SVILLE, DEC. 13, 1923.1 ons wýill soo: lw to select T his Ch ris tmas sf or Xmas, ýrybody likes 7is infinitely, ýpresenits the iroblem. Slip as tree as a mere ýer to WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SLIPPERS B~oudoir Slippers of smiooth leather with silk pompom on vamp an-d padded soles; Juliet Slip- pers with leather soles, medium low heels, orna- ment on vamp and furlike binding. CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS IN GR~EAT VARIETY Cosy Slippers with soft chrome leather soles, every shape1and style wanted, MEN'S AND BOYS' SLIPPERS If you wish to please -a man give him slip- pr.We have just what they like in Romeos, welt sewn in JEverett pattern, turned sole slippers and others. GIVE PRACTICAL GIFTS What is More Acceptable Than FQotwear? ,Copeland Shoe Store "For Reliabie Shoes at Popular Priçes" Phone 249J Bowmanville soiiietliiig tilLe the 'T the whole people. Ire would have to ha dC comlpromlise al 1r ol ail those par ies co onl ajforeigu policy whi Great-, Britain strorl the eouuils of urop muans let there be coalition and end the suspense. p05flt] 1Bv tMunicipal elections arqenegagiug i attention of electors again and fori the huudreth time we repeat that it is highýl time for business men, big and little, to iuterest themiselves more actively lu the public afi'airs of their m-uuicipalities., It is unquestioned that business mien are utterly inad- equately represeuted lu the person- uael of counicils and other public or- ganiiizations>. It was not s0 lu for- mier times -for then business mien were readly to shoulder a propert share, of the work and responsibilities cýonnected vithi municipal affairs. If Ibusiness men uttLerly nleglect their j plain duty as citizens lu sharing the cýonduct of mwiipal business whatl justification can they offer if the 1 utaxes are soaring hig-her and the duties are not performied to their U satisfLaction? It has becomne a prob- ilemi of supreme importance niow% that taxeS, have become so terribly severe a burden that inefficiency and ex- 1ttravaganceý be ulieckedl. Business men, the challenge coif luts you ctpý Your servXi, are ur- gently lu reqtiisitiou. Will you an- swel' the caîl to give a portion of your timne and youur business experience for the benefit of your fello- -- payers? 'es have, Book,-.s the Perfect Gif t for Every Âge 0f the mnultitude of Gifts that Christmas niornîng dis- closes, there ae probably no two homes that ever have the saine. But lu evervy home into which Olci Sauta goes he always leaves a Book, Big- 20 Bookstore is a delig-htful place to browse about. The tables -are piled with books of every kiud. *Country Club People. The Mystery Road..... The Luck of the Kid... ,èk Oxen ........... John Dering ....... moud Thieves .... Desert"Healer .... ae.d many ot' eseL i"was * * * ......Banning ,..Oppenheim .....CullUM .......Connor ....... ..D el ..McCutcheon ........Arden ......Atheston ........Farniol .....Stringer .....Hul Isest, bravest plan, comes or doesn't cor-ne, he best you caui? .k there is always safety no other danger shows; smuppose you know more ny body knows. content in his place should consýent to nct ioeTre a sons wbvyA And envy not his brother; th' best shotdd be elected are: A And any part that is acted well rnunicipality borrows with compara- 1s just as good as another.__ tive ease. No mtter how mouey For we ail have our proper sphere be- miay be wasted, the muiuiipal),lity l ow, cai draw add(itionail fuuids. And this is a truth -worth knowiug; The corponation has only to n You will cone to'grief if you try to pose, mretaxýeS to meet deficts?\ go It pas nocash ivi4 nds d thus Where you were ýneyer mnade for lpses a practical ineentive for keep- gig ingl down cos-o(f operation. There are very many pleasant things, Municipal Council mnay change As many plensaut touies, rapidly in personnel miaki'ng contia- For those who dwe11 by' cottage uity of policy impossible. heartlhs So~e mstaes oul bea'~ide~ ~As those who sit clown on thrones. ,vtith capable business men at the If yoiu have triéd and have not won, helm. For instance such as: Never stop for cryiug; Ail tht geta'dgo sdu Failing to plan work and expen- iJust by atient tryig.on diture one year lu advance. utbpaintrng M'aing pans for the Year's work an.d expendîtures ouly after a large tmtsfruoletbletxs part of the year has passed. Multiplying indepeudent civic de- Inefilcient admninistration of sink- partnfeuts. ing, funds throiugh unsatisfactory iu- "Overestimiating life of irnprove- vestmients, illegal or unsouud appro- nments. piiatiou, or failure to keep up to a Lax tax collection mnethods. sound actuarial standard. Putting a Prenrium o11 extensivel Charging curreut expenditures local imiprovemieuts by uu inl- against borro-wed capital funds. creasing- towu%,'s slhare of cQst. Pretending in the civic estiiniatesi Makiug special 'concessions to lu- ilhat the expeditures will be les dustries by subscribing to stock, than everyoue knows they -will be. guaranteeing bonds, exemnptiug froi Pretendling lun estnates tUat 're-' taxation -, grantiug flxed asse-] venue, other thani taxation, will be nieuts, etc, larger tlian it is reasonable to ex- Enmbarking on undertakings with- pect. fout adequate study. Spending up to the limit of the Pretending that enterprises are thieoretical tax levy, rather than self -sustaining when adequate pro-j keepiug within limit of taxes act- vision lias not been made for a l ually received.j costs of operation, including depres-1 Making no provision lu the es- lation and taxes.1 The sweetest grass is on the oi side of the fence,¶ the prettiest are over in the other village; the 1 farni land is in somne other coun the only chance the farin boy hasi go to the city, 'and the only hope the city mian to get ahead is on Where is the best cduntry In world? Where are opportunities to ahead in~ the greateat? Where conditions just right for succes faqrmin-g and happy living? Wl should the young mnan go iu ordle usake the greatest success? The -11,er_-is easy and quickly told; Apples wit n iuuone ina irie,îu and n- hour is worth a multitude of strange- ers.i The loneliest place in the world la lu a crowd wh?,lere you are un-f known. H-eatbreakiing lonlines abides lu the great city and neyer iu the country . The best land is the land you are famillar with. The best methods of farmipg are those you grew up with. Eastern mnethods will surely fail lu the West; North- eru methoids will surely fail in the south and vice versa. Opportunities are ýail arouud you; success awaits you right at home and not at the end of the rainbow. AT Holgate' s Evaporator BOWMANVILLE Phon~e 153 or 2 No matter bow deep-rootE corn may be, it must yield ta way's Corn Remover if used ected. 1' As the desire cornes anew to rernember your ¶ - lQved ones witli gifts of appropriate sentiment, - why flot choose the one fitted above al others to carry your message of affection- "His Master's Voie"-Vjctrola--"the theatre of the home." ¶ý Here is life itself, unendig W. Te Is Norie 'T tawa, Resources Imu partnent of the Ser- - n+t- 1 itself car Lwaitingy ,worth dealer 'om $37.50 to $615.00. "Look le mark "His Màster's Voice"' Lne aLLpwer Ili the iwhich ha, ut illustra- erses of ap- *soine geins occasion of as one we always find a big variety of1 Mince Pies, iwindow for ie dil a ndeed, eday and at oi Big 20 .-.Y