BOlINIL- E.6h,192,3 5HW'S SIO LV1EFRTE HOME PAPER Aonceet and Chiristmnas Tree will' C ~ Wod Eîtors aknd IN~ TEEIO'MAL b eldl at S1haw's School on Wednes- Conr jorsodns y, feçceiker 19, at 8 . oc A 1&Why should' the eVditor~ have a up~nk 1rg~Wi atn TU Mr. Charke Tyler wlio recently ~f~dlyfeehig ~ei~n~b~ Ami~ nre-turn.eci from, a threce mnontlis' ah-ý bc mhs wrjpetis f ir' chai and4 sence in the Northws tells uas he w as a ubccrper heor 188 ,aMr.~ LONG SÂULT i-never valued The Statesman so inuih wa~ a a~ duringthe absence of Mr. yJe Thornas, erguonr of 1idlnd and himself fromr their old~ hom>e fwnel 017're owsi wie Report of S. S. No. 13, Darliington, tw The Statesiman has ben rend by the namies in order of merit: Sr , w-hat hundred, of others awýay frora ie Fmily for a great mnany Rlep-a Farrelli, R~uth Locwden, Archie thw, lndo uhm aeti yeM.Eior,-befure. yoLi came Viae r VSde m nd expressed. Recently the Picton' to Bonalivi e, _1tope you niay be Gor'don Cow1ing. Sr. 11-FreddielGzteciorrt: !on sprd toe dit the paper. Sinitl, Stuart Uooey. Jr. III-Ruth taet 4o ioe FarelH rve Si-"ith Sr. Il- To Be IRead Aloud ini The Home. Kathleen Dudlley, Phyllis Lowden, A aebfr e sIwie noter ood rren <~ Th Sttes ~First BTook (a),- letter wiziten to the editor of this1 Laur Daey.(b)-Grack Farr-ell, pprfo a oni ak inani for a longer tinie than we shail (ldys S~itii- elqual, Aggie Ilooey, fare~an The f wntr ipkng I1l is Mrs. Alice A. Ives of Stat- Grae Smh lot onl. fosepi, u.o eaif £drc-eon--Avoii Ont. We have taken' Sileen Doble, Teacher. 11ot reat ubr lislbu oncemacle bu*ïeý in Bomavif, Toronto, thjis counity their hiome. They arc EeeParis. and were always pleas-1 scattered~ to the fourcorners of this, ed with jts weeklY visits for if is ai NESTL.ETON aonthnenbu hom e oîk a the l, of uIGifts that are sweet andc fragrant With friendship-gifts that breathe love-gifts<ýthatmen eru . e'Àod paper and of late years it hasa the pape fhlch roean e re been impreved~ 1vey mach. you Miss Rub.y Veale ai-d Mrs. T. Geo. tie aae hc oslssteget gigantic list we have to fill, with sQ»Iethiflg for father, mother, sisters arnd broth~ers, au:~~ ~~s~ deserve sQuccess, Wilsonl spent the weekend %7,ith est interest for theïn la the local i Priends in Toronto. news, sent in week hy week by oun u umo h M.adIr.. toeosa4staff of faithful eorrepondenits fromi tvtotnunbr to sa«nothingoftenp wsad ie swehar nd red.Bu r.dMrs. C.~ . hl pi businesos an the different parts of thic country.wnbr, ayehw&ai iees etar adfend Bt etiç get ~fram Mr. ohni ellf rm- M 't, Too. These patientnes is uniig ofe joy in fillùg it-we ike the QId order with the spicy fra=grane of the Christmas green~s an, ~ebyer ted if tahe allo Iqware, hae set- Mns. JaeseGndo amI Mm.o Jas- buidin abett news gtherer are,. candies and the cheerful oki custorn of exchanging gifts. Perhaps tluit is why the atmshr o ~ 217L. Logan Avenue, SaniDiego, CaIlf en's luetitute at Provincial Institute They are like -the ancient proPhets, They have beeu thiere a nionthi adi iii Toronto. flot without honor save in their owni store is the .very essence of the Christm»as spirit. 'wlere their other fniends are locýated. Mn n r.R .Sgit n nIghboThood." Lt seeis so trifling ar~etn~y~g hsbeatifjiweaha~ àclM. a MrawfoR. H. Su'-.-ir. mIto that Mrs. A. called oniMs They ihave fromn thefr roomns a grand Mrs. R. iyPipatne h B. or Mn. Wi. la kiling hogs or' view oven the bay an~d the ocean. RylWinter 1ai anN.e oa te have doe or that n. an GIFT KIMONAS KIMONA CL~OTH-ÇOTT N ID R 1 'hby haI a good motor trip inost of with the trip.M.N.hv nettw. bahfitfu a b~ Miss Mý.abel Jackson spen the~ tnwlo ti rmte iw h oto h h t he tefmly are K O enld of it week-end witb. frîiuds at Janetvllle peint of the readens of this paper liv- Tesr ft.l htremeso h a-il r and attended the W. M. S. Bazaar Tn lu difreut parts of the country. sur to 1prcaesfsta o heg h en~ Attractive designs, well wovenanwrm f iVs there on Saturday. They have g-one awayr for vanlous grateful neembrance. Pniced frm ..