or tne.eounitless succession of years, great aeal of the crecît iS (tue ta 'mi ouni- pnaeiuver theiiip- W'e or the flighit of timne. I shall not the foresiglht and ability of M,. W. etO- far t oh n n d hreintîmj-j_ may you enjoy a rseoswol i o ra part of ieB. Coucýh, i or h t frOetuhingad itn_ an jpyNwYa.shal! sscape the Goddess off Death.j of Trustees. tinagfth s Joley -jce, an H pp ewYer.Ïshall grow forev-r renewed y thej f the 1twelve teachers who havel orenoseni»for yuadts e mattlik er Our praises of pasterity as long as thel presikd during my high school car- hwsalad otes1 hn rsjSl p~tfe asena te apiolwit te eer jI have had eleven as maost of ent bought at random at a store, orý adlent virgin. 1 shall be suig of last. year's Fifth Farin had. Every obtaineci through a mnail order housee, where the violent Aufidus rages. an(, of therni as added soinething to-i without miuch handling or carefuïl country rules o'er lis rustic peoples life and aur character. One seV had lto be first considered. Jr ts IBQwmanville -f, grown powerful froi hw es- shown us the serious side of life; -Aan enih tyadfn x Late, the first to0 have miýouldedc another the humorous. Sonie per- iAan eiih r n ide- Aeolian song to Italian mieasures. sonal trait in each wve have admired cuses for the donars. They may BowmanviI1e Take tchou position of pride won by andi idealized. Thiis being- under' have iniany gifts ta provide. They thy irierits and encircle my head,0 the influence of eleven d 'ff erent per- may be harassed for nieans (and we Melpomiene, in thy grace %vith Del- szons with eleven different characters wauhd he the ast to wishi them .to' phicon laurel". we have ahsorbed miany quailities- deprive thieniselvýes ta buy extpensive Every sentence of that quotatÎoný the best of each, I. hope. Hence we preseýnts.. 'Or they amy 'have but __________ ________________________________ é___ l pregnaut with m-eaning to us. We have le'rned a great deal by dail2 ittie timie to spare in their bÙssy feel that we have accamplishied sanie- personal contac~t, knowledge which lives ta- make a gaad choice. Ail o'f _____________________________thinag tIhat -\.vlll stay w~ith usI cannot b-e coined out of books, which gaes ta show that thegýif 1 w~as. througghout the flue-ht of time and A cetan chr2tri *,eitin-Prîncipally intendýed -for lain re-!