)wth anid Culture of Caniadian Patriotism ESS DELIVERED BY CHANCELLOR BOWLES, VICTORIA COLLEGE, TORONTO, TO TH-E CANADIAN CLUB3 0F BOWMANVILLE atÉe great Johnson who gave 1 an environment which wili nourisl hi ghest patriotism- brief as it is, a with a soul in it. hich the growmng Dmen should never ýget. And since eeds of their f ath- Royal Theatre, Îhe pai ?. P. ýg of 'des triotism is0 And that New tier, R Beats E1ectric or Gas mightu ai ,sence is ithe mark of a uepravE spirîtless race. thes there a man with soul dead nover to himself hath said, is xny own my native land. )e heart has flot within hi burned onme bis footsteps he has turnE ,n wandering- on a f oreioen stran teci wnen more restrai fied fexpressions are cl . Cold critical anaiyt ns on patriotism are s they are iikeiy to be en I tell the young pre, .to preach a truth un o in the motive and fee -if they do they ares bore it. Patriotismi nstinct, as real as relig oe as the love of %vife- *ments w LCanadiai 4understa In the jouir pio Icreate 1: as" by silx boys, stocking drills, the Squashvilie also duets by 0an Osborne, Je.9 , and Jean Wigl ,and choruses b: rised a very pl er which Santa hfe heavil, - lade To try or wish I tr-'. eariiest days of our hino ( courselves an ignoble strcea iere in these primitive set- fo an'd homes-mn log hiewn do] Lnd schools andi churches A found the original docu- 50ï ch every one w o writesIl History must read well and Sir d. bol rature of things that lifle of e ýeer forefathers 'did nýt Pne owvn literature. The log- M' was not a iiterary club, ç; as the barn rai.sing. ýre, of course, some oid let- lif e of tne time, flot given to writing w'hat 1 fear is, if we ention the rto we will e memory of thosE when mien laid th4- f Canada. Mrs. 1hing it in the Bush" erecord. Selectioný i the oli school Read- a boy at school-and in the present school nks those days of re. of hard fighting, ol irable toil shoulci be not one of theni he sflrrourinzs wercTDV went ,hoi PECEMBER 31-JANUARY 1 Wednesday-Thuraday, Dec. 26-27 "Scars of Jealousy" With Lloyd Hughes, Frank Keenan -and Marguerite DeLaMotte Friday-. December 28-29 lergate" Monday-Tuesday, January 14-15 "The Silent Partner» With Leatrice Joy, Owen Moore and Robert Edesoxi Wednesday-Thursday, January 16-17 "Out To Win" One of the better British pictuirer, Smaii with OUwen Moore, Sylvial Friday-Saturday, January 18-19 Breamer, Virginia Brown Faire, ruliy Marshall and Rob~ert McKim. Uane Grey's 'ThunJdergate" has been boolkod to "To The Last Man" pay one of Toronto'% ieading down With Richard Dix, Loais Wilson, Noah bown Theatres for one week com- Berry and Rob~ert Edeson rnencing January 28th. --* ---Monday-Tuesday, January 21-22 Wednesday-T hursday, January 2-3 "Salomy Jane" TeWanters" With Jacqueline Logan, George Faw- With Marie Prevost, Robert Ellis, cett and Maurice Flynn auntley Gordon, Richar~d Headrick,, Gertrude Astor and Louise Fagenda. Wednesday-Tburaday, January 23-24 "Flaming Yoiith" Friday-Saturday, January 4-5 With Colleen Moore, Milton Sil1s, Norma T1almadge in Elliott Dexter and Sylvia Breameir. "Within The Law" andc aston ,eciate and In. )rks of fi et Monday-Tuesday, January 7-8 "Lawful Larceny" 1 Vith Hope Hampton, Conrad Nagle, Nita Naidi and Lew Cody Vednesday-Thursday, January 9-10 "ChiIdren of the. Dust" Vith Pauline Garon, Johnny Walker, ipOyc Hughes, Frankie Lee and eorge Nicholis. Friday-Saturday, .lanuary 11-12 "The Bright Shawl" Vith Richard Bartlhelmess and Dor- othy Gish Friday-Satiarday, January 25-26 "Ann Christie" With Blanche Sweet Monday-Tuesday, January 28-29 Pola Negri in "The Cheat" Wedn-esday-Thu~rsday, January 30-31 "The. Girl of the. Golden West" With J. Warren Kerrigan, Sylvia Breamer, Russell Simnpson and Rosemary Theby. Admission: Aduits 25c; Children 150 -Including tax. Compliments of The Secison To our many friends and customers we extend wisbes for a Happy New Year. HARRV ""YALLIN STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. INDUSTRIAL AND MiNING -STOCKS Il King St. E. Oshawa Phone 144 HAMILTON KITCHENER dealing dire< Sentiments of proached dire I meaxa a sei way to arous, my country ai terests. I r addressed to sinner. Il to me from1 dressed to me a Christan- ver on the-hili 1water froni a mile away; ie miii hree n corn which nce; of deer and long wi fire on the1 wido open ci fell hicker, tI 1the wind hoý hie great wooýc We wish ail our custom'ers anid citizens a Happy and Prosper- ous New Year. 1 ,n were re. ýs of thein me. Do Il I j- rear and h be pe Ipatriot jtion . its nui sd to in ke us .dden cd ený le siw y sel ,d ai LONTC tANTFORD PHONE 181 mII e as a challenge DY my cou 'IWMAN VILLE. a jac to th tell n i". An dand ne HAPPY NE