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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1924, p. 8

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LAKE SHORE, CLARKE 100 MEN WANTED Mrs. Wmi. Lake is visiting- her ______daughter, Mrs. H,-roICî Skinn-er, Ty- ..n(.... . Mr. and Mrs. Roy MclKay $8 to $10 Fer Dayvitd at Mr. Milton Brown 's recent- l.... .-Miss Etta Holmi-es, Oshawa> We w,,nt 100 men quick, who are spent Lhe week-end at hlom-e ... . Mr. 1-neelaicaeýlly inclined, toqujy to hiold Richard W'alter ani Mr. Pascoa vis- positions at aboya wage, as auto mie-! itati at Lesl,,ie Allin'sý for the waak chanlics, engineers, electlrical ex1per'ts,; ...... . School Trustees for-, 1924 are Lracýk drivers, chauffera, sisuetirelJohin HendryChirmn; Wallace weIlers, and Ltteýry men. We guatrautee ý ilolme1s, Secretary-Tre2asurer; and to train you until our Free Eniploynimt Howal(,l Rowlanti, , A number of~ the Departnt places you in psiio.voung men fron'i tus section are at- Write quick for Free aaou.Heo edn the Agricultural lass heing 11111 Auto & Tractor Schools, 16,3 King helti in Newcastle, also somne young St. W., Toronto. 4 & 6! ladies are taking the Sewing and IDomnestic Sienice. S. W. MAS ON & SON B5argairns For The ]Balance of This Week SKIRTS Ladies' and Misses' Skirts in the newest styles both plain an-d pleated effects. The materials in these skiffs are the best and are wool, crepe, flan- nel, tricotine, poiret twill and fancy sport mater- ials. See our windows. SPECIAL SALE PRICE $5.95 EACH TEA TOWELLING Absolutely ahl Linen 18 inches wide with or without border. This linen is being scold in five and ten yard lengths. SPECIAL SALE PRICE 21c YARD CORSETS Pink brocaded a La Grace Corsets, Regular $ 3.00, all sizes. SPECIAL SALE PRICE $1.49 PAIR White, medium heiglit, a La Grace Corsets, Regular $1..50Y. EXTRA SPECIAL SALE PRICE 98c PAIR S.W. Mason & Son Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-To-Wear Bowinanville Ontario RUPTURE SUFFERERS! Thompson and Huyck, Napanee, Ontario, soIe proprietors of Thompson's Renowned Rupture Reniedy, announce that their Special Representative will be at the Balmoral Ijotet, Bowmanville WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6th ONE DAY ONLY fer consultation and to give free advice to ail Rupture Sufferers. Arrange to see him. His remedy is uncon- ditionally guaranteed. Here is what one man writes: "Our son was ruptured, and the bowel beýcame strangulated so bad that it -was impossible to replace the protruded part; the doc-tor advisedl an imiediate operation. "When you advised us an operation was unnaceessary, we -were very rnueh in cdoubt. "However, we were guided by your a'dvice, and we are exceedingly gljad, for the rupture was replaced almiost immediately without pain. By, the use of TI{OMPSON'S RENOWNED RUPTURE REMEDY the rupture bas completely dfisappeared, Ieaving no opening whatever. "Besides saving the cost of an operation, we have also saved the wag-es of a hired man as :the boy has worke'd steadiy since he commi-enced your treatment We strongly recommendi THOMPSON'S RENOWNED RUPTURE RE1MEDY to anyone suffering from rupture. "Bert MoCoy, R. R. No. 2, Madoc". BUYIf FRES--H DAILY 1 Every day you wiII find pflain and fancy baki-ngy r y The N e wc a~t1e I ridepende rit THURSDAYC, JANUARY 24, U14 NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE ELECTION WINTER SHORT COURSES ____-RESULTS AT NEWCASTLEý eRee-ve ButIer is in C"obouirgattend-1 e ing the Counities' Councîil. IDr. J. A. Butier ElecIed Reeve- Wdedy a.ltDsrc Th Msss rumodToono, AldcermianittLýon -Heads the RPep)reatative