-.. '$6.75 te $10.00eeyn eprsabtreea ioa h ltgv Vreasons .but they are building for vroeeqisabthb rk Dr L N loanh 'ierot Meh~ A play entitled ".Mantha Macle theniselv,,s hoines as their fathers t'hein e1nougi umauerial for one-wE hv hm~aeu Dr. 'w iiL. N e pHogarther oit Mic Ove', was given bVithe Foresters' did, facd with the sanie conditions, Q if you lia'en't the tine te m ake t]e . "h m tra <inwripeaidng ge the ew a 1roam Hall on Fniday eveing last iinder peplexd by the same probleis andSM R SW A E S S J"$ 1pnedt$I5aya a4 l KTaa frm$. o the EIomeland of urhaind really ten sie of e ome ntuete are anxious to keep the old- rcia sflgf ermt~,see rset sb~I b~tm ~~nspebytaen iva rou Janetville, Atima- traditions and transplant the$100 weekly visits cf Th~e Statesman. You il odpa udcnieigteodtîeieaeiiten --l be pleased to know that we have very unpleasaut evening Dutside, a which Lhey have gone. The hope heart. We have a very compreliensive and beautiful a lhe Gnadiali Club of som-le thocs. good crowd. of our great niew land whieh is open- assortmeut, pniced froni ...............$2.00 to $10.50 -BE~JIU A Q> R AH ax*Is of members and it islike th-is' Mrn. and MrÇs. John W. Emerson ing 'up, is in 'many things-the B A TF LJC U city growing rapîdly and is presper- ha euned fromn a trip to Oak-wool church, the schoels, the elass of set- TOWELS ous A person mWust step livoly in and other points north to pay a visit tlers whieh they are getting. Detroit new Vo lkeep pace te their home as thýey anticipate ne- But not the least amiong the in- C A OSTE iTIs r eailyitraig oeeyn~a - wlnter te, reside with lier zaôthel', ideal place to ire lu, is the preser- GLVLQVES-gftSfrILI., ant fied ------------------ Mr. Washington. ration and transplanting Ôf the homeo house-wives and brides to bho 'WiteCtînBah . - I~Rev. R. G. Carruthers conducls ideals which the boys and girls who What eould be nicer to g1'<e than (Iloves. We have ais, mnade with fancy colored borderd~ge fe~t soi-vice on Sunday preaching a good have left the older pontions haro had a wonclerfnal array this year-omething differenit, ba- 'ional wearing qualities, very stroft m herex.J sermon an "Happy are they that instiUled inito theni lu tlieir youith. cueo hi tlwrmnhpaddrblt. A ilbumue elw od Moura". The choir, thougb smalî, IAnxything then whlich keeps thie spank cus ofl hesye a nklmatshipad ahlt. AI ik raonbne pritue yeoW5 . od.......c.'at î rendered appropriate niusic. o f the ùiemory of -ffie old """0e 'rom piealaadaadal~aeil.-r~oabypia foi.........5 *,15 iF rMiss Mary Souceh, A. T. C.M., i3 tein t~ enthn pat, i d pîaln G ~if ts Mo Un laiglertm rtyl akeg o tings ofhbd the psi ly n haIghrln rt eltknu big part lukepn Canada a !and ef on Fri(lsy and Satur4ày w$t! ai class the best kdeepIs. - c~~f 1would-be musicians. ida. We -wîemne to our tcinxunity Now for seine years aften these The choo>ahng of what Mrs iWlImer Fitze (neM ,ýapol etaway the weekly orý n~e h~e~- Yori can sa money by doing your oua can est nrate'tie iuapiraticrn or me- lk has become se- heBgBakut ~e restraining force of these letters,k ~cn naur to us throuo'h 1shopping athBi nku Sl.but oue hy one the writers laid aside ye r oftntr &xe i n e toh I t5~d ie peu orn the eys becamne dira and year 0fexpeiene. heir fingens craxnped with age, andi the letters 1--ew% less frequent an~d We~ ave 1a~ asort- Iespiai or ick hilien fiually ceasedý altog-ethe-. Hfosts