C. S. MASON'$ UPSTAIRS GIFT SHOPPE offers Practical Gift Suggestions at prices well within the mneans of everiy purs.e. Gifts from 5c to $5.00 Our GLftL Shoppe is a great centre for busy Christmas Shoppers. You wilI find it easy to choose gifts from our unique display: Hundretis of Ha-ndlerchiefs froi............5c Vo 50é Box Handkerchiefs 50c, $1, $1,25, $1.35, $1.50 NovelVy Basket-s SOc,' 75.c, $1,00 Japanese. Hand Painteti Trýinket boxes $1.OO to $3.50 Japanese Cigarette Boxres, $1.50 1-anid Embroidered Tea CloVhi and Serviettes Sachets 25c up Fancy Shoe Trees Corsaige Boulquets -95C Vo $1.50 Hand Painteti Garient Han-ers ..75e to $1.00 Hand Painted Cantile and Holder.............. 15 Fancy Painteçl Wall Candle Hol0der.....ý......... $1.50 Novelty Bracelets $1.50 to $3.50 Bbautiful Imiporte'd French Doils used for ornaments and Trinket Boxes. This doesn't tell haif the story. yourself. See for Sale of Coats CONTINUES THIS WEEK Our Coat Sale is meeting with suaccess. You don't have to wait until to save mnoney on your new coat. BF at this Shoppe at factorýy prices and $10:00 to $25.00. wonderful after Xmas >uy it now save from LOOR ce se Shoppe COUKTICE Mrs. FËeti Nichols recentiy visited her dlaughiter, Mrs. Henry Smith. Mission Circle Bazaar on Thursdlayl was quite a suecess. Pleased to see Mr. R. E. Osborne'si genial face in our iudst again afteri sole nmonbs in the West. ~Mr. Frank Walter and MUaster Kejnneýth have returned from an ex- tende2d trip through Eas,-tern provin- ces. Sunday morning PastoQr 'WVashing- ton preached on the Good Samnaritan. Miss Frances Hancock sang very nice- ly "'Anchoredl". A vocal soloby Mis-s Vera Werry and a trio by mrs.y Ceo. F. Anniis, Mrs. A, E. Rundie and Mr.W. R. Courfice were also given in the evening. Atterndance at League was very godTblursday evening. Bible topie was presented in a very ablIe manner 1y Miss Hattie Osborne; topic "What is man's place in the Universe"? and "What and where is God"? was taken býy Mr. H. F. Osborne w\ýho gave asplendid address; Mrs. Gea. F. An- nis favoreld withi a reading and Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Washington sangi a duet which was highly appreciated. Sabbath imorning next will be es- pecially interesting when boys andi girls and grown-ups will bring white' g-ifts for Sick Children's Ho(spital. Suniday, evening Rev. Mr. Washing- ton wil pleach another sermon oni a womian of the bible and there will' bea ladies ch-oir and other selection by the ladies. Everybody welcome. Fri'day ev7ening- this week the Sun- shine Class is holding a "Poverty So- cial" at the church when everyone is supposed, to aýppear in rags and tnt- ers, or b.- liabie to a fne. The pro- gram -will c 6nsist of readings and songs of long ago and the whole pro- grain will be quite a Unique afir Alex EllioV's for Christmas Gifts. DARLINGTON ELECTIONS Monday, Decem-ber 31, is Nomina- tion Day for, Darlington Townshipi in Town Hall, Hamipton, at 12 o'clocki nioon, of candidates for Reeve, De-I puty Reeve aind Councillors. If au election is necessary it will be held on Monday, January 7, from9 to 5 o'clock. Returning officers and Poil Clerks wiil be: 1'Iyle Squair, Ewart Clemence 2C. W. Woocley, Rab Roy 3, Howard Foley, L. C. Snowden 4Chas~. A. Johns, Tom Wray S5 Alhert, Oke, Gordon Werry 6 Blake Courice, Chas. Osborne j7 John Baker, E. Cryderman W. R. Allun, Township Clerk, shall be Returnin.- Officer. ENFIELD Mr. W. Alexander, Oshawa, witlrj Mr. Wallace Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. H. Jamles and klIm- iy, Columbus, visited qa, Mr. J. Hep-' burn's. Mr. anid Mrs. H. L. P,ý-coeadMr Walton Pascoe, Tauniton, vste.at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's. Saturday evening, December '22,1 Santa Claus is to )be here onl'ce m-iore wiý7th reindeers, airoplane or alutomo-il bile. fmi Our coi-iim-unity has iost ftwo - ilies that will be considerably missedý in Ladies' Aid and the work of thei Churrch.1 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 'Bradley ail.d family have moved to Haydon, and; Mr. and Mrs. Ruesel Ormiiston tol theiý homne vacated by ,Mr. Bradley. The last -meeting of the La-,dies' Aiïd was held~ at the home of Mrs. Elmeri Bradley. After the business wavs over Mrs. Bradley Jr., and Ms Blradley, Sr., -were the recipients of a well worde'd acidress and g-ifts froni the Aid, Lfter which a sociablet time was spent. Ladies' 'Aid memibers, choir and others asembled at the home of Mr.ý and Mrs. Russel! Ormiston prior Vo their ieaving an*d presented hem With a very suitable ad(dress and gifts fromi these societies in both of which Mrs. Ormiston -%vas an active worker. The evening was epent in various amusements and a general good tîme- was enjoyed. There will be seats for themi in the choir reserved at aay date. Ale-x Elliot's for Christmas Gifts.