Paterson was kept e' visitati a f ew days la town. Pi rmCmuit alaldy b Mrs. B. Moyse is sîIowîy recovering ohrhaydte u cneto 9 The tielayati Municlipal Electionswîh bs office. Howevar, he and his 91fromt her recent critical ilîniess. ter Nawvcasvie wvere ld on Monday Dapartmeint have everythinig so weil d Tire Misses Hledg-es are speinding a last, andi brought to a close onte of plannad! thaýt tire classes go on fe aw daYs withi relatives in Toronto. them2iiost spiriteti contests of rent smuootHly at] efficientuly with'edock- Miss Betty Mc1KenzIe, Toronto, is ye'ars, the resait being ln doubL un- like regularity, with of course a few viinher sister, Mrs, . H. S. Brit- Lit the very last Minute. adjustmelnts fromi timte to timte. tonl-l. TIare were tan ecandidates in the TMr. F. S. Thomas, B. S. A., was on Mr. Ban Moise is in Port Hope at- runingi for five offics :-Reeveshîip: the job and thoroughly iinterestadi taniding the funeral of bis sistei-, Mrs. Ex-eeva Dr. J. A. Butler anti Ex- th-e class in the rudimients of Breetis, Austin. Reeva Josaph Couilsoni; for Counil:i Bre4idi, Strains andi Pedigrees. Congratulations to Mr. anti Mrs. Ex-Coancillors H. S. Brittoni, W. F.« u 0. iea h cuss oo Aitdin Gibson on the birti of a Rickard, J. H. Jose and J. S. Mont- that they a're not onily proving of daughter. gomlery, anti the new aspirants J. Hl.uInuci banefit to avery individlual Mr. John McM-ýanus and lis sister. Gsoit, Wmi. Buckley, S. Basker- miember of the class, but that they Miss Fartny, are iii, under the care ville andi Wm. Parneil. are a splendicid mnedium tirougli which of Dr. Butler. Thte vote was tie largest ever the beast ideals of farming anti stock- Be sur-e and attend the Picture polied inl Newcastle_ about tiree raising are beiug passeti on to the Shiow in Comnitiiiiy Hall on Satur- hunt(iret electors eilercisirng their farmiing comi.nity. day, January 26th. franchise. Below is the record of The large class of represenitative Myiss Ethel Wadielhas returnec v otes polleti by each candidate: young -larmiers front a wide area homne after a pleasant visit withi For Reeve arounti Newcastle is positive evi- fr2iands Ta Toronto. Dr. J. A. Butler............ 174 tience that Our people, appreciate Mr. Ailant Howardi, Toronto, spent ýI Coulson............ the thought and planning, work anti the week-end with lis parents, Rev.- moniey that were put inito tuis move- aind Mrs. Scott Hloward. Majority for 'Butier 59 nient before a Winter Course lu our Mr. anti Mrs. W, C. Lake visiteti For,.Councillors niist became a possibility. thei daglierMrs HarltiShiner H.S. Bittn........... 1 Like the special sheep course, the ýhin folgtr arfewHarolySkinne.,H. SGBitson................1849 pcilswina course also attracteti a iTyrone frafwdaslaH ibc .. .... 8 Our esteemiet citizen, Mr. Fr'ank J. S. Montgomery............. 147 lrge numbiý,er of farmlers anti otiers Benniet, is seriously ill. Pleaseti W. F. Rickard ............ to- the lctiures anti demlonstrations. to say that latest reports say lis J. Jose............... .113 Mr. A. B. MacDonaýld, Toronto, condition is somewhat improveti. Wmn. Buckley .........63, Director of Ontario IIog Graders was is tain Sg . Baskerville.........30 prpesent on Thurstiay anti Fritiay. On ïMiss Eva Colwill, who Wstaiig M,. Parnael....... ..........2 Thurs'ay the class also hati the lu the Sîck Chiltran's Hospital, Tor- ThsNwateCnilfr12 privilege of listenîng to Mr. Donald onto, is homie for three weeks' vaca- wllha: Newaev-J. A.' Bufr o-92 eino Petarborougi, OfficiaI tion with bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hog Graciar, Dominion Live