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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1923, p. 6

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our Nurses' Ho ressed and is mu JANUARY oronto. Balance frorn 1922>z..... ........ o E. V. Suobell, refund oin bond.. McClellan & Co.. cernent bags.. W. S. ]Bragg, share Englnieer'o w r ........... nto Johin Reynolds, taxes 1922.. nto FEBRUARY nto JolfiBReynolds. taxes 1922-.. Galbraith, LUcClellan & Co., cernent bags K. C., To 330-Willie Riz- i1rtice 415, Glad- as Cour-tice 393, Hazel Oke 384, Nornian Walter ice 351*, Archie Essery 337, Wil-1 '-Failed ia one amson, teacheir,1 isionj 270-Jack Gay 0, Verna Foundi Dora Rizneck y Terry 219,1 ry Konopachi 96, Alfred ýe Heurs: lie 2-5 and 7-9. Monday l9th afternoon and u.esday, Thurs- urday. >4'2-Monday, and Friday. 1OPENS JAN. 2ND. )TT xies Sts. Toronto. j :0 41500, Il per ~n- Jf J. ELLIOTT, Principal. J. L. li L. Pen: D. and Ed.wy1 and Mvr Mani. AMrs. D. Heddon. Mrs. H. H. Tod Mms E. 0. Tho Miss. Mrs. Rupert Har Mrs. T. A. Sai Iowa. Miss Lottie Hi Alta. Mrs. 3'. W. Nol Ind. Mrs. James A. F ci ite, Milwaukee, Wis MARON T. E. Rnowlton, Jolin Reynoldls, taxes 19 APRIL Massey, Toronto Mlyron Robbins, road allowance aw, Toronto Johin Reynoldis, taxes 19.2. V. Sainpson, Bagot, M~AY iTreas. of Ontario,work on ligh- iToronto ways, 1922 .................... Ighans, WalkeoeVille Treas. of Ontario. distribution Dmpson, Gulfport, si' Railwa:v Iax, 1922 .. ckCildrencl's Hospital refund, caeFred Conneijy .1 1. ilyn, Ottawa J. A. Holgate & Son, cernent bags ,rget, DvenprtR, M. ' use-ly, rent road, Burke- get Dvepr, ton, 1922 ................ «' A _ L. Skinner, dead tree........ mley, R~ed Deer, >ble, Indianapolis,1 Phillips, New Yorkl .Wallace, Shaw, Toronto e Interested, Toronto Robert King' Toronto Howard Feit, Oshawa S Eva C. Moore, Toronto ;s M. M. Armour, Toronto 3N. K. Miles, Syracuse, N. Y. andi Mr. B. Smith, Brandon, J .A. Awde, Seneca, South M. Fuller, Toronto R. C. Overland, Erin, Ont. sHelen M. Beith, Ottawa sM. C. Jolliffe, Toronto s Mary Galbraith, Toronto .Garnet Duncan, Richmond Airs.' Arthur Wright, Hamnilton Mrs. C. R. Peterkin, Toronto Mrs. J. A. Wjylie, Toronto Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Exeter Mrs. David Grigg, Toronto Mrs. Fred Osborne, Toronto ASjt. AI. Ayre, Los Angeles Mm.- Tom Brown, Ottawa Mr. Harry Baskerville, Toronto Miss Ada L. Silver, Toronto Mrs. Geo. Maynard, Toronto Misses Adah andi Maud Wright, Toron-to Mrs. John Keachie, Toronto Miss Nora Werry, St. Catharines Miss Isobel Scott, Muskoka Air, Will Diistan, Fresno, Calif or-ý nia Afri. J. Bellamy, Moosejaw, Sask Durhiam Olti Boys' Club, Toronto sent a cheque, the f ollowing con- tributing: W. H. Clemes, W. F. Alaas, S. R. Wickett, W. H. Hoar, J. C. Trull, Thos. Yellowlees, T. E. Washington, E. T. Brittain, Wm. Crai<g, R. W. King, J. J. Copeland, E. Fielding ' Col Stewart, Geo. W. Mc.- GîUi, Geo. Pollard, Mrs. W. W. Tam- blyn, Prof. J. Squair. Other booths renienibered were:~ Candy Booth-AMrs. F. A. Pip Colliorne. hp, Chiildren's Booth-Mrs. AI-f. 'N. Mitchell, Mrs. Nornman Tilley, Misses Mary an.d Betty Mitchell, ail of Tor- ASPIRIN DcWare ýof Imitations! you see the "'Bayer CroS,",o or on tablet; you are not get- genluinle Bayer Aspirjniproved mljlions and Presoribod by .s over twenty-thiree years ftig ls Iacell liaghe Lumbago irïtis j[2eunbtisM ralgia. Pain, Pain JUNE rF. Hockaday, cernent ... J. G. Burras, cernent......... N. F. AMncNachtan, arrears taxes 1922....................... J liLV Bannk of Montreai note..... Johin -Nrnish, ttaxes 1922,.. AUGUST A. _Wnkely, pirs to mixer Balnk of Monitreal, note ,... Hampton Parsonage Boarci, ~ceiernt.................. .....