ý home. Mr HAMPTON af C.' Burrows, Oshawa, 'a Clarence Ferguson visited at J ýr Srgeant spent the week- )Tor2onto. s -A. Johns, Bowmanville, spent [y at home.~ and Mrs. Thos. Welsh have 1to 1Oshawa. ,yer /meeting 'will e held this -sday) evening. nipal F * J ,GroE' Lxhad in- 1a radio outfit. and Mrs. Frank R~sand rvisited at Whitby- Alger and frien4î, 0O-hawa, d at Mr. L. D. Sykes'., ;s Elsie Langmnaid, 0ha, vis- it Mr. Roy Langma Zon. sWill Wilbiur is viiin er Mrs: W. P. Burnett, Stouif- and Mrs. George Wuite and~ Ruth White visiteti at M r. Levi "YE ELLIOT, Giif ts tMake leryro n e PEARL Pearîs are m. a $ . 0 t t o $ 3 . 0 0 Mrs n 's'Haberdashery Chl is fille( of ail- Bring your and you will what tasteful you at a mnod men and st? There practical, use- ,es the under- 1woman who o overflowing ýod wearables. quality-safe. ture can eas- ists but a f ew 'hidi are here rmen a pleas- rou an-d made ,nrames to us ik of Monl Gifits Men Like Smioking Jackets Handkerchiefs Dressing.ýgowns Beit-buekies Knit Jackets Um-brellas Neekwear Bathrobes Unibrellas Pajamas Sweaters Mufflers Glgves Hoslery Shirts s 1PÉics ,Low.t' Roy A. Goode and bride who Wer42 married in Port Perry on Saturday. Mr.Goe a pi*'ehased the Hamp- ton Creamiery. Camne Vo the Christmans Tree Con- cert at Hampton on Friday, Decem- ber 21st. The program will consist of dialogues, -ehqrues and recita- tions- Adlmissi .on, aduits 20c; chiltiren 10éd. Alex Elliot's for Christmas Gifts. TYRONE Mr. John Mutton hias installeti a r.andi Mrs. Freti Mooare, Bow- rnanvilie, spent Siùida~y with friends. Mr. andi Mrs. P. McCoy and fam- ily, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. S. MCoy'S. Miss Viola~ Shortt visited at Mr. an~d Mrs. Andrew Nicholls', Sonya, on Suntiay. Mr. andi Mrs. F. L. Byam and Dor. een spent Sunday -at Mr. Lillierap's, Cannine'ton. jW, Ir Di' chool Concert given Friday es o1 M a FLATWARE Beautiful assortirent for gift giving in, Commujpity, Rogers 1847, Holmes & llwards, Cana- dian Wmn. Rogers, single~, piece 75c and up BELT AND BUCKLE Silver' Plated on finest leather beit.......... .... . .1.1 EMB3LEMSI For any fraternal societ- EVEIRSHARP rings, pins, cuf links, fie p ins, Gold-filled, silve f oba or charmns, 50c to $20.00 plate,..... We are giving wway ABSIOLUTELY FREE $1.00 You SPend at Ye Olde JewelrY Shoppe during on coupon and 'deposit it in box. New Year's Eye at drawn. Person's name on this coupon will receive in our window. More dollars you spend here the RHINESTONE JEWELLERY Bar Pins, sterling silver, set with brilliants, pearis, and coloreti stanes. ........ $1.25 to $5.00 FRENCH IVORY Fine Ivory Viletware, every- thing- from a button hook Vo a complète gift set. By compari- son aur prices are much ia-wer than city prices. BROOCHES AND BAR PINS Ail the po'pular shapes and favored settings, white or yelaow gold,........... $2.50 to 75.00 THIS LIST WILL HELP YOIJ IN SOL.VING THE GIFT PROBLEM THIMIz Sterling Silver, OLD JEWELRï You'll be surprised t( transformation we can ,your oid je-very-m-ake like new. FOUNTAIN PENS The favorite Waterman Ideal, plain or goiid band, $2.50 to $6 POCKET-TO-POCKET CHAIN Waldemar Chains, goid and gold filled. any pattern ;you de- sire,.......... $2.00 te $20.00 I CUFF LINKS, STUDS, ETC. size, Goid filled, new diesigns, for te $1.00 soft cuifs, plain or engraveti, -_ ------ 5 C to $5.00 10 anti 14kt golti, beautifurl design,,,.. .... $4.00 te $10.00 Handsonme Dress Sets, mother o -ee the of pear,. ....... $2.00 te $5.00 make in e i. lool,- POCKET KNIVES d4o1d filieti, 2 blades, nail file, very handy knif e $2.50 te $6.00 SCARF PINS THE CHARM 0F CHINA Our eniarged China Dept. has met with iximeédiate popularity. The sudden demand of thes, delicate goods is appealing to the sight, touch an'd good taste of xaany citizens. Our exclusvie agency includes Elite French Limoges China in Bridai Rose, White and Gold, Conventiona and Litho Rose designs andi Royal Crown Dé 1rby. We als& have Coalport Indian Tree, Aynsley, Minton an( Shelley.,China. You will say, like othiers, it is the grandest assortmient of China in town. MANICURE CASES AND SEWING SETS Rail-up ManicUre Sets fine saft grained leather, sý iined, compIetely 0owtfiit ivory or eb'ony handies, fr( $2.00 to $2( LADIES' WRîST No better \value, Vown than we hav( guaranteeti, any s]i *10À S EL.E CTI UNTI k ~X EL t Hiappy For Friends Whom You Are Particular1y Anxious to Please THIS LIST HAS ASSISTED OTHERS WHYV NOT'YOU? Just the amount one cares to spend will purchase just the gift one woulçl care to buy, for we have eonsidered every taste, ever-y pursé, and every circumstance of giving-andl they offer as miany delightful surprises as do Christmas packages when the~ seals are broken on Christmas morning. PENCILS--- You. 1 not be. Every on store for