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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1924, p. 7

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ve value of eal is con- single Oxo rength-1 to a Cup. là *a RnHEUMATISM SCIAN HEU RITIS ME TEMPLETONS TORON« For Sale By Jury & LÎ Think It Over PROTECTED? In. case of Fire, Death, Accident, Iabili are you carrying enough Insurance? It's not a case of how littie but how mn I aff ord to carry. Better consuit us to-day, for to-morrow- J. MA^.SON 8& SOI Real Estate and Insurance Brokers nie 50 Bowmanvi 't Wvise Builder USES THE BEST MATERIALS >gers Cernent makes the best foundation. ntario Pi.ne--B. C. Fir-and Quebec Spru Lingles or Vulcanite Roofing mal Hardwood Flooring is more du y than any other, therefore it Plain or Beaver Board Graine walls and ceiling. Ah and inside trim makce the be bel and Lumber Depot is the bEý reasonablé and a square deal for ever) id see us. jI 'l1ellan & Co., Limited ast Bowmanvil e15 flouse Phonos 228, 274, 21 with carry the truly dlean so pleasing to the For Frost Bites and Chlllains.- Samuel Jonies, utt -ho age cf 92, Chuilbl'anes come frorn undue e-,,pos- I told Mr. Sm-itli in 1920 that lieliau ure to slush and coil and frosýt-bite!cse the caicl ipae to the pran frorn the - -. radbeVIefcrdle tetho tIpetthu tra m y womethr nds xcflentr ntethe reaper te the soif-binder. "Dis- treatment of ither an exc ller p ires," lie suid "were in my yout - aration is Dr. -Thomas' Electriec <il, aout as numlerous as schoolhouses as it counteracts tlie inflam on and relieves the pain. The actio of are now." s the oil la prompt and ts application aAt the Cook hlomstead, betwcen is extremcly simple. Prescott and Cornwall, the old hotis, pressure BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 24, 1924. PIONEERS 0F OLD ONTARIO need bec_________ ong when - When Our Grandparents Were Oioa'THÉ 'ORTGAGE ON THE FNRM - -- - ý'Tis gone at last and 1 a rn gl d iti By J. T. Clark, Toronto stydafearful while, And whien thie world was light and A story is told by the H.oni.Mýai-n gay, 1 côuld flot even srile;, ing Doherty of his great grandfather If' t stood befole nme like a giant, out- having refused to accept'a farm le stretched its iron atmi; cated at the corner of Queeni and No mnatter -where 1 looked 1 saw the ne Streets, Toronto. 'it wasn 't nortgage on the farmn. just the kind of land hie wanted, and, O 1 ini those days of long ago lie prob- Your chioiýe ofç 1'eL'il tell you how it happened for 1 ably got a better lo'cation elsewhere. wîll be given uue ant the world to know Others of us who had great-grand- Students of tLe Howý glad I arn this wintry day *us fathers here in early days can relate Coc44beit earth is white with slow,ý; siimilar incidents. My own famiily ý1i1so l'n jut s hpp asa ark N caseonce traded a large block of lai-d vhile cik I'A rn ud as ap alar k.Nocas with~ a frontage on Yonge, near for the cost of LI~I fr ud aar Queen, for a solid bushi farm- in Mark- comime-ci pou Confronts us now; for lifted is the barin to-wnship, and thought- the bar- Miler, famous BAGO mortgage on the farm. gain a go'od one, The city property keighwt involvedî in that transaction is now greatest of out(', iTO Th hdrnteweegwngP worth millions. But the value of is aIPProved frý, ....... and they were smiart and trimi. land ut any given timie la what it wil Agwiutr, e ol.es 'Oel To sorne big college in the East we'd f etch if sod-not what it will be lnvestigal sent ont youngest, Jim-; worth a century Inter. at once. Be yot And every time hie wrote us, at the. What a change hias corne over old hst r 1v n your bottom of his screedI Ontario within the memioxy of many living fromn pou] - He tacklecl some Latin f ol-de-rol a man still living. 