DENTAL C. BONNYCASTLE ite in Dentistry Toronto Graduate of the Royail' Dental Surgeons of On- e Ring-st., Uowinanville. 40. House phone 22. DINNI nf , W*.ELL mfie. t,, hone 301. BOWMýANVIILLý, BEC. 13, 1923. oRONO -.1is -1a1e - -ro-y- fll rening was a mort enjioy-j Milbrook :an*d Miss jbu oro, spent t he wek- issue the Bible Societv Ic-e Dut telling theL 1 The NewaNohngwot gai.ning is ever ..ilIman succeeds M. R. gailled without effor-t. tker of the Bank.'* If y-ou can't sPeak Well Of a per- nshi Couleilmc-eson h Jesitate Vo speak, at ail. ~ship Counll rn]lets M 'ore heurts are broken and mnore stauto'y n. tin. fsorowdispe*nsed by unkinid speech Mitchell, Oro-no, con-, thlji any othler onle caluse. ýng a Black Fox farmn. Ney,ýer' praise anyonjenlesss you ie Robb spenit tue knowv theni Vto be w'orthy of it. own ,t Mi. Geo. Bîdn your eyes to our own i stakes; is blending failure witlh i to know a man's reali tch flot what he says dloes. opportu.nity seldomn re- ýo evcii the niiost deecet- British Canadia.n Canners Bownian-ville Phone 82w 50-4w FiftyYears of Banking, We off er a complete service for FARMIERS GRAIN and CAITLE DEALERS MERCHANTS MANUFACTURERS and MUNICIT>ALITIES STTfi E 624 SAN DARDBAN K Bowm-anville Branch, qlackstock Branch, Newvcaste and Newtoniville Branches More Heat -- H. W, Lapp, Masiagei - E. A. Prestonf Menage, J. Scott Montgomery,Mage =Less Coal That's what you get when you instal a MCCLARY SUNSHINE FURNACE made by the largest mnanufacturers of furnaces in the British Empire. Let us give you an estimate-free Greenlaway '& 'L liott Contsulting Engineers Phone 18 Day or Night Bowmanville STOBIE, ]FORLONG & CO. INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS Il King St. E. TORONTO Oshawa HAMILTON t BRANTFORD Phone 144 KITCHENER Y :ctlon PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILORS (Former1y in Bowmianville.) nowý at 126'- Yonge-st., stop at Simmnerhill Ave., Toronto, Phone Trinity 3217W. We can stili give you aur best services.) Guaranteed ta fit and workmaniship at p re-war pries LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY n-oney to Joan on Farmn and Town Property Royal Bank Building, Bownianvil*e. Phone 351. S W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTA RY M oney to Joan. Bonds for sale. Offices: , leakley Block, King Street, Bownanville Ontario. Phones: Office 1029, Ho use 279J. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or Horse Equipment All calls promptly attenided ta. Private Ambulance. Bowmnville phones 10 and 34 Branch Stores-O.rono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Gals gvenprompt and personal at-I tenton. No extra charge for dis-j tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bow- L.nanville, Ont. 3-t DR. S. M. JONES Osteopath andi Chiropractor 86 Simicoe St. N., Oshawa, over 14 years' successfiuI practice . Examina- tion Free at office. Pho1ne 224. 2-tf MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C., M. Gold Mecllist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years attending Phy- sican 'and Surgeon at M~t. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office andi Residence, WçIlington Street, Bow- manille. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of'Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formierly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beit 'S, former residence on Church-st., Bo- inanville. Phone 259, 44-t VETERINARY Dr. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Calis iPromptly Attended Vo. Office Ring-st. W., Statesman Block, Bowm-aaville. Phone 243. ALJCTIONEERS THEO. >M. SLEMQN Auctioneer Farrn and Ratine Sales a SpE.cýlty. Ternis moderate. Eniniskillen P. O. Phone 197-r". 1-tf JAMES BENNETT Auctioneer 10 years' cxjicrience in farm, furni-~ turc and house auction sales. Ad- dress Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mer- chant, Ring-st., Bowmanville, phone 131, box 33. JOSEPH COULSON Licensed Auctioneer Valuator & Real Estate, Ne-wcastl e,1 Ontario, 22-tf SHORTIfAND, TYPEWRI;IING BOOKEEPINçI Coniplete Commaercial and General Improvemeat Courses. Students accepteti at any tume. Gooti posi-1 tions for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE Oshawa and Toronto AUNT'S WEEKLY AD VICE Our dear gooti Aunt possess a rich fun of sentiment and one cannot read lier articles withou.t admiration cf lier viewvs on various niatters. This week she says: My Dear Nieccs: Theý person you descrîbe Vo me and whoni you admire so greatly is one of thosc forturnate people whq. possess chari -a rare gif t. Ycu rnay have heard the old say- ing that people with thrce "outs" aauseless and sure fejïlures iný life-w-ýithout mancy, without wit! and without -wisdom; y'et you tel nie this lady you have met lacks goodi looks .yet is in constant demaz4l whcn at parties; no one is tired of lier coipaiiy, and ,best of ail, ehe is wanm- ly spoken of behind bier back I So it imust be that she bhas a charm, a fas- cination, which aima las cither ac- quired by careful stu'dy, or it is lier natural gift. Being a poor talker