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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1924, p. 2

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aling a h- saihnn f h E any sreanmship had crossed the oceani, and be- e lo-omnotivt or t'ne telegraph had been invented, -ts of Mnra signed articles for the formation itreail Bank now the Bank of Montreal. Tht 23, 187- mocre than io6 years ago. bat-time Montreal has grown from a town of less ,ooo to a ci-ty of more than 8oo,ooo population. nuous and successfuil operation from those early days it time, hms steadily pioneered iits way across Canada. sHead Office and more than 550 Branches, it offers service -local, national, and interntional- in ie Dominion. 0F MONTREAL nbishcd over 100 yeats sets ln texceSS OQ ý,5005.O ,oO * DVY:Y1INVILLi5, JAN. 24, 19-94. THE EDITOft TALKSI agents. Suni roomai are invaluable ýwhen used as they should be. People seemi to have forgotten the heaflthful- nesýs of the suni's ,ays. Why is there mnore sickness in winter? One au- thority dlaimns that it 's owing to the quantity and quality of the sun Ilit that reaches us. When. the sunllight cones slantingly thru m-iles of fog- gy, dusty air mnost of the visible raye and those beyond the violet are fil- tered out and those are the sunrays that kill baecria. "Let the blessed sunshine in" is a w7atcjvwa'rd parti- cularly for -winter and holds good in every other, season. Do not dark- en windows fearing the sunlight will fade the cýarpets and save temat the expense of the health of the bousehoid. Let the sunshine in rather than lose the bloonm on the cheeks of the chilîdren. A popular song long ago was "The tfarmier's if e is the life for me" and should aili be popular if conditions were made favorable and satisfac- tory. Can soinie of the old mene- plain the difference in, farmning 50 to 75 years ago and now, or why farmers have sudh difficulty in keep- ing- their sons on the farmi of late years. One of tlie greatest bulwarks of a nation it lias been said is a free and inciependent casas of men who 'ive on the soil and cultivate their ownifields. We know of no more in- dependent life than that of the well- to-do farnmer's. We used to think, if we had a faim of our very own in a good comnmunity an~d comnfortable, modern home that ours would bLe of aIl callings the happiest. Were we mistaken tIen? If not what is the matter witli that farmi and that con- dition to-day? Has not Canada grown better settled, prospered an.d gained stability largely because of the strengtli and sturdmness of hem agri- cultural population? In the past the geneal condition of the farmer was satisfactory. The Canadian Statesman is $2.00 a year -and worth it. Subscribe To-day 't DISTRIBUTOR1 Dominion Upright and Grand Pianos Organs for Churches and Schools Mitchell Phonographs IJsed Instruments for practice purposes Easy payments arranged Telephones 86, 92 and 105 Bowmanville P(iXXiU à XTUTT T V TAXT > OA IAOA ly the mnatter with farming to-day. Why has its attractivenless baot its old inherent charm and stability of character? Why is the farner's life no long-er "the life for mei?" Every week we aim to write soe ins-pirational alrticle for boys and young men and the thoixght lias corne to us to-day that wlile mothers andb fathers have thanked us for such arti- eIes, ýwe do not recali that any young man for whose benefit we vvrite these articleshas ever thanked us for theni or manifested in any way his appreci- ation of our work in his interest. Are -we to infer from this apparent ingratitude that the abominable pic-1 ture pages with their fool stuf f of MuLtt and Jeif, Barney Google and Spark Plug, Polly and her Pals, Toots aýnd Casper, and Keeping UP with the Joneses are the kind of mental food they prefer? flow much better for their growth in wholesome intelli- gence if they were to read sucli good advîce as this cop)ied fromi The Youth's Companion. Teacli young men to cultivate the habit of conce n- tration. Teacli themr to think and to think thiings through to conilusions. tTeach t]thenii not to alun responsi-1 bility but to seek it and