1 an only a little Full particulars whichi none of us could rend. ever fifty, yet 1 ivas horn in a log Ask for Free Fo house on a bushi farm, past which Sha1w Scheel The girls they ýran to music, and to autos speed day and nigiht, and Dept.J Aiymes,1 where the Whistle of locomotives can 146 Bloor St. W., They said the house was out of style be heaxrd at al boutrs. Yet as in- and f ar behind the times; fant have seen rny father set outi They suddeniy diskivered that it did with his oxen to go twenty miles ha d been a tav net keep 'eru Warm- over corduroy roads to the rnill te get cnle Another step of cour-se towardsa his whieat ground into flour. At the sae boaches ?mr-aeon the farm. mill lie miglit have to stay three days, treal. mert~agesleeping at niglit on the floor, and We took a cranky notion, Hannali eating the food hie carried witli him. "I have see Jane and me one day, With his patient ox-team bhe plodded time," said M~ it, While we were cemning home frornhj e Priests and bi town, a-talkin' all the way; The pieneer father, a riglity man mrhns e The old house wasn't big enougli, al- '.as hie, in the sight of his young. HIe as that,he thougli for many years carne badk fromn eventful journeys stretclied palmý uch Beneath its humble roof we've shr witb strange experiences to relate, was wlien th" cd each other's joys and tears. and a sleigh4liox laden with trensures ofo h a -a wealtli of beautiful white flurofo h a We built it o'er and wlien 'twas done huge jugs of precious black&trap' that things te, Lt asa os trrnndus ~ 1 molasLes, a barrel of sait fish, a boIt imany as two EI wish you could have seen i rtoofcoh ulseecade o about the hou: hn-Ithe chiidren. Let the snw iehg enoughi fiddles Wh ly, t as bigengi to od around the log shanty and the winds tlhe whole pari Whyit as bg eoug to oldtheshriek their worst-with blazing ILegs soldiers stoppe' people cf the town in the fireplace, a pet boiling on the casioora Coii And not one half as cosy as the old book~, lots of flour in the bin, a hind- cahos adcoup' N one we pulle.d down. quarter of beef and a dressed hog to pay the tre I buglt afin pannr ad i ~ hanging in the dlean-to and, festooned other posts. 1 bugh a inepinne an itshot-fromi the rafters, dried apples and ont bd ened still the pile, dried beef and venison, and a mother gig o bej, a lle But then, it pleased the children, and singing at lier spinning wlieel-whnt weindtow uIlda they banged it ahl the while; more was needed? And one day the floor h woudi No attr wat heyplayed for me, pioneer fatlier would corne in, slam Windowebutd their mnusic had ne chari, tlie door against the blast, bang his the door and c Freverytuesi plainly: Teesgnothderon vr the fire- the yard." - a mortgage on t he faim 1" place, and throw on the table three or four partridges, with wonderful fan- The book im 1 worked from miorn till ove, and tails that deliglited childish eyes. lections cf old 1 toiled as eften toils the slave In Vbose days what the people wan- o theiyaretsi: To meet that grisly interest; 1 trled ted was a liv?,g. They got it and of Ontario. t liard to be brave tliey said grace ut the t'ble fervently. time thut Per And oft when I came home ut niglit They had ment and the appetite te becorne the clii with tired brain and ri, eut it; they had bread and it was the province un( The chickens hung their heads, they good for they made it te their lik- dea1 with the fceit the mertgage on the faimn. ing; hey hud Wood for fuel and n0oun a n need te be stingy inx the use of it; Deturys were But we saved a penny new and then, they had clothies made from. their poer-al we laid themi in a row, wn wool and flux and iioccasins or îner-al Tlie girls tliey played the sanie ocM boots made fromn leather üf theit own _______ tunies, and let the rnew pnes go-, tanning; it te theybche~hil ui b ie Anid when froirn college camie our tenevswt h ~~c hi Jinx iwith laurels on his btow, neiglibors. When dnrkness feli any ledhlmte he tumy felfandputstranger Who was passing came in àe 1ledhinito he tump fild ad pt 1and stopped the niglit, paying for the kehi t te lo.accoinrnodation by rt gal thel He smeting aidin atinwhih Inews lie lad gathered in bis truvels. aIe sernethingsad i ai hc Whut the pioneers got out of life But t did't un dtnd chi was a living, and it was deeme'd worth istudid metgode seeabis Plow having. 