she is a good listener, making even bier monosyllables meana much. Sime would also be careful neyer to nmen- ian slander, althoughi she may hiavei a great deal told iber and neyer prais- es or condenins without previous knowledgc cf iwhom she is speaking and to whom. You can. ha as niuch dislikcd by praising '«n.other -withj wlhomi your listener mnay be on un- fricndly ternis, as in speaking against thiem, . o when she alks she kaows what Vo say, how, where andi when ta say it. 1c amn sure, toc. sheie1~+. What a Hiappy DÎsposîtîon hai And Muskoka Can Do wca Mary was one of those popular is J'rIs. HaPpy and busy, d ay and s0 riLiJt-just badn't tirn.e ta do any-fi tinig but dance .ind s1cate andi fralle. over astama has assuredly cone. Dr. c J. D. Kellogg's Astlina Remiedy liasr prov.Ed the,nmost positive blessing ;the victini cf asthmnatic attacks hias even - known. Letters rcccivcd froni thousands -who #lave tried it f orm ia testim-oniial which leaves no roomi for doubt that here is a real rcmied.y. Get it to-day from your dealer.' Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. S. Rickard, Bo-wmiville, and Mrs. Anios Me- Mulleiil wcre recent guests of Mr. anld Mrs. Wm, Rutherford.t Alf. Wil S. Roy, who with Mrs. Roy is visiting friends at flanville, 01 Ill., expresses surprise that on being tc shown throug~h a large manufactur- ing plant in thie city of Terra Hau~te, d( Ind., to sec on tîhe office desk recent copies of the Orono News and Bow-i mianville State.sman. Wýoims in children work havoc. Thiese pests attack the tendier iin- ce ing of the intestines and, if left Vo d purs,ýue ,thieir ravages tindisturbed, In Wil u-tiniatey perf cra. the walI, because these -woris are of the hook variety thlat dling Vo an~d feed upon W the interior surfaces. Miller's Wormi Powd;crs -,î;ll not only exter- minAte lthese ,wornis, of whatever at varie ty, but will serv to repair thje fo jinjury they hlave don,>, P 1 aescrJa GÂS TO BE PIPED îO ORONÔ i potar Work to Start at Once. A who Hunther Ou Crnpany, L;'nitedl, re-J ribuai ceivedl casing for the vwhich heyi drillcdf on William Neai farm and thousa have it in position. Aftcr puining out the water hey ihave a very heavy Soin pressure of gas, quite suffiient VoiJ numbe su.pply the residents of 0roiiq and sesý. the fanais along their pipe ie. ' hsh SecLretatry of the Company and j noth Messrs. C. G. Armstrong and O. A.!Sscît Gaisby waited on thic County Road ihousel, Corniissioner at Cobourg in refe, - homes ernce Vo a right-of-way by their -mains the wl on the county highways, and per- reg1ainý mnission was granted under supervis- and th ion and instruction of the Couil are Sa Road Commrissioner. mn Comnpany -will start the dti mgofapyo two "more wells oni their other leases: andi continue service Vo Newcastle. But Considering that thic Company five ni have only been operating a' îittîp Who g-i ovci- thirty days, thcy are Vo be con- reason gratulated on the activity they have Ihaveie eown and the success they have met s"imple Qa~rly 100 Ibs. pressure, and the In dI people of Orono and surrounding In Ou ~conmunity shoulci feel fortunate- for 1Iý a de this opportuniVtr of using natural ga tinsf f or heating. and cooking, 'whicb is govern, neecded so muicl.-News. ke 'er hair andi ber ýs cf age and il1 know how Vo gracefuily, zind~ d kno-w tbe cus noV talé5 a ( u grow wise ýen in vain Vo is the iimnci urself, rn.5 I. D The tenclerest words are ing onlly witli the ife's plain, coimon work as it CANADIAN PACIFlO RAIL ornes, Ce-rtain that daily dcuties aadl GOrNG EAST GOIN< aily bread are the swc,,etest thing4i 10.1t8 a. mi. 5. 2.57p. n. in lifle. 4.OP' , 12I.26 a. n1i. 7. WORD TO CANADIAN MOTHERS CANADIAN NATIONAL RA TVRONE STATION The Federal Departjnent of Hýealth!I~,- -WAY [G WEST 53 a. n.I 30 a. ni. 4 0 P. ni. .42 p., ni. 1 Monday Wednesday and TuesdaY Thursdlay and Sa provinces of their ýv witt ,s, coldh a boul1ei bold in luowmanvile b y Jury & Loveli F. R. Kerslak I - - maternai 0 to 2.3l WH-O BOUGHT HOLSTEINS Cobourg. District Hoîstein recI crs' annuai sale was held Noveicr 29Vh. Durliam farmers -who maae I purchases and prices paid are: John Paek1ei, Wesleyvlie .$1751 John Paeden, Wesleyvill . .. ..100 Roy VaCapip, Borwmanville il10t J. D. Brown, Oroino . ........125 J. D. Brown, Orono...... .... 105 J. D). Brown, Orono.......... ý15o G. F. Clarke, Cavan .......... 115 A. A. Powers, Orono.........130 N. J. Metcalf e, Bowmanville ,.. 125 J. Cookson, Whitlby...... .... 135 J. Cookson, Whitby........... 150 Wts "Be a good boy, Willic, Andi it's "Rua awny and play, For Sauta Claus is komîing With bis reindleer and sleigh", I's "Do what mother tells you, Andi it's "Put away your toy-àI For Santa Clauis is corning di To the gooti girls and boys." t Ho, Santa Clans is coming, There is Chricti-as in the air, Andi littie girls andi littie boys Are gooti now everywhere. May Be Too Real E state 50 E i We have reduced the price of Our Ensilage to $2.00 per ton. S3ios are now open. Mn. 9imnpu*ter SCOTCH A] i.,ov~ J. poor. ni, Route Mlli- il 1 =li Suifaay. ýoT a