assume it.1 Teacli them the isdom of taking the iitiative-it fosters the habit of de- cision and prompts them to act. t prepares, them Vto lay bold upon the decisive moment. LIt sets thenm near the door whien opportuity knocks. A love for the true, the good and the bieautiful backed up by a well-round- ed and grounded intelligence helps a young man or woman to acconmp> any oppotunity wlen he cornes their wvay. But the fool stuff of the col-ie pageas of the daily newspapems viti- ates the appetite for the better things that they slould readl. In our taîkas last week we auotedI es cav.jFarniers requiring help for the * * *Spring season or year 1924 are re-! We find thi.z very good religijous quested to apply at once to H. A. jokce recorded in he New York Macdonell, Director of Colonizationý Christlian Work thait we h lad not be- and Immigration, Parliament..BuiId_ fore rn about Rev. Sabine Ba ing-sg, Toronto, Ontario, or to the (Gouldi who paissed to resit early in~ Agricultural Representative of the JtiJauary a Lfter a busy hf e, lis Pen Couinty in which they reside. being, credited with 110 books. We' hivü travelled over mnuch of tlie Applicants sliould state whetlieri ground associated wvitli lis writings they require experienced, partly ex- and visited the old Englial Church perienced or inexperienced single about which le wrote in ha "-Vicar, men, or experienced married men of Morwenstow". He was a m-ost with or without families, lengtl of interesting man conmbining the squire' timle services will lie required and and the parson. By reason of lis rate of wages. keen-interest in folklc ore and bis Apiain ilb ilda a famiiliarity with the countryside liiApiain ilb led s a recovered and preserved a large mass aspsil nteodri hd le of English popular songs and assist- are received-preference. given year- ed mlucli in tihe appreciation of the' 1y engagements. old national ballad music and intro- I By Autliority of The Honourable duce.d into England from Flandlers'John S. Martin, Minister of Agri- numbers of carols set to charmning culture. 1 &4 old Christmas nsic. The New _______________ York, Timies ascribes to him the fam-ý ous emnendation of Onward. Christian! Soldiers to fit the circumnstances when a Low CIurcli bisliop was visit-, ing his churchi. Tlie story is re- lated that the bishop objected to the carirying of the cross in the proces- sion, Baring-Gould said "0, very e S andginterel ts o s W e Sn well" n in t rct ls ist si "Onward Christian Sokiera I Mardhing as to war, Witl the cross of Jeans PLUMBINC Left behind the door". 1.* * *TIS IT I t lias often struck us forcibly asTN MTH w ak ew th&b~ trpýef *i of n., - îdler, tion ~cialime STEAMFITËTING We have the largest staff in town and are in a position to give prompt and efficient service at ail times. You don't have to take our word unless you like-ask our customers. Greenaway R& Elliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmanviule lates Proof that Ford predlominates is to be foPund ini the fact that 50 per cent of ail cars i Canada are Ford's. Ford predominates because it supplies the essen- tials of adequate, economical transportatio. Ford has been the pioneer in thie automotive in- dlustry; has blazed the trial în every fundamentally souind' transportation principle. Ford service is an outstanding exaniple of Ford predominance. Authorized Ford service is to be found wherever motor cars are used-always capable, business-like and prompt. More than -4,000 service stations i Canada are Holmes TE~A nv] ati0on t ne anU to d aphorisni: opportuni person- successa C have the wisd.om, and deterrnination1 and utilize the san( "We muast take the serves or lose Our 4, * apeueio lllurtiln the subjec-,:t and thu,3 to ead other books text book and to seec] quiry of their palrent, effort to gain more1 it. This is no fancy pi amy sentimient, for wc in our achool clays of thiaigs we here adiv wards in our ten ye et'. ýearî the iesaLon a besson, but we knc exponentý of tne gyste advocates if we have point correctly. We feel likie str point before we close refer tn tpeachers a sfor* faibure mark the