ý DBIil 0f Monti'eal, lnterest .. E. H-lggith Deb. S. S. No. 19... Two par cent, arrears taxes 1922 M. J. Holman, booths for Prov. Eleýction.... ý................. Bank off Montreal, note. S EP1E MB E ER Counties Trensurer, gran, Sal. and Certificates....... ....... E. H-aggithi, bal. debenturis S. S. No0. 10.................... Prov. Ontario, share aniers award...................... John E. Sonley, bal. off tax-es ... Bank of -Montreaninote.. A.Ward revising voters' llst J lLY 10. 63 ArthUr Allin, rep. Mixer Inagnets 94.13 Albert Okýe, gravel .. .......... W. R. Allin, freighit bride ro F. ogers, rep. m rxefmt g ets Lorne Knapp, gravai......... 1364.79 Slinon & Herring, nails, wire., A. Mlilison, repairs cernent mixer 14.60 John Martin, gravai and work., CoR~aljin, gravel ............ 31.50 W. H. Moor01e, gravai ........... 92.00 Paul Sobil, statute labur 1922). W. H. Rahmi, gravel. etc. .. 2.00 W. J. Allin, statute labor 1922.. 1.00 Geo. AMooreý, gravel and or,. H. Wilcox, work White bridge H. Wilc4yx, work Baker bridge 5.9 A. Sharp, /grave], work in pit... .85 'Vent & Awning ço., tarpanhuln.. W. J. Leask, graveli work ... 141.77 Robt. Burgess, gravel, worlç o bridge........................ The Pediar Peuple Ltd., culvert 3300.00 tubes.. ................... 8.1John A. Hloigate & Son, cernent 217H. Wilcox, work Crossmn bridge ....................... Mrs. Thos. Brisbin, luiber 4.16 Harold Skinner, sbeep valuation 1100.00 S. . Northeott, sheep valuation F. G. Kersînke, WOrk in park . 25.50 3fjr.ý. A. Wighit, S. S. 5S Cbool1 3.5 hou. , Elction.......i 1000.0'0 J. H-. Muttoe, S. off T. llal, Ty- 90.25 rone for Election...... M. Munday, ar., S." of T. Hall, 56.00) Maple Grove for Election .... 2100.00 E. C. Ashiton, Oriange Hal En- niskillen, foi, Election. H. J. Hancock, S. S.8 S eCIhooi lieuse for Election ........... 6277.49 A. Mlilîson, S. S. 14 school house for Election ............ t , 1 OCTOBER 3..Thos. IPnscoe, mwira, losts Part Road Div. No. 71-7L, oiling streets in Hamipton......... Pedlnr Peop)le I4td., refund on tube Pedilar Peple Ltd. refund on tube ... . . . . . .. . . . . J. H, Wllcox, 3 bags cèmnent.. NOVEMB 5 Coulnties Ti ensurer, oiling Hamnpton streets....... M\clllo.n & Co., cernent bg. Elmeýr Bradley, rent road 1i2.. Prov. Trensurer, distribution Rn'.ilwýNay ta-x 1922 ... ......... DE0EMBER TO 15th L. T, Pasoos, ta 1~ 923...ý...... 151,28 Ayr. 'One plfla reline ,bor 1922 Service, j JANUARY* P . C. Honey, gravel... ....... Tp., Clerk, expen. as Rat. officer J. L. Johns, election ex. Div. 4 L. H-. Coilacott, election ex. Div 1 H-. D).'Cleniens, election ex. Div 2 Tru Power, election ex. Div. 3 A. W. Hlerring, election ex. Div. 5 K. E. Coprtlce. election ex. Div. 6 H. S. Annis. election ex. Div. 7 Muskoka îRospita. grant .... Hlospital for Sick Children, grant H. Wilcox. et ai., work and itaold Sinnr sheep inspection E. "V. Scobeli, Treasurer's bond.. . . Gront, salry as auditor . W. G. Rundile, salary as auditor J. ]Reynods, on sai. as coliector Muskoka, Hog. care J. J. Hlunter Tp. Clterk, express dog tag..... Stamp & Stenceil Works, dog tags 1023....................... FEBRLJARY Jonas Sam, i, gravai ........... John IAidlwortb. gravai ........ H-. Cowlîng, shoveliing mnow . Iuskkla lHos. care J. J. H-unter MARCH F. H-ockaday, brealçing roads... C. Avery, mnateril for bridige.. A. f,. Clarke, breaki1ng roads .... Thos. Wlsbreaking r......... Sid. J. Trewin, breatking roads C F Corden, sbo,*ellinig snow, etc McClellan & Co., lumber.. John Sonley, gravel ........... M. Siernon, posts, brenklng roads Leonard Bîýidiey, breaking ronds WÇ. G. Ormiston, breaklag roads Wm, Hooey, breaking ronds . DiiinRegistrar, fees 1922,.. Johin Reynolds, bai. snlary ... W. IR. Allan, salary........... Muskoka Hos. care J. J. Hunter, APRIL. C. Von-Gunteni, hove ing snow W. T. Taylor, brealing ýronds C. A-. Biancha, rond work.. A. Peters. rond work ......... C. W. WoodIcy, road work .. W. Essery, rond work... S. D. Souch, rond work... A. D. Tangnin-id,'I breakingjronds T. lWountloy, shovallingsnow.. W. J. McLauglin. winter rond wori ..... ..... -........... O J MceCulloch. wiater rond worlr J. Crossmnani, wlnter rond worlt N. Scott, winter rond work .... J. Reynolds, extra ser. coliector Muskoka Hospitil, J. J. Hunitar, April 1-8 .................... Bownanville Hospitali W. itte Jan. 5-Marcl 31 .............. Toronto Stanip & StenIcil Works, (log tags . ý.......... 'e fence rt tube FC. Paterson, WRural School 13.00 Pairs ........... 5.00 J. J. Smnith, on Debeiitre, 10.0 S S ................... 12.00 12.0 12.00 SEPTEMBER 12.00 J. J. Smith, bal1. debentures 12.00 S. S. î19.............. 10.0 V. W, Rlori, spark plug . 10.00 G.U. Barron. team'g road drags R. Hot(igson, nails, wire, etc. .. , 5.2 W. R. Ala express and cartage 3.so A. B. Fergusoin, work approachles 5.00 1 Heber Souch, gravel...... >..... 12.50- Lorne Nnappl, gravel ........... 12'.50 l. Wilkins shovelling snow etc. 50.-0ArLlur Belîrnan, gravel... 46-65 P. B. Gla'spelI, tenir, work at cul. .50 T.Mcolits shoveiling snlow S. A. NOrthcott, shovelling 'snowý 20.0). Barton, cedlar, labor culvert Fred Mountjoy,- ra vl....... WV. G. 'Wotton, cedar W1,ottonj 3.50 -Bridge................... 3-75 John Mlartin, gravel........... 4.00 N. - A. Grills, statute labor 1922 42.15 Johin E. Sonley, grave ... JaLs. Crossian, Stone, labor .. John Puey. boit. and Plates.. 2.00 J. Burgess, f111 Crossrnaa bridge 200Aex Wigllt, gravel 2.40 toU rond .... ........ 4.00 H. . Scott, work Clarke line_ 4-67 Itobt. Burgess, work Roy bridge 7-00 H WVilcox, wvOrkL Ormnistoin culvert 7.00 J. A. Ho-Jlte & Son, cernent.. 7.40 H. Wilcox, work ROY bridge,_. 9.20 H. Wilcox, -work Laker bridge 9.60 MocCleIlan & Co., lumber, cernent Bl-5U S. A. Northcoît, sheep valuation 50.00 Mrs. W. G. StePhens, Part salary 150.00 caretaker.. ....... M..5 ýrs. E. V. Scobeli bond for 4.& collector ........ .. W. R. Allia, salary 3rd qubrter 1 1.Bank Alontreal, revenue stainps Z.20 OCTQBER 3.60w 4 60 W W. Horn, coal oi11........ J:o ohn Martin, grave ........... J, ae gravel.............. 90 . .Mýore, graveýl ...,.. 11.80 Bie roo-s, gravel ,.... 0 o as 'a i, g1rnvel ...... 112.80 1. Wilcox, bolts, etc. ... 127.501 -u« 4.311 FIL 1.65 .00 .50 .63 2.ý50 7.00" 6u.35 .0 eb. 5.00 Jn 15.00 " 16.0 d 16.0 4 (To' be continued.> HOCK EY Si Hiope 44 18-Port il 44 ville; V 21-Trenton Port Hq 125-Oshawa lnanvillq 28-Oshawa 29-Port Ht leb.' 1-Trenton HOSPITAL BAZAAR STATEMENT Township of Darlington Receipts andi Expernditures for 1923 1. tube ýrt tube Jade r1 22 LVý Dit+ 14.751 27.001 27.50 48.25 1 34 vcastl( Wednesd, TER TE Lwa. Whitiby. rg. Oshawa. ,by. Hiope. )Y. Port Hp 1nanville; ýshawa. nton; Bow- SHope, manyile, :hitby. Whitby, a,Ë 12 RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES

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