7They got alielter, food, Ànd wen te yer lid ened ad cbthing-4liey got love and marriage, And whenthe earhad ndedandfrietidsbip, symiputhy in trouble, comn- empty were the cribs, panionship in mierry heurs. t was ed We feund we'd ht the morttgge, sir a simple life, but of the thousand a blow bet-ween the tibs. things we get whicli tley did net, 3st To-day, 1 hatnessed up the team and how rnany are renlly essential? Wben W. L. Smith, semie yenrs tliundered eut te town, ago, began intetviewing old izihali- And in the Iawyer's siglit 1 planiked itants about early dnys in the pro- st.. the lest brigli dollar -dowzi; vince his idea as a newspaper man And when 1 tretted up the lune, a- was te pubîîsh interviews in lis feelin' good andI Warin, paper. Now lie produced a book, y. The old ted rooster crowed lis best: "The Ploneers of Old Ontario," "Ne mortg-age on the farma" which ha been publisýhed in the Geo- rge N. Morang soriès, "The Mýakers lh leep almnighty good to-ilit, théi of Canada." The pioneers did a best for many a day, great work for the country, and the The skeleton- that bauntedl us lias story of their doings is deely inter- passed fore'er away, esting. Wlhen the Trulls, Burkes The girls can play the brand new and Conants came inito what is 110w *ll tunes witli no fears te alarrn, Durhami county 17941, tliey came by And Jim can go te Purliamient, ne way of the Niagara frontier, andI the 18 mortguge on the faim I journey whieh could now be made in~ ___________a few hours, occupied one month and 1one day. They made the trip in sinall btsskirting the shore by day, and LISTENING.IN BENEFIT? landingatniglt te camp. They started a fire by fliat and steel or by London Wireless Expert Declares rubbing two stick-s together, und sen- That It Daes. jtînels stood gziard at ig'hlt as the J J liwing of wolves was frequently don irs expg-n et, l'te thc gen- heard01 hpee îtb eral healtb? Mr. Fr Lloyd, a Lon-)i t oreieshpndta b r l s, xprasserts that it is e arîy spring provisions tan bow in A * t " mxa y beý interestinig te know", lie pineer homes. One olci lady inter-' -\writes te the Daily Express, "Wby viewed by the author told ef lierM nnny of tbe children who 'lisýten-in'ga fte abnn ec evspro '.,ToontoWEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY JThe undersbgned business -firmes vern in thIe days cf vinl professional men of Bowman- s, a sort cf half-waYlie have ugroed te, give tlieir cm- a Kingston and Mon- ployees the usual Wednesduy after- en in the yard ut onet neon haif holiday during 1924, witli Ur. Cook, "four stage the exception of Deceýnber, or sheuld herses ready te l'love, a holiday cerne on a Thursday: isliops, lawyers and C. E. Hann A. Tait ýre set us close together G. N. Thurston W. J. Dudley saiýd, placing ,his eut- Dominion Stores W. Claude Ives s aide by side. "But it Hutry Allun Lyahl Corden ie lumibermen dropped A. L. Nicholîs Johnston's yup or down the river W. H. Dustun -Haddy & Co. ally did liven iiç. As C.* L. . Brown T. H. Knight -iuni]red of these wetO F. R. Kersînke Hydre Sho ,p use ut one turne, witth Editli V. ScobeillJ. J. lMason & Son 3te furnish music -for Rice & Ce. A. Dillick ty. Britishi officmers and F. J. Horne A. Harnden ed tliere, toe, on the F. Knox R. M. Mitchell & Co ,iiKingston. On oeoc- James Bennett S. W. Masen & Son le of officers had ton R. W. Copeland J. B. Muàrtyn ir in coin with wýhicl di Bbok Jry&Lvl ,ops ut Kin-stonnand Joi abok uy&Lvl The oficerw Je T. Mollon Dr. J. C. De-v-tt put the coin on the Ae lit Msn&Dh 3they were afraiýd the Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle break throug Ie Dr. R. E. Dinniwell id net even lork the Couch, Johnsten & Cryderman a entry stood eutside G. A. E'drondstone other seldiers sl'e"t in Dingman & Edmondatene C. M. Cnwker & Son pacicetIwith the recel-- people about the days - and the advexvtui-es cf in ah-b the eider parts The Canadian Statesmnan twas supposed ut. one ýnetunguishene would- is $2.00 a year ef business centre in d intetesting dliapters -n oi t Barrie and Penetang -n ot t 11111Hil, where tIe T-a ameng the ýeriest Subscribe T -a Star, s CLUBBING LIST 1924 ST-ho Canadian Statesman..$2.00, (payable in adlvance} IThe Canadian Stat-earan wl be clubbed witb any of the followingi publications for 1924 ut the folluw- ing prices:- Globe................. $6.50 i Mail & Empire .......$6.50 0F GGSToronto Daily Star ......$ 6.50 & s fille premîuikm Fumniers Advocate ........... $3.00 who clrol as Christian G uad i............ $4.00 Christian Hetald..... ....... $4.00 tii avilaleDelineutor...............4.00 Iore than llpay Ladies Hiome Journal........ $3.0 Gerg W.inn~i Saturday Evenino- Post......1$5.00- rt, will teach Family Herald & Weelcly Staýr.$3.75 ut of poultry- endent in the Weekly Witness........... ý.$4.00 le vis Course Homie Journal..$3.00 e on1ly Course Farm & Dairy .............. $2.50 ýrl Cond itions. Ivuiy Farmers Sun ............... $3.50 Maclean's Magazine.......... $5.00 Canadian C ountryman...... $3.00 e Canadian Poultry Review . .. . $3.0 AUCTION SALE The Victoria County Hereford. Breeders, Association 6tli annual sale, 24 liend, 12,mules, 12 fe- mnaies. Stock inspected by H. D. iSrniitb, Sec., Canadian Hereford Breeders' Association. Date of sale Wednesday, January 30, 1924, ut 1 p. rni, Place, Fannbng's Sale Barns, Lindsay, Ont. Auctioneers, tieo. and Ted Jackson, Port Perry. Now is the tirne te get a bord header or a fine young heifer or n tested breedling cow. Catalogue on application. Geo. W. Taylor, Sec.-Treas., Bohenygeon, R. E. Thurston, Prosident, Bobcaygeon. NEW LAMP BURNS 94% AIR Beats Electric or Gas A new oil lump tînt gives un amuz- ingly brilliant, soft, white higlit, even botter than gas or electricity, lins been tested by the U. S. Governmrent andI 35 beading universities and f ound te be superier te 10 ordinury oul lnmps. It burns without odor, sinoke or noise--ne pum'ping up, is simple, dlean, safe. Burns 94 %, air and 6% conmeon kerosene (coal oul.) The inventer, F. N. Johnsoen, 246 Craig St. W., Montreul, is off ering te send a lump on 10 days' FREE trial, or even te g-ive one FREE to the flrs't user in each locality who will help Im introduce it. Write hlmi toý day for full particulars. Aise nsk hlm te expînin -bow you can get the agency, and without experience or rneney make $250 te $500 per meontI. 51-11W M. A. JAMES Steamship Tickoet& To Europe--Canadian Pacifie, White Star Dominion, Cunard, American. Aic for information. Phono 58, Bowmnanville. Yonge and Charles Sta. Toronto. Is well known throughout Canada frsuperior trainin o oi tions as Private Secretaries, Stenog-raphers, Typists, Account ants, Coimmercial Teachers, etc. Graduates in hkeen dernand. Enter any tiine. Write for Ot1~e W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Hiealth and Comfort age advances our wants are not iany and with reasonably good ýalth we eau enjoy the peaceful of life in comfort and happiness. unfortunately there are certain ills conspire tLo destroy the pJeasure of mie in life and they are usually of a [ly painful nature. kidneys are oftenl the fi-st of the rirgans to fail. Then the poisonous ,hich should be eliminated by te scirculate in the biood and cause te, rheumatism, lum-pbago and te ilments whicli make life so miserable. ' has, peritaps, neyer been a miedicinie suited for people of advancinig years Chase's KidIney-Liver Pis. statement is founded on the many ids of cases reported to us from time. success - of Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver pis is due to their direct and specifie action on the liver, kidueys and bowels whereby the accumulating poisons are quiekly Swept from the system and the cause of pains and aches promptly removed. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pillai do not baie their effect on. the system as do so many inedicines but cati be depended on absolutely Vo bring about the desired resultai. Used one pili a dose at bedtimre as often as is necessary Vo keep the bowels regular, they relieve indigestion, biljous- nesai and constipation- and keep the system in healthful condition. You wilI notice that while the priee of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pillai bas beenf inereased to 35 cents, the box now con- tainis 35 pillai instead of 25 as fornterly. Likewise the price of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is new 60 cents a box of 60 pilla instead cf 50 cents for 50 pis. Edmnanson Bates & Co., Ltd., Toroate. ýr egs are si ts they wl Ii )l thils personit ultry-keeping. poultry exper ie 111succeIsol io become indeî) moir ocupationis )y 2 overunilj lee.It is tii [y for nortlpe !te thiis OPPO ,r own boss. rspare time, icomnfortablo ultry-kýeepiing. on 01reques±. >lder No. 21.

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