carcera of ny whio are sent to sehools and ýeges as well as b y those in the .namy 'walks of if e. Tl.ousands boys and girls are just leaving' e for college. Do tliey know that'i ly lundreda of young men leavei1 'different educational institutions; eh leld out to hem the great Sibilities for obtaining- an educa- iand mental and physic;(al (de-ý )pment not suirpased by anly r country on earth; whýo have1 advantage, too, of fathesanid;' dldrenl eV inl ratng of the universiti stores of practical wiadao act as counsellors and1 tînt anyone could ask in opportunity within thei this while other young n- i their wythrouglte d povrtyprivation a, -haps envious of their dition; yet when the t( Dealey Better Service Betteir Values We are neyer satisfed-when it cornes to meriting your patronage. We always aim to improve each year by giving better service, better values and the best quality of groceries obtainable Our steady increase in business is proof that more people find it more satisfactory to deal with the Old Reliable Grocer. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 ntage the ricl ready eway ~1 Trasp M R ;u work! Mak Ku es'"'eep 1You ýourse want 1ertor This winter instead of keeping your hens tavor- ail wîv-nter to lay eggs in the Spring. It is now sup- ýquisi- you want egg production whiie the price is high. Ipline, e, of To do this it is necessary to f eed a balanced ration olItd such as the following: Scratch food or mixed allure grain along with egg mash, or laying mash, beef y had ýr de- scrap, alfaîf a meal charcoal, oyster sheli or appli- iis i poultry grit. Tq put your poultry in good condî- arei tion feed Poultry Spice or Specific. m.-ge'di Down by Asthma. The., or womian who is continuallyï ct to astîma ia unftted for ha - r life's work. Strengtl departa; enemgy is taken away until lfue nes a dreary existenvce. And liS is' needlesa. Dr. J. D. Kel-' SAsthima Reniedy has broïùghtý at change to an armiy of suf-~ s. Lt relieves the restricted air. ; ndb guards against future le. Try it. We are headquarters for Poultry Feed and supplies. n'yIAR R Y PHONE 134 ALLIN Dowit" VILLE i THE EDITOR TÀLKS THE EDITOR TALKS Aewtounderstand that thue pre- What books on educat;ion they sent uneissy feeling is owing- to the 'possess and consult frequently. What le.es prodluctivity of the soul or havçe Iaaily newspapers thiey read regularly soneaere circumatances -iriseni!,,o as to tuil their scholars enough to crowd or dr-ive farmiers off the o(-f the world events to kindle in them land? We are told by one wie deaire to gain more informiatiotia in the U. S. that only about a third i bout Canada and Canadians. In of active fariera in thaut country are our opinion a school teacher should independent in the senise of owning, keep as well informied on the daily free and clear, the land they till. course of events, movmrents of poli- Fron- the number of -auction' sales'tical parties and world prcorhemi-s gen- heid the last two autumins we fear eýrally as the aucýcessfu i newspaper there is restlessness on miany farms editor and incidentally or at atated in Old Ontario that have been conl- hours daily -Lalk over current events sidrdexcellent farinsteads. Wel in school. This is our idea of the f fear the situation la 'being made1 kindl of ýservice the ordinairy teacher serions for some reasün, rea'l or imi- should give for the futiýure welfare of aginary, and we- wondler what is real- 1 'the *hildïren under her tui tion aind F. J. Mitchell Ford See An-y 7-77j777777--7ýýýý JUVENILE HOCKEY NEWS Games to be played are as f ollo-ws: Thursday 24lthi-4.15,ý0sborne's t teamn vs. Camieron's teamn.1 Saturday 26th-1O.8 0-Clark-'s! teaun vs. Camneroni's teamn. Thursday 8lst-4.15-MceDonl' teami vs. Osborne's tea.i Saturday FPeb. 2-10.80-Claks team vs. McDonald's teamn.. Spring Wall Papers We have reeived two large shipments of the lat- eést designs in wall decora- tions, suitable for any room and at' very reason- able prîces. We will be pleased to show you. WY.T. Allen B3ig 20 Bookstore Bowmanville [ING Bowmanvî1le Bowmanvîlle

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