of t ~fPen ______sent from this country for twenty, ment of Fountarn Pens, thirty or foty yars pave net had a~ PenciIs, P~a er Knives, binth T, ORNT.writteufoletterersfron, thelace of th Coin Purses, Key Tiolders, Dear Mr. Editr- of this sacr<d inemniry Vo ha allowecl-C RSMA.I0IR Desk Pads, J4eath er Col- Reeent dîseovanies l in nedicai to die eut? CH IST A O IR lar Ha~~d~k~~ithief seace have callcd attention to, the Here is where the home paper - Tepc forCnda naIrr'ne ad lrCases,1lidkrhe grat sery1ce rend ýred by an up-to- cdnmes in. IV comas as a weekly let- Th couiwck f hClny dept -wAiUar hsay ilpia th bQ edb r gerh. P obiltiYes ro tyer feghe ays h the frarabit c f ews cosiue -u ýir et l Caes al eutfuy o-lîdd o pro-rch Prerbl frai hoed wih the fragritofnewso PRETTY LINGERIE guari-teed te give' service. IV la dependal. II inju-Ppreelac fthe aiuount of 7L~ 1ti.La>dpnceces Wof conccte fnor thek they laokor is th ews thein see Thsnmnkbedspa-cnisaa ait n isn't, we refund your xhotey. Yeui cain't gwrnq 50c lY1,wards ytpcsc ieU~ia e lk uiheho. ~re hyscta thinge carefully selecteld sud priemI nenmarkably low con- - Q ildt-eù. t isl on, , inen_ v Mns. A. is visitiug Mrs. B. and they c~asi-Sdbauiu aeil Msn's Hosiery, is what hunVdreds of our csoessV stu dy eto the causes of ;c1hîldren's smile sud say, "Well, weil, sha e i tiI siderng the fine okasi naeuiu aeil disaiaé5 tbat the [iý)tn1 staff, has1 on hanr rounds, la sho?" Mn. Dl. has whicha prevail. Stepabins, Camisoles, Bouadoir Caps, Corset The ilks are pniced from.......8 a 35> bea aIL~ e atnb&sl a-Wor tet fisl wloreasd boy se agi Cover's, Envelope Chemis<es, and many othen dainty thinga i elri h nlshSetHs aalclr iithat the ra t of ý?f"nt riotl b ennies from the fonce corners, and .htg ofrioe adoe b -lrite gihSptHo in ithi f P±r lxx e has, b on- ateadily the hollow rails where Vhey had, xpny wt h ierb hyaemd nE ~ n iig, til it is now umnný a lesiug fight trying to rob th asltl l ol.pie rm... Bwmiiinvile tbýe lowest iu the,~nbI Wi ht humble bee. They neacl that Mn. W.boltl i oopncdfoxi... $.~t t5 i,~ ns tttude f0xai ada. "èl el esaida They malle ven2r' acceptable glfts, indeed. oi-n ow thir hidns1ivecý to old man when tley were stilI Young.,,IL.~ 1% IJ _____________________________ raese- rdli î, ck lu the laborïitorîes i¶ey remember his rugged honestyHafsdanlgebrishpdrcssdawoe- t sp-i a, foE(lr SC C h ï-1.ra n. , 1u the homiely advice whiçh from1 aadoelrgbre sp a" ndaNyhI Pli -exrs iv tter bi dskas supenîntendet of the counter fll of thern'. E'very one should aetlet eoe e feeytne buis !for eql- Suiday Schoel ha gare thani. And haif a dozen of the proverbial baiidkerchiefs o~r iV weuldn't i LINLr'S-IT WOUL~DN'T BE X A ~rr~adu tal oaso hae is dead, but his; Words au-I in- ha Xiias. We have thera xn enffless varia y. A prie WITHOUT THEMI NEW ELECTIRIC SHOP -iavtxuac f dollars. Biut inI finnce wl-iclx eau nover die come - $,~c 5,2e 0,3c 0,5ç 5,7ç 0 10 of1j ' ch 1 recu attad, fanh aç Vo thn' sud ty lireo days, bu - h Andc . hen the boxes -with fre' two Vo hait a dlozen Taible Clotha,, Serviettes, Guests, tht oto o yurre d 'Il agasse thairs andda achool dayifu bu - eaha Té an] t di meuy $O spet, ad i ow realizing whst thay dild noV as lu eac h oue priced frnm............0c to $1.50.,DasrSaf nllunra'e.Vfl dn~wn n c d Ve turath hope tht boys aud girls, how ua-csaary, how Yeu'îî lika 'cmn. t lu tYffl liken thcui+one -could'targ rnn~et bemattÀ Chlstac es- important, the need cf a cha-nacter n li ~ <' aLolfxa savs u bulît 'upon the ideal of the Holy -oa tcm io put inprnî. Yu'llk h t i i i W-T o t ' c o t h e-$ u ô u 1 - , b b i , 0 f W o d t o a t)~n taxio's ehlidWord. help but lîba these thinges sud Ithey are rciaflyuaenl