stores Ltd, CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS EAST 0F BOWMAN HOTEL P~URE CANE SUGAR Mayfield SIicedI Breakfast Bacon 10 LBS. $L.09 35e LB 100 LBS. $10.85 A littie better than the Ordinary AUNT DINAH MOLASSES FRESH COCOANUT 1 LB. TIN 12c 2 LB. TIN 19e 25c LB Clark's Tomato Soup ... . lic Tin Clark'. Vegetable Soup 2 for 25e Clark's Chickes Soup. ... 19c Tin New Seedless -Raisins 21bs29c Dominion Corn Flakes pkg25c Weregret thse disappointment causeti te so many of eur cus- tomera through net being able te meet the-ir demanti for the above turing the paist f ew weeks. However we hope te keep an abundant supply fer the future. Yon know the quabity. s, k EXTRACTS 3 2-oz. Bottles 27c 1 8..oz. Botti. 25e These are the finest quality of Raisins obtainable. They are f ull of mieut. Do't spoil your cake or pudding by ueing any other. We coulti seure Raisins to seOT- at 9c lb. but always believe luncou own motte. HIGHEST QUALITY Fresh Relled Ots. .6 lbs. 25c Wheatlets..........A lbs..25c Rice.........3 lbs. 29c Sage .........\2 lbs. 25e Tapioca '.........14c lb Pearl Bai-bey........ 2 lbs. 15e Shre'dded ..... ..... 2 pkgs. 25c Grape Nuts............ 17c pkg Visit us and watch the preparations for receiving our new, fresh Christmas stock, we are only one of close on 300 stores. Watch the enthusiasm of the manager and clerks in the big contest, watch the quality of our goods, watch our prices, then youwill watch that you won't buy elsewhere. IS IT A NEW STOVE YOU NEED? Then you should corne right to our store and see the finest dispilay ini town. We have ail varie- HEATERS COOK STOVES GOAL AND WOOD STOVES SAil the latest ini Electric Cook DENTAL G. C. BONNYCASTLE -aatin Déflni4a,r 'I'nrc t. E. Db] Stoves and Ileaters. DIrn't hesitate to corne in 'anytime and in- spect these stoves and heaters. FiftyYeâa-rs of Banking We otler a complete service for FARIMERS GRAIN andi CATTLE DEALERS MERCHANTS MtANUFACTURERS and MUNICIPALITIES -r à p 24 STANDARD 13ANK - or C.&IAfl& D id You Know? WE BAKE AND SELI.' Cream Puffs Cream Rolls Cream Cake Chocolate Eclair' Charlotte Russe Meat Pies (home-made) This is only a few of the many appetizing things we make to eat. See our window dlisplays. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY NERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Motor or Hlorse, Equipmnent lar promptly attexnded ta. Private Ambulance. .nville phones 10 and 34 ýtortýs-Orono & Newcastle. AN Mr. WILLIAMS rand Funeral Director. en prompt and personal at- No extra charg-e for dis- Phones 58 or 159, Bow- Ont. 3-t DR. S. M. JONES >path and Chiropractor )e St. N., Oshawa, over 14 ccessful practice. Examina- at office, Phone 224. 2-tf MEDICAL LZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. alist of Trinity University Four years attending Phy- dSurgeon at Mt. Carmel, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Wellington Street, Bow- Phone 108, SLEMON, M. D., C. M. of Trinity Medical College, formterly of Enniskillen. id Iesidence, Dlr. Beiti's,i ýidencee on Church-st., Bo- I- Phone 259. 44-ti À

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