Stock Albert Colwill. zillors-H. S. Britton j. H. Gibson, Branch of the Dept. of Agriculture, Domnestie Science Class untier the J" S Montgomery, anti W. F. Rick- Ottawa. Thase two experts by direction of Mrs. Rowland is off to ard lectures anti demonstrations directeti a gooti start, about seventy~ students Thie imost plcasing features of the the attention of the class te the are iu attentiance, anti are louti in c-ampaigu was that notwithstantiing g.reat neeti of salecting anti breeding their praise of their teachers. the filct tînt the eontest was very the rigit types of hogs for thc pro- Tic election is ail over andtihte spiriteti at times no personalities or duction of pork for the British boys ail went la. With more power other ungantlamianly tactics wcrc market. to "Newcastle thre Neat". Now we useti by the candidates. Altioughi A mrost interesting session was are ail goin-gclown to spenti the senme woulti have hati it differeat it tiat cievotei to cuttingl, curing anti summr wih th paiter a Bod lioped every citizen of Newcastle suiiii-er ithýhe ainer il ondwill lina ap behindth le new Couneil preparing "Wiltshire Sities", saveral Hreadi 50 sweet. liud give themn their uniteti anti loyal typical specimans of -wiich were on Mr. Lorne Thomnas took fulil charge support anti by so tioing heip alake exhibition for stu.dy purposes. of the service in tIcý Ang-lican Chure ic lt on ,etr , l hd "Export Bacon Standards" shoulti Orono, on Suuday owing to the i11- to live. by now ha a phrase fixet i.l the aess of tic Rev. E. R. James. Rev. Tbc resaIt of Montays electioni mincis of every iember of thre class. Tcottasocorductetisted seresLu st. ckariy demon_,ýratedtht t Uizens Friday morning the boys hiked to Thoms cndutedtheserice inSt.generaliy approvati of thie progressive Mr. W. F. Rickard's Stock Fanm anti George's Church here. programi carnieti out by Reeve B3utler took som-e lessoas in hog gretiiag The boys anti girls. met lu the anti last yaar's couiieil. 1% was under direction of Mr. MacDonald. Metiotiist S. S. Rooms on Monday probably thee most importent inuni-i Besildes Mr. Rickard's iogs, therel efternoon anti organizeti a Young cipal year's business la the history were lso a numnber brougit together Peopie's Junior Leagua with the fol- fNwate.Ib r r. akrat r rwin lowing off-ic ns: Presic1ent-Roy ' Colwili, so tiat lai aIl tiare was ipiite Jones; lst Vice-Eileen Cooke; 2nd!'a respectable lot to look ovar anti Vice-Doro:iy Riclard; 3rd Viýe-I NEWCASTLE SONS OF ENGLANU place la their proper grades. Betty Garroti; 4th Vice-Ross Jones;!I ;In the afternooa, Mr. MVaceDonald Secretary-D'-unreaitb Dudley; Treas.i Officers bIstalled-Bro. Uglow'1s Long, talketi of breetis, types, feetiing anti -Stanley Grahani. and Valuable Services Acknow- I methetis of harMhing, marketing anti Officers of the Womien's, Auxiliary ledged. grading anti withal put lu a spicyl of St. George's Churci are: Preei- i yarn or twb. daent-Mrs. (Rev.) E. R. Jamres; Mr. Thos. H. Hei«hton, District' "Tirce breetis of iogs are ahl we 1st Vice-Mrs. D. J. Gabraith; 2nd, Suprerne Pres-ident, Bowmanville, ac- neet inl Ontario, Yorkshires, Tamr- Vice-Mirs. W. H. Anderson; Dorcas I comipaiti by a goodfly numrber of worths, anti Bankahires4," says Mr. Treasurr-MJrs. Farncoinb; Sec'y.! offlicars anti menilbers of Lotige Wel-~ MacDonald. of Litctaturc-Miss Nellile Gibson;I lingtou, No. 19, S. O. E. B. S., visit-', Little IteIpers' Treaasurer--Mrs. Jos. cd Lotige New'castle, No. 46, on "Unauimd'usly Agreeti," rasponti Coulson ;Scy.Ms Butier; Treiis-l Thursday aveaing, January 17, anti the lass. urer-Miss M.ýelntosi; E. C. D. instaileti the, uawly ciecteti officers "Piga is Pigs" has caused many a Treasuner--Mns. W. Jamlieson; Leaf- for 1924. Bro. W. J. Berry offi- gooti laugi, cspecially wien reati or let Treasurer-Mrs. W. Gibsoi). ciateti as Grand Guide'. Officers la- tolti by our initeresteti toctor-farm-er, Mr. J. J. Lindlsay closei us two stalleti are: Dr. Alfreti Farncôn-ib. weeks evangelistic campaigu lan thc W. Presitet-E. C. Hoar But aftcr this Course, the boys Metiodiat Ciarch on Sunday. Neàriy W Vice President-Oco. Gaines wlltc etrkuwintieac everyoua wisîcd ha couiti have stay- Secrtry-J. H. Jose Piga anti Piga anti "Tiare's a Differ- cd enotier wcek or two, but business Asat. Se'y.-Eti. Thackray ene." tiaties anti an engagement to con- Treaurr-J. A. Smnith, sr. Mr. MacDonald, lIke thc most of duct simîlan services lu Mount For-; Chaplan-L. Cryderman tic other directors, lustructors anti est, comncncing Janiuary 27, forbade Commnittee Mn-E. Clemence, E. lecturers of tic Agriculturai Courses bis staying loniger. Over sixty par-1 Gilbank-, B. J. Butler, J. A. Smnith, is a son of tlic sout anti a splendid sons have kueit at thc mercy seat and Jr., W. J. Hockin, F. B. Lovekia. specimen of Canadien. manhooti, consecrated themselvs to the service 1 . Benj. Moise physicaily, mntallyndt, we imagine, of Go, seeing prdonanti forgive- 0 . iW-Bale.pily ei aNv cta n nesa througi tice grece of Ris onîyl Lotige Surgeon-Dr. Alfreti Feara-inla is special lina is a protiuct of tic begttn Sn.comb', M. D., C. _M. farm anti tic Agriculturai Collage oý MissAdaBarer as plasatlyAutitors-J. W. Bradley, H. R. Iis native province, anti, doubticas, Mis Ad /Brke ws eplesaaly Perce, L. Çrytiermean. owes mnuci of bis fine physique anti sarpriseti anti grateful yoau ladyi Trustees-w. H. Gibson, S, Jose. a'bility to his carly acquiredti tste for Fiay aftcrno9u wheu han teaci y q Fai felwsuint7 ftc Hh Geo. Eilbeel. ideai Wiltshire Sities. He nacciveti, ain felov sudets f te Hgf Tustay evening's meeting wili as tidthti otier spacialiats, wio have Scicol tendereti han a farcwell ati- ha a memorable one, as it marked given so muci acceptablýIe inf.ormia-1 dresa anti pr,-euteti ber as a parting tic, retirement fromn office of Bro. J. tion anti practical instrctonin souvenir of their affectionate regards J. Ugiow wio as a charter meuimber the.se courses, a hearty hanticiap of anti beat wisies, an ivory manicura aissisteii naiigteLoiel prcainwhau ieaviug. set anti ivory hair receivar. -Miss Newcastlec'luJJane 1887--36 'years Wedu-esday evening lIast, ti Grg Mina VranDusnrnd icade th ago. Bro. Ug-low wes th'c finat' yoanig people of tic .orbineti classes arnt Misa onBartin l of stafmatie ichaplain of the Lotige ant ilas beau I icîia vary auj oyabîa social evcningJ prsnai1o bh fsaf aud member ilusorneofficiai capacity i ie alual n eceto studants. Miss Barlar tie a ever sinca. Ha las Éscrved as t1iclsaftre Mhall aternton gracefal reply cxpressing han dccliP- chapiain, auditor, Vice-Pras. W . rooma heac Mr Paersnhai EtishaIs anti appraciation anti al Presitient, P. Pres. anti for tic iast fls at uThndy afeno mierry hour paisseti eway Withi au liml- 1twaInty years as Treasurar. Bro. tcgrs o oh utoeb i prmtupoga. is aîc1Ugo raveifrn tcSurmaE boys, hld a "Talk anti Stony Hour" leaesio tW. l to ,talaoagure of cutiva of tic society a beeutifully session. Mrs. Hart suggasted t1irea nusn t eiseys.Cttg o-lettereti Cen-tificate of Menit for ser-j subjccts, "Atrp;iiwÎee," pital, Toronto. ~vice rendietd i, lani aso raceivetidbo lv n omwee F. Ediy'srecen fro ils allo membrsookJ 1 haveticreati" or "Coimun.ity latter rBowmanville Cor. to Orono1 tion of hus long years of faithful sar- ,It , stuewllsen1ndafodt News writcs: An iutercstiglte vice ant inl appreciation Qf lis m'any 1 tic youlug ladlies an opportunity of eppeareti in tic NeW,?cstle page of brotharly qualities, a warmn set of improving hirwlîîowu coniver- TIie Statesman from oaaof tic vil- wntr omnfort,cnsstngof ,swenit-1satona tacomprshekn dish of Nippon china. Miss Irenc Baskerville readl the address 1and Miss ds Heardl gracefully 'pre. .sentedl the g-ift on behiaîf of the clase, Mlrs. Hart acce-pted it wthwordiý of heaýrtfelt thanke and appreciatio-r ýani i nterî in the dlay left to join hier husband M-L\r, Douglas lHart in Tor- ontlo and accompany hini on to Woostok. Mr. Hart has also been engagedthÉle past twýo weeks in as- sisting and lurinig at W,ýinter ShortL Courses in Kingston. M!o nd(ay ifteriiooii the Council C'hamlberws again filled whien the bosdebated thle subject "Resolved that dairy cattie are more profitable ýo the average Ontario fariner than are beef cattie." Clarence Allun was leader of the affirm-ative side and Ewart Clemience of the negative. Mr. F. S. Thomas -presided andi at the close said lie haad nleyer 1listenedit a better ail-round class of public speakers in thea mak- îng. The Judges, Mr. J. W. Bradley, Mr. Geo. Jamieson, and Mr. J. Scott Monitgýomeryv adinittedIly hati a hiard task, 'but after considerable time, spent in summiiing up, awarded their ,decision in favor of the affirmative- 6 to 5. Mr. Bradley, the spokesman, in announcing the decision also of- fered some hielpfuýl suggestions anti constructive criticLiss. Adýditionial memibers of the Agri- cultural Class are Stanley Lobb, Orm. Parker and Harry Wade. Mrs. J. C. Hancock, Chie£ of the Enrolîmrent Bureau, -las inforpiet us that, to date, sixty-five ladies have enroflatdinl the Domestie Science Glass which met andi org-anizeti on Monday afternoon, with Mrs. FIor-ý ence Rowland of Walkerton in 'hharg-e.. The Agricultural Glass took early train to Toronto on Wednesday mora- ing andi spent a miost profitable day ln inspecting the stock yards and some of the big Paeking Plants. Stove or Nut size. See me 1about your fuel needs.' Geo. Jamieson Newcastlg Best Quality Groceries Lowest 'Prices Prom'pt Delivery R. NWALTON Grocer Newcastle Ye Who Are Musical Corne and see our choice supply of new mouth organs. Ail sizes and ail prices. We also h4ave a splendid supply of the latest popular music. If we halven't the piece you want we will gladly or- der it for you. J. C. JIANCOCK Newcastle Ont. Eat More BREAD AND BUNS Made by H. S. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer Newcastle "W We Can Save You Money On Hardware. Try us and see. WM. JAMIESON Hardware Store Newcastle MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D,, C. M. Graduate of Trinity Urniversity, alse of Royal College Physicianis, E din- burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom-. en and chîldren. Office-Parker's Block, Newceastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D,, C.. M Honor graduate of Trinity University Faello-w of Triniity Medical College Licentiate of the State -University of New York, Matriculate of thje Post- Graduate Medical School anti Hos- pital of New York anti Fellow of the TPoronto Academy of Medicine. Office -M ra. MeNaughtoni's Residience. cewastie. Hours-8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 p. mn,, anti by appointment, J. W. Bradley N'.wca.tl. General Insurance Agenàt Glerk of 2xnd Division CQur-br Ce'e, missioner, etc. Coal I have on hand a supply of the best